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Lumped Together Mosh-Pit of Ideas I've had for too Long


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4 hours ago, (XB1)Fluffywolf36 said:

Much as we might complain (before Fortuna anyway) about the Corpus getting less focus, they got NOTHING on the Infested.

Why not try it anyway? 😛

I dig it!

(Whimpering Victorian orphan accent)

"Please Papa Steve, can we come out of the basement of neglect soon?"

(Mr. Steve in a top hat, monocle, and with a cane pushes the Infesto-orphan back down the stairs with said cane in a cacophony of crashes and bangs.)

(Very poshly)



Eh, I'm just not as sure. Sure, they have a fitting "assimilation" theme, but, I made the Vector as the "human consumption" faction. Kinda throws off the "Thing" feeling of it all when machines get tossed in, as meaty as they be.


Heh, good, good, took me a bit of time to "shop" the last bits of the idea on. The "new improved huggable" rollers were a day-one sell, but, it took me some time to develop the cam-sent-combo.

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Alright folks, Assumeing we have no other datapoints to work off of from others, I'll be beginning the coin flip on where to go from here As.Soon.As.Possible. I'll post the results here to avoid "bumpage".


Lets see where we go!

AND THE RESULTS ARE(with heads being shields and tails being the antitank) THE RESULT IIISSSS. . . . 


Edited by Unus
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                                        Post 519

(Conceived circa November 18th, 2018 between the hours of 10:00 and 12:00.)

One of the most ancient designs I had on my selective list, yet I can still recall the beast on my mind despite the passage of time. Don't think I'll ever stop marveling at the wonders of having an actual list brings!


Designation: Fragarlok.

Weapon Designation: Sniper Ammo, Sniper Type.


Manufacturer: Defunct and Unknown. Every single Fragarlok that made it into the modern day is a remnant of centuries ago, back when the Grineer were first growing their empire. Savvy gunsmiths have been making replacement parts for stolen models ever since the Empire's exponential growth was stymied, and they were forced into diplomacy. Rapid industrial growth as well as sudden innovation means there are hundreds of warehouses of archaic designs rusting away in the oldest Grineer metropolises, forgotten by all in the modern day. These rusting husks are easy pickings for those who know where to look and how to stay quiet.

Statistical Breakdown:

Trigger Type= Semi-Auto.

Damage= 100 Puncture, then a quick 85 Impact and 100 Explosive.

Critical Chance= 27%.

Critical Damage= 2.5X

Status Chance= 18%

Projectile Type= Projectile (Tungsten Shell).

Cyclic Rate-of-Fire= 1.75

Magazine Size= Five-Round Stripper Clip.

Reload Speed= 2.5. Subtract .5 for every round already in the weapon (Open bottom "latch", stripper clip falls out, close bottom "latch", open top "hatch", place stripper clip on opening and push down until it is beyond view, close top hatch, rack side bolt, assume firing stance. Alternative= Open top "hatch", place round onto hole and depress down until shell slots in, repeat until clip is full, close top hatch, assume firing stance.)

Mastery Rank Requisite= 6

Riven Disposition= ?????

Special Trait(s):


If target= Armored, then -5% armor overall per hit. -10% on headshots.

Each shell fired from the weapon consists of an armor-pierceing tungsten outer plateing with a set of side-mounted boosts on it. The entire point of the shell is to penetrate just deeply enough on impact for the secondary detonation to create massive shockwave damage to surrounding material, effectively weakening the armor itself to make way for followup impacts. They are dubbed "truth-seeker" rounds in that they were built to pierce heavy body armor and crack light vehicles, in order to reveal the true measure of any army to the Grineer, the men themselves, a doctrine long forgotten.


The overall body of the weapon bears significant resemblance to that of the gorgon machine gun, unsupriseing given the Grineer's relatively conservative design style. Several differences do exist that certainly set it apart from its mouth newer rapid fire brother. In particular, the weapon's pronounced snout is further lengthened by a hefty two-holed muzzle-break, still able to resist the weapon's significant recoil despite the passage of centuries. Beneath the barrel, in the area where the gorgon houses it's suite of electronics, a four pronged "quad-pod" arranged in a "Y" pattern resides folded back, commonly rusted onto the body. The bottom texture-grip and magazine of the gorgon does not exist on the Fragarlok, leaving the area smooth and almost entirely featureless save for the latch at the bottom of the gun's "clip well" for dropping spent clip holders out.

The tower on the top, used by the gorgon as houseing for it's motorized bullet feeding system, is largely smooth and featureless as well, save for a set of leaf sights orientated on either side of the tower, orientated in a way that the operator has at least some semblance of an aiming system with the bulk of the tower in the way. When adjusted for optimal range, the center of the leaf sights resemble the symbol of the Grineer a cheap, mass-produced symbol of nationalistic fervor on the ancient manufacturer's part. The tower itself is hollow, a sort of non-detachable magazine fed pudgy 38 milimeter shells from stripper clips through the top. A hatchlike mechanism on the top is the access point by which the clips are fed into the gun, carefully sealed after placement to prevent dirtying of rounds or accidental lighting of the volatile ammunition. Finally, at the end of the familiar skeletal stock, a hard primitive-plastic butpad resides, a basic comfort for the wielder of the weapon which may or may not function at all. The weapon's main body color is a very drab olive color, dirtied with rust in some areas in patterns almost resembling legitimate design coloring, with a back end that has a dull gun metal coloration to it.

"Basic" Description:

As the ancient saying goes, "Before you run, you must learn to walk. Before you walk, you must learn to crawl.". Fresh from their ruthless victory over their former masters, the Grineer soon discovered that pickaxes and metal saws would only get you so far against foes armed with ruthless killing machines and finely   honed blades. Fortunately for the Grineer, having been the significantly leaned-on means of production for the A.I. fearing Orokin, the Grineer had easy access to ways to arm themselves . . . assuming they learned how to operate the arms themselves. Numerous stand-in, prototype, and ad-hoc designs phased in and out of their rag tag militia "work crews" as the Grineer had to rapidly learn through an accelerated version of the human history of warfare from the 1400s to the 2???s , pressured by isolated Sentient bands, rogue war machines gone rampant, and holdout zerotech troops in holding patterns that would never be graced with orders again.

The Fragarlok was one of the Grineer's first cost effective (Suicide bombers, hurled mining explosives, and sheer body swarming were still luxuries before unity was brought forth under the Kweens.) anti-armor weapons native made for infantry use. Based on archeological evidence in the more remote and atmosphereless areas of the Sol-Origin system, Fragarlok troops were grouped into teams of three and were directed to fire at armored vehicles and heavily armored troops in order to open targets up to be killed by infantry exploiting the newly weakened areas. This strategy seems to have worked quite well for a time, surviving quite well into the time of the Great Consolidation until the Grineer first encountered Corpus forces while claiming Mars several hundred years before the modern day. For the first time in centuries, Grineer armaments and tactics were pushed aside by the seemingly alien tactics and ideas of the Corpus, resulting in a desperate scramble for the Grineer to readapt anew after having been so successful for so long. In the chaos, dozens of older designs were thrown aside and forgotten as entire foundries were repurposed, scrapped, relocated, and, in rare cases, were simply lost from the maps, leaving behind veritable treasure troves of pristine (or, at least, never used) weaponry in the most remote or urbanly congested areas of Grineer territory. As the Grineer tend not to care about their own pasts and their designs tend to be built for reliability across generations, canny entrepreneurs who know how to keep quiet  can make a killing selling suspicious "surplus" with a bare-minimum of an investment for parts that have not survived.


Sorry about the significant delay folks. Had a nasty death in the family that sapped me of my creative drive for a time. Will be burying her tomorrow with me as a casket bearer, so, that kinda closure may bring me back a bit faster. Hope you enjoy thisun folks!

Edited by Unus
Completed circa 1/17/2019 at 18:08.
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5 hours ago, Unus said:

Designation: Fragarlok.

