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Lumped Together Mosh-Pit of Ideas I've had for too Long


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On 2019-02-01 at 10:33 PM, (XB1)Fluffywolf36 said:

Figured as much = D Glad I could halp!

That is the most difficult balance to hit while making improvised weapons in Warframe.

.....I wonder if looking at Bandit weaponry could help.


Remember what I said about an automatic .50 BMG open-bolt rifle?

That's this thing.

The difficult thing about coming up with improvised weaponry is that in real life, it often doesn't look quite as homemade as you'd expect (Metro 2033).

Much gratitude as always suh!


Hm, bandit tech kitbashery? Not a bad source to poke at.


Heh, I must not be looking in the right places. Found a 7.62 ballistic balsa wood slingshot from Croatia that looks like it was made in Shop class.

4 hours ago, KiTeer said:

O Unus, you offer such Beautiful, Horrid, and fascinating things....

Anyhow, on with the list.

The terrifying ethereal menace of the Void Creeper/Strangler/Preserver (Three variants)?

The "reeks of desperation" Deimos worker's "Luddite Rifle"?

The horrifying randomized wormlike abomination, the Inprobocyte?

The tandem wage-slave hunting unit, the Jailor and Sniffer-Proxy?

As to why this order? Simple, The Void Things offer a fabulous collective of potential nightmares.

The Luddite Rifle? 1. It expands on The Starborn Brigade. (which i.m.o. is one of the most Iconic things you've ever made.)

And 2. I have a soft spot for makeshift weapons.

As to why the Inprobocyte is so low on my list? To build antici----------pation~

And finally, the Proxies. Simply because we just got a lot  of Corpus material due to Fortuna (and the Soon upcoming Jupiter rework.)

OH! Another lightning bolt from Mr. Kiteer! Thank you for the assistance as well!

Heh it's interesting having no real control over just WHAT pops outta me skull, planning comes after conception around here.


Hehe, and when those nightmares begin to meet OTHER nightmares. . .

Iconic, really? Heh, well shet, thanks, couldn't have made em "breath" nearly as good without Mr. Crow's pencil-tip to turn my word-walls into grimacing faces and pressed flesh. 

I'll do my best to do ya proud. Gotta lovely mechanical kink to it to help spice up the occasional bland Infested run or two, something to keep you on your toes, lest you lose them.

4 hours ago, (XB1)Fluffywolf36 said:

TBH that's a lot of why the Jailor came last for me too.

That's a fair deal from both of ya fellas. I may not have control over what I create per say, but, you can bet your bottom dollar I can arrange the order in at least a semblance of an interesting way! 

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17 hours ago, Unus said:

Heh, I must not be looking in the right places. Found a 7.62 ballistic balsa wood slingshot from Croatia that looks like it was made in Shop class.

22 hours ago, KiTeer said:

You gotta look in Brazil, Ukraine, and Chechnya. And possibly some stuff from Khyber Pass. In gun circles, those are typically the sources of some of the most bizarre bootleg weaponry. Case in point:


(This.... thing... from Khyber Pass. Apparently a 12-gauge shotgun.)


(Another homembrew AK from Darra Pass. Apparently in 8mm Mauser.)


(Definitely not a Bastard gun. From Ukraine)


(Borz pistols from all over Eastern Europe. Especially Chechnya)



(12-gauge shotgun revolver from Brazil, compared with a conventional semiauto. I don't know what kind it is. Fun fact, this was actually one of a few inspirations behind the Verdictus shotgun revolver I made awhile back)

17 hours ago, Unus said:

Heh it's interesting having no real control over just WHAT pops outta me skull, planning comes after conception around here.


Hey, it happens. Could've easily made the Vlcak a status weapon, but... eh.

(Though making it crit does make a bit more sense in hindsight)

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                                   Post 544

(Conceived circa 1/31/2019 at 2:44.)

Hehe, I still remember the birth of this one. Me, tossing and turning in bed in the aftermath of my first taste of the Anthem demo, mind stirring, and then. . . boom. A question enters my mind and begins to rebound around. " How did the Orokin know that technocyte would be an excellant Void conduit?". Slowly, an answer began to reflect about, gathering strength and essence, gaining a terrible visage and shape. What follows is that answer, drawn back from the abyss as "Not without a lot of testing for sure.".


Designation: Void Creeper/Strangler/Preserver.

Unit Designation: Infested


"Seeing what scares you for what it is does not lesson the terror. It still has the power to break your heart over and over again."

                         - Teri Terry, Author.

Health Type: Fossilized.

Manufacturer: Possible Orokin origins, unclear if any are "made" in the modern day.

"Equipment" and "Aesthetics":


The Swordflesh Conundrum-

 If ability has lock-on, direct_lock-on = null, Reticule highlight = No.

Horrifyingly, something about the composition of these creatures causes them to go completely under sensor perception in Warframe systems. Direct ability targeting doesn't work, I.F.F. never registers a blip, it's as if though the system assumes it's looking at the Warframe's own personage. This won't stop abilities from actually affecting them however.

Anomolous Propulsion-

Flying, able to hover.

Defying any forms of scientific evaluation, these entities appear to be fully capable of maintaining non-inertial flight at any and all times. No biological mechanism, no electromagnetic signature, no gravitational waveform has ever been identified on or detected as originateing from the creatures, suggesting more esoteric forces are at work.


Attempts to avoid direct melee combat by teleportation, disappearing and reappearing a distance from their origin point. May actively dodge foes and "react fire".

