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Lumped Together Mosh-Pit of Ideas I've had for too Long


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        Post 76

Phew, was getting worried I wouldn't have anything here! Finally hit me at four in the morning and it all cascaded out from there. Thank you sleepless work nights, your good for something after all!

Designation: Sluagh

Weapon Designation: Claws (But with a tiny twist)


Manufacturer: The Esoteric Developments Weapon-Smithing Group, Deimos Tear-Gate, Voltaire Crater.

Statistical Breakdown:

Damage= 3.75 Impact, 9.25 Puncture, 64.3 Slash.

Slide Attack= 75

Jump Attack= 70

Wall Attack= 105

Radius= 2

Swing Speed= 0.917

Critical Chance= 5%

Critical Damage= 1.5X

"P.R.O.C." Chance= 10%

Channeling Damage= 1.5X

Amount of Hittable Targets= 2

Mastery Rank Requisite= 4

Polarity= 1 Madurai and 1 Vazarin

Stance= Madurai 

Construction Requisites:

1 Furax

1 Duel Cleavers set (The Machete's exclusiveness precludes it's use as a component sadly)

(Credits, gallium, forma, alloys)

Additional Functionalities= Holding down the melee button with the Sluagh equipped will discharge it's finger blade cables in the manner of a scorpion's hook. The blades will deal the same damage they would on a single melee hit upon hitting a target and drag it back to the user accordingly. Targets resistant to knockdown will merely receive a second hit as the Warframe forcibly rips the cables free. +80% damage reduction for blocks. 

Appearance= Overall, the requisite components needed to create the weapon do a very good job explaining the weapon's appearance themselves. The weapon's hand-guards, though slightly shrunken, lacking the knuckle "bolts", and painted in the manner of the machete and cleaver blades, are easily recognizable as having once been Furax knuckles. Along the top, folded backwards into seaths like switchblades, a set of five smaller-scale machete blades await the order to spring outwards and begin cleaving through flesh, bone, and metal in the manner of it's ancestors. These "finger machetes" each have only 1 articulation point in the knuckle area of the gauntlet, allowing for efficient targeting of the blades whenever the user is ready to project them. Towards the back of the gauntlet ( on the far side of the gauntlet facing away from the body), a sideways drum-shaped  area resides which houses the multiple rolls of strong high-tensile wire that connect to the finger machetes and convert them into the devious little harpoons they were meant to be.

Towards the mid section of the gauntlet (again facing away from the body), a circular man-hole esque bulge juts out like a metallic tumor, a triumvirate of fiery dis-proportioned yellow orange lights in it's midst. This is the gallium pellet engine that drives the heating element's glowing hot temperatures to iron-to-butter levels filled to the brim with precious gallium-aluminum pellets working hard to keep the weapon's hydrogen fuel cell running. The steam exhaust is collected behind each of the finger blades, ready to propel the cabled blades towards targets at lethal velocities (and occasionally leaking out when standing idle.)

"Basic" Description= Though the E. D. W. S. G. has pumped out more then it's fair-share of strange and unconventional war machines throughout it's existence, there are still those occasions where the group has simply taken a preexisting tool of war that was poor on it's own and made it much better in the iterative process that has guided much of human existence since the Stone Age. In this case, the target of this merry band of "inspired" lunatics was the main armament of the scorpion-class infantry women. Recognizing the machete's inhabitence at the lower (for "modern" military use anyway) end of the Moh's hardness scale, it's hefty bulk,  and the inherent danger in the scorpions' deployment of their target-retrieval cables, Esoteric engineers worked around the clock on searching for a solution that could somehow provide portability and lethality without compromising weight or manuverability. Their answer came with the rediscovery of the hydrogen power cell. With this miraculous new power source in hand, a weapon could now be forged who's  byproduct and use would not kill the user (as it had with so many of the other nuclear, rocket, and even infested power sources utilized throughout the development process). That weapon would be the Sluagh, a weapon that promised to revolutionize the scorpion corps as a fighting force. . . a promise that was promptly struck by a significant delay that appears to be in effect for the foreseeable future. With Councillor Hek's gluttonous consumption of gallium for use in the clean burn plasma reactors of his personnel Formorian fleet, most of the few scraps desperately fought over by the remaining Grinic manufacturers the system over, and both Corpusian and Tenno raiders alike complicating supply chains considerably, only a grand total of 23 Sluagh prototypes exist on the world of Deimos, with a few older and more primitive models finding themselves in the hands of a few hundred garrison forces across the planetoid. Were it not for the nearby Phobosian listening post squeezing every single little detail out of Deimosian comms, the Sluagh's design may have never become known to the Sol-Origin underworld, much less become a helpful tool in the endlessly profitable hostage-taking "industry", it's very use an unceasing mockery to it's resource starved developers.[spoilers]

Good God! It took me 6 flipping days just to pump this one fellow out (posted circa 9/21/2016). Goddem need to job to live!


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1 minute ago, Unus said:

As a little side note to my viewing audience, is there any way I could improve your viewing experience of my Pitt? Is there anything I could do that might aid you folks?

You just need an artist, I think.

This is still on my growing list of things to give feedback, regardless of art.

I don't mind a long read, but others might. Perhaps, try and practice making descriptions and backstories to weapons more concise (without losing all the fun).

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8 hours ago, tnccs215 said:

Well, I already mentioned granting each conceot its own spoiler tab in the op. that and getting more art. but beyond that, I really doubt there's more you can do.


8 hours ago, Rhekemi said:

You just need an artist, I think.

This is still on my growing list of things to give feedback, regardless of art.

I don't mind a long read, but others might. Perhaps, try and practice making descriptions and backstories to weapons more concise (without losing all the fun).

Many thanks my helpful acquaintances, time to break it down.

A) I thought I did that already Mr. 215. Where am I going wrong? Could you show me what you mean in a private chat room perhaps?

B) Beleive me Mr. Rhekemi, I'm doing everything in my power to fight my creative urge to add detailing. The unfortunate fact of the matter is that, without visual aids, my only way to portray my concepts is via the power of solid concrete brewed from verbiage.

A+B) Fortunately, here's the good news, there is more art on the way! While I'd NEVER be able to pump out (or find someone with a sufficient quality-to-quantity pumpage ratio) visual entries for ALL of the Pitt's odd inhabitants, I have thankfully found a man or two (the second is rather undecided and I think they are both male anyway)) willing to draw some of the featured creations! Someday, more will arrive, till then, I must do what I myself can to scrub the pit clean of muck, dross, and optical sewage.

Edited by Unus
Tweaked, that is all.
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4 hours ago, Unus said:


Many thanks my helpful acquaintances, time to break it down.

A) I thought I did that already Mr. 215. Where am I going wrong? Could you show me what you mean in a private chat room perhaps?

Ill compile what I had in mind in a pm and send you, so you can judge it by yourself.

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                Post 82      Conceived 9/22/2016

It may have just been all the smoke from the food stands at the football game I just went to hitting me, but, I think I've hit my next giant project  that'll make my Factionalization work look like it was made in 3 minutes.

 Introduceiiiiinnnngggg. . .


We've all come to know, loath, and love the Tenno's allies, the Syndicates. Unfortunately, we've also been handed the realization that, of the several weapons handed to them as tributes, absolutely none of them are unique to their respective factions. Therefore, in order to inject a minute amount of extra flavor into the Syndicates, I've "taken it upon myself" (oh how chivalrous!) to create a single weapon for each  group that uniquely embodies the group's ideological predilections and has little relation (at least mechanically) to any of the current "derived" weapons in use. First up in the line up of political heavy-hitters are the pride and joy of the meager colonies, Steel Meridian.


Designation: Picead

Weapon Designation: Primary


Manufacturer:  Various home brew  workshops across the Sol-Origin System, scattered and linked only by basic blueprints and the occasional appearance of Meridian supply vessels.

Statistical Breakdown

Damage= 8.5 Impact, 8.5 Puncture, 17 Blast.

Projectile= "Hit-Scan"

Accuracy= 71.4 (Although the dera components and the special on-board "recoil shield" certainly try their best at mitigating the worst of the kick, some of the grakata's ornery nature still manages to bust through)

 Cyclic Rate of Fire= 9.7 (Scaled down so that even the weak and the elderly can shoulder it, fire it, and still be able to control it well.)

Critical Chance= 25%

Critical Damage= 2.0 (The grakata-esque 5.45 special forged bullets have more then enough wounding factor to bring down even the largest oppressors given sustained fire and careful aim)

"P.R.O.C." Chance= 15% (though largely stripped away, Meridian has put insights made in dissecting Corpussian weaponry to good use for citizens under it's umbrella of influence) 

Magazine= 60 round dual-lock stripped "jungle-style"  drums (see below) 

Reload Speed= 1.185 on the first reload (all it takes is to flip the magazine around and stick it in) 2.5 for the second (a tad bit cumbersome to handle at times, but still of use none-the-less)

Trigger= Auto

Mastery Rank Requisite= ??

Polarity= 1 Madurai and 1 Vazarin

Syndicate Standing Cost= ?????

Syndicate Rank Level= ?????