 Weapon Designation: Sniper Ammo, Sniper Type.


 After seeing some of the stuff you said about it, I'm glad you got this one off your chest.


5 hours ago, Unus said:

hundreds of warehouses of archaic designs rusting away in the oldest Grineer metropolises, forgotten by all in the modern day. These rusting husks are easy pickings for those who know where to look and how to stay quiet.

So, ancient Grineer surplus? This sounds pretty fun. From what I can tell, this seems to be a Grineer Garand SKS. Given that Grineer are very much quantity-over-quality, and were clearly gearing their weapons for use against Corpus by the time we found them, this opens up some interesting possibilities for weaponry , now that I think about it. What about a Grineer PPSh? Or a Grineer DP28? Or this thing?


(Which is not Russian, but a mashed-together frankengun of a mounted MG and a semiauto rifle with an improvised trigger made from spare bits of metal seems pretty Grineer.)

And there's another question this raises. If the Karak is a SPACE AK, and the Fragarlok is a SPACE SKS, then what would be a SPACE FEDOROV?


(Commonly accepted as one of if not the first assault rifles in the world. I've wanted to make a Warframe Fedorov for awhile, but with, say, the Avakan and Bruin [Probably my favorite assault rifles I've made] existing, I had no idea how to make a Fedorov distinctive and/or interesting. This opens up possibilities.)

5 hours ago, Unus said:

Reload Speed= 2.5. Subtract .5 for every round already in the weapon (Open bottom "latch", stripper clip falls out, close bottom "latch", open top "hatch", place stripper clip on opening and push down until it is beyond view, close top hatch, rack side bolt, assume firing stance. Alternative= Open top "hatch", place round onto hole and depress down until shell slots in, repeat until clip is full, close top hatch, assume firing stance.)


A very unique reload! Since the SKS is sort of a transitory period between semiauto rifles and assault rifles, this makes sense if I see the Fragarlok as existing in sort of an experimental period for Grineer weaponry. 

Ah, crap, I got distracted by my own impulses. Back to work.  

5 hours ago, Unus said:

. The tower itself is hollow, a sort of non-detachable magazine fed pudgy 38 milimeter shells from stripper clips through the top. A hatchlike mechanism on the top is the access point by which the clips are fed into the gun, carefully sealed after placement to prevent dirtying of rounds or accidental lighting of the volatile ammunition

It feeds from the top? Huh. That's unexpected, but I respect that kind of unconventional design choice, which fits perfectly in Warframe. As for the caliber, 38mm would be... well, 20mm is shells the size of bowling pins. The sort of thing used in anti-materiel rifles. I'm just not sure it makes sense.  Are they .38 caliber? (Which would equal 9mm)

(Fun fact - I can probably give reasonable estimates of caliber for a lot of my own guns. Example being, the Depezador fires 12mm magnum rounds. It's just that in a universe that has stuff like the Grakata, Marelok/Grinlok, and Soma's respective magazines, I found that it's best not to think too hard about it if I want to break the rules or go for game mechanics first.)

5 hours ago, Unus said:

As the ancient saying goes, "Before you run, you must learn to walk. Before you walk, you must learn to crawl.". Fresh from their ruthless victory over their former masters, the Grineer soon discovered that pickaxes and metal saws would only get you so far against foes armed with ruthless killing machines and finely   honed blades. Fortunately for the Grineer, having been the significantly leaned-on means of production for the A.I. fearing Orokin, the Grineer had easy access to ways to arm themselves . . . assuming they learned how to operate the arms themselves. Numerous stand-in, prototype, and ad-hoc designs phased in and out of their rag tag militia "work crews" as the Grineer had to rapidly learn through an accelerated version of the human history of warfare from the 1400s to the 2???s , pressured by isolated Sentient bands, rogue war machines gone rampant, and holdout zerotech troops in holding patterns that would never be graced with orders again.


Were Grineer mostly armed with melee weapons at that point? It's hard to say. 

I've always headcanon'd the idea that Grineer firearms design is basically the blind leading the blind. The Orokin had to use all their advanced technology to reinvent the wheel - like a research lab from modern day earth that somehow knows nothing about gunsmithing, using all the advanced resources at their disposal to create a matchlock. The Grineer, however, inherited these designs, so they’ve also had to reinvent, dumb down, re-engineer, and add their own new innovations to the wheel... all while having ludicrously advanced orokin tech at their disposal.

5 hours ago, Unus said:

Sorry about the significant delay folks. Had a nasty death in the family that sapped me of my creative drive for a time. Will be burying her tomorrow with me as a casket bearer, so, that kinda closure may bring me back a bit faster. Hope you enjoy thisun folks!

...Are you okay? 
I've been there too, friend.

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9 hours ago, (XB1)Fluffywolf36 said:

 After seeing some of the stuff you said about it, I'm glad you got this one off your chest.


So, ancient Grineer surplus? This sounds pretty fun. From what I can tell, this seems to be a Grineer Garand SKS. Given that Grineer are very much quantity-over-quality, and were clearly gearing their weapons for use against Corpus by the time we found them, this opens up some interesting possibilities for weaponry , now that I think about it. What about a Grineer PPSh? Or a Grineer DP28? Or this thing?


(Which is not Russian, but a mashed-together frankengun of a mounted MG and a semiauto rifle with an improvised trigger made from spare bits of metal seems pretty Grineer.)

And there's another question this raises. If the Karak is a SPACE AK, and the Fragarlok is a SPACE SKS, then what would be a SPACE FEDOROV?


(Commonly accepted as one of if not the first assault rifles in the world. I've wanted to make a Warframe Fedorov for awhile, but with, say, the Avakan and Bruin [Probably my favorite assault rifles I've made] existing, I had no idea how to make a Fedorov distinctive and/or interesting. This opens up possibilities.)

A very unique reload! Since the SKS is sort of a transitory period between semiauto rifles and assault rifles, this makes sense if I see the Fragarlok as existing in sort of an experimental period for Grineer weaponry. 

Ah, crap, I got distracted by my own impulses. Back to work.  

It feeds from the top? Huh. That's unexpected, but I respect that kind of unconventional design choice, which fits perfectly in Warframe. As for the caliber, 38mm would be... well, 20mm is shells the size of bowling pins. The sort of thing used in anti-materiel rifles. I'm just not sure it makes sense.  Are they .38 caliber? (Which would equal 9mm)

(Fun fact - I can probably give reasonable estimates of caliber for a lot of my own guns. Example being, the Depezador fires 12mm magnum rounds. It's just that in a universe that has stuff like the Grakata, Marelok/Grinlok, and Soma's respective magazines, I found that it's best not to think too hard about it if I want to break the rules or go for game mechanics first.)

Were Grineer mostly armed with melee weapons at that point? It's hard to say. 

I've always headcanon'd the idea that Grineer firearms design is basically the blind leading the blind. The Orokin had to use all their advanced technology to reinvent the wheel - like a research lab from modern day earth that somehow knows nothing about gunsmithing, using all the advanced resources at their disposal to create a matchlock. The Grineer, however, inherited these designs, so they’ve also had to reinvent, dumb down, re-engineer, and add their own new innovations to the wheel... all while having ludicrously advanced orokin tech at their disposal.

...Are you okay? 
I've been there too, friend.

Heh, that's the fun part, I didn't really base it off of any actual weapon beyond the accessible shell of the Gorgon, I simply plundered mechanics from across history. The stripper clip, the antitank rifle, the pile of assorted experimental weapons from across the world wars. If I had to pick something and point it out as a historical cousin, my finger would likely point at the Siminov, but, bulkier.

Where. . . where in the bloody ell did they find that frankengun?! Some bored trenchman splice it togethor?

AH, the Federov! I actually recall this rare automatic fellow! Production got cut off when the reds started their war on the whites. Only 1,??? Were ever made.

Perhaps you could craft an automatic rifle with high damage, but also high recoil, requiring a bitta trigger discipline?