The creatures seem to have an innate knack for maneuvering between reality and the Void, cutting neat holes in the horizon of existence with a simple circular motion of the head-area and squeezing through quickly before it shuts. It is unclear just how they find their way back to reality so quickly and cleanly, and several generations of voidship captains are dieing to find out.

Creeper and Preserver:

Disturbance Field-

Infested become cloaked on entering a Creeper's/Preserver's 50 foot radial field.

Through unknown mechanisms, the entities project a 50 foot sphere of influence on the battlefield where light becomes extremely distorted when passing through. The effect is minor on it's own, but, when a technocytically dominated organism enters the area, the effect quadruples in strength around them, effectively making them invisible.

Conduit Bolt-

Fires low damage electrical bolt at 10 meter range. If a group of infested lead up to an enemy a distance away, the Creeper/Preserver can guide a bolt through the group's bodies towards a foe, doubling in strength with every Infested it passes through.

On their own, the creatures appear to have little in the way of truly offensive weaponry. At best, they can generate a negative voltaic charge from the tendrils on their underside and direct it towards a target a short distance away, lethal only to, say, a condrac. If there are other technocytic entities in the area however, things get much more dangerous. Somehow, as long as there is an active technocyte organism in range, the entity can guide a bolt through the other creature's bodies and strike a foe with double the strength for each one it passes through. In large swarms of Infested, the entities can "snipe" across the battlefield, the conduit bolt gathering such sufficient strength as to become capable of knocking a darygn from the sky with one blow. 



Ranged attack replaced with dash-melee attack. Distance traveled is added to baseline melee damage as a 0.5% multiplier and a 0.25% status chance multiplier increase occurs per meter traveled.

Whatever form of disturbance has warped these entities into their current forms has certainly improved their direct combat efficiency. Rather then engage at long-range, Stranglers will dash above foes, raking their long conductively-spined tendrils across the enemy below. The farther they travel to reach a target, the more of a charge they seem to build up, making them exceedingly lethal from a far distance. 


If a Tenno is in the "charge line" of a Strangler, then the Tenno's H.U.D. Is disabled and imagery scrambles the Tenno's screen.

While their "cousins" have a radial light scrambling field, the Stranglers appear to have a far more sinister effect on others. Tenno caught in the path of a Strangler, despite oftentimes never makeing contact with it, report suddenly suffering cascadeing sensory failure, leaveing them as intel-effective as a bog-standard soldier. Others claim to suffer from blinding visions of varying forms, with common details being a multitude of eyes, images of the Void, and extreme closeups of the Strangler itself at random angles. While there have been no apparent long-term side-effects to these experiences, it is interesting to note that, despite persistent data-mining of others, no other faction in the Sol-Origin system appears to experience this phenomena.


Like a strange mix of some abhorrent apparition and some manner of deep-sea trench life, the Creeper looms above the battlefield on high, carefully staying at range. Indoors, they stay a few inches from the highest surface and follow along the walls and ceilings of rooms closely when moving from place to place, like creeping shadows given life. The body is vaguely human shaped, but heavily flattened, with no discernible facial features, feet, or hands, just stretched and flattened lumps. These limbs slowly move up and down like a manta's wings, yet they provide no propulsive power, perhaps an unconscious action or some form of muscle memory. Stiff tendrils, disturbingly reminiscent of free floating portions of a nervous system, dangle down from the body in long unmoving strings, their ends studded with blue technocytic light. The skin is like a stretched petri-dish, black cyan with cloudy milky white something floating about in it in patches and blots alongside a dizzying array of sparkleing white specs.

   Strange metallic nodes jut from it at odd angles that are crowned with blue glowing technocyte colonies, giving it a dissected, almost frankensteinian appearence. A strange haunting blue halo or aura follows it wherever it goes, coloring the visuals of anyone going near it, though it is hard to see at all from a distance. From a distance, they make an almost mechanical noise, slightly static-filled and muffled as if though one is hearing it from under water or across a room (The closest I could get to projecting it from my mind is some of the sounds made by old original Xboxs left on idle. Or the "alien dialogue" heard in modern X-Com turn transitions.). At close range, the noises become a voiceless whispering as it performs actions, likely by teleporting away, or, at worst, taking a point-blank shot at the foe before leaveing. When they die, blue-flamed explosions can be seen erupting inside them as they expand asymmetrically and wildly. Just before the seemingly massive incoming boom, they vanish, as if they hadn't been there at all.


They retain much of their original form, though the energy halo is now golden and a drone-like apparatus has been shoved over the "head" area, fitting in with all the other sentry-controlled units. Their noises and whispers are now "flanged" (an audio-term).


From a distance, it is extremely clear and obvious that something is very, VERY, wrong with these entities. Seemingly wrapped up in a length of razor wire and occasionally suffering from seizure-esque fits, Stranglers do little to mask their presence on the battlefield. Unlike the blue and golden auras of the Creeper and Preserver respectively, the Stranger's is a baleful crimson, flickering with power. Whereas the Creeper and Preservers tendrils are weak, stunted things, the Strangler's are gnarled and hardened, studded with metal-like edges that only increase in number the further down the tendril you look. Sometimes, electricity arcs between the spikes in peculiar patterns, createing seemingly intricate symbols and patterns with no immediate meaning or purpose. 

  While the others move through the air with haunting grace, the Strangler acts almost as if it is being dragged around the battlefield, lurching through open portals and wildly flailing during it's aggressive charges as if throttled and manhandled by an unseen hand. Instead of the typical vocalizations found among their "cousins" seem only to emit a seemingly unending muffled scream, a constant on the battlefield that commonly earns them the first of any gunfire in a firefight. At closer range however, whereas the the whispers of the Creepers and Preserver are androgynous and breathy, the Strangler's are low, deep, and masculine, still indistinct, yet, much more threatening. Finally, unlike their "cousins", when they die, a very small rift simply opens up sucks it through, ripping off any "limbs" or tendrils that do not make it through during it's short window of existence.