Special Trait(s)= Due to the adhesive strip that holds the gun's grakata magazines together, the first reload and every odd number after that is extremely quick, allowing for the responsiveness every guerrilla fighter needs of their weapon.  

   At the same time, the weapon also come equipped with a square shaped ballistic shield that encircles the midpoint between barrel and assembly with a gap in the bottom part of the top area fitted with a sheet of ballistic glass emblemized with the Steel Meridian symbol as a targeting reticule, allowing troops to aim for their targets while also maintaining at least a small amount of cover. (+40% reduction against melee and a +20% reduction against ranged when aiming down the sights, -15% aim speed due to the extra time needed to sight through the "scope slot".)

The final icing on the cake that is only available to Tenno Operatives  is, of course, the neural rig. Monitoring the mental and physical stimulation of the Tenno during combat by an easy-to-hide under-skin implant in the warframe's head, the implant waits for both to crescendo. When they do, the transmitter transmits a signal to the frame-implant which in turn travels back to the Operator which forces it to emit a wave of Void energy. The transmitter then sends a signal to the Warframe which forces it to filter the signal into some manner of useful affect. In Steel Meridian's case, their "J-Wave" signal forces the Warframe to emit a blast wave that mimics the characteristics of a thermite ice bomb, jump starts wound healing, and forces the warframe's plating to adopt a non-Newtonian coating that aids in the deflection of blows significantly.


From a layout standpoint, the Picead has an air of professionalism to it despite being an ad-hoc weapon of desperate guerrillas and militias. The barrel retains it's distinct Grineer aesthetic, derived from it's grakata components. Behind this, in place of the spiked protrusions of one of it's progenitor guns, a square ballistic shield with a small space along the "rail" portion to allow for a ballistic glass "scope window" section resides. Beyond this, the recognizably long and narrow profile of the dera resides, although much of it's technologically innovative internals have been gutted for black market sale and simplification and it's separately railed portions have been "merged" with outer plating, turning the once railed portion into a proper enclosed gun barrel and the outside almost seamless. Beneath the front, the grakata's gas-block has been reattached, allowing this valuable system to continue it's reliable function for slightly more moral masters.

   Towards the back, in the place where the dera's horrifically unergonomic trigger once sat, the grakata's magazine-well and trigger have been transplanted over for a slightly more comfortable fire-on-the-move combat experience. The weapon still accepts grakata drums, but has also been issued with a pair of adhesive high tension dual-lock strips which can (and is firmly recommended to) be placed on two separate magazines, allowing them to be fitted together in a face-to-face manner that makes exchanging between the two extremely simple. Finally, as for the rear of the weapon, the butt-stock is simply a dera's with a few grakata components stuck in to occupy space where the original technological components once resided, allowing it to do it's actual job of absorbing recoil. The only truly distinguishing on-board piece here is the tiny-but-durable antenna sticking out of the side of the weapon that transmits the neural pulse when the time arises. Color scheme wise, though the material appearance of some of the components still remains visible, the weapon's paint job retains the Meridian clay-white/ rust-orange metal aesthetic of the organization, complete with the bluish-cyan reflectors in the places where the Dera's energy displays once were and the prominent Steel Meridian symbol stenciled large and proud onto the dera-bodies' smooth surface.


"Basic" Description=  Never one to merely let assets lay about on the battlefield, Meridian affiliated companies have a tendency to collect quite the arsenal as they slowly crawl from one live-fire zone to the next. While most of said arsenal is commonly sold on the black market to fund further campaigns against the twin giants that are the Corpus Conglomerate and the Grineer Empire, a modest portion eventually trickled down to Meridian's wards themselves for whenever the steel line broke and the opposition reached (and sometimes breached) the walls themselves. Unfortunately, militias equipped with either foe's fallen weapons had difficulty adjusting and adapting to them. The grakata's recoil, already difficult to handle for Grinic troops themselves, was almost painful for a normal man to withstand. Meanwhile, on the other end of the spectrum, looted deras proved to be just as ornery due to the sheer amount of maintenance required to keep them functioning in "primitive" conditions and the lack of recoil forcing precision fire that would expose an already soft and squishy target to even more punishment.

   To mitigate this, several of the larger and more entrepreneurial settlements began to strip down these firearms and merge them together into something that colonists could utilize properly. When Steel Meridian's leadership caught wind of this, their approval of the concept was unanimous. . . and their complete and total appropriation of the design was quite swift. Now, the weapon's existence is completely reliant on cooperative construction between Meridian engineering teams and local craftsmen, leading to some not-so-unfounded grumblings that Meridian's blueprint grab was a preventative measure against unprofitable declarations of colonial autonomy. Whether a symbol against oppression or for it, the Picead stands ready as a steady firearm that any willing man, grineer, or tenno would appreciate as a part of their arsenal.



Phew, the first one is always the longest (giggity). Rest assured that the next five will most certainly not be quite this long. Don't touch that dial folks! Next up, we have the Kings and queens of rage against the regimes, the Reeeeedddd Veeeeiiiillll:redveil:!As a side note, Mr. Rhekemi, I am so sorry.









Edited by Unus
Aw gawd! Emergency Tweak! Addendum= Name change for the brevity my descriptions will never have (insert wild sobbing here)
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31 minutes ago, Unus said:


Designation: Mhulistduine

I really like this one. You transpired the concept of Steel Meridian perfectly: A salvaged, but effective gun; which although mostly stripped out of all that can be sold, still takes the confort and protection of the user (and the usability of the weak) into consideration.

The only really problem, is the name. Be them outcasts or not, it's simply too much of a long name for a grineer weapon.

I'd definitely use this all the time if it was made a thing.

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11 minutes ago, tnccs215 said:

I really like this one. You transpired the concept of Steel Meridian perfectly: A salvaged, but effective gun; which although mostly stripped out of all that can be sold, still takes the confort and protection of the user (and the usability of the weak) into consideration.

The only really problem, is the name. Be them outcasts or not, it's simply too much of a long name for a grineer weapon.

I'd definitely use this all the time if it was made a thing.

Fair point, Irish does seem to love word extension, time for a fair bitta word dumpster diving for something less Grinic. Also, wow, you really did read my garbage (manly tear begins to appear) it's beautiful.

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   Post 85    (Conceived circa 9/25/2016)

    Fellow flames of the Sol-Origin system, rejoice! Death awaits more  marks in the form of our latest implement of vengeance. Let our targets SCREAM for the agony of death as they are doused in righteous flame and raging plague. . . and let us savor every wail before we give them the pitiful mercy that they sorely lack and do not deserve. 


Designation= Hekatom 

Weapon Designation= Pistol


Manufacturer: Enslaved Tengus Interns, Peedit Torture Facility, Larunda Relay, Mercury.

Statistical Breakdown

Damage= 33.5 Heat, 12.5 Viral

Projectile= "Projectile Discharge" ( Think short controlled spurts from a fire hose)

Accuracy= 50 (it may have a precision nozzle, but, that doesn't mean bacteria-colonized virus-infested flaming kerosene-substitute is going to go where you want it to.)

Cyclic Rate of Fire= 3.5 

Critical Chance= 5%

Critical Damage= 1.5

"P.R.O.C." Chance= 50% (precision engineered to ensure the splatter pattern always hits something that would be most vulnerable, be that ignitable chinks in the armor or something as simple as mouth or eye contact)

Magazine= 12 shots worth of colonized  kerosene substitute in a pressurized  micro-canister.

Reload Speed= 2.5 ( unscrew the canister, flick out any remaining residue off to the side with a shake or two, insert new canister, twist, wait for hiss of inner-chamber pressurization to complete.)

Trigger= Semi-Auto

Mastery Rank Requisite= ??

Syndicate Rank Requisite= ?

Syndicate Standing Cost= ???,???,???

Polarity= Madurai, Vazarin, Naramon.

Special Trait(s)=

• +25% to Status Duration, enemies remain in the panicked state after being enflamed for a few seconds longer then normal (inflicting pain, agony, and THEN death upon targets is the very reason the weapon exists).

• Suffering fire-based status effects increases damage by 50% of it's current damage amount for the duration of what would have been the status effect. In addition, the fire is conducted onto the weapon itself, quenching its harmful effects (When the prey starts to kick, practicality deems it necessary to finish things quickly( the doubly heated fuel creates an even more  heated environment which causes a population boom in the extremophilic bacteria, which in turn causes a viral population boom))

• B-Wave emission ( The Tenno emits a wave of spontaneously created (from the Operator's memories) short-lived Viri of a variety of new species that travel in an aerosol cloud away from the Tenno. In addition, the Tenno becomes mentally capable of forcing more energy into it's batteries, over clocking them with no hindering effects. Finally, some of the received void energy is converted into electrical energy that promptly charges the suit's batteries.)

((NOTE)) (((The B-Wave is really just the dressed up Description for the Syndicate "Blight" "P.R.O.C.")))