Ah, sorry for the confusion there! It's 38 milimeters fat, not 38 milimeters front-to-back. Miniaturized artillery shells that are exactly 38 milimeters wide. This is a large gun, to say the least. Not as big as my pintle gun, but, still big.


There was a Ballas narration that had him call the Grins their "livestock of warfare". That, mixed with the visions of their betrayal seemed to suggest to me that they weren't exactly treated as good and proper soldiers, more like "filler" for the ranks.

I had a similar, but not entirely same vibe in the sense that advanced personal arms were something they had to return to, but the Dax always had some semblance of ceremonial weaponry that "worked" and they already had a variety of automated solutions to "problems", with the additional fact that they likely had a variety of delegated "human" organizations who made their own equipment without any intercession on their part save the occasional ducat influx and a fancy ceremony or two to reward them.

The Grins likely knew how to build individual parts of weapons and fix their construction tools, but, needed to actually figure out how to put it all together the old fashioned way. I can almost picture a Grineer "gunstock tomahawk" clan meeting the "hand cannon group" and realizing  that they could combine their specialties togethor into a more effective weapon like a "clubbing arquebus". Rinse and repeat for centuries until the Kweens finally consolidated the scattered surviving groups into one united civilization, and THATS where things REALLY kick off.


N. . . not really, in all honesty. I'm a bit of a stone-faced mook on the outside, but, internally, I'm. . . absolutely devastated. She was much. . . much to young by family's standards, and yet, she was taken by the seductive power of the cig, her lungs rotted to ash, interwoven with the immortal taint that strikes so many every year. To stand by my grandfather of 90 years, to observe the remains of my aunt of 60, it's as dark a moment as the day my great grandfather was robbed from me by a flight of stairs.

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2 minutes ago, Unus said:

with the additional fact that they likely had a variety of delegated "human" organizations who made their own equipment without any intercession on their part save the occasional ducat influx and a fancy ceremony or two to reward them.

Ordis'/Beast-of-Bones' backstory seems to back this up. Considering he was in fact a non-orokin mercenary working for the orokin.

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6 hours ago, HugintheCrow said:

It's not. It's a SPACE M4. It even looks like it.

Edit: Actually, not even M4, it's M16.

 According to the wiki, it's called "GrineerM16Rifle" in game files, lol.

I know about all that, it's just that saying "SPACE AK" is funnier to me 😛 .

...I'm considering the idea of a Grineer BAR or Garand now, but the main problem here is that I've already made at least two weapons filling this niche.

2 hours ago, Unus said:

 Where. . . where in the bloody ell did they find that frankengun?! Some bored trenchman splice it togethor?


Bored, no. Irritated with the performance of the BAR due to its 20-round capacity heavily limiting it? Yes.

That's actually a reproduction of the famous "Stinger" LMG, used in the Pacific by American servicemen. In terms of combined arms, Americans were in a bit of a weird place at the time. When it came to squad automatic weaponry, the choice was either portable (the Browning BAR) or massively heavy LMG (Browning m1919). So, a marine by the name of Mel Grevich made the decision to use a lightweight M1919 modified for aircraft use and hammer this thing together for use as a more viable squad automatic weapon.

It's all very interesting.

2 hours ago, Unus said:

Perhaps you could craft an automatic rifle with high damage, but also high recoil, requiring a bitta trigger discipline?


I'm down for that! Fedorov could be the Tenno version, and I'm also planning on a Grineer weapon that uses this archetype and has downward recoil. Rather like a FAL with the Halbek device. As seen here.







When I tried to work on an assault rifle with downward recoil, they called me MAD! Insane! WENDELL! BUT WHO'S LAUGHING NOW, HMMM? Who's mad NOW, HMMMMMMNYYYYURRRRRHHHH?!?!?!

2 hours ago, Unus said:

Ah, sorry for the confusion there! It's 38 milimeters fat, not 38 milimeters front-to-back. Miniaturized artillery shells that are exactly 38 milimeters wide. This is a large gun, to say the least. Not as big as my pintle gun, but, still big.


Still huge, but at least I have a concrete answer.

Btw, here's what I meant when I said "the size of bowling pins"

Enormous. For context, this one's still 20mm, 38mm would be.... twice as large, I think.

(Is it like a Grineer version of this thing?)

2 hours ago, Unus said:

There was a Ballas narration that had him call the Grins their "livestock of warfare". That, mixed with the visions of their betrayal seemed to suggest to me that they weren't exactly treated as good and proper soldiers, more like "filler" for the ranks.


So, disposable cannon fodder. Yeah, sounds about right.

How ironic that the Grineer really aren't much better.

2 hours ago, Unus said:

The Grins likely knew how to build individual parts of weapons and fix their construction tools, but, needed to actually figure out how to put it all together the old fashioned way. I can almost picture a Grineer "gunstock tomahawk" clan meeting the "hand cannon group" and realizing  that they could combine their specialties togethor into a more effective weapon like a "clubbing arquebus". Rinse and repeat for centuries until the Kweens finally consolidated the scattered surviving groups into one united civilization, and THATS where things REALLY kick off.


I'm also reminded of the "Chinese mystery pistols" video on forgottenweapons. The issue you see in that video is that the Chinese making the guns knew how to make guns and had a good grasp of the engineering principles, they just didn't have as good a grasp of why something did what. So you see sight markings that are just nonsense, manufacturers marks everywhere, poor and often obstructed sights, and a pistol with rifle bayonet lugs.

2 hours ago, Unus said:

N. . . not really, in all honesty. I'm a bit of a stone-faced mook on the outside, but, internally, I'm. . . absolutely devastated. She was much. . . much to young by family's standards, and yet, she was taken by the seductive power of the cig, her lungs rotted to ash, interwoven with the immortal taint that strikes so many every year. To stand by my grandfather of 90 years, to observe the remains of my aunt of 60, it's as dark a moment as the day my great grandfather was robbed from me by a flight of stairs.

I'm truly sorry to hear that.

I've been there too. Lost my aunt and father before their time, and grandmother long after them both. To something pretty similar. Dad's case, a heart attack. He'd managed to quit smoking after growing sick of the smell after driving hours from Quebec to South Carolina.

I didn't... I didn't even really react to losing Grandma that time. I was so knocked for a loop. I think I just staggered into work, not thinking about much of anything.

1 hour ago, HugintheCrow said:

Ordis'/Beast-of-Bones' backstory seems to back this up. Considering he was in fact a non-orokin mercenary working for the orokin.

The fringes of Orokin dominion are strange and murky.

Edited by (XB1)Fluffywolf36
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1 hour ago, (XB1)Fluffywolf36 said:

I know about all that, it's just that saying "SPACE AK" is funnier to me 😛 .

...I'm considering the idea of a Grineer BAR or Garand now, but the main problem here is that I've already made at least two weapons filling this niche.

Bored, no. Irritated with the performance of the BAR due to its 20-round capacity heavily limiting it? Yes.

That's actually a reproduction of the famous "Stinger" LMG, used in the Pacific by American servicemen. In terms of combined arms, Americans were in a bit of a weird place at the time. When it came to squad automatic weaponry, the choice was either portable (the Browning BAR) or massively heavy LMG (Browning m1919). So, a marine by the name of Mel Grevich made the decision to use a lightweight M1919 modified for aircraft use and hammer this thing together for use as a more viable squad automatic weapon.

It's all very interesting.

I'm down for that! Fedorov could be the Tenno version, and I'm also planning on a Grineer weapon that uses this archetype and has downward recoil. Rather like a FAL with the Halbek device. As seen here.

When I tried to work on an assault rifle with downward recoil, they called me MAD! Insane! WENDELL! BUT WHO'S LAUGHING NOW, HMMM? Who's mad NOW, HMMMMMMNYYYYURRRRRHHHH?!?!?!

Still huge, but at least I have a concrete answer.

Btw, here's what I meant when I said "the size of bowling pins"

Enormous. For context, this one's still 20mm, 38mm would be.... twice as large, I think.