"Basic" Description:

  Discovered only recently by derelict spelunkers in their endless quest for relics and salvage, the Creepers inspired an entire generation of new ghost stories from their first encounters alone. Tales of vengeful spirits, conversations with deceased love ones, and supernatural happenings became a norm in the various market stalls and way stations of the Sol Origin system, inspireing new generations of misguided treasure hunters to bungle through decaying ships and crumbleing ruins for yet more "Lost Treasure Troves" and "Granters of Wishes". Tenno investigations into the matter have proven almost as horrifying as any recounted spirit story. Though their volatility, sensory scrambling nature, and their reactive dissolution (in and of itself a cause for grave concern among the Tenno) leaves little to show of their presence behind, studies in the field indicate that the creatures are Infested in nature, yet possess the ability to bend and twist the Void much like the Tenno themselves, albeit in much more single-minded ways. More disturbingly, these creatures do not seem to originate from any actual recorded Phoroid hive, seemingly emerging into derelict Orokin ships at random trajectories and seamlessly integrating into whatever hordes are present. Some among the Tenno point at the distinct nodules on the creature's bodies and draw parallels to the nodes installed into their own bodies, suggesting they could be failed Orokin probes returning from parts unknown. Others subscribe to the belief that these are the results of the technocyte's incredible reactivity and that they are the remains of infected ship crews that scuttled their vessels in the Void, returning to familiar haunts. Among the most radical speak of them as probes from some parallel dimension, and talk of possible invaders from beyond reality and the need to prepare for all out war. As of the Strangler class of entity, the Tenno are widely mute on the matter, uncharacteristically so given their drive to categorize, construct, and display, though, rumors among the Red Veil suggest that the group regards these different creatures as "an omen of ill-tidings to come.".


And THERE we have it folks, chalking another layer up onto the layers of the Pit! Wonder if I'll need some administrative demons at some point to help navigate this place?

Apologies for the delay in this one, but, muse extraction has been dry lately, what with all forms of gaming on my end being downed. Sometimes, it just doesn't pay to be picky, especially when the game you wanna play is 18-19 years old!

Now, on to the next decision!

Edited by Unus
Completed circa 2/8/2019 at 13:42.
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The Inprobocyte is awarded the heads place.

The junker has earned the tails place.


The coin is tossed, the winds of probability are blowing. . . blowing to hard, given it just rolled under the table. . . . . 

. . . 

. . .

TAILS! It's Tails folks! After supper, I'll get right on it folks!

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1 hour ago, HugintheCrow said:

I'd make it clearer that there are 3 units being talked about here.

Other than that, your horror never disappoints *shudders* 🙂

   Three. variants on the same thing admittedly. I'm not quite sure how to make that come across without being to redundant.


Heh, thanks. I admit, I have no idea HOW I'm doing this, but, happy it's working out all the same.

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                                   Post 548

(Conceived circa 1/26/2019 at 20:08.)

(Blasted data losses eliminated me pretext message. Dem it.)

Designation: Padar.

Weapon Designation: Rifle.


Manufacturer: Its ammunition is made on the coreward side of Deimos in-house, but the weapons themselves must be made by the drudge "citizenry" for their peers, leading to slight variables in quality and design.

Statistical Breakdown:

Trigger Type= Semi-Automatic Bolt-Action.

Damage= 5 Impact, 80 Slash, 15 Puncture.

Critical Chance= 17%.

Critical Damage= 2.0X.

Status Chance= 16%.

Projectile= Hit-Scan.

Cyclic Rate-of-Fire= 2.00 when the bolt is allowed to cycle, 6.00 if pushed into semi-auto mode.

Magazine Size= 1 long side-mounted tubular magazine houseing 6 8x5 caliber bullets.

Reload-Speed= 3.10 naturally (0.75 to unscrew and screw cap, 0.25 for each inserted bullet, 0.10 to cycle bolt. Magazine increases increase reload time by 0.25.) (Unscrew and open loading tube, insert bullet, repeat process until magazine is full, screw on loading tube, incline weapon barrel upwards to get bullets into place, cycle bolt, bolt stops halfway at semi-auto disableing point, complete cycle, assume firing stance.)

Mastery Rank Requisite= 6.

Riven Disposition= ?????.

Polarity= None.

Special Trait(s):

Panic System:

Rapidly clicking to fire the weapon is possible during reload, but, at the cost of a significant recoil increase for shots made before the bolt is cycled.

Specifically constructed with as many fall-back plans installed into the gun as possible, the Padar can be fired both semi-automatically and in a bolt-action mode. The semi-automatic fire is meant to act as a panic-button for the unfortunate wielder, while the bolt action is meant to extend the lifespan of the weapon by a considerable amount.


   From the outset, it is abundantly clear and obvious that this weapon was NOT made in a factory with proper access to materials. Every aspect of the weapon has been repurposed from whatever spare scrap the drudges have stumbled upon in the Guts and found no current use for. The barrel and body is, as to be expected, a large section of pipe, cut off at the back end and welded shut messily, leaving a lumpy molten mass on the backside. A second, smaller pipe sticks out of the larger one even further, welded togethor with the walls of the larger one. The tip is ended and extended with a gasket, tightened to the pipe as much as possible and having had several holes drilled in it to act as a makeshift muzzlebrake.