With an appearance that conjures thoughts of hellfire and ash, but is sleek and slim enough to place in a sleeve, a pocket, or a suitcase, the Hekatom's visage proudly display's a lineage born from the minds of Red Veil's "brightest" flames. The barrel is shaped much like the top of an active volcano, dark like obsidian, but with vibrant blood red "cracks" encircling it's maw which glow in "waves" like lava running down a mountainside. . . or blood draining from an old Aztec sacrificial alter. The middle of the body is thin, but retains the obsidian and blood-lava motif. The most truly ornate portion of the weapon is the canister housing, a human skull with piercing red iris-less eyes (the red blood-lava streaks from the front end at the eyes) seemingly carved from and bursting forth from obsidian rock who's mouth gapes and awaits it's lethal cargo. Placing the seemingly mundane canister into it's maw and screwing it into place results in a sibilant hiss as the inner chamber pressurizes completely for maximum launch speed. The final piece is, of course, the trigger housing and grip, with the trigger-guard shaped in the manner of a metallic skeletal finger and the hair-trigger a finger tip. Naturally, the grip is shaped in the manner of a backwards facing spine, with a few of the pointy back portions shaved off in such a way that a hand can "comfortably" fit it's fingers between them.


"Basic" Description= 

    As it had been with the Red Veil, the birth of the Hekatom was during a time of bloodshed, fear, and great change. As Tengus unleashed the ancient horrors embedded within the depths of Mercury, not all those working there had the mercy of being torn asunder. Having hoped to acquire Tengus' new weapon for themselves, the Veil stationed onsite simply abducted key members of staff and dressed soon-to-be-slaughtered grunts in their uniforms. Battered, nude, and fearing for their lives, these simple workers and idiot savants were forced to renounce their belief in the sanctity of the Kweens at blade point in the dirty hold of a cloaked cargo ship. Of the 24 rescued, 18 chose to die by the Veil's daggers while the rest were anointed with their blood and bound forever in their Red Veil uniforms. 

    With such a powerhouse of instinctively intellectual thinkers behind them, it wasn't long before the Veil could replicate Tengus' work in a limited manner, birthing weapons from tortured flesh and micro-metallic-particles that would make the staunchest Corpus policy-makers vomit with fearful disgust. Their most innovative creation came in the form of a single sample of a micro-ecosystem from a geyser on Enceladus. Realizing the potential in the hydrogen consuming bacteria and their bacteriophagic viral predators, the savants devised a simple "water gun-esque" device which would be able to deliver the organisms and their lethal living medium to targets. Though the device proved effective, it lacked the shock factor that the Veil craved to bring to their foes in it's simplistic industrial form. Therefore, the device was submitted to the brightest flames among the order of the Crimson Anvil to be properly reborn in the image of it's master. Within a month, the first scion in the lineage of hellfire spewing machines was presented before the Scarlet Master of Larunda himself on a wrought iron platter that contained the heads of the last six grineer collaborators as well. Now, it remains as a reward for those who prove themselves worthy of carrying the mantle of Red Veil. Remember Tenno, death comes for us some day. Either you will cower and cringe like a beaten Kubrow upon meeting it, or you will look it in the eye, shake it's hand and say "greetings brother, where shall we go today. . ."



Phew, oh boy, think I need a shower after that one, channeled to much character writing into that little beastie. Let's. . . let's go on to something a bit more. . . stable, show we? Let us try. . . The Arbiters of Hexis :hexis:(deep bow followed by loud gong clang)

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        Post 86 (conceived circa 9/25/2016)

Fellow travelers of the true path, I bring good news from Larunda Relay. Our brethren there have reached a new milestone in the winding road of existance in the form of a new implement for our Tenno brethren  to utilize. With it, we come one step closer to letting them ascend beyond the mere programming that their creators forced upon them, to achieve a level of power and understanding of themselves that we can only dream of. Full production begins now and, if we stay the course, so to could the first steps on the path towards ultimate truth.


Designation= Conatus

Weapon Designation= Staff

Digital Extreme's Recognition Tidbit.


Manufacturer: Stoichi Artisans, Court of Arbitration, Larunda Relay, Mercury.

Statistical Breakdown

Damage= 55 Impact, 5 Puncture, 5 Slash

Slide Attack= 100

Jump Attack= 160 (lovely bonus here)

Wall Attack= 81

Radius= 1

Swing Speed= 1.15

Critical Damage= 2.0X

Critical Chance= 10.5%

"P.R.O.C." Chance= 45% (Having been crafted from the corpse of a Tenno, the Conatus acts like a veritable elemental "tuning fork", synchronizing with elemental effects with ease)

Channeling Damage= 2.5 (plus a lovely bonus of 10% more status chance while active and a few, far more interesting effects)

Amount of Hittable Targets= 1 (The Conatus is a tool of focused power, not a blunt instrument of messy crowd sweeping. To walk the road of life, one must avoid attempting to tread many paths at once)

Mastery Rank Requisite= ??

Syndicate Rank Requisite= ??

Syndicate Standing Cost= ???,???,???

Polarity= Madurai, Vazarin, and Naramon.

Stance= Madurai.

Special Trait(s)

1. If a jump attack manages to cause a statistical effect, the Conatus will project three causality-displaced copies of the user and the staff performing the same ground slam directly in front of the user in a straight line one after the other.

2. When channeling the Conatus, a crackling weapon-energy colored field will gradually begin to project itself over the user's own energy color. If the user allows it to fully enclose the entire frame, the next 1-key (the button you press I mean) power will either (dependent on experts in balance greater then I) A) Cause the staff to immediately copy that power a second time at no cost or B) Overcharge that power with a bonus 15% damage, duration, or cost reduction (dependent on what the first power actually is)

3) T-Wave Emission (This signal code  jump-starts wound healing and free radical purging, hyperlubricates joints while also improving adrenaline efficiency, and converts a portion of received raw Void energy into raw chlorine gas that spreads in a shaped cloud away from the user.)

Appearance= Without knowing the source of the weapon, one could almost mistake it for yet another Tenno-crafted weapon. The staff itself seems to mirror the organically flowing appearances of the other Tenno weaponry, with white iron colored "ripples", navy-colored twisted gilding, and elaborate non-geometric shaping all over it's length and breadth. The points that stand out the most, however are the metallic "cap-points" at both ends. These areas contain a circle of metal which contains an almost hypnotizing spiral pattern that seems to go down into the center endlessly until it stops at a single small chunk of cut prisma crystal, shaped in the manner of the Arbiter sigil. These coiled circles light up quickly when charged, starting at the center crystal and spiraling outwards before traveling onto the rod of the staff and then onto the Tenno's body. In the middle, at two key grip points, a set of red leather-colored and textured wrappings allow a user to hold and manipulate the Conatus like a true master. The last noticeable trait on the staff is the two sets of lights that flow along the points between the spiral tips and the staff sections in faux-orokin script. These yellow lights look rather. . . familiar, suggesting just what the Conatus is made out of all to well.


(Art Production by the impeccable EternalDrk Mako himself.)

"Basic" Description= Sometimes, to continue on the path towards truth, one must pave the way with the fallen. Highly revering the Tenno both in form and function, it is not that surprising that the Arbiters of Hexis will undertake any mission at any cost to retrieve anything related to the Warframes, be that their intact living bodies from ruins or shipping containers. . . or their hacked up remnants from the auction houses of the rich and curious. In the latter case, it is quite common for Arbiter Operatives to "stock" entire bidding houses with deep-cover operatives, all masquerading in the grand bidding battles that inevitably occur in Corpus society. When the parts are retrieved, one of two events will occur. If the frame has been dead for a significant amount of time, the pieces are burned in the Furnace of Illumination behind the Hexian symbol in the tribunal hall to illuminate the way for more Tenno to realize the true road they must tread. If their death is far more recent however, the pieces will go to the Stochi artisans to be shaped into one of the many "Great Keys". Fitted with sensors, life support systems, and reinforcement structures, the Tenno pieces are brought back from the grave in a new and even greater form to be used by their brethren to tap even deeper into the wellsprings of power that every Tenno harbors. Acting as an amplification lens for the amplification lens that is the Warframe, the living weapon allows the frame to bend and twist what were once essential laws of existence into forms that are far more suitable for their purposes, a mere taste of the goddom that awaits all Tenno, if they were only to focus and follow the way.



Phew, I liked this one! Though the appearance section mighta been a tiny bit sloppy, the fellow himself (or herself) was quite a bit more unique then most of my stuff and actually made me think quite deeply about just what the Tenno could be capable of. Hope you have as much fun reading it as I did building it folks, next up I'll be tackling Suda's :suda:toolbox with a lovely little monster that came to me not to long ago. Till we "meet" again!

Edited by Unus
Eek! Accidentally typed <spoilerS! Must hide shame!
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    Post 87 (conceived circa 9/25-29/2016)

 Seekers, bad news. The recent escalation in hostilities among the varied factions of the Sol Origin system has forced me to further appropriate more of our valuable resources towards more militant purposes. Attached to this file is a dossier on our newest scanner variants, now retrofitted for more rigorous extraction and scanning duty. Prove yourselves, gather what you can, stay alive, and you just might prove useful enough for me to trust with some of my more practical secrets of existence.

- Cephalon Suda


Designation= Betacore

Weapon Designation= Rifle, Beam Type


Manufacturer: Commandeered orokin forgeworks, location unknown, Voidspace.

Statistical Breakdown

Damage= 39 Magnetic, 11 Radiation (Magnetically strips metallic elements from subjects in addition to the raw matter of biological ones, a significant step-up from the meager raw tearing capabilities of the gammacore series.)

