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Lumped Together Mosh-Pit of Ideas I've had for too Long


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While still working on my projects, it hit me that I might need to add-on a bit of an explanation for upcoming design decisions. Apologies for the girth!

Theoretical Void Materials Musings:


Based on what Digital has shown about the Void in the past, and reinforced by the encounter with the Founder, I personally believe there is no exact "constant environment" in the Void. We see zones of space filled with "Void Material" of some kind, but, the Void we pass through at times and the Void the Founder was floating in have stark differences.

I dabbled with this in the past (Good old Spatali and Ms. Ammisro and her quality "training art"), but, I feel I can push the envelope even further with the idea of "zones".

You see, I'm of the belief that, around the entrance of areas frequently entered or inhabited by others in the Void, the Void becomes ""Tainted"" by reality. Universal laws and constants leak through, and, thus, our characters are actually able to interpret just enough of the Void around them to make it actually, well, viewable!

Spatali, for instance, only exists because of all the Void shields shunting material into that general area of the Void, bringing with it the concepts of gravity, accretion, geology, etc.

Similarly, with the Founder, the only reason that place exists is because of the massive void drive breach bringing with it rules and laws that could allow it to exist, slowly degrading overtime and leaving those floating rocks.

Beyond these "breakpoints"? We can only imagine! And thats where several of the upcoming weapons I have are coming in, for, in my design, I posit that the Void has highly erratic zones and areas where entirely different laws of physics and natural phenomena can pop up, things that, with extreme care and extreme difficulty, can be "harvested", and brought into reality.

Examples? I can pop off a few mentally. Corridors of "space" where arcs of black lightning (?)  writhe and squirm about like aimless living things, causing localized gravitational phenomena wherever they go, places where the ignition point of all material is room temperature and could cause solid titanium carbide to burst with blue flame and turn to ash because of igniting engines froma  passing ship, places where organic "growths" (?)  form living latticework throughout, and everything they touch turns to more of itself in a pseudo-carcinogenic process.

It all is such fun to me and I look forward to sharing with you the fruits of my mental labors soon! 

Now, if you'll excuse me, I have a date with raw insanity, accompanied with a third wheel by the name of "Roadside Picnic".


Edited by Unus
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3 hours ago, Unus said:

Based on what Digital has shown about the Void in the past, and reinforced by the encounter with the Founder, I personally believe there is no exact "constant environment" in the Void. We see zones of space filled with "Void Material" of some kind, but, the Void we pass through at times and the Void the Founder was floating in have stark differences.

I concur.

I think most of this material is formed there by force of will. There seems to be a heavy implication you have to force laws of physics, sanity, and reality to exist in the Void.

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On 2020-10-07 at 9:19 PM, (XB1)Fluffywolf36 said:

I concur.

I think most of this material is formed there by force of will. There seems to be a heavy implication you have to force laws of physics, sanity, and reality to exist in the Void.

Heh, not an unreasonable idea to add in, a strong enough sentient mind, effecting the landscape of the Void by forceing their view of reality onto it, "what should be there" rather the "what is there".


Could be how the Founder made it as long as he did even looooonnngggg after he'd been stuck in that specific Void "zone", his strong thoughts of how things should be desperately scrabbling to hold togethor the patch of busted metal and rock he was clinging to.


That, or, "pollution" by reality of the Void is permanently scarring, and spots stick around and flow through it like tumours in a living thing, permanent locales floating on a theoretically infinite sea of "Void Matter" and empty space.


Food for thought!

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5 hours ago, Unus said:

Could be how the Founder made it as long as he did even looooonnngggg after he'd been stuck in that specific Void "zone", his strong thoughts of how things should be desperately scrabbling to hold togethor the patch of busted metal and rock he was clinging to.


...It would explain why the area you find him in looks.... constructed... as opposed to like the wreck of a ship. And why so many of the environments you see in the Void can look oddly patchwork.

5 hours ago, Unus said:

That, or, "pollution" by reality of the Void is permanently scarring, and spots stick around and flow through it like tumours in a living thing, permanent locales floating on a theoretically infinite sea of "Void Matter" and empty space.


...that's an interesting thought. We think a lot (or at least I do) about how the Orokin permanently scarred the barrier between our universe and the void, damaging this universe specifically. But not about how the Orokin might have scarred the Void.