  A primitive skeletal stock, made out of metal rods driven into the back end through drilled holes and a metal plate welded on as the shoulder pad, serves as the means by which the wielder's tries to counter the weapon's recoil, a poor prospect for it's semi-automatic mode. The bolt-action of the weapon is straight-pull in design, consisting of a bent piece of rebar shaped by crude hands into the optimal shape for pulling. A second thinner pipe runs in parallel with the larger one, crudely welded onto the body-barrel on the left side. This pipe is the ammo reservoir for the weapon, fed through the front via an opening beneath an unscrewable cap. The hand grip, like the rest of the weapon, is simply a repurposed pipe, split at the middle and crudely welded onto the bottom in the most hand-comfortable area possible. The trigger is a metal chunk of pipe in a half-moon shape, it's once sharp shard edges sanded down to keep it from sliceing up would-be trigger fingers. Said trigger is housed behind a bent nail, welded on crudely to keep shaking fingers steady and on target. Overall, the weapon's color scheme is dinged, battered, chipped, and otherwise brutalized metal, lightly colored with paint the same color as the metal. The only really distinct portion of the weapon color wise is a long poorly drawn red arrow that runs along the weapon to act as a basic attempt at an aiming device. It's report is a crackleing thunk , it's muzzleflash is dim and unimpressive,  it's powder cloud is obstructing and lingering, yet, it works, and that is what largely matters.

"Basic" Description: 

   Deimos lives or dies depending on how well the Guts are functioning. Waste, water, and power need to be constantly redirected across the facilities and city at large by a large staff of drudges who live an almost subterranean existence, constantly moving from station to station to turn a specific valve, throw a specific switch, turn a knob,  clear a clog, splice a wire, or seal a leak. Sometimes, disaster strikes and, somewhere in the ancient depths of the Guts, a machine breaths its last shuddering gasp and threatens the world with slow annihilation. In these dire circumstances, the only course of action is to flood the depths with waves of drudges, each one desperately searching for the cause in order to fix the issue, or to at least redirect around the dead machine by any means to keep Deimos' lifeblood flowing. Given the feral attack animals, toxic environs, ancient defense systems both grinic and orokin, hazardous scrap piles, and "lost" ghouls that inhabit the tunnels, warrens, and pipelines, it is a sure fire bet that next to none will survive. Pyrrhic victories are the norm, rather then the exception, as the city feels the world breath new artificial life, yet, none return to the entrances to resume their work. Despite this, rare exceptions do arise, ruined and battered veterans crawling back from the depths, commonly dragging their dead behind them, dropping them at their workstations before sitting at their own and falling into their old routines. If they even live through that fateful shift, these newly replaced (the Grineer are nothing if not efficient) "heros" will commonly find themselves driven (if not by sheer indirect ostracism, then by a strange dark allure to return) to the entrances into the dark below, as grim scouts to light the path for their wide-eyed brothers during times of strife or as hardened sentinels against whatever horrors surge up from the depths below.


The other drudges look upon these veterans as saints, risen above their humble origins to something greater then they could ever be. Shrines of scrap that cannot be reused are made in their names (If they make or earn one for themselves at all) near the entrances and offerings are left there for them, living or dead, in the hopes of allowing them to continue their watch. In the modern day,  grinic patrols have began stumbling across  makeshift facsimiles of weapons and armor being left as offerings and have reported them to high command. Instead of cracking down, command decided to officialize the veterans' role as "Designated Survivors" and initiated a very basic supply program. Dumping a constant rain of reloadable junk rounds (most close to expiration) and standardizing the junk creations into a particular "Queen-blessed" format, command has effectively created a localized militia class that could potentially cut down on the "wasted space" used in the cloning tubes by the drudges and minimize uncertainty as to Deimos' survival into the forseeable future. While it's unclear how effective this program will be, the resulting weapon (and it's reliable replication by Meridian turncoats in the higher echelons of power for their bretheren) most certainly has.



Heh, the name was a happy accident in all honesty. Padar is a corruption of the Irish "Paidir" which means prayer. Further more, when designing the gun flavor tale, I couldn't help but recall the term "to take a powder" (to escape from a dangerous situation). This all coalesced into a perfect storm of a name, even if the weapon itself is rather plain.


Anywho, it may take a bit to get to the next one folks! I just bought the entire Metro saga, so, I may be outta commission for a short while! Fingers crossed it isn't true and the Inprobocyte is delivered in a timely manner!

Edited by Unus
Completed circa 2/15/2018 at 19:58.
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9 minutes ago, Unus said:

(If they make or earn one for themselves at all)

I see we share the view on Grineer names.

10 minutes ago, Unus said:

Designation: Padar.

I find it funny that this gun is actually pretty good. Sold damage and serviceable crit. I'd say with something like a "crit chance, status chance" riven it could shred 100+ levels.

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10 minutes ago, HugintheCrow said:

I see we share the view on Grineer names.

I find it funny that this gun is actually pretty good. Sold damage and serviceable crit. I'd say with something like a "crit chance, status chance" riven it could shred 100+ levels.

At least as far as the drudges go. The Guts kinda acting as a filter between the nameless masses and the "Mutates" buried in the crowd. Think of the Guts as an unanticipated form of natural selection.


Really? Huh, unexpected to hear! I wanted to make it simple and easy to use, but, didn't know I also landed on "serviceable" as well. Heh, chalk up to "decades of piling up corpses to work the kinks out".

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2 minutes ago, Unus said:

At least as far as the drudges go. The Guts kinda acting as a filter between the nameless masses and the "Mutates" buried in the crowd. Think of the Guts as an unanticipated form of natural selection.

Yeah, I see that.