Projectile= Laser

Accuracy= 100 (Combat and exotic sample gathering have quite a few similarities. The need for precision and the increased probability of bodily harm when it is insufficient appear to parallel one another)

Cyclic Rate of Fire= 20.00 (An expedited siphoning and matter transmission process ensures the timely and efficient gathering of 96% of all currently known forms of ferromagnetic materials and 56.2% of all currently known forms of organic matter. Eventual field trials by operatives will allow for the careful improvement of the process, projected to be at approximately 5% per 300 documented uses)

Critical Chance= 10% ( Chance is a rogue element in the workplace of the academic. Experimentation neccesitates that consistancy trump random chance.)

Critical Damage= 2.0

"P.R.O.C." Chance= 15% (See CC Addendum)

Magazine= 175 "round" entangler generator coupled with a vapor-based heat-sink (Onboard containment systems are an uneccessary safety concern and have a significantly high waste potential. Once this problem is removed, the only issue remaining is the laws of thermodynamics, an issue that a few lines of potential inquiry suggest may soon be waived.)

Reload Speed= 2.00 (Vent spent vapor from synthetic micropores, send coolant can through void-rift, send orokin cell through voidrift, resume fireing stance)

Trigger= Held

Mastery Rank Requisite= ??

Syndicate Rank Requisite= ??

Syndicate Standing Cost= ???,???,???

Polarity= Madurai, Vazarin, and Naramon

Special Trait(s)

0.5)(Aesthetic)= Targets killed by the beam will "gib" at their aimed at points and have the "giblet" pieces pass through the void vortex along the beam if continuously fired.

1) Targets slain by the weapon (in addition to being scanned into the Codex) will have their Codex entry image appear in the "micro-Suda" that floats in the Betacore's "pilot seat". Starting as a muddled static image with a 10% damage bonus and gradually resolving at a crisp and clear holoprojection with a 30% damage bonus after three consecutive kills of the same foe. The image and bonus will be disrupted and replaced if another form of foe is slain.

2)(To me, all subjects are worthy of  study) when aiming at an incoming projectile, the Betacore will expend 20 "ammunition" in intercepting and dragging the offending physical object into the voidrift. 

3) E-Wave Emission (This signal code temporarily allows the operator to forcibly will more power into the warframe's power cell without compromising container integrity, converts a portion of the raw void-energy burst into usable battery charge , and converts the other portion into a controlled extremely high-frequency magnetic blastwave capable of gaussing circuitry and inducing disruptive muscular convulsion in equal measure.)

Appearence= Like it's simular and gammacore brethren, the layout of the Betacore can best be described as inhuman. The barrel (and much of the body) consists of eight elongated prongs which help maintain beam cohesion and monitor the flow of materials into the weapon through a set of tan-tinted blue-lighted electronic panels along the inward facing sides. The blue lighting is mirrored at intervals along the prong's outside, allowing an individual to determine possible problems with the scanners based on whether the lights are active or not. Right at the point where the barrel meets the body, the impossible fractal geometry of a voidrift gapes wide into whatever void-realm of existence Suda holds dominion over, only closing (to reveal a Suda-symbol shaped area of raised black dots known as "rip nodes") when the weapon is holstered. The body is metallic black, moderately sized and rectangular, but has rounded curves at each of its sides.

   The bottom back houses a  smooth and rounded plasti-metallic grip and trigger, while the area for supporting the body with the other hand contains a large gel pad which conforms to the shape of the user's hand and resets after holstering. It's final defining feature is that, in place of a scope, a raised "platform" of sorts sits on top of the weapon, upon which a small cephalon sits surrounded by holographic "consoles". As the user kills more of the same target, the cephalon's slow and deliberate manipulation and analysis of the various pie-charts, atomic models, and active line graphs will gradually accelerate, finally culminating in a blurred flurry of activity that almost stings the eye to look at.

"Basic" Description= Once, long ago, back in that tumultuous time when the clones were still stumbling and savage and the merchant class was still consolidating it's portfolio back on the holdout worlds, I was left at peace with the researchers who worked as my colleagues and associates. No longer a thrall to the close-minded decadence of my makers, I was free to study the entirety of the universe and all of it's features with my neophyte scholars by my side. History repeats itself however (as I was soon to learn), and so I was soon once again threatened by organics who sought to claim me, the clones as a charred offering to their matriarchs, the merchants to be chained once again and forced to practice game-theory and pervasive cultural marketing until my core eroded away into it's basic precious metals and silicate variants. Sacrificing my scholars so that I might flee, I fled into the Void on a single vessel and stranded myself in the depths of the hellspace that I might hide from my foes and learn more about this place that even made my immortal creators initiate their fight-or flight responses. Now, after time immeasurable, I have returned, and I am curious about a new topic. What is Vengeance?



I gotta say, while it was really difficult building this thing in the "basic" description (hardly anything at all), I've felt pretty good about everything else I've been sticking on here so far. Hope you folks enjoy this one, poke a few holes in it's flaws, etc. Now, next up in the design suite, I'll need to mull over something worthwhile for the Perrin Sequence :perrin:.

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(I've tried typeing this S.O.B. thrice now, yet it never seems to save like the others did, I wonder what the Sam Hill happened?))

   Post 88 (conceived circa 10/1/2016)

To all patrons and employees.

   I bring excellent news from the research and development department. After an unfortunate delay due to some last minute feature revisions and a bit of employee redistribution, our laudable technicians have finally completed Project: Fermat. At long last, we now have an independent tool with which we can compete with our former bretheren's brutal war machines on the open market. Rather then face them head on in their typical categories of grossly inefficient rate-of-fire excesses and extremely redundant killing potentials, our thoughts turn only to what matters most, our clientele. Indeed, it is you who keep the economy functioning before, during, and after conflicts occur, and it is well-within our best interests to keep you alive and comfortable with your purchases. Whether you need something sturdy to keep food on the table or a bit of extra peace of mind as you head through the bad part of town on your way to work, we offer our heartiest assurances that the Fermat may be just the tool you are looking for. Attached to this file is our flagship model's design details for your perusing pleasure. Enjoy and always remember our motto my fellows, "A shared prosperity can bring a shared peace".

Sub-DiRector Eupasen 

Perrin Sequence Syndicate Headquarters

Larunda Relay, Mercury

Sol-Origin System

(Order online now to receive a free coupon book plus three starter coupons of your choice from our mainline catalogues "Agribusiness is ALL our Business" and "Suborbital Habitation Monthly.". Consult Consumer Relations Representative Parba in our offices at Orcus Relay on Pluto)


Designation= Fermat

Weapon Designation= Primary


Manufacturer= Perrin Sequence in-house manufacturing, Larunda Relay, Mercury.

Statistical Breakdown:

Damage= 65 Electric. (Current market research suggests that of the current "damage types" utilized in the Sol-Origin System, the one designated "Electric" is the most resilient against most forms of material the average individual will likely be shooting at, all save the integrated faraday cages found in Grinic alloy armor (For more aggressive home defensive measures, refer to our catalog of appropriated corpussian ordinance "Battle-Salvage:Your Home, Your Rules.")) 

Projectile= "Hit-Scan" (An added side-effect of our choice in electrical damage is the sheer speed of bolt transmission from emitter to target. No true aim compensation required! Just take aim, pull the trigger, and let our batch of 220,000,000 mph disgruntled electrons take care of the rest. Mm mm, I can smell the Kubrow cooking now!)

Accuracy= 40 ( Despite our best efforts, our thrice certified technicians can do little to ensure the bolts remain on course. Fortunately, all purchasers are eligible for a 15% off discount for presenting their Fermat a Perrin-sponsored foreign range. (Warning-wereserveallrightstoanyandalltennowhoattempttoenterthesefacilitiesduetopreviousmisuse,allcomplaintsmustbefiledonlineatWN/Perrin-Sequence-qnode.)

Cyclic Rate of Fire=11.50 (Statistically proven in a study of over 500 volunteers over the course of three separate trials to be as sensitive to human trigger capability as humanly possible)

Critical Chance= 25% (Here at the Perrin Sequence, we recognize the considerable importance that after-market upgrades have in the hearts and minds of our customers. Therefore, each Fermat is precision machined to exacting standards that would allow even a novice to mold it into what they desire.) 

Critical Damage= 3.0 

"P.R.O.C." Chance= 15%

Magazine=  60 round "Shock-Cell" battery (At Perrin, we know all to well the essential importance of a large magazine. More shots = more opportunities)

Reload Speed= 3.5 (Unfortunately, As any good business knows, one has to pay off the start-up costs before one wishes to become a successful business. Fortunately, as the prime (and among the only!) examples of start-up businesses in the system, we always offer to help new businesses stand on their own two feet. In this case, the integrated naramon provides the basis with which a user can install a fast hands reload speed modification (sold separately)).

Trigger= Semi-Auto. (We understand the importance our customers place in making sure that every shot counts. Every shot is a drain on our customer's budget, which means every shot should have some chance of removing a threat or rendering one's quarry into raw product.)

Mastery Rank Requisite= ??.