Also, if you're doing weapon ideas are you going to end up with stuff like the guns from Outriders?


(I was going to post the Paxian Blessing, aka That Thing That Inspired Object 45-I-98, but I did a real double take at this one)

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7 hours ago, (XB1)Fluffywolf36 said:

...It would explain why the area you find him in looks.... constructed... as opposed to like the wreck of a ship. And why so many of the environments you see in the Void can look oddly patchwork.

...that's an interesting thought. We think a lot (or at least I do) about how the Orokin permanently scarred the barrier between our universe and the void, damaging this universe specifically. But not about how the Orokin might have scarred the Void.

Also, if you're doing weapon ideas are you going to end up with stuff like the guns from Outriders?


(I was going to post the Paxian Blessing, aka That Thing That Inspired Object 45-I-98, but I did a real double take at this one)

Heh, crashes and concepts piling on top of each other until everything looks like a fustercluck of eye-pain-candy.

Heh, and the question remains on my end that I await possible answers for from Digital in the future, is there anyone/thing in the Void to recognize there is pollution, and try to work to ""fix"" it? .. . .

Hm. . .OH, I don't believe I'll be working with any suitably "magical" or "primitive" styleing in the weapons department of upcoming shipments. I'm not sure I'm that good in the magical department, while I used a helluvalotta my primitiveness in the Dotter Tribes of Venus, kinda need more time to think there, but, I'm certain I'll have some Biomassive and "WEIRD SCIENCE" dohickeys up and runnin for you folsk real soon.


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Alright folks, I think I have an idea of how to alleviate this annoying phenomena of "dread-silence-despite-being-idea-loaded".

I'm going to go back to my older method of "writing on the go", while also utilizing the google approach as well.


I may lose designs on occasion like I used to  in the "Pioneer" days,  but, thanks  to the ollllllll google storage, losses should be cut in half, with one  half of the set of designs at home to cook up  that are almost ready, and then the second set that I can finish on the go!


Fingers crossed for me folks! Lesee how diss lil experiment goes.

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Well folks, looks like I'll be working on the phone half of my projects for a while.


I was juuuuusssttttt about to publish my little barnacle-esque horrors when, suddenly, out of the blue, a single drop of water from my water bottle hit my computer's mouse spot right in the crack and my computer immediately stopped working.


I've had a fan going on it upside down for the past 24 hours, so, here's hopeing I get to see the old girl alive and kicking come tonight.


Mannnnn, Goddem this year.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Happy Halloween folks!


Significant apologies for the current delay, but a single drop of water went and obliterated my laptop.


Be getting a new and improved one on the morrow, but, needless to say, it's set my work back a. . . "Wee" bit. . .

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  • 2 weeks later...

I must apologize for the significant delay that is occurring at the moment between designs, as a series of job opportunities have suddenly come up and taken up all my time rather stressfully.


Tomorrow, I will be carveing out a specific time of day upon which I WILL be posting new material here. Hopefully, it will be worthy.


In the mean time, enjoy the Pit's old designs folks! I think I'll also be initiateing an art search at some point in the near-future, something to help dust out the old cobwebs that might be clinging to my old gal as of late.


Apologies and see you real soon!

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  • 3 weeks later...

GODDEM IT, I'm sorry folks, the business scale just seems to be going up ever higher! Job search is going to ell in a hand basket, mother got penciled in for another brain surgery in a few days, phone died and took much data from the past 10 years with it, its all gone bonkers and my poor work, she languishes in exile to the background, crying out to me to continue. I. . .I don't know what to say folks, its like a lampshade has been put over my fiery passion, made of concrete that is very hard to lift off of to expose it once again. 

I still get to work on the Xatu-Jahu on occasion, but, it never feels like enough time or enough material given.

Please folks, if your still around, whoever you are as a viewer, I'm. . .i'm so sorry. There have been hectic times in the past, ups and downs, but, this ones been a mighty awful one, it has, might be due to the Plague lurking in the background, especially after getting it and not knowing what the longest term effects might be.

I am still fighting to get my ideas down on the digital page. I have so many in mind, so much rich earth to till and grow into tasty crops for all of you, yet, there hasn't been enough time to properly plant the seeds, and its bothering me to no end.

I just. . . .eck, wish me luck folks. Hate to ask for it of you all, but, think I'm gonna need it.