2 minutes ago, Unus said:

Really? Huh, unexpected to hear! I wanted to make it simple and easy to use, but, didn't know I also landed on "serviceable" as well. Heh, chalk up to "decades of piling up corpses to work the kinks out".

The real weakness is that 6 round mag, but other than that the gun's totally usable. Since the recoil is supposed to be huge anyway, I'd throw a Heavy Cal on it and use it like a Destiny shotgun, so basically a melee weapon.

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2 minutes ago, HugintheCrow said:

Yeah, I see that.

The real weakness is that 6 round mag, but other than that the gun's totally usable. Since the recoil is supposed to be huge anyway, I'd throw a Heavy Cal on it and use it like a Destiny shotgun, so basically a melee weapon.

Heh, let the bolt cycle and you may have a chance to actually snipe with it. Get stuck in a corner while your reloading though? Fan that trigger and pray you hit something (It's a drudge tradition!)

Huh. . . you know, that could be a good start to a melee combo. Kinda like that Mortal Combat guy with the lever-action rifle.


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   Annndddd done folks! Metro Exodus is now complete. I almost feel like it was over to soon, but, as always, I may have potentially pushed through every ounce of content with my typical high-speed gusto.


With it cleared from my list, at least for a bit (may return to poke at the achievements I missed out on at some point.), I think I can properly return to concepting with gusto.


Just kinda sad I may not be able to play Warframe any more on my computer. A pity I couldn't X-Box migrate at some point, to save my equipment from being lost to the Void, especially given the less-then-likely chance we'll be upgradeing computers in my house any time soon.                              

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   So, just lost 6 days of hard work for reasons I don't know. . . . . time for a trip to the nearest bridge.


I spent HOURS meticulously handcrafting every aspect of this, a week of pain-stakeing detail into every aspect of this creature, and now. . . it's all gone.

Is it even worth it go back and try again?

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                                 Post 559

(Conceived circa January 6th 2019 at 03:51.)

Designation: Inprobocyte.

Unit Class: Infested




Health Type: Infested for Larval Stage, Infested Sinew for all Morphs.

Manufacturer: The Phoroid Gestalt, as a sort of organic atom bomb to be snuck into strongly contested vessels in order to expedite or ensure Infested victory.

Equipment and Aesthetics:


Acidic vomit, wall-crawling, eximus osprey escort, metamorphosis.

Slasher Morph=

Deflective flailing, deep-cutting slashes, regressive collapse.

Puncturer Morph=

Armored skull, violent charge, regressive collapse.

Impactor Morph=

Armored fists, brutal smashing, regressive collapse.



   Grotesque and ugly, the Larval form of the Inprobocyte is little more then a loathsome inch-worm. Seemingly composed entirely of juicy red knotted muscle fiber, the creature can be hard to see among the twisting patches of Infested creep it often lurks within. The face of the beast is the largest give-away that it is in fact an Infested construct, for it's mouthparts are made from a singular human skull, split down the middle from top to bottom and opening vertically to reveal the nausea-inducing "projecting mouth" of the creature. From this mouth comes a wet lizardlike chittering (Copyrights hopefully not invokable here) that serves to notify it's caretakers to it's presence, though this is only the audible component of the call, the other portions bordering into the Infra and Ultrasonic ranges. On the top of the sinuous curvature of it's back sits a disgusting yellow glowing pustule, filled with a thick reservoir of stomach acid from which it draws upon in order to defend itself, coating attackers in corrosive fluids in violent hoselike projections and making them more vulnerable to the larva's hopefully attendant protectors.

   While debilitating, this is really a stop-gap measure, for it's very thin skin is easily punctured by even the most low-caliber of rounds, to say nothing of a well placed foot stomp.

S M-

   At a glance, the massive corpus of the slasher appears to resemble the mantle of a vast sea slug made of coiled and knotted muscle tissue, colored soot-black on the top and gradually turning to a meaty muscular red in a line along the border of the beast, where a billowing flap of skin marks where it begins to revert back to soot black. The split-skull mouth (now permanently parted to reveal a dangleing lamprey-esque projecting mouth) and 3 pairs of neurodes have relocated towards a frontal portion of the creature's bulk, at a break in the membrane border made just for it. On it's back is a veritable forest of elastic stalks topped with scytheing rusted-copper biometallic blades, all clattering against each other in a serpent's nest of sharp implements. Hidden beneath the bulk of the mantle in the middle to support it, almost impossible to see unless it is standing on glass or scrambling up obstacles, is a featureless humanoid torso, orientated onto it's hands and knees in a fast crawling stance. On the bottom of the hands and knees are a veritable carpet of fast moving digits, able to fully accelerate the bulk of the beast even when it must squeeze through tight spaces that restrict the torso's movement.

   Thanks to this disturbing set of orientations, the creature can turn a full 360' on the spot, allowing it to react rapidly to changeing situations. The entire bottom, from the mantle to the body, to the "digit-carpet" is all a rich and deep muscular red.

P M-

  Four sturdy legs tipped with ungulate-like (yet made of human) toes hold up a scrawny muscle-red, featureless, and humanoid torso. On the front of this neckless body is a flat and swept-back "shield-frill" reminiscent of a targe shield and riddled with a haphazard assortment of rusted-copper colored wedged spikes that can easily punch into solid rock up to the base with enough force applied behind them. The bottom of the shield houses the split-skull of the larval form and moves in a mandibular fashion, protecting it's gapeing hole of a mouth. From this mouth, it emits long discordant elklike cries as it charges from a distance, snorting and chuffing on completeing the charge before turning around and beginning again. Instead of being in twined rows, the six neurodes now sit towards the top of the shield-frill in their own socket like biometallic encrustations, further protected by a tough and thick orange skin in the outward-faceing area.