(Is it like a Grineer version of this thing?)

So, disposable cannon fodder. Yeah, sounds about right.

How ironic that the Grineer really aren't much better.

I'm also reminded of the "Chinese mystery pistols" video on forgottenweapons. The issue you see in that video is that the Chinese making the guns knew how to make guns and had a good grasp of the engineering principles, they just didn't have as good a grasp of why something did what. So you see sight markings that are just nonsense, manufacturers marks everywhere, poor and often obstructed sights, and a pistol with rifle bayonet lugs.

I'm truly sorry to hear that.

I've been there too. Lost my aunt and father before their time, and grandmother long after them both. To something pretty similar. Dad's case, a heart attack. He'd managed to quit smoking after growing sick of the smell after driving hours from Quebec to South Carolina.

I didn't... I didn't even really react to losing Grandma that time. I was so knocked for a loop. I think I just staggered into work, not thinking about much of anything.

The fringes of Orokin dominion are strange and murky.

Huh, so it was a DESPERATE trooper as opposed to a bored one, uck yuck. Fascinating historic background you found there, a D.I.Y. gap-bridger.


Hehe, something that'll rattle your teeth and make you aim ABOVE the head of an enemy hoping the coil goes down on their head.


Hm. . . think that's a British model of anti-tank gun I read about one, I would certainly agree that it could be a relative. (Interesting, the weapon I was pokeing at has a sound similar to what I envisioned, it just needs to be deeper. Maybe a bit more of a whistle in the air after the shot.)


Huh, interesting. Reality providing proper examples when none are expected at all.


Its strange, isn't it? I'm not sure why, but, for some horrific reason, I find it exceedingly hard to outwardly express emotions unless I actively take the effort to do so. I felt awful at my Aunt Pam's funeral today and several family members were openly bawling. . . and then there was me, a statue, unshakeing, from beginning to end. Worried me that something was wrong with myself. 

My condolences for your similar plight, for what those are worn.

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1 hour ago, Unus said:

Hm. . . think that's a British model of anti-tank gun I read about one, I would certainly agree that it could be a relative. (Interesting, the weapon I was pokeing at has a sound similar to what I envisioned, it just needs to be deeper. Maybe a bit more of a whistle in the air after the shot.)


Nah, it's actually Finnish.


1 hour ago, Unus said:

Huh, interesting. Reality providing proper examples when none are expected at all.


There's a lot to work from, I'd think.


1 hour ago, Unus said:

Its strange, isn't it? I'm not sure why, but, for some horrific reason, I find it exceedingly hard to outwardly express emotions unless I actively take the effort to do so. I felt awful at my Aunt Pam's funeral today and several family members were openly bawling. . . and then there was me, a statue, unshakeing, from beginning to end. Worried me that something was wrong with myself. 


Same for me, sometimes.

I felt... when Grandma died, I felt like a bastard for not feeling awful. It's.... difficult to explain. I think I'm better off not going into it.

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                                         Post 527

(Conceived circa December 14th 2018, between 18:00 and 18:45.)

Well, with that agony and torment of the previous day downgraded from "pierceing my thoughts constantly" to "dull acheing throb of eternal loss", lets see if we can't whittle down the list appropriately. Lets seeeee. . . the runner up from the toss was. . . the shielding shields to satisfy Mr. Wolf's hunger for more tales of the Stochastis tribe, yes? Lessee. . . how did that go again. . .  AH, right, here we go.


(One note, yes, the Stochi I made for the Conatus staff and the Stochastis tribe are related, the Arbiters hold up the Stochastis as being an exemplar people for transcending their origins from being computers to being a nomadic civilized tribe.)

Designation: Ancile

Weapon Designation: "Sword" and Shield.


Manufacturer: The Stochastis Tribe of the outer asteroid belt. Lacking an actual industrial base, much less a drive to actually implement the knowledge they innately know, it is extremely rare for the tribe to make anything of permanence, much less anything of martial value. When they do however, they do so to an extreme of over-engineering that lasts beyond most lifetimes, natural and artificial

Statistical Breakdown:

Normal Damage= 60 Impact (Even the edges have been rounded off for the sake of safety, though there is no form of safety equipment that can stop the weapon's sheer mass from being a threat.).

Slide Damage= 130.

Attack Speed= 0.95.

Critical Chance= 5%.

Critical Damage= 2.0X.

Status Chance= 7.5X.

Mastery Rank Requisite= 0.

Stance= Madurai.

Polarity= Naramon.

Riven Disposition= ?????

Special Trait(s):

Palladium of the Mind-Monks=

+10% Damage Block. On blocking , generate 10 meter A.O.E. field that increases damage resistance and decreases shield recharge delay by a per-blow-but-not-resetting second per strike on the wielder for 15 seconds.

While the weapon's fascinatingly intricate combination of alloys both metallurgically and artificially constructed give it a truly impressive ability to shrug off damage, it is the technology interwoven into the core of the Ancile that really sets it apart in it's own abnormal niche. On deployment as proper defensive implement, a quantum entanglement field is projected from the center of the shield and outwards, constantly linking and unlinking projectiles with a set of stored particles within it's core as they enter the field's area of influence. Upon being linked, the core particles are subjected to an energy siphoning process, drawing kinetic, chemical, mechanical, biological, or pure energy from the linked projectile and redirecting said energy to other protective measures. While it may not be able to render a projectile truly harmless, it can still convert a skull-shattering blow down to a skin-breaking uncomfortable wounding that may just mean the difference between life and death.


At the center of the shield portion is a free-floating dark yellow monoclinic crystalline core with a swirling vortex of particles clearly visible on the inside. The core is suspended in empty space by a set of "energy tethers" that connect to a metal spike that has been drilled into the top, bottom, left, and right sides of the crystal that correspond to an equal spike embedded in the metal edge of the shield-surface closest to them.  Said surface is uniformly white and quartslike, save for the metal edges that highlight the core. These surfaces are, in turn, divided by metal struts into four rhombus-shaped sections that all fit togethor, connected to the rest of the shield by a metal edge and set of "energy tethers"in the manner of the core. This final outer layer of rectangles is made of a strange and fascinating material, with a stony "grained" consistency, a crystal-faceted surface, and a metallic coloration, exhibiting aspects of each type of material in a singular whole. The edges of the shield on either side are curved with additionally added strips of the "odd material" in such a way that no sharp edges exist, further reenforcing the desire for a more defensive mindset when using the weapon, giving it a slightl resemblance to a pavise. When blocking, all the suspended components slam togethor in a shower of sparks, leaveing an energetic emissive glow in the areas where they normally reside and causing the core to glow brightly. Every blow that hits the shield causes the glowing areas to flash, each hit causing another side to flash in a clockwise order.


The "weapon" portion of the Ancile is a smaller version of the shield itself, locked into the blocking state, stretched so that it's outer portion is bent over either side, and attached to the end of a pole with a handgrip that is fully made of the "odd material".

Basic" Description:

   Despite their unceaseing dedication towards pacifism, immaterialism, and rationalism, the Stochastis tribe has been forced, time and again, to defend itself in a variety of ways that grate against their beliefs. Incidents of slave raiding and piracy against them have almost become a norm of their culture, necessitating the need for a very reluctant armed militia who's sole purpose for existing is to preserve and rescue members of the population. These citizen soldiers face truely grueling lives, much of them spent being consoled and scrutinized by the more psychology-orientated members of the tribe in addition to almost endless cleansing rituals of meditation in the hopes of keeping them on the universal path the Stochastis have taken. This colors their weaponry in a similar way, tools purpose-made to kill immediately, cleanly, and even leaveing the faintest possibility that the target will merely be grievously wounded enough to submit. The Ancile is one of the few weapons in their native Arsenal that bucks this norm, with the added benefit of being one of the few weapons the militia members will gleefully wield, commonly without ever making a single offensive swing.