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                                                                                                                         Post 801

At long last, after days upon weeks upon months of fretting stressing, moping, losing myself in fiction without wanting to, and general fuster-cluckery, I bring you this, JUST in time for my birthday, a gift, for all of you, my latest creation. I hope you find it appetizing for the eyes, as its certainly been quite a mental feast for the first time in ages.

May this be a return to creative norms around here, or, barring that, a shot of life into these old veins and ossifying bones!

( Conceived circa 11/16/2020 at 13:05. Completed circa 12/6/2020 (birthday) at 2:24.)

Designation: Xatu-Jahu

Weapon Designation: Speargun

Manufacturer: The Grandmother of the Entrati Family, with parts contributed unknowingly by The Daughter and The Son.


Statistical Breakdown:

Trigger Type= Charge Semi-Auto. 

Damage= 750 Heat in Vome mode,750 Electric in Fass mode. 

Critical Chance= 27%. 

Critical Damage= 2.7X. 

Status Chance= 11%. 

Projectile= Charge Projectile (0.5 s)(Fire Ball/ Plasma Ball).

Cyclic Rate-of-Fire= 2.00.

Magazine Size= 25 charge volatile gas sack shared between both micro-wyrms (each shot costs five ammo.

Reload-Speed= 2.5 (Energy lighting grows dim, microwyrm slumps forward in an exhausted manner, and the fluid within the gestation chamber grows cloudy, obscuring the free-swimming embryo within. Inject endocrine solution into spinal injection port on microwyrm’s back. Microwyrm returns to active state and gestation tank returns to observable clarity.) 

Mastery Rank Requisite= 15
Syndicate Rank Requisite: Family.
Syndicate Standing Cost: 99,000 (For spares).
Acquired by: Maximizing Standing at Family rank for the the very first time.
Riven Disposition= ?????
Polarity= N/A.


Special Traits: 


Cyclical Existence:

The Micro-Wyrms are very affected by environmental conditions, especially in the flesh-wilds of Deimos. In environments that correspond to the “clear” conditions of the world the wielder is on (Earth = Day, Venus = Clear-Sky, Deimos = Fass), the Fass head of the weapon becomes the dominant “barrel” of the weapon. In addition to setting it’s damage to thermal, the weapon increases the likelihood of enemies targeting them and, when thrown, creates an aura that increases fishing spear and polearm swing speed, deals magnetic P.R.O.C.s to foes who come into range, and slows them down. In the reverse environment, the Vome head gains dominance, the likelihood of enemies attacking on-sight is decreased and, when thrown, creates an aura that increases allied attack rate, health regeneration of tenno and allies, and movement speed. On worlds with no noticeable cycles, the default starting head is the Fass head for the terrestrial planets (Mercury to Mars) and the Vome head for the worlds beyond (The Jovians, their moons, Pluto, etc.).

Cycle Disruption:

A killswitch system built into the incubation and life support apparatus that holds the microwyrms together can be used in the event that one head is found to be more desirable then the other. If the user throws a chunk of tissue corresponding to the current head into their general vicinity, the stored head will be drawn out in suitably violent fashion. The natural cycle will then continue, but in reversed fashion, cured only by the presence of the corresponding wyrm’s flesh. 



At its literal core sits a priceless piece of Entrati technology, a gestation chamber worked together by the Daughter’s hands under the belief that the Grandmother required it to rapidly birth fish for her own experiments. The truth is far more ambitious, for, behind the gilded metal and lacquered glass of the handholds around it’s gripping point swims the miniscule larval clone of one of the Great Wyrms of Deimos, circling aimlessly in a solution of nurturing endocrine. Towards the barrel end, a sophisticated array of wires, liquid-bearing (energy-color dependent) tubes, and pumpworks with a distinct, almost nausea-inducing organic appearance dominates the scene, a product of the mind of the Son and his endless quest to keep even the most mutated of Deimos’ terrors alive and in a stable state. Here, Grandmother has co-opted it’s use to support the life of the occupant of the barrel end of the weapon, the semi-rigid form of the matured miniature of a Wyrm of Deimos, glowing either a ghostly pale blue or blinding pale orange (not energy-color dependent), depending on which head reigns supreme. For the stock, an apparatus of Grandmother’s own resides, a glass dome of sorts, complete with an array of gilded needles inside, connected to complex wiring which feeds into a copper cap that covers the top. When the spear is thrown, the wyrm on the barrel end is forced back inwards upon itself and into the back end (revealing internal organs, bones, and tissues of the opposite head), passing through the gestation chamber with just enough space for the embryo to stay out of the way of the recoiling mass of tissue and bone. On hitting the other end, the wyrm is forcibly connected to the wiring and, with a booming roar much to great for it’s small size, begins emitting an energy field (energy-colored) of roughly the same width of an eximus aura, with an effect dependent on which head is dominant. Despite the seeming “trauma” of the experience, the Son’s life-support system and Infested anatomies endless ability to adapt ensure that the Wyrm will return to its original form in a functional state, as if there had never been any trauma in the first palace..