   A set of armlike limbs emerge from either side of the torso, wrap around and interweave with the frill, and end in  long wedge-shaped spikes, even more deadly the the wedge-spikes that stud the shield. The body and legs are a rich and muscular red, but the frill-shield follows the other morph's patterns of being soot-black on the top, gradually fadeing into a muscular red at a midpoint, then transitioning to soot black again along the bottom. 

I M-

   A featureless humanoid torso faces the sky chest up with a split open cavity, revealing the ribs to have been split down the middle as well and having been arranged into vicious, cross-crossing and twitching saber teeth. The three pairs of neurodes have set up on either side of the maw and occupy chameleonic sockets that allow them to bend and twist towards targets independently of the body, giving them full awareness of their surroundings most of the time (the eyes can be overwhelmed by sheer enemy count). Three heavy and brutal arms that stick out of the groin-legs area, the right arm area, and the head area are tipped with large, blunted, biometallicly-encrusted fists that crack and bleed with every jerky motion of the wrist and fingers, only for the surrounding flesh to pour into the "wound" and the metal to crystallize over it like the damage was never there. Like the other morphs, the Impactor's overall body is muscle-textured and goes from soot black on the top portions and gradually transitions to a meaty red at a thin midpoint along the body before transitioning back to soot-black on the bottom. The hands stand out with their rusted-copper metallic sheen.

   Said hands and arms usually spend their time protecting the torso with their thick ballistically resistant skin, but are equally as capable of wild flailing punches or savage ground slams that can render unfortunates fine red smears on the landscape if they stand below them. The creature moves about on a set of rib-derived insectile legs that clatter with every step takeing, making these giants very obvious to hear coming on the battlefield. The constant cracking and resealing of the biometallic tissue joins in on the nightmare orchestra as the entity draws close, making them extremely difficult to miss, largely by design.



Generally, Larva are laid out on the farthest reaches of the battlefield away from the thick of the front lines, content to amble about and feed on battlefield carrion in preparation for their metamorphosis. Constantly watched over by either an energy drain or arctic osprey eximus, the creature is fully carry-capable, allowing for rapid transportation from quiet zones that turn hot. Even while being carried, the wriggling horror can still defend itself via projectile vomiting at encroaching foes, softening them up to be properly destroyed by it's  hopefully-present bodyguards. If the eximus is killed in midair and the larva is fumbled onto the battlefield, the entities' obnoxious chittering will call in another, meaning there is a short window of opportunity to destroy the weak creature.

S M=

  Simple, yet effective, the Slasher morph's sole goal is to dive into the area where the enemy is clustered thickest and shred and rend like a gore-spattered dervish. Even those who survive may not be alive for long, as the xacto-sharp points ooze with anticoagulants, ensuring bleed outs on organic foes while also ensureing clean cuts to wires and fuel lines on mechanical ones.Thanks to the constant motion of it's back-mounted nest of biometallic blades, the Slasher is capable of surviving withering amounts of gunfire by deflecting bullets off at random trajectories. Depending on it's position on the battlefield, this can either further compliment it's crowd-clearing ways or inflict catastrophic friendly fire on the rest of the horde. Thanks to it's "alien" anatomy, the creatures can easily turn on a dime, though it's omnidirectional slashing tends to make this a rarely-needed feature. When they "die", a larva rips itself free from the rest of the body before it reactively dissolves and the larva assumes it's original behaviors.

P M=

  Unlike the Slasher, the Puncturer Morph tends to focus in on the largest enemy on the battlefield and run it down until it is most assuredly dead. Whether galloping out of the blue from across the battlefield, dashing down a short corridor, or jabbing foes in close combat, the Puncturer gouges through the opposition with reckless abandon, rarely stopping save for actual physical obstacles or the need to remove impaled foes from it's spikes. The Puncturer can even perform a short jump during a charge in order to knock a flying opponent out of the air. The prominent frill and thick skull of the creature means that significant amounts of punch-through are needed in order to hit something vital from the front. While maneuverable enough to curve in a shallow arc towards foes that aren't in it's immediate path, the creature is rather awkward when attempting to about-face after strikeing an obstacle, meaning it is a prominent time to poor firepower into it's vulnerable body. When "slain", a larva rips itself from the body as it rapidly decays and attempts to flee to begin the bloodbath anew.

I M=

Ponderously slow and heavy, the sheer blocking mass of it's massive biometallic palms ensures that the creature can survive long enough in battle to reach it's targets and leave a nasty mark on the enemy. Unlike the other morphs, the Impactor is much more flexible as to how many foes it can face, saving single bone-breaking punches for lone targets and brutal body-pulpateing overhanded smashes when surrounded by foes. The swiveling neurodes allow the creature to keep a constant eye on at least 6 different targets at once, though this does leave blind spots in it's vision. On death, the torso bursts open to reveal a larva before it all liquifies and sends up foul-smelling smoke.


"Basic" Descriptions:

    Bred as a "living bomb" by the Phoroid Gestalt in "firebase hives" near the front lines in order to break stalemates the system over, the Inprobocyte is a marvel of technocytic independent bioengineering. Stealthily carried onto the calmest areas of the battlefield, commonly as far behind enemy lines as the first few meat-grinder waves can penetrate, and fed significant amounts of offal, the Inprobocyte promptly undergoes a dramatic metamorphosis into one of three specific morphs. In truth, the Inprobocyte remains intact throughout the entire process, becoming an organ within the newborn body of the creature that emerges from the chrysalis, making it more a warped cross between exoskeletal growth  and reproduction then a change done to the Inprobocyte itself. While the morphs vary in abilities and shape, they are all focused on one specific goal of disrupting enemy lines from unexpected angles in devastating pincer attacks. If the swarm succeeds in claiming a new area, the larva breaks free from the monstrous form and the now-lifeless carcass becomes fertile soil for the growth of a new hive as the inprobocyte larva is carried away to the next battlefield destination the hive needs to occupy.