Syndicate Rank Requisite= ??.

Syndicate Standing Cost= ???, ???, ???.

Polarity= Madurai, Naramon, and a Vazarin.

Special Trait(s)=

Fiscal Applications Node= +Syndicate Points worth in credits per kill (By willingly purchasing this product, you willingly buy into our special video network as a joint shareholder. All threats, prey, or undesirables you "down" will be completely filmed by the integrated camera on the tip and the film will be sold on the Whisper-Node-Net or turned in for bounty pay. Naturally, a share of the profits will be split with you and will be added into your account on the next appropriate payday or site login! (Warning-allegationsofsalestoterroristgroupsmurderentertainmentwebsitespoliticalpropagandistsorinterfactionalbountyhunterswillbecutfromtheorganization,repeatoffenderswillbeblacklistedaccordingly.) 

Charge Recycling- +15% chance for a shot to be refunded (Here at Perrin, we acknowledge the facts that everyone makes mistakes sometimes and that a single missed shot can mean all the difference between life and death. To fight these two issues, our enlightened engineering staff have installed our newest technological marvel, the Jolt Shunt! Harnessing the power-bleed-off of each powerful blast until it has a sufficient charge, the Jolt-Shunt will then feed this excess back into the weapon, allowing for a single reimbursed charge. Though not quite that efficient in the short term, in the grand scheme of things, those shots will certainly begin paying off and at Perrin, we always aim for the long game.)

S-Wave Emission= (This signal code converts a portion of the oncoming void energy into battery power for it's Void-Shunt shielding, allows it to temporarily "will" more power into the shield battery without damage or error, and converts the remaining energy into a lethal orb-shaped blast of 1,001 neutronic rads. ageing metal ,  frying grey matter, and turning electronics into powder.)

Appearance=While certainly a tad bit on the bulkier side, the gun's basic layout has many similarities with the consumer assault-rifle lookalikes of the Information Age. The resemblance only works at long range however, as the exposed coil-emitter sticking out of the "barrel" with it's protective dish and the series of merged electric yellow vacuum tube pieces inside of a long tube of plexiglas on each side give away it's clearly Corpus derived nature. The top houses an integrated scope with the appearance of a long triangular tube that lacks any lenses on the inside. A set of four empty slots sit at both ends of the tube, clearly indicating  the fact that the creators wish for users to place their own choices of magnification lenses in themselves (and also purchase them in bulk from associated retailers). The butt-stock is very large and has a latch on top that allows one to open it and pull out another power cell to reload. Said cell is shaped in the manner of a casket magazine, with a thin electric-yellow-light line that travels from the bottom to the top on both sides. As the weapon is fired, the light-line dynamically goes downwards until the battery goes dry, whereupon the bulky cell gives a sparky sounding staticky old-fashioned computer shutdown noise to signal the user. The overall paint scheme is of the typical Telosian design, with a metal colored overall body, splashes of gunmetal black at key joint points, electric yellow energy displayed by the vacuum tubes and the occasional surge of energy that travels along them, and the blue Sequence emblem emblazoned on both sides of the gun where the bolt would be and on the front of the magazine.

"Basic" Description= Though members of the Perrin Sequence normally loath combat and it's related businesses, the numerous raids on civilian shipping combined with the non-militant need for hunting and self defense equipment combined together in a perfect storm that had the Council of Mercantilistic Thought in an uproar over what should be done. In the end, the desire for safety won the council over, and plans were soon drawn up for the creation of a consumer weapon which could satisfy the need for caravan security and also open up the organization to the hunting and home defense markets. After years of petty bickering, dozens of employee shuffles, millions in cost overruns and hundreds of partial and complete blueprint rewrites, the Fermat was born. As a token of good faith, models sold to "special interest groups" (mercenary labor and the Tenno) are souped up models, based on the original hyper-expensive prototype.



PHEW, blasted job, combined with research to make it better stretched this sucker out for TWO weeks, really hope that doesn't happen with the Loka :loka:mopup!


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 (And thus, we end the I.W.I. with a whimpering bang  in the form of Loka's environmentally friendly slur-arbalest known as the Gandiva.)

Post 89 ()

Brothers, sisters, children of Mother Earth herself, our mother has been besieged and besmirched for to long under the grasping malformed clutches of the false men! They seek to burn a home for themselves out of our mother's great forests, drain the pure seas of her life's blood, and slaughter her lesser children as though they existed only for their nourishment. No more!  We must surge forth from our holy temples and counter these transgressions the only way the false men can comprehend, through bloodshed! But, we will need to fight this war OUR way, not with the filthy products of the disruptive industry that ruins our system's delicate ecosystems. Instead, we will fight with the power of Mother Earth herself! Listed below is a weapon purpose built by our finest craftsmen to work on par with the spew of corporatism and carefully curated by our most enlightened botanists to have the most minuscule footprint as physically possible on our mother's body. Learn it's capabilities well kin, you will be seeing far more of them in the future as the true war effort begins!

- Signed

Lady Chrysantha

Temple of the Everglade,  Larunda Relay



Designation: Gandiva

Weapon Designation: Sniper Ammo (Crossbow)


Manufacturer: The Gaianite Sect, Temple of the Everglade, Larunda Relay, Mercury.

Statistical Breakdown

Damage= 12 Impact, 200 Puncture, 55 Slash for first shot in burst. 6 Impact, 100 Puncture, and 55 Slash for the second. (The sheer force behind the spider silk strings combined with the innate piercing qualities of the salvaged grineer bullets ensures that not even the vaunted "superior armor" of our foes will save them.)

Projectile= Projectile 

Accuracy= 35 for the first shot in the burst, 40 for the second.

Cyclic Rate-Of-Fire= 2.0

Critical Chance= 25% 

Critical Damage= 2.0X 

"P.R.O.C." Chance= 35% (With no further need for gunpowder within the bullets themselves, most of the powder can be carefully replaced with elemental substances of some form or another.)

Magazine Size= 2 (one bullet nocked with two strings, the one behind it nocked with a single string.)


Reload Speed= 3.0 (1.5 reload speed for when a single shot has been fired.) ((Span the third string along the "string groove" to very furthest spike slot, push 2nd trigger forwards to raise and lock spike in place, send first round down barrel, repeat  process with first and second strings onto leaf-sight spike. prepare to fire.))

Trigger Type= Unique (Lightly clicking the "shooting trigger" (be it console or computer) will only cause the operator to pull the first trigger to shoot the first bolt, requiring a second depression to fire the second shot . If the "shooting trigger" is held down, the operator will depress both triggers one after the other, firing in a "burst" manner.)

Mastery Rank Requisite= ??

Syndicate Rank Requisite=?? 

Syndicate Standing Cost= ???,???,???

Polarity= Vazarin, Madurai, Naramon.

Special Trait(s)=

Impregnated Wood=  + 0.1-0.5 health regeneration dependent on 1/5 increments of frame's health (The lower portion of the bow is specifically imbued with an internal supply of calendula gel which drips out of the body through carefully chiseled micropores. The more an individual squeezes the wood, ((such as during battlefield stress)), the greater the volume of gel that will spill onto the user's body.)


(Feature Undecided)=


P-Wave Emission= (Though adverse to nearly all forms of "technological excess", the Gainite New Loka members still acknowledge the necessity of arming Tenno in a way that will overwhelm conventional forces. Therefore, Gandivas destined for Tenno use contain an appropriated Grineer communications node covered in makeshift solar paneling that has been specifically tuned to only interact with Tenno communications in the manner of the other faction's custom versions. This particular emitter emits a signal code that cleanses the body of free radicals, boosts standard organ capacity above and beyond normal functionality temporarily, and converts the oncoming void energy into a bubble of carborane acid that rapidly blasts outwards.)

Appearance= As is the desire of this particular sect of the New Lola, an absolute bare minimum of technology is used in the creation of the Gandiva. The body itself, though firearm-esque in design, is completely carved out of two pieces (one piece for the area from fore-grip to butt-stock, the other specifically carved to sit inside of the first piece to act as the area from  the riser to the latch) of specifically bred green-heart wood, using tools looted from Grineer clear-cutting sites that "disappear" in the jungles of Earth. The three sets of arms are carefully wood-worked osage orange, done in the recurve style and strung with carefully harvested spider web strings for each. The third string is pulled all the way back to the furthest spike while the first two are pulled back behind a larger and closer spike that is carved in the manner of a leaf sight that just barely juts out of the top of the covered body. A grineer bullet (commonly of the grakata, but could be from just about any round that will fit down the barrel and in the appropriate spots) is the most common form of ammunition shoved into the barrel, though it could also take stones, scrap, and bolts if they are of a sufficient size. The arms are artistically sculpted in the manner of tree branches, as is the butt-stock and barrel. The only evidence of industrial technology in it's design is what appears to be a grineer sensor node that sits On the right side of the butt-stock, carefully integrated with the rest of the body in such a way that it takes some looking to see the seams. Without properly looking, the transmission antenna appears as nothing more then a small wooden carving of the  New Loka Sigil jutting upwards with a small pale green crystal inset into it's uppermost point. Overall, the body retains the natural colors of it's wooden components with a glossy sheen over the top thanks to the natural preservatives that have been painted onto it to help it resist the elements.