“Basic” Description + Acquisition Text


Wield the savage blessings of Deimos with this cybernetic infested speargun.

""Salutations Ayatan!

Such a name little skitterling, and such a well-earned one at that. I can’t even recall a time where we had such unity in our family.  As a reward for your efforts, I believe this should be more than sufficient to your needs. Consider it a gift from all of us, together, to keep your little light shining in this bleak system. Had to throw my weight around a bit to pull it together, but, the family was in such a giving mood, it was so much simpler then usual. Think I have you to thank for that as well!

                                                                                          -Kindest Regards


Edited by Unus
(Fully finished circa 12/6/2020 at 3:08)
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11 hours ago, Unus said:

Weapon Designation: Speargun



Been awhile since we've seen one of these! It seems like it was kind of a fad on DE's part, so it's nice to see one again. Especially Entrati stuff. I like Entrati stuff, it really speaks to the part of me that likes making more gamified equipment. Like, say, the Sepulcrum - I really love the homing mode and I love how it synergizes with how you play this game. I actually love this so much that I retconned the Depezador so it uses Siphon technology.

Though the thought occurs, very suddenly: No Entrati melee weapons exist. That seems like an oversight. Perhaps we should work on that.

11 hours ago, Unus said:

Damage= 750 Heat in Vome mode,750 Electric in Fass mode. 


How does this interact with elemental builds? If I build it for, say, Viral/Heat, will this mean one mode does viral and heat and the other does Radiation? 


11 hours ago, Unus said:

Reload-Speed= 2.5 (Energy lighting grows dim, microwyrm slumps forward in an exhausted manner, and the fluid within the gestation chamber grows cloudy, obscuring the free-swimming embryo within. Inject endocrine solution into spinal injection port on microwyrm’s back. Microwyrm returns to active state and gestation tank returns to observable clarity.) 


Wait. It has a gestation chamber? This sounds awesome. 


11 hours ago, Unus said:

The Micro-Wyrms are very affected by environmental conditions, especially in the flesh-wilds of Deimos. In environments that correspond to the “clear” conditions of the world the wielder is on (Earth = Day, Venus = Clear-Sky, Deimos = Fass), the Fass head of the weapon becomes the dominant “barrel” of the weapon. In addition to setting it’s damage to thermal, the weapon increases the likelihood of enemies targeting them and, when thrown, creates an aura that increases fishing spear and polearm swing speed, deals magnetic P.R.O.C.s to foes who come into range, and slows them down. In the reverse environment, the Vome head gains dominance, the likelihood of enemies attacking on-sight is decreased and, when thrown, creates an aura that increases allied attack rate, health regeneration of tenno and allies, and movement speed. On worlds with no noticeable cycles, the default starting head is the Fass head for the terrestrial planets (Mercury to Mars) and the Vome head for the worlds beyond (The Jovians, their moons, Pluto, etc.).

Sounds complicated... but fun to play with. Sounds like if you have this you're basically carrying two frames worth of support abilities. It's possible this does too much, but there is potential.

Maybe you could berf it (pffft) by changing it so kills with the weapon before throwing it increase the duration and/or effectiveness of the aura? That way it won't lapse into stat stick territory. Sort of..

11 hours ago, Unus said:

A killswitch system built into the incubation and life support apparatus that holds the microwyrms together can be used in the event that one head is found to be more desirable then the other. If the user throws a chunk of tissue corresponding to the current head into their general vicinity, the stored head will be drawn out in suitably violent fashion. The natural cycle will then continue, but in reversed fashion, cured only by the presence of the corresponding wyrm’s flesh. 