Constructed using a laundry list of materials, some of which are completely and totally artificial, the Ancile is a "weapon" that places the preservation of self and others above all else. Expensive in material to make, commonly requiring extremely reluctant access to a settled cities' facilities in addition to significant amounts of Orokin scrap, each Ancile is kept hidden away in storage for a vast majority of it's lifespan. In the few moments when it is actually in use, militia members will commonly form a protective circle around a defensible position and forcibly wait enemy forces out, boring bandits to death by blocking potshots taken at vulnerable areas or exhausting hundreds of rounds of pirate ammunition as they frustratedly attempt to break through the lines and get at the souls behind them. There are even reports of raiders entering melee single combat with individual militiamen for hours, fighting until collapseing from exhaustion, being taken captive by to Tribe, and being handed back to their own forces unscathed beyond a bruised ego. It is clear that, for all the technological splendor and unabashedly horrifying weaponry they have full knowledge of being able to create, the Stochastis are entirely content to simply live their wandering lives, far from others and without taking anyone else's for whatever cause there might be.


PHEW! That trip to "Into the Spiderverse" really got my creative juices pumping again, despite having next-to-nothing to do with anything I'm currently creating. Wonder if there's a term for that?


Anyone, rest assured folks, the next coinflip is on it's way to decide  what entry will be next to form in the confines of. . . The PIT!




Edited by Unus
Completed circa 1/20/2019 at 15:11
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Alright folks, next on my data-point list appears to be the buzzer throwing knives versus the compact multi-loader machine gun.


And the coin is tossed. . .


With the winner being the the compact multiloader machine gun!


Hm. . . I wonder if a strawpoll would be a better system over this significantly primitive one? Assumeing I relearn how to create one anyway, made one with assistance back in the 2016-17 transitional period, but, it seems that ability has been lost to the ages.

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On 2019-01-10 at 1:01 PM, Unus said:

Whimpering Victorian orphan accent)

"Please Papa Steve, can we come out of the basement of neglect soon?"

(Mr. Steve in a top hat, monocle, and with a cane pushes the Infesto-orphan back down the stairs with said cane in a cacophony of crashes and bangs.)

(Very poshly)


I feel ashamed for not noticing this comment, but it's hilarious. 10/10 KNACKSTAPEECE for comedy.


On 2019-01-20 at 3:11 PM, Unus said:

                                         Post 527

(Conceived circa December 14th 2018, between 18:00 and 18:45.)

Well, with that agony and torment of the previous day downgraded from "pierceing my thoughts constantly" to "dull acheing throb of eternal loss", lets see if we can't whittle down the list appropriately. Lets seeeee. . . the runner up from the toss was. . . the shielding shields to satisfy Mr. Wolf's hunger for more tales of the Stochastis tribe, yes? Lessee. . . how did that go again. . .  AH, right, here we go.


(One note, yes, the Stochi I made for the Conatus staff and the Stochastis tribe are related, the Arbiters hold up the Stochastis as being an exemplar people for transcending their origins from being computers to being a nomadic civilized tribe.)

Designation: Ancile

Weapon Designation: "Sword" and Shield.

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Manufacturer: The Stochastis Tribe of the outer asteroid belt. Lacking an actual industrial base, much less a drive to actually implement the knowledge they innately know, it is extremely rare for the tribe to make anything of permanence, much less anything of martial value. When they do however, they do so to an extreme of over-engineering that lasts beyond most lifetimes, natural and artificial

Statistical Breakdown:

Normal Damage= 60 Impact (Even the edges have been rounded off for the sake of safety, though there is no form of safety equipment that can stop the weapon's sheer mass from being a threat.).

Slide Damage= 130.

Attack Speed= 0.95.

Critical Chance= 5%.

Critical Damage= 2.0X.

Status Chance= 7.5X.

Mastery Rank Requisite= 0.

Stance= Madurai.

Polarity= Naramon.

Riven Disposition= ?????

Special Trait(s):

Palladium of the Mind-Monks=

+10% Damage Block. On blocking , generate 10 meter A.O.E. field that increases damage resistance and decreases shield recharge delay by a per-blow-but-not-resetting second per strike on the wielder for 15 seconds.

While the weapon's fascinatingly intricate combination of alloys both metallurgically and artificially constructed give it a truly impressive ability to shrug off damage, it is the technology interwoven into the core of the Ancile that really sets it apart in it's own abnormal niche. On deployment as proper defensive implement, a quantum entanglement field is projected from the center of the shield and outwards, constantly linking and unlinking projectiles with a set of stored particles within it's core as they enter the field's area of influence. Upon being linked, the core particles are subjected to an energy siphoning process, drawing kinetic, chemical, mechanical, biological, or pure energy from the linked projectile and redirecting said energy to other protective measures. While it may not be able to render a projectile truly harmless, it can still convert a skull-shattering blow down to a skin-breaking uncomfortable wounding that may just mean the difference between life and death.


At the center of the shield portion is a free-floating dark yellow monoclinic crystalline core with a swirling vortex of particles clearly visible on the inside. The core is suspended in empty space by a set of "energy tethers" that connect to a metal spike that has been drilled into the top, bottom, left, and right sides of the crystal that correspond to an equal spike embedded in the metal edge of the shield-surface closest to them.  Said surface is uniformly white and quartslike, save for the metal edges that highlight the core. These surfaces are, in turn, divided by metal struts into four rhombus-shaped sections that all fit togethor, connected to the rest of the shield by a metal edge and set of "energy tethers"in the manner of the core. This final outer layer of rectangles is made of a strange and fascinating material, with a stony "grained" consistency, a crystal-faceted surface, and a metallic coloration, exhibiting aspects of each type of material in a singular whole. The edges of the shield on either side are curved with additionally added strips of the "odd material" in such a way that no sharp edges exist, further reenforcing the desire for a more defensive mindset when using the weapon, giving it a slightl resemblance to a pavise. When blocking, all the suspended components slam togethor in a shower of sparks, leaveing an energetic emissive glow in the areas where they normally reside and causing the core to glow brightly. Every blow that hits the shield causes the glowing areas to flash, each hit causing another side to flash in a clockwise order.


The "weapon" portion of the Ancile is a smaller version of the shield itself, locked into the blocking state, stretched so that it's outer portion is bent over either side, and attached to the end of a pole with a handgrip that is fully made of the "odd material".

Basic" Description:

   Despite their unceaseing dedication towards pacifism, immaterialism, and rationalism, the Stochastis tribe has been forced, time and again, to defend itself in a variety of ways that grate against their beliefs. Incidents of slave raiding and piracy against them have almost become a norm of their culture, necessitating the need for a very reluctant armed militia who's sole purpose for existing is to preserve and rescue members of the population. These citizen soldiers face truely grueling lives, much of them spent being consoled and scrutinized by the more psychology-orientated members of the tribe in addition to almost endless cleansing rituals of meditation in the hopes of keeping them on the universal path the Stochastis have taken. This colors their weaponry in a similar way, tools purpose-made to kill immediately, cleanly, and even leaveing the faintest possibility that the target will merely be grievously wounded enough to submit. The Ancile is one of the few weapons in their native Arsenal that bucks this norm, with the added benefit of being one of the few weapons the militia members will gleefully wield, commonly without ever making a single offensive swing.

Constructed using a laundry list of materials, some of which are completely and totally artificial, the Ancile is a "weapon" that places the preservation of self and others above all else. Expensive in material to make, commonly requiring extremely reluctant access to a settled cities' facilities in addition to significant amounts of Orokin scrap, each Ancile is kept hidden away in storage for a vast majority of it's lifespan. In the few moments when it is actually in use, militia members will commonly form a protective circle around a defensible position and forcibly wait enemy forces out, boring bandits to death by blocking potshots taken at vulnerable areas or exhausting hundreds of rounds of pirate ammunition as they frustratedly attempt to break through the lines and get at the souls behind them. There are even reports of raiders entering melee single combat with individual militiamen for hours, fighting until collapseing from exhaustion, being taken captive by to Tribe, and being handed back to their own forces unscathed beyond a bruised ego. It is clear that, for all the technological splendor and unabashedly horrifying weaponry they have full knowledge of being able to create, the Stochastis are entirely content to simply live their wandering lives, far from others and without taking anyone else's for whatever cause there might be.