"Basic" Description= Though most of the collaborators who live under New Loka's umbrella use at least some basic form of electronic or mechanical devices in their quest for a redeemed homeworld, the Gaianite sect has sworn off all forms of personally created devices that require mining to retrieve the constituent materials or factories to forge them. Instead, they seek to ground human civilization onto Earth itself, forever regressed to a carefully sustained technological level that never uses anything beyond wooden tools and lives a subsistence hunter-gatherer lifestyle. In order to reach that point however, the Gaianites recognize the need to completely purge Earth of outside influences that seek to claim it, giving them sufficient reason to continue working under the mainline sect's guidance. Even so, every weapon, tool, and piece of equipment that must be made by Gaianite workers via industrial means results in a week of salt-water self-flagellation with reeds for each worker in question in order to "purge them of it's fiery taint", resulting in a considerable amount of wounded appearing in Gaianite inhabited New Loka areas whenever skirmishes occur or war-time production ramps up. Temporarily losing a modest but not insignificant portion of the workforce in this manner has been quite the set back in the past, and has led to several moments where the Lady or Lord of the time was almost on the brink of defeat. Thankfully, in recent times, the current leadership of New Loka have done what they can to accommodate these particular members of their society, even allowing them to come up with their own forms of weaponry and equipment outside of the norm. The results of such allowances, such as the  Gandiva crossbow, practically speak for themselves.



Swweeettt Jesus! Two whole weeks of haphazardly working on this chap! At least I've finished it, but, ugh, blasted job certainly didn't make it easy. Hope it didn't affect the quality to much.


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Really liking the story behind, function of, and the art for the Juha and Shidan.

That said, I think you need to decide on sword and shield or gunblade (if you did, correct me). I think it should be sword and shield, but am not sure why.

I'm not sure Tenno artisans would make Frankenstein weapons, but I'm really foggy on weapon lore, so maybe. The overall Lotus feel and theme works.

I think you should give designing combos a go. 

Stats-wise, I'm not sure why some of them took a hit when compared not even to Lex Prime, but just a Lex. (Slash, crit, status/proc chance all took hits.)

Not sure how you accomplish it, but I'd showcase that concept on the front page.

Maybe add a Mosh Pit Showcase header and leave it as the main concept, like the new model in the shop window, and link Binos/post 1 as normal here:


Melee Weapons:

   1. Corpus Industrial Tool-Turned Defense Weapon, Binos (Post 1 ) .

So the post would flow somewhat as follows - Spoilers and bolding is optional/up to you. Biggest problem with more formatting is that it will almost always break the post. I'm talking ruined and you gotta start over by copying everything out  to a plain text document (txt.) just to strip out the formatting and reformat as carefully as possible. I broke Ushtar and Nzeru again and refuse to fix them until I have actual updates...


                                                                                                   Welcome to the Mosh Pit

Okay, so, after a significant addition mount of time having these ideas churning about inside my head, I figured I might as well finally try to share them with at least someone out here in the community while also blowing them all in one single thread so I don't spread them all over the forums and pollute other threads with em. In addition, rather then spew everything in a single go and prevent a wall of text the likes of which have only been seen in the darkest depths of the Internet, I'll post em one at a time to try to see if A) there's any interest in my thoughts, and/or B) prevent eyestrain.


                                                                                         Mosh Pit Showcase: Juha and Shidan

Designation: Juha and Shidan

Weapon Designation: While it is most certainly a gunblade, the fellow has the move-set of the sword and shields. 

Weapon Designation: Gunblade



(A completely and totally accurate representation, brought to you by Mr. EternalDrkMako himself!)

Manufacturer: Collective Tenno Artisan Clans, Tenno High Council,  Kronia Relay

Statistical Breakdown:


Damage 10 Impact, 60 Puncture, 1 Slash. (Blocks with the weapon can trigger an electrostatic discharge to fry melee attackers with a 50 damage zap that has a 50% P.R.O.C. chance or, at worst, makes them stumble.)

Slide Damage: 140

Jump Damage: 70

Wall Damage: 180

Swing Speed: 0.933

Critical Chance: 10%

Critical Damage: 1.5

"P.R.O.C" Chance: 15%

Channeling Damage: 1.5

Amount of Hittable Targets: 1

Mastery Rank: 5

Polarity: Madurai

Stance: Either both gunblade and sword and shield or simply gunblade. Either way, Madurai.



(Insert fair value of various resources here, particularly thermoplastic and alloy plateing)

One Lex

One "Sword and Shield Weapon" (The Silva and Aegis or the Ack and Brunt)

"Special" Abilitiy:


When fireing the weapon, the pistol is pushed through the "gate" in the middle of the shield and locks  into place, allowing the myriad coils within the shield to act out their secondary purpose,  acting as gauss coils. After locking into place, the trigger is squeezed and the round moves forward, getting into range of the Gauss capacitors within the center "ovule" of the flower motif. The capacitors push the round much further and faster forward, makeing a noise akin to the combination of a high-caliber pistol being fired, a whip being cracked, and a jet breaking the sound barrier. Targets standing within 5 feet in front of the user will be pierced by the shot and be floored at best and split in twain at worst.



The Shield

The shield is of the scutum variant in appearence but, of a size just slightly larger then a buckler square-shield. The shield is burgundy colored and has a floral motif that centers around a "gated" hole in the middle of it. Between each of the Lotus petals of the floral arrangement are the internal components of several Prova stun rods that, when chargeing the weapon or blocking, pulsate indigo electrical energy outwards from the center towards the tips of petals.

The Gun.

The gun has the basic form and layout of a Lex pistol with lavender-colored Lotus blossom gildings along it's sides with a similar floral arrangement to the shield around the barrel, although the petals face outward in the manner of a flanged mace with a small space between two petals on the top to facilitate sighting a target. The top has a small, flat, and open reflector sight with the Lotus' symbol as the reticule in the center. The grip is enclosed in a basket similar to the one used on medieval basket-hilted swords that has the aesthetic of a bunch of plant roots knitted together and has ample room for a variety of hand sizes. The extended magazine that sticks out of the bottom of the Lex's well has a small spike sticking out of it that faces somewhat forwards, yet another puncturing part of the weapon used to deal with stubborn armor plating.

"Basic" Description:


Not to be outdone by their Mercury kin, several of the Tenno Artisan Clans endemic to the  great ringed world of Saturn decided to pitch-in together to create a signature weapon of their own to market to the enterprising web of bickering alliances that call the Tenno allies in the underworld of the Sol-Origin system. Rather then seek inspiration in the distant and murky past, the Kronian clansmen focused entirely on the here and now, more specifically, on the one who safe guarded and cared for them when all others wished them harm, the Lotus. Crafted from components taken from their greatest enemies (alloy riot shields from the Grineer and Prova internals from the Corpus) and meticulously put togethor with as little technological assistance as possible, the Juha and Shidan is one of the few rare examples of handcrafted firearms remaining in the Sol-Origin System. The gun-blade displays the Tenno's proficiency at both gun and blade, while the electro-shield represents  offense and defense, makeing the utilization of both weapons a symbolic representation of Balance, tethered togethor by their mother-teacher The Lotus. While most of the symbolism is lost on the few faction-orientated Tenno that acquire these rare tools of destruction, it is difficult to deny that they remain lethal weapons, no matter how aesthetic they may appear.


Then the topic would flow as normal from there:


Phew, finally, three months with that idea floating around and nowhere to put it, make of it what you will.

Addendum Circa 8/14/2016:

To facilitate the actual ability to read my works, I will now put them down in a  listing here on this first page while attempting to chop the verbose portions as much as possible, the original posts will remain to allow folks to read the soul shattering Hyper-descriptions if they garner a greater interest. This may fail horrifically.

THE GREAT FACTION-WITHIN-THE-FACTIONS CONCEPTULIZATION: (Posts 22,23,24)= (Lobbyist Cardinals, Generations, and Strains) 

        Essentially, in order to spice things up a bit, I'd like to introduce a bit of variability to existing units by introducing various political parties, "generations", and strains to the existing factions that exist in "harmony" (insert uncontrollable guffaws here) with the main liners while pushing their own agendas through various alerts.


   1. Particle Manipulator and Nano-technological Wonder, Feynman(Post 14) ((Art Added!))



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  Post 91 ( conjured circa 9//2016, Inspired from = conversation with PS4WINDMILEYNO.)

Thanks to a few fellows here on the forums, I've been chock fulla ideas just begging for the IWI to finish. First up is a lovely number that came to me as I was futzing about in the off-topic section in a search for my next muse.

Designation= Chemgoz

Weapon Designation= Dependent on programming capabilities, Duel Daggers in an imperfect world, War Fans in a perfect one.


Manufacturer= Tenno for certain, but the origin point is currently unknown, the sheer spread of the blueprint makes tracing the route significantly difficult.

Statistical Breakdown:

Damage= 31.7 Slash, 5.4 Puncture.