Outside of it's combat role, the Inprobocyte acts as a caregiver of the hives, acting as a land-based counterpart to their space-bound caducyte cousins in the nurturing of creep and the care and feeding of the hives. 




   And THERE. . . WE. . . GO. After several delays and a setback poke-in-the-eye/arse, it is done. I basically created this thing as a fun random event that can occur during Infested alerts, explained by dread warnings from the Lotus or Ordis. As always, it spiraled wildly into it's current form and was set back significantly due to a sudden full data loss and a few days of moping, but, now. . . now it is as free as I can make it!

Sorry Folks!

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2 hours ago, Unus said:

WHAT THE. . . is that even legible?

It's legible now, anyway. Font's a bit larger than average, but I don't mind.


2 hours ago, Unus said:

Manufacturer: The Phoroid Gestalt, as a sort of organic atom bomb to be snuck into strongly contested vessels in order to expedite or ensure Infested victory.



AN INFESTED USING TACTICS??!?! A LARGE INFLUX OF BEES OUGHT TO PUT A STOP TO THAT but really though this sounds like such a unique concept. I'm intrigued already.

2 hours ago, Unus said:

   Grotesque and ugly, the Larval form of the Inprobocyte is little more then a loathsome inch-worm. Seemingly composed entirely of juicy red knotted muscle fiber, the creature can be hard to see among the twisting patches of Infested creep it often lurks within. The face of the beast is the largest give-away that it is in fact an Infested construct, for it's mouthparts are made from a singular human skull, split down the middle from top to bottom and opening vertically to reveal the nausea-inducing "projecting mouth" of the creature. From this mouth comes a wet lizardlike chittering (Copyrights hopefully not invokable here) that serves to notify it's caretakers to it's presence, though this is only the audible component of the call, the other portions bordering into the Infra and Ultrasonic ranges. On the top of the sinuous curvature of it's back sits a disgusting yellow glowing pustule, filled with a thick reservoir of stomach acid from which it draws upon in order to defend itself, coating attackers in corrosive fluids in violent hoselike projections and making them more vulnerable to the larva's hopefully attendant protectors.


I'm reminded of those horrible leeches back when I played Metro Exodus. And those things scared me beyond reason. I remember screaming and shooting them all on general principle. It's enough to make me consider building a Tenno flamethrower just to be sure.

2 hours ago, Unus said:

   At a glance, the massive corpus of the slasher appears to resemble the mantle of a vast sea slug made of coiled and knotted muscle tissue, colored soot-black on the top and gradually turning to a meaty muscular red in a line along the border of the beast, where a billowing flap of skin marks where it begins to revert back to soot black. The split-skull mouth (now permanently parted to reveal a dangleing lamprey-esque projecting mouth) and 3 pairs of neurodes have relocated towards a frontal portion of the creature's bulk, at a break in the membrane border made just for it. On it's back is a veritable forest of elastic stalks topped with scytheing rusted-copper biometallic blades, all clattering against each other in a serpent's nest of sharp implements. Hidden beneath the bulk of the mantle in the middle to support it, almost impossible to see unless it is standing on glass or scrambling up obstacles, is a featureless humanoid torso, orientated onto it's hands and knees in a fast crawling stance. On the bottom of the hands and knees are a veritable carpet of fast moving digits, able to fully accelerate the bulk of the beast even when it must squeeze through tight spaces that restrict the torso's movement.


This is downright lovecraftian! Especially because according to Metro Exodus, I'm afraid of leeches. I didn't even know I was afraid of leeches. The stuff you learn. It looks like this is a melee enemy that'll be able to deal with Tenno mobility by immediate reactions.

I am very interested in all this. Take it from a guy who does enjoy slaughtering hordes of space zombies, fighting Infested can get... really boring. So this kind of enemy variety that could shake me out of my rut would be a step in a good direction.


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3 hours ago, (XB1)Fluffywolf36 said:

It's legible now, anyway. Font's a bit larger than average, but I don't mind.



AN INFESTED USING TACTICS??!?! A LARGE INFLUX OF BEES OUGHT TO PUT A STOP TO THAT but really though this sounds like such a unique concept. I'm intrigued already.

I'm reminded of those horrible leeches back when I played Metro Exodus. And those things scared me beyond reason. I remember screaming and shooting them all on general principle. It's enough to make me consider building a Tenno flamethrower just to be sure.

This is downright lovecraftian! Especially because according to Metro Exodus, I'm afraid of leeches. I didn't even know I was afraid of leeches. The stuff you learn. It looks like this is a melee enemy that'll be able to deal with Tenno mobility by immediate reactions.

I am very interested in all this. Take it from a guy who does enjoy slaughtering hordes of space zombies, fighting Infested can get... really boring. So this kind of enemy variety that could shake me out of my rut would be a step in a good direction.


I'll definitely need to poke at it as soon as my laptop regains functionality. Same thing happened a while back with my burst-latcher-launcher for some reason, and I never really found a cure.


Heh, I got alotta "tactical" creations parked in here alongside the more accidental ones. The Goliath was fun in particular in that it magnetized bullets to it's front limbs if shot at, then releases them back at enemies. This just happens to be one of the most complex.