A strangely esoteric mechanism to add into this, but I like that it's there. If I was fighting Infested, I might prefer the heat one to the electric one.


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12 hours ago, Unus said:

Such a name little skitterling, and such a well-earned one at that. I can’t even recall a time where we had such unity in our family.  As a reward for your efforts, I believe this should be more than sufficient to your needs. Consider it a gift from all of us, together, to keep your little light shining in this bleak system. Had to throw my weight around a bit to pull it together, but, the family was in such a giving mood, it was so much simpler then usual. Think I have you to thank for that as well!

You might also want to include instructions on the killswitch mechanism in Grandma's letter.

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So, while I was actually about to write up a response to Mr. Wolf's splendid criticisms, I was recently hit by a very large freight train and turned into mental paste.

For some odd reason, I just logged onto my Warframe account and. . .I can see the Design Council Chat?

Did I press a button somewhere? Is this a glitch? I hope I didn't break into that chat room somehow.

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1 hour ago, Unus said:

So, while I was actually about to write up a response to Mr. Wolf's splendid criticisms, I was recently hit by a very large freight train and turned into mental paste.

For some odd reason, I just logged onto my Warframe account and. . .I can see the Design Council Chat?

Did I press a button somewhere? Is this a glitch? I hope I didn't break into that chat room somehow.

That happened to me too. Probably because we're both on the Discord.

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On 2020-12-10 at 11:56 PM, (XBOX)Fluffywolf36 said:

That happened to me too. Probably because we're both on the Discord.

Digitally sobering up for a bit due to a continuity glitch halting all of my Cyberpunk progression, huh, go figure.


in answer to before:


1. Heh, I have almost no control over what manner of weapon comes to mind, so, pardon if a speargun comes howling out of left field.

On your second point, indeed, I have a design on the way (as slow as things are with the plague, surgery, job acquisition, and slow bureaucracy hampering my efforts) that is just that, albeit, the Entrati are only indirectly involved in it. ““Nature”” made the design, the Son has. . . “appropriated” it.

2. Oh, the heat and the electricity are forced on the weapon. No way to get rid of them, no way to blend them out, but, they can be “complimented” with suitable elemental mixes.


3. Yessir, a gift from the daughter given to grandmother by request for “taking a crack at this science hullabaloo, starting very small”. Reality is, she inadvertently built one half of the weapon, the Son made the other, and grandmother’s medical chemistry witchdoctory keeps it all functioning.


4. Heh, only pure thought that was going through my mind as I mind-sculpted it was “let’s bring a little piece of Deimos everywhere with us”, I can fully understand if the complexity is a bit “out there” with it, second reason why I stuck it at the end of the Entrati Reputation road.

Hm. . . hm. . . “Feed the beast”, if you will? Not an unreasonable idea. Need a nice cap on it to be sure, but, certainly helps get a little extra mileage outta it.


5. Oh, for sure! I knew folks might not like being fully beholden to the mercurial hand of fate, so, figured the killswitch could give folks much needed situational flexibility (plus or minus how much you value raw wyrm chunks as a resource.). 

6. Fair deal sir! Just need to channel Grandmother’s pleasant semi-British mannerisms properly, difficult for me for some reason, but, not impossible. It might be because of their newness, as opposed to, say, my work with Onkko and the Syndicate leaders.


P.S.= By the by, gotta ask, regarding your serpentine frame you cooked up, did you get paid for that? Curious, mainly because I may have to petition for your aid with Dheglom up there in my frame designs, bring new life to the maidan, wrench old life from somewhere for the claws of the crone.

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On 2020-12-18 at 2:22 AM, Unus said:

1. Heh, I have almost no control over what manner of weapon comes to mind, so, pardon if a speargun comes howling out of left field.


I know THAT feel! A lot of concepting is... kind of accidental, or very off-the-cuff. Why does the Depezador's shotgun add to the crit increase gimmick on primary (but not secondary) fire? Why does the Hiro have an airburst mode?

"Sure, why not."

On 2020-12-18 at 2:22 AM, Unus said:

On your second point, indeed, I have a design on the way (as slow as things are with the plague, surgery, job acquisition, and slow bureaucracy hampering my efforts) that is just that, albeit, the Entrati are only indirectly involved in it. ““Nature”” made the design, the Son has. . . “appropriated” it.