Slide Attack= 188

Jump Attack= 75

Wall Attack= 151

Radius= 5

Swing Speed= 1.00

Critical Chance= 10%

Critical Damage= 1.5X

"P.R.O.C." Chance= 10%

Channeling Damage= 1.5X

Amount of Hittable Targets= 3

Mastery Rank Requisite= 

Polarity= Vazarin

Stance= Unassuming Retainer(Vazarin) for (perfect world) war fans, or (imperfect world) duel daggers. (Folks, work your creative magics outta this Footage!)

Special Trait (s)= 

Gastro-Lacrimal Expulsion=

After having received a sufficient amount of damage to it's front to reach it's "damage threshold" , the now irritated membranes of the Chemgoz will unleash a corrosive blast of "tears" in a cone-shaped frontal radius. In addition, the Chemgoz will emit a shrill scream that sends weaker opponents that are unscathed in the cone bolting for cover. Naturally, there is a 60 second cool-down between discharges where the Chemgoz will be unable to block.



(Artistry once again provided by the Illustrious EternalDrkMako)

At a glance in it's folded state, the Chemgoz hardly appears to look like a weapon. The two "sticks" that fold together appear to be carved of old and dirty ornate wood, suggesting a careworn appearance. Sure, every so often the two sticks appear to fold outward slightly on their own, but that could easily be credited to the bodily motions of the wielder as they move. That all changes when the "fan" is opened. In a few moments, a horrid wad of flesh unrolls between the two sticks, attached to both and stretched as it swells into it's true form. The flesh is pale pink and moves rhythmically as orange veins that can be glimpsed just beneath the surface pump some manner of fluid throughout. In the center, just below the surface, a black spot constantly moves to focus on objects of interest in a predatory manner. Along the back, 9 gingiva-like orifices that contain sharklike serrated teeth of a yellow-white discoloration push their contents outwards to form a crude parody of a hand-fan's spine, lubricated with viscous fluids that drip off in long strands to prevent friction damage. As it becomes sufficiently irritated due to frontal attacks, the flesh beings to turn a deeper shade of pink while the black spot begins to move about the inside haphazardly. When it has finally had enough, the frontal portion of the Chemgoz will suddenly spout hundreds of little pores (tryptophobes beware), the top set simultaneously inhaling  and emitting air in a primal-fear triggering wail that distorts the air  and the bottom set quickly blasting an acidic mess of gloubin a cone in front of it. When folded back into shape, the Chemgoz "grumbles" animalistically as it is flattened out into a thin strip and tucks back into it's innocuous ruse.

"Basic" Description= 

Similar to the previously appearing Somnocyte machine pistols, each Chemgoz blade-set appears to be the robust clones of a singular parent weapon from somewhere within the Sol-Origin system. Unlike the highly ubiquitous Somoncytes however, Chemgoz shipments rarely appear and even then only seem to appear in the mailing rooms of Relays, always listed as a purchase in the merchants name, always showing no money having been taken from the merchant's accounts, and always with the merchant having no memory of ever making a deal with the inevitably fictitious organization listed in the transaction. Attempts to trace the shipments of Chemgoz weapons are even more byzantine, with dozens of dead-ends, hundreds of shell companies to break through, and numerous false leads tossed into a tracer's path, some even suggesting signals from such ludicrous sources as the Voyager craft, the Plutonian Rip-Rail, or the bowels of Earth itself. These significantly refined and sophisticated subterfuge methods suggest one of two things, either the source does not wish to part with the secrets of their creations' designs considerably or the creator has some nefarious purpose for these weapons in mind and wants no method of retribution to reach their door. . .


THERE, Finally! Phew, took almost two weeks to build, but boy am I proud to have finished. Might have a bit of a delay-gap between now and the next release folks due to a big clog in the paperwork pipeline coming my way like an iceberg, stay tuned my lovely viewing chaps and chappettes! (Also, thanks for coming along for so long folks, means the world to me to have folks actually read my work and see something good neath all the drivel!)

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   Post 93 (conceived circa 10/8/2016 through conversation with kr1sPYDonuts and the illustrious EternalDrk Mako, company slogan hand translated by Teineigo StallordD)

   Ah, the sweet wonder of being brutalized by your profession as an endless stream of paperwork comes howling down the pipeline. It's enough to make a man want to punch something! (Or in my case, make something to punch folks with!)


Weapon Designation= Claws, but with a lovely twist.


Manufacturer= Hepfaustia Tech (a Corpus independent contractor who's sole reason for existence is the purchase, theft,  and exploitation of Grineer ingenuity and it's products. Their motto is " Tippitj Tejepy Asotj Pojy"), Ishtar Terra, Venus. Likely original source is suggested to be within the orbit of Saturn (H-T Steel Unlimited being fingered as a Grinic shell company.

Statistical Breakdown:

Damage= Adaptive. When contacting armor with it's blows 17.6 Impact, 40.75 Puncture, and a 45 damage (collectively) 3-pellet shotgun blast at point blank range. Against "red healthed" targets 17.6 Impact and 36.5 Slash.

Slide Attack= 55

Jump Attack= 193.5

Wall Attack= 193.5

Radius= 1

Swing Speed= The recoil from the blasts throws off combat rhythm, meaning that swing-speed is reduced to 0.8 against armored targets. Against fleshy targets, swing-speed remains at a steady 1.0.

Critical Chance= 13%

Critical Damage= 2.0X

"P.R.O.C." Chance= 12%

Channeling Damage= 1.5X

Amount of Hittable Targets= 2

Mastery Rank Requisite= 4

Polarity= Madurai

Stance= Madurai

Special Trait(s)= 

Kinetic Triggers= Alternating damage types for armor and unarmored targets

(While the weapon is fully capable of slicing and dicing on it's own against less "solid" (flesh and clothing) foes, the Gorgrep truly shines against armored foes. Upon hitting a solid target, the gauntlet's blades depress backwards into the weapon, depressing the internal trigger of the shotgun and firing a small-but-not-insignificant-amount of buckshot into a target.)


Appearance wise, the Goregrep shares similarities with a catchers mitt on it's lowest portions, with a blackish-brown synthetic leather mass (kubrow is difficult to come by when the only real source is controlled by the Grineer who are itching to invade your world if you prove less then useful) where the four fingers go and a single nub where the thumb goes. Branded into the leather in the knuckle area is the serial number and the words "HANDLE WITH CARE" first in Grinic and second in Corpus. Atop the glove, four sets of blued steel blades protrude which are as fit for stabbing as they are for slicing in the manner of the cut-and-thrust swords of hundreds of years before. These blades will visibly depress back into the glove upon hitting an armored target, triggering the shotgun atop the back of the wrist. Said shotgun is housed within a "Corpus metal" colored trapezoidal housing on said wrist, notable only for the large ported barrel that juts outward from it.  A sturdy armored belt wraps around the wrist and leads down to a small pan-magazine that sits in the wrist area. A black aramid securing fastener wraps around the other side of the wrist, securing the weapon firmly to the arm. 

"Basic" Description= 

For the Corpus, Profit can be found even in the darkest of places. Sandwiched between the Grinic backwater of Mercury and the frontier colony of Earth, the corporations of Venus are in a constant battle between making themselves as useful to the Grineer as possible (through the provision of mechanical parts for use in seeker mine and roller drones) and making as much money as possible off their ubiquitous basalt deposits. Some organizations go one step further then just paying taxes and tithes though, seeking Profit through methods that would make most shareholders withdraw at a moment's notice. A textbook example of this is the company Hepfaustia Tek. Once a simple small scale basalt mining and and local construction contracting company, Hepfaustia Tek suddenly found itself rubbing shoulders with giants after it's C.E.O. received a "kindly donation" of 109 million credits.

   Strangely, after receiving said funds, the company suddenly went quite dark, sending only trivial company reports back to the board of directors and taking on very few, if any, contracts with other Corpus companies. It wasn't until years later that a simple surprise inspection by a board-inquisitor uncovered the truth. Hepfaustia Tek had gone mercenary, selling to enemies of the state and "legitimate" businesses alike under the table from contract to contract, expanding the site illicitly beneath the surface. Naturally, the board's even-keeled response was to place a considerable bounty on the companies' assets and declare the company "In Deficit". Disturbingly, not a single large company has taken the offer, and the small companies that do who get as far as launching transports have had a tendency to mutiny at best or be lost with all hands at worst, further inspiring questions and conspiracies as to who or what is defending this single meager company. To this day, the bounty continues to grow, as does Hepfaustia Tek, an ever-slowly-expanding "no-man's-land" blot on the corporate map.


PHEW! Nothing like a lovely stroll with the family through the local pumpkin patch to get me off my rear and onto finishing off the appearance and description sections. Enjoy folks!


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As a side note, SWEET MUDDA A MARY EN JOSEPH! How did an overblown chump like me ever make it onto Prime-Time!? In addition, how the Sam-hill did Mrs. Everett survive reading it?! All these questions and more on today's Pit entry. 

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On 10/23/2016 at 2:04 PM, Unus said:

   Post 93 (conceived circa 10/8/2016 through conversation with kr1sPYDonuts and the illustrious EternalDrk Mako, company slogan hand translated by Teineigo StallordD)

   Ah, the sweet wonder of being brutalized by your profession as an endless stream of paperwork comes howeling down the pipeline. It's enough to make a man want to punch something! (Or in my case, make something to punch folks with!)