  Reveal hidden contents

PHEW! That trip to "Into the Spiderverse" really got my creative juices pumping again, despite having next-to-nothing to do with anything I'm currently creating. Wonder if there's a term for that?


Anyone, rest assured folks, the next coinflip is on it's way to decide  what entry will be next to form in the confines of. . . The PIT!




I feel ashamed of saying it, but.... the stats were a bit of a turn-off. I feel like the stats are pretty low... maybe too low? 

Unless it's specifically made for use as a starter weapon, to introduce people to the rather neglected "sword and shield" weapon type (I feel like swords and shields are kind of neglected. Everyone uses single swords, nikanas, greatswords, and a certain whip, but I rarely see people using swords and shields. It's weird) I have a bad feeling about how low the crit and status are.

All that said...

the special trait looks pretty fun. I also feel like you really nailed the "high tech used for very primitive purposes" vibe of Warframe. A sword and shield... with quantum entanglement? That's gold right there. As usual, exquisite lore! I'd truly enjoy meeting the Stochastis. It's the kind of unique, postapocalyptic tribe itch that won't be scratched till about February 15th. It's just there. Itching. 


for all the technological splendor and unabashedly horrifying weaponry they have full knowledge of being able to create, t

...I'm genuinely intrigued to see what the Stochastis might make next, if pushed.

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5 hours ago, (XB1)Fluffywolf36 said:

but I rarely see people using swords and shields

Sigma and Octantis are actually top tier endgame weapons. Still, I guess they are kinda hard to get, making them niche.

5 hours ago, (XB1)Fluffywolf36 said:

It's the kind of unique, postapocalyptic tribe itch that won't be scratched till about February 15th.

What happens on february 15th?

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8 hours ago, HugintheCrow said:

Sigma and Octantis are actually top tier endgame weapons. Still, I guess they are kinda hard to get, making them niche.

13 hours ago, (XB1)Fluffywolf36 said:

It was less about quality and more about... well, actual usage. I just don't seem to see them too often.

8 hours ago, HugintheCrow said:

What happens on february 15th?

Metro Exodus gets released.

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                                     Post 532

(Conceived circa November 22nd 2018 at 20:50.)

Ack, try THREE at making this entry! I'd blame it on the complexity of the reload, but, I think it's actually my wireless Internet being interfered with by the Arctic temperatures. Blasted nature! I shan't be denied!


Desingation: Tripura.

Weapon Designation: Rifle.


Manufacturer: Luxor Forge, an obscure offering, buried in the depths of their "Munitions for Municipals: Combat Catalogue".

Statistical Breakdown:

Trigger Type= Auto.

Damage= 21 Impact, 22 Slash, 22 Puncture.

Critical Chance= 12%.

Critical Damage= 2.0X

Status Chance= 12%.

Projectile Type= Hit-scan.

Cyclic Rate-of-Fire= 6.00.

Magazine Size= 20 Round Straight Magazine + 5 Spares.

Reload Speed= 3.0 on a "dry" reload (Press magazine ejection button, magazine drops out of well, slide new magazine onto rail and forcefully pull it all the way through to the well, push on bottom of magazine to secure it into the well, first round is loaded in the process of magazine push, assume firing stance.) 1.0 to put a magazine on the conveyer (Place magazine on conveyer, magazine progresses along conveyer to line up with the inserted magazine.), 0.7 to swap to another magazine on the conveyer (Press magazine eject button, next magazine slides into well slot, push magazine up into well, first round is chambered by doing so, resume firing stance.).

Mastery Rank Requisite= 0.

Riven Disposition= ?????

Special Trait(s):

Multi-Magazine Support=

Press the reload key after reload to place a magazine onto the underbelt. This halves reload Speed for as long as there is another magazine on the belt to swap to.

Looking to merge the best in high-caliber high-capacity machine-guns with the compact form factor and mobility of the submachine gun, Luxor ran into the typical issue of how to retain both sets of traits without sacrificing any of either. The end result, a complex conveyer belt system on the bottom of the gun that can house multiple magazines and immediately put one in place when the old loaded one is ejected, was expensive, but deemed adequate by the director, envisioning repeat sales of worn-down belts in the future.


   Ever the form-conservative organization, Luxor utilizes a significant amount of Braton and Lanka components in the design of the Tripura. The body is the most obvious of the derivatives, very much a Braton frame, minimally changed in any way, shape, or form. While the iron-sights of the Braton remain in place, they are further augmented by the optical lens-caps of a Lanka rifle, though lacking a zoom feature of any kind and acting more as reflex or dot-sights rather then any kind of vision magnifiers. The barrel is only a half a foot long and resembles a shrunken Lanka's, but with a Braton muzzle ending it. The gun's firing report is a sharp and percussive "tuht" sound, still extremely loud, but, not as grateing on one's hearing immediately. There is no actual separation or differentiation of the stock from the body, the weapon's compact plastic-polymer form simply juts out further then it's rail system and provides a place to place one's shoulder against.

The loading well is a blued metal block with the Luxor Forge brand name imprinted onto it vertically located just behind where the barrel first emerges from the gun and extending downwards. This same "magazine protector" is also used as a vertical grip, allowing for some useful recoil counteraction and weapon maneuverability. The caseing ejector is located on the right side, right where the loading well first begins and completely adjacent to the very area where the chamber is. The trigger houseing is unashamedly taken from the Lanka, while the hand grip hails from the Braton and is also extended downwards like the well. The only component that shows any kind of innovation is the magazine loading assembly slung in parallel with the weapon's body along the bottom between the extended hand grip and the "well-protector", leaveing enough space to properly hold the weapon.

The assembly is smooth on the gun faceing side, has a small chrome box with two oval objects in it next to two Prussian blue lights on the left-back side, and houses a twinned set of conveyer belts on the ground faceing side , used to move the magazine along towards the well. A plastic border encircles the belts, with a set of "ring locks" located on the rear side and open space at the front. The magazines are "winged" at the top with two small plastic protrusions that the wielder's pushes through the ring locks to ensure the magazine does not fall out or upturn, as each magazine reveals the first .45 +P bullet in it's entirety, important for the loading process when it reaches the well. Specifically, to load the magazine, the wielder pushes it up into the well so that the exposed bullet sits fitted into the chamber. With the first shot fired, the other bullets are pulled up out of the magazine normally. Pressing the eject button drops the magazine out at a slight angle, allowing the next magazine to slip into place with a bare minimum of a collision chance or the magazine catching back onto the guideing border.

Basic Description:

Part Franken-gun, part corporate laziness incarnate, and part money-making scheme, the Tripura's history is a turbulent one. Looking to simultaneously break into the machine gun and submachine gun markets on a low budget and with a high r.o.i., Luxor formed a budget think-tank of staff in order to scheme up something appropriate. After several bogus goose chases, several corruption lawsuits, and about a half decade of staff turnover, Luxor's dice roll finally paid off when a "paid much less then what they were worth" intern unveiled the concept of the "magic" loading belt. Implemented originally as a mundane cost-cutting measure to prevent the need for the company to actually redevelop a machine gun magazine, the intern suggested the injection of a minute amount of morphic matter into the belt's thermoplastic resin, to be distributed throughout the conveyer's entirety throughout the entire creation process. This morphic mass would be preprogrammed to weaken significantly at a specific date after it's first use, forcing the constant purchase of further belts in order to encourage repeat customers.