Heh, I think I recall those buggers. Not sure if they truly played a part, but, for all intents and purposes, the beast made itself. Only the voice required some thinking, whereupon I looked to the Zerg, found them wanting, then remembered a stock movie effect that could fit my needs.


Heh, I've always been parisitiophobic, so, welcome to the party!

Also, yeah, I made the beasts more as "hard-counters" for invasion enemies, but I certainly didn't forget that the things could kick Tenno tail if they aren't careful.


Exactly my aim suh! Between the Infested Factions and my many Infested creations, a very low-valued-but-still-present theme in all my Infested offerings has been to bring the Infested threat level up to far more then just paltry meat walls and toxic parlor tricks. Need something more substantial for modern palettes methinks.

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44 minutes ago, Unus said:

I'll definitely need to poke at it as soon as my laptop regains functionality. Same thing happened a while back with my burst-latcher-launcher for some reason, and I never really found a cure.


A Latcher launcher? Interesting! I've toyed with something like it before, but for whatever reason I try to avoid homing weaponry. I'd be interested to hear more.

Would it happen to look like this? 😛


44 minutes ago, Unus said:

Heh, I got alotta "tactical" creations parked in here alongside the more accidental ones. The Goliath was fun in particular in that it magnetized bullets to it's front limbs if shot at, then releases them back at enemies. This just happens to be one of the most complex.


That's unique. I like stuff that sort of throws me off my rhythm and forces me to change tactics.... as opposed to playing tennis with me. Friggin Ancient stretchy arms.

44 minutes ago, Unus said:

Heh, I've always been parisitiophobic, so, welcome to the party!


Those leeches would make anyone afraid of parasites.


44 minutes ago, Unus said:

Exactly my aim suh! Between the Infested Factions and my many Infested creations, a very low-valued-but-still-present theme in all my Infested offerings has been to bring the Infested threat level up to far more then just paltry meat walls and toxic parlor tricks. Need something more substations for modern palettes methinks.

We certainly do. I've also seen people suggest having Infested with guns melded in, but I'm not sure I like that. I don't know if that gets to the core of what makes the Infested spooky. I'd have to do something like this.


(Yes, the gun has melded with his flesh. Neat, huh?)

Hmmm... perhaps I could create an Infested rocket launcher, and an Infested Bombard to go with it. The only question is how I add bestial touches to that. Maybe spider-like wall-crawling...

Edited by (XB1)Fluffywolf36
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1 hour ago, (XB1)Fluffywolf36 said:

A Latcher launcher? Interesting! I've toyed with something like it before, but for whatever reason I try to avoid homing weaponry. I'd be interested to hear more.

Would it happen to look like this? 😛


That's unique. I like stuff that sort of throws me off my rhythm and forces me to change tactics.... as opposed to playing tennis with me. Friggin Ancient stretchy arms.

Those leeches would make anyone afraid of parasites.


We certainly do. I've also seen people suggest having Infested with guns melded in, but I'm not sure I like that. I don't know if that gets to the core of what makes the Infested spooky. I'd have to do something like this.


(Yes, the gun has melded with his flesh. Neat, huh?)

Hmmm... perhaps I could create an Infested rocket launcher, and an Infested Bombard to go with it. The only question is how I add bestial touches to that. Maybe spider-like wall-crawling...

   Heh, not quite, best way I can describe the Leetra is almost like something between a t-shirt cannon and a Fatman T.N.C. Weird, I know, but it is highly kitbashed, so, it'll inevitably have strange style. A grinic turret, a few Corpus consumer electronics and a bit of Tenno artisanal craftsmanship all blend togethor to make an oddball gun.


Hehe, then you may like some of my Infested then.

Further hehe, for you it's the "glomp-finger", for me, it's the "Scuse me, does this smell like chloroform to you?" belch clouds from em. Deadliest assassination tool I've ever been struck with. 


What movie is that? Makes me think of a pair of Warhammer factions I've read about quite a bit.

As for "Gundead", I've dabbled in the "art" of it in the past and the only point I really managed to "possibly" nailed it down was in my Troglocytes. Even then, things took an interesting sort of "Gears of Warsi" tinge to em in that they won't use them unless there is an eidolon (This was YEARS before the Plains) or Penumbra is present, so, not a permanent fixture and no reloads.


Hm. . .the Torid is meant to be an assimilated ogris, but, as for an Infested bombard. . . highly volatile perhaps, a big explosion when they go down? Perhaps they are ""leaky"" and trail toxic gas wherever they tread? Perhaps they change depending on damage points struck, in the manner of my Tengus Numens? Many roads, many many roads to tread here, gotta see which one fits your train of thought.

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   I have to greatly apologize for the significant delay in project creation around here. With my potential new job coming up, things have been a bit frustratingly focused upon flesh-and-blood space over my beloved muse. Rest ASSURED, something new is on the way, and further material is coming after that! I've been skittering about lookin for inspirational source material, and its slowly paying off.

  As for Discord, still cut-off courtesy of the faulty laptop. Its been horrifying as I get e-mails from associates asking me if i'm still alive, yet, there is no way to answer them back. Fingers crossed that I get that poor junker to a shop with a properly filled wallet as soon as I can!

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1 hour ago, Unus said:

  As for Discord, still cut-off courtesy of the faulty laptop. Its been horrifying as I get e-mails from associates asking me if i'm still alive, yet, there is no way to answer them back. Fingers crossed that I get that poor junker to a shop with a properly filled wallet as soon as I can!

I really hope so, my dood!

Good luck at the job.

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