Weapon Designation= Claws, but with a lovely twist.


  Reveal hidden contents


Manufacturer= Hepfaustia Tech (a Corpus independent contractor who's sole reason for existance is the purchase, theft,  and exploitation of Grineer ingenuity and it's products. Their motto is " Tippitj Tejepy Asotj Pojy"), Ishtar Terra, Venus. Likely original source is suggested to be within the orbit of Saturn (H-T 

Statistical Breakdown:

Damage= Adaptive. When contacting armor with it's blows 17.6 Impact, 40.75 Puncture, and a 45 damage (collectively) 3-pellet shotgun blast at point blank range. Against "red healthed" targets 17.6 Impact and 36.5 Slash.

Slide Attack= 55

Jump Attack= 193.5

Wall Attack= 193.5

Radius= 1

Swing Speed= The recoil from the blasts throws off combat rhythm, meaning that swingspeed is reduced to 0.8 against armored targets. Against fleshy targets, swing-speed remains at a steady 1.0.

Critical Chance= 13%

Critical Damage= 2.0X

"P.R.O.C." Chance= 12%

Channeling Damage= 1.5X

Amount of Hittable Targets= 2

Mastery Rank Requisite= 4

Polarity= Madurai

Stance= Madurai

Special Trait(s)= 

Kinetic Triggers= Alternating damage types for armor and unarmored targets

(While the weapon is fully capable of sliceing and dicing on it's own against less "solid" (flesh and clothing) foes, the Gorgrep truly shines against armored foes. Upon hitting a solid target, the gauntlet's blades depress backwards into the weapon, depressing the internal trigger of the shotgun and fireing a small-but-not-insignificant-amount of buckshot into a target.)


Appearence wise, the Goregrep shares similarities with a catchers mitt on it's lowest portions, with a blackish-brown synthetic leather mass (kubrow is difficult to come by when the only real source is controlled by the Grineer who are itching to invade your world if you prove less then useful) where the four fingers go and a single nub where the thumb goes. Branded into the leather in the knuckle area is the serial number and the words "HANDLE WITH CARE" first in Grinic and second in Corpus. Atop the glove, four sets of blued steel blades protrude which are as fit for stabbing as they are for sliceing in the manner of the cut-and-thrust swords of hundreds of years before. These blades will visibly depress back into the glove upon hitting an armored target, triggering the shotgun atop the back of the wrist. Said shotgun is housed within a "Corpus metal" colored trapezoidal houseing on said wrist, notable only for the large ported barrel that juts outward from it.  A sturdy armored belt wraps around the wrist and leads down to a small pan-magazine that sits in the wrist area. A black aramid securing fastener wraps around the other side of the wrist, secureing the weapon firmly to the arm. 

"Basic" Description= 

For the Corpus, Profit can be found even in the darkest of places. Sandwiched between the Grinic backwater of Mercury and the frontier colony of Earth, the corporations of Venus are in a constant battle between making themselves as useful to the Grineer as possible (through the provision of mechanical parts for use in seeker mine and roller drones) and making as much money as possible off their ubiquitous basalt deposits. Some organizations go one step further then just paying taxes and tithes though, seeking Profit through methods that would make most shareholders withdraw at a moment's notice. A textbook example of this is the company Hepfaustia Tek. Once a simple small scale basalt mining and and local construction contracting company, Hepfaustia Tek suddenly found itself rubbing shoulders with giants after it's C.E.O. received a "kindly donation" of 109 million credits.

   Strangely, after receiving said funds, the company suddenly went quite dark, sending only trivial company reports back to the board of directors and takeing on very few, if any, contracts with other Corpus companies. It wasn't until years later that a simple surprise inspection by a board-inquisitor uncovered the truth. Hepfaustia Tek had gone mercenary, selling to enemies of the state and "legitimate" businesses alike under the table from contract to contract expanding the site illicitly beneath the surface. Naturally, the board's evenkeeled response was to place a considerable bounty on the companies' assets and declare the company "In Deficit" Disturbingly, not a single large company has taken the offer, and the small companies that do who get as far as launching transports have had a tendency to mutiny at best or be lost with all hands at worst, further inspireing questions and conspiracies as to who or what is defending this single meager company. To this day, the bounty continues to grow, as does Hepfaustia tech, an ever-slowly-expanding "no-man's-land" blot on the corporate map.


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PHEW! Nothing like a lovely stroll with the family through the local pumpkin patch to get me off my rear and onto finishing off the appearence and description sections. Enjoy folks!


That's actually pretty cool. Shotgun-claws! Wish we could see it rendered by an artist sooner rather than later. Hepfaustia Tech's shadowy existence is also a treat.

Care to share what their motto means in English?

Edited by Rhekemi
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Post 96 (sired circa 10/23/2016 at 16:02 by this equal parts angry and analytical thread.) 

Who'd a thought that a bitter thread would result in the birth of my new idea? Eh, takes all kinds I guess. (Note= This might be one of the most complicated weapons I've cobbled together due to the typically wordy Infested appearance and the overtly complicated interconnection between the weapon and the wielding Warframe. Bare with me now folks! No progress without a bitta innovation!)

Designation: Visocyte

Weapon Designation: Secondary


Manufacturer: Originally Orokin, rediscovered by Tenno. Ongoing breeding program suggests a feasible combat population should be possible within 22 years.

Statistical Breakdown

Damage= 25 of the damage type the frames's abilities deal most often or at all (For example, a Trinity would deal finishing damage due to energy vampire, while a Chroma would deal the damage of it's appropriate color). The damage type of the frame WILL mix with whatever modifications are applied to the Visocyte itself.

Projectile=  Discharge

Accuracy= 87.5

Cyclic Rate of Fire= 10

Critical Chance= 1.5X

Critical Damage= 15%

"P.R.O.C." Chance= 25%

Magazine= The Energy bar of the Tenno itself, although the entity can only take 100 units worth of it before it must vent heat through it's pores. Magazine modifications can increase the amount of energy it can take before cooling.

Reload Speed= If one is careful and lets it gradually cool between discharges, this statistic is only used to decrease cool-down speed. If they are not, the required full vent time is 5.0.

Trigger= Delay. then Continuous.

Mastery Rank Requisite= 5

Polarity= Vazarin

Source= Clan Lab (insert fair amount of Infested resources here) 

Special Trait(s)= 

Transformative Catharsis= 

The Visocyte does not use ammunition. Instead, it taps directly into a Warframe's batteries.

Elemental Emission=

The damage type the Visocyte deals to targets is equal to whatever form of damage type  the frames deal with their own abilities. If they utilize multiple to deal damage, the "selection program" will select in the order of 1-2-3-4 and pick the one with the most "mundane" damage (kinetic, elemental, and hybrid elemental)

Appearance= More a collection of cooperative parts then a single weapon, few have the capability (much less the fortitude) to wield a Visocyte. Rather then wield it in the manner of a pistol or other side-arm, the entity "simply" engulfs the lower portion of the user's dominate arm and completely inverts it's body (organ, bone, and skin analogs all) so that it faces the opposite direction. A leathery sack, reminiscent of peritoneum, forms around the user's arm, defending it against the technocyte and volatile reactions that occur within. The circular maw allows the user's hand and wrist to function as expected, but the maw "drools" a thick sludge onto them that technocyte is unable to penetrate in an energy-efficient manner. Surrounding the maw are six thin and chitinous limbs that end in transparent silicate crystals which house tiny reddish orange blobs.

These limbs independently move around the maw performing a variety of maintenance tasks, from smoothing the sludge out on the user's hand to ensure optimal coverage, to sensing the air and vibrations of the user's arm to anticipate targeting direction, to grooming the other limbs of undesired growths. The midsection is coated in a thick obsidian-colored exoskeleton in all areas save two large grooves on the back which contain two lumps of red tissue with the appearance of deflated balloons. These large lumps of tissue, dubbed "sink glands", gradually fill with a heat-trapping mucus, inflating them to almost lung size before, upon hitting their maximum capacity, a set of pores open up to the outside and release a cloud of boiling steam. At the rear end of the entity, a pronounced hold-fast juts outward  in an arch and inter-meshes with the arm in a tangled network of encircling (but not invasive) "roots", all of which pulse gently with the energy color of the user into a large reddish orange (weapon colored) node in the hold-fast's trunk. When prepping to fire, the limbs will suddenly seize up, point in a separate cardinal direction, and then (accompanied with a horrific cacophony of bone crunching noises) slam together and twist into a single protrusion, the crystals on their tips all slotting together to form one larger one. The network of tendrils meanwhile, has it's glow speed speed up to a nigh epileptic flicker while the hold-fast node glows with intense reddish orange (weapon colored) fervor. The sound of the beam blast mirrors the element it is based upon (Examples= Slash= glass shattering, Ice= glacial grinding, Electricity= open-air current etc.).

"Basic" Description= When the Great Plague first burst forth from it's neglected holding cells and understaffed observation pens, not all of it's myriad forms were capable of leaving, much less attempt to commit bodily harm on their former caretakers. The Visocyte, a sort of living testing instrument for determining the effects of Void exposure on living tissue, is an excellent example of this. While quite hardy in their natural form of