Elated at this idea, Luxor happily adopted the idea (and the intern them-self as an R and D Lead, after dismantling the think tank and criminally prosecuting most of it's members.) and set about implementing the idea in full, further tweaking the scheme by adjusting the target date's placement to a proper balance between customer "satisfaction" and profit in accordance with product perception, citing changes as being "quality improvements" or "products of sabotage" as time has gone on. Being one of the only weapons of it's kind in Corpus space (and being expensive in it's upkeep), the Tripura is rarely seen, much less used, more used as an expensive decoration then as a friend of the urban mercenary. In a significant act of irony, underworld gunsmiths happily push out counterfeit copies onto the underground market as marks of status among the more financially inclined. Because they do not know Luxor's hidden trade secret, these copies are actually even more combat viable then the official models, meaning they often get confused with Luxor ones, thus throwing off suspicions off Luxor's sinister ploy.


PHEW! You would not beleive how long it took me to get all that down on paper, despite it being little more then a "near-gimmick gun". The story just kinda poured out of me as time went on, and I simply had to include almost all of it. Alright, wish me luck folks, hopefully the Buzzer throwing knives don't throw another bible in my face to do!




Edited by Unus
Completed circa 1/27/2019 at 18:05.
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On 2019-01-26 at 12:01 AM, (XB1)Fluffywolf36 said:

I feel ashamed for not noticing this comment, but it's hilarious. 10/10 KNACKSTAPEECE for comedy.


I feel ashamed of saying it, but.... the stats were a bit of a turn-off. I feel like the stats are pretty low... maybe too low? 

Unless it's specifically made for use as a starter weapon, to introduce people to the rather neglected "sword and shield" weapon type (I feel like swords and shields are kind of neglected. Everyone uses single swords, nikanas, greatswords, and a certain whip, but I rarely see people using swords and shields. It's weird) I have a bad feeling about how low the crit and status are.

All that said...

the special trait looks pretty fun. I also feel like you really nailed the "high tech used for very primitive purposes" vibe of Warframe. A sword and shield... with quantum entanglement? That's gold right there. As usual, exquisite lore! I'd truly enjoy meeting the Stochastis. It's the kind of unique, postapocalyptic tribe itch that won't be scratched till about February 15th. It's just there. Itching. 

...I'm genuinely intrigued to see what the Stochastis might make next, if pushed.

Huh, sometimes my mind-salad actually registers on the slap-stickometer eh? Whoulda thought?


EXACTLY suh. This isn't made to be a roving death machine as compared to several of my other designs. Instead, this is a beginner's tool, something to keep rookies who may not be all that skilled in melee combat alive with without having to actually use it for full melee. Might also intermesh well with high shield frames and, unexpectedly, that muscular tech-goddess who's on the way down Digital's own pipeline.


I've been considering scratching that very itch soon in the form of a certain weapon from Deimos that the "Gut dwellers" will be using. Alone, several miles beneath the surface, in abandoned passages and dust filled corridors quiet as the dead, what is a lone knob-turning and leaver pulling grunt to do when their isn't a proffesional soldier anywhere for you to hide behind? Innovate, or be rendered a fine red smear on the corridor walls or floors alongside many others, perhaps show up as a bone here or tendon there in a Hyekka heap or Drahk sewer grate, gnawed beyond recognition.


Hm. . . I'll put it under consideration. Unanticipated, but, not a crazy thought given the ever-expanding borders of the Empire, Conglomerate, and Gestalt.

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9 hours ago, Unus said:

Huh, sometimes my mind-salad actually registers on the slap-stickometer eh? Whoulda thought?


I got distracted by the Fragarlok ^~^.


9 hours ago, Unus said:

EXACTLY suh. This isn't made to be a roving death machine as compared to several of my other designs. Instead, this is a beginner's tool, something to keep rookies who may not be all that skilled in melee combat alive with without having to actually use it for full melee. Might also intermesh well with high shield frames and, unexpectedly, that muscular tech-goddess who's on the way down Digital's own pipeline.


And to give them something to fall back on in the event that the usual "FACETANK!" method doesn't fit.

Alright, I get it now! Okay, it all makes sense.  Among the "starter" melee weapons like the Dual Heat Swords this would totally fit. I feel like starter weapons are kind of overlooked as concepts.

9 hours ago, Unus said:

I've been considering scratching that very itch soon in the form of a certain weapon from Deimos that the "Gut dwellers" will be using. Alone, several miles beneath the surface, in abandoned passages and dust filled corridors quiet as the dead, what is a lone knob-turning and leaver pulling grunt to do when their isn't a proffesional soldier anywhere for you to hide behind? Innovate, or be rendered a fine red smear on the corridor walls or floors alongside many others, perhaps show up as a bone here or tendon there in a Hyekka heap or Drahk sewer grate, gnawed beyond recognition.


I'm looking forward to it.

9 hours ago, Unus said:

Hm. . . I'll put it under consideration. Unanticipated, but, not a crazy thought given the ever-expanding borders of the Empire, Conglomerate, and Gestalt.

What can I say? It has potential.

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                                      Post 535

(Conceived circa 12/1/2018 at 01:32.)

So, not only did I just completely lose all the data I was working on here again, but, now, my mother has accidentally completely destroyed my laptop, meaning I'm not gonna be back on Discord for a VERY long time. AIN'T LIFE GRAND?!


Designation: Buzzer

Weapon Designation: Secondary, Thrown Type.

Manufacturer= Tenno of the Madurai School of Focus. Particulars as to who and how are unrecorded and largely irrelevant to the Tenno, as all their equipment is made for the sole purpose of furthering the Tenno's survival as a whole.

Statistical Breakdown:

Trigger Type= Auto.

Damage= 1 Impact, 3 Puncture, 20 Slash on impact.

Critical Chance= 18%.

Critical Damage= 2.0X.

Status Chance= 23%.

Projectile Type= Projectile (Buzzblade).

Cyclic Rate-Of-Fire= 3.33.

Magazine Size= 3 (One in each hand and one remaining docked on the belt. When changeing camera angles, the hip-mounted one will swap sides in order to remain visible to the player, rapidly deconstituteing and reconstituting into and out of the flash-forge nodes on either side.)  

Reload Speed= 1.00 (Hold hands in front of flash forge nodes, nodes trace wireframes of the blades and then fill them with texturing and details, blades gain weight and the wielder properly grips them, final blade is traced, textured, and detailed, yet remains suspended above the node. Assume throwing stance.), 0.50 if one blade is thrown (Start from "Final blade is. . ." and then conclude normally.), 0.75 if two blades are thrown (Accelerated one-handed version of "Hold hands in front. . ." section all the way to the normal conclusion.). Increased magazine sizes add 0.25 seconds onto the reload while the blades stack up on the nodes.

Mastery Rank Requisite= 4.

Polarity= Madurai.

Riven Disposition= ?????

Special Trait(s):


Minor homing ability, deals 20 Slash damage per second for 7 seconds on being embedded in an enemy. If target=dead before 7 seconds=0, then the buzzblade returns to wielder and reenters ammo pool.


Little more then a pint-sized vicious-dispositioned intelligence core mounting a quad set of serrated monomolecular flensing blades, a buzzer's buzzblades are fully capable of sliceing cleanly through flesh, bone, and steel given time. If the diminutive monstrosity can beat the clock and cut through before it's battery runs dry, it engages in a homing protocol that propels it back to the nearest flash-forge node where it is promptly deconstructed for future reuse.


   As with all Tenno weaponry, the Buzzers house far more artistic appeal then a weapon of terror would usually have alotted. The carefully filigreed silver core, covered in peaks, ridges, and "shadowed valleys" houses a white glass sphere, open to the world on only the top side and centered down the middle with a sharp streak of crimson (energy colored) energy, causing it to resemble a predatory eye, perhaps of a cat or octopus. Branching out from the core are four "arms" of sorts, arranged in such a way that the drone portion resembles a galactic spiral. On being tossed, moments after leaveing the hand like a frisbee, a thin slit opens up along the entirety of each arm and the raw-steel colored blade slowly pushes out in a liquid manner before hardening. As it forms on the inside, the blade sprouts serrated fractalized "branches" of it's own that never connect, which in turn sprout their own and so on and so forth until it is almost impossible to see the gaps between the seperate branches without an electron microscope.