I had a similar idea (I think) except it was for that Infested flintlock I made awhile back. The idea was that Son used his grasp of biology to create a weapon, in a gesture of abortive family bonding with Father. I'm... not really sure if Son did it to mock his father, or to make a genuine effort that his father failed to truly appreciate because he was so beaten down by his terrible family life. And they wouldn't be, either!

On 2020-12-18 at 2:22 AM, Unus said:

2. Oh, the heat and the electricity are forced on the weapon. No way to get rid of them, no way to blend them out, but, they can be “complimented” with suitable elemental mixes.


Good, that's good. One reason I don't quite like the Fulmin is that I can't do viral/fire. Which sounds silly now that I mention it. Fulmin is good. Plus, I love weapons that let me "break the rules" of elemental builds with either a combined element at base, stuff with guaranteed elemental procs, or stuff like the Sepulcrum which lets you have magnetic, toxin, and gas if you build it right.

(I mostly build it for viral though, because... why not, right?)

It's probably not a coincidence that three of the revolvers I've made (and one SMG) let me do this.

On 2020-12-18 at 2:22 AM, Unus said:

6. Fair deal sir! Just need to channel Grandmother’s pleasant semi-British mannerisms properly, difficult for me for some reason, but, not impossible. It might be because of their newness, as opposed to, say, my work with Onkko and the Syndicate leaders.


It's a bit odd to get used to, but... honestly? The thought occurs that I love Deimos. I feel like... like it's just dripping in personality.


On 2020-12-18 at 2:22 AM, Unus said:

P.S.= By the by, gotta ask, regarding your serpentine frame you cooked up, did you get paid for that? Curious, mainly because I may have to petition for your aid with Dheglom up there in my frame designs, bring new life to the maidan, wrench old life from somewhere for the claws of the crone.

Nah, I didn't get paid. Mostly cause... I didn't ask, and honestly considering how long it took me, I would've refused pay.

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Alright folks, fingers crossed for me and my family now, got my ma going under the knife tomorrow for a bit more brain surgery, will be missin her for Christmas.

Will try to cook something up outta one of my designs in the interim, but, if something doesn't come out, my apologies. Been a bit of a wreck as of late.

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Merry Christmas, happy holidays and karafamili Tennobaum folks, and what a present for me to receive of learning my mother has survived the tumor excision and may be home within a week with her memory and mobility intact.


Hope all you folks have a similar rosy outcome for at least the upcoming future!

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2 hours ago, (XBOX)Fluffywolf36 said:

Happy new year, dood! Hope your mom's doing awright.

Tired, bruised but, very very very active online, and that, I feel, is whats keeping her sane, hehe.

(Or may drive her mad. . .)

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  • 3 weeks later...

  You know, while I’m still very busy struggling a bit while also trying to keep up with my personal designs, I’m kinda curious.


  Does anyone actually page through my archives these days? Or, is it only newly posted material that draws folks eyes?


If you don’t have time for a detailed answer, you can . . . oh, shoot, they got rid of the different symbols you can add on here, right, uh. . . . shoot, I guess you can just type yes or no.

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On 2021-01-29 at 4:49 PM, Unus said:

  Does anyone actually page through my archives these days? Or, is it only newly posted material that draws folks eyes?


I (personally) adore digging though the archives! It's fun going on deep dives through it and seeing all the things I might have missed during the more active times/forgot over the years.

I find the ideas behind a lot of your old concepts fascinating. From your early work's like the Approximate, Avatar, and Broadside. to the terrifying Troglocytes and Deamons. Plus Your stunning Deimos Ecumen + The Starborn Brigade. (Your Deimos Lore made my skin crawl in the best way) and The Awe inspiring Parapets, Mastodons, and the T.H.E.R.I./T.Y.R.A.N. and seeing the evolution of the lore you've writ is always interesting! Allowing the readers to try and piece together the events of you "Side Canon" (I admit, It feels alive! more so than what DE's been producing. But that is more on The nature of the game as an MMO, than it is on the teams writing.)

(p.s. Apologies for not discussing the weapons, its been quite a while since I've even logged in to the forums and my memories are rusty, I do remember that there were a few Helminth weapons that I was obsessed with.)   

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