 The outer blade, meanwhile, maintains a brutally smooth and sharp edge, never once letting on that it is very much made of millions of tiny blades about the size of a strand of hair, fitted so closely togethor that it seems to be one full blade. At this point, the weapon's arms begin to rapidly spin around in a helicopter manner in the direction the arms point, having no visible joints and yet still rotating rapidly across the machine's surface. As it moves through the air at high speed, the buzzblade emits a horrific droneing sound, mechanical, yet, very much sounding like a predatory animal that has found it's prey. On hitting a target, the blades greedily sink in and begin digging through accordingly. If the target dies, the blades messily reverse direction to the smooth side and cut their way free, plotting a course right to the closest of the two hip-mounted flash forges and docking with it before being dematerialized. These flash-forge hip-mounts have a pointed conelike shape that is tipped with an emission point and is complimented by four other equidistant emission points on their own mounts that all articulate in order to accelerate the construction process, carefully traceing an energy colored outline of a buzzblade into the air before filling it in with emitted nano-particulates and commanding them through specifically timed flashes to assume appropriate shapes, sizes, textures, and colors. The mounts are intrinsically integrated into the warframe's flesh itself and draw upon minuscule amounts of the suit's energy to flash-forge new buzzblades from a molecularly compacted stock of material to make them.

"Basic" Description:

Created from the carefully gathered shavings of excess "pure " sword-flesh left behind from Warframe gestation, Buzzers are truly horrifying pseudo-organic weapons that inspire fear and horror in those who face them. While many Tenno prefer to work under silence and stealth, others prefer to inspire shock and awe in enemy ranks, carveing their way through enemy forces as they scramble blindly for useless cover and make desperate calls to their superiors. The Madurai school believes this should be standard practice among the Tenno, and thus have set about making weapons that strengthen this manner of mindset in battle. While they easily have the means of buffering the inadvertently ear-splitting sound of the weapon in flight, the Madurai aligned creators of it have fully embraced the cacophony, constructing the drone in such ways that the raw sound can be appropriately altered to inspire terror through everything from onboard speakers to narrow holes in the frame to force air through complex chords. While they are among the first to adopt organic metal weapons, they have no monopoly on the idea, and, given the weapon's inability to be used by anyone or anything that isn't a Tenno, it likely won't be long before materials and methods are shared among Madurai's brother and sister Focus schools.

FINALLY! WOOWHO! It took me FOREVER to finally order all the inspirations and ideas and art togethor into one cohesive whole, but, at long last, here we are! The last bit was actually a late idea in the gestation process, but, goddem does it definitely open doors! A "Focus-Fighting Set" perhaps? No one but Tenno allowed?


Anyway! That's that one! Now to put up the new poll-pieces!


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Alright folks , with the completion of the last list upon us, I must reach out to you and ask about my latest creations that have been born in the interim! As before, just slap togethor your list in high-to-low-priority and we'll continue onwards!

The tandem wage-slave hunting unit, the Jailor and Sniffer-Proxy?

The horrifying randomized wormlike abomination, the Inprobocyte?

The "reeks of desperation" Deimos worker's "Luddite Rifle"?

The terrifying ethereal menace of the Void Creeper/Strangler/Preserver (Three variants)?


Its all up to you folks, I eagerly await, gnarled claws dangling over the phone touchscreen!

Edited by Unus
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1 hour ago, Unus said:

Alright folks , with the completion of the last list upon us, I must reach out to you and ask about my latest creations that have been born in the interim! As before, just slap togethor your list in high-to-low-priority and we'll continue onwards!

The tandem wage-slave hunting unit, the Jailor and Sniffer-Proxy?

The horrifying randomized wormlike abomination, the Inprobocyte?

 The "reeks of desperation" Deimos workers "Luddite Rifle"?

The terrifying ethereal menace of the Void Creeper/Strangler/Preserver (Three variants)?


Its all up to you folks, I eagerly await, gnarled claws dangling over the phone touchscreen!


1. Void Creeper (Cause it sounds very unique) 

2. Inprobocyte (Because you're good at body horror)

3. "Luddite Rifle" (Because improvised guns are hard to do in Warframe, and I'm intrigued to see what to do here. I can even refer MORE improvised guns!)

4. Jailor (...Okay, this could easily be placed higher, but something had to be at the bottom.)



Improvised gun in question:

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1 hour ago, (XB1)Fluffywolf36 said:


1. Void Creeper (Cause it sounds very unique) 

2. Inprobocyte (Because you're good at body horror)

3. "Luddite Rifle" (Because improvised guns are hard to do in Warframe, and I'm intrigued to see what to do here. I can even refer MORE improvised guns!)

4. Jailor (...Okay, this could easily be placed higher, but something had to be at the bottom.)



Improvised gun in question:

Alrighty righty suh! 1 data-point up and running! I'll try to have at least two (with yours counting as one of them of course) so I can coin toss what'll go up. Bigger sample size, greater accuracy and all that.


For sure, for sure, gonna be goin real primitive with this one, but, still recognizable enough that you won't be loading rocks and nails into it acourse.

Huh, supriseingly fancy looking set right there, not quite as crude and brutal as I was anticipateing. Course, haven't seen INSIDE em, so, perhaps that's the point from a distance. It LOOKS sleek and modern from a distance, and it'll fire a bullet or two. . . but, how many before it comes apart in your hands or cooks-off like a bastard smg.?

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19 minutes ago, Unus said:

Alrighty righty suh! 1 data-point up and running! I'll try to have at least two (with yours counting as one of them of course) so I can coin toss what'll go up. Bigger sample size, greater accuracy and all that.


Figured as much = D Glad I could halp!

18 minutes ago, Unus said:

For sure, for sure, gonna be goin real primitive with this one, but, still recognizable enough that you won't be loading rocks and nails into it acourse.


That is the most difficult balance to hit while making improvised weapons in Warframe.

.....I wonder if looking at Bandit weaponry could help.


19 minutes ago, Unus said:

 Huh, supriseingly fancy looking set right there, not quite as crude and brutal as I was anticipateing. Course, haven't seen INSIDE em, so, perhaps that's the point from a distance. It LOOKS sleek and modern from a distance, and it'll fire a bullet or two. . . but, how many before it comes apart in your hands or cooks-off like a bastard smg.?

Remember what I said about an automatic .50 BMG open-bolt rifle?

That's this thing.

The difficult thing about coming up with improvised weaponry is that in real life, it often doesn't look quite as homemade as you'd expect (Metro 2033).

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On 2019-02-01 at 6:02 PM, Unus said:

The tandem wage-slave hunting unit, the Jailor and Sniffer-Proxy?

The horrifying randomized wormlike abomination, the Inprobocyte?

The "reeks of desperation" Deimos worker's "Luddite Rifle"?

 The terrifying ethereal menace of the Void Creeper/Strangler/Preserver (Three variants)?


O Unus, you offer such Beautiful, Horrid, and fascinating things....

Anyhow, on with the list.

The terrifying ethereal menace of the Void Creeper/Strangler/Preserver (Three variants)?

The "reeks of desperation" Deimos worker's "Luddite Rifle"?

The horrifying randomized wormlike abomination, the Inprobocyte?

The tandem wage-slave hunting unit, the Jailor and Sniffer-Proxy?

As to why this order? Simple, The Void Things offer a fabulous collective of potential nightmares.

The Luddite Rifle? 1. It expands on The Starborn Brigade. (which i.m.o. is one of the most Iconic things you've ever made.)

And 2. I have a soft spot for makeshift weapons.

As to why the Inprobocyte is so low on my list? To build antici----------pation~

And finally, the Proxies. Simply because we just got a lot  of Corpus material due to Fortuna (and the Soon upcoming Jupiter rework.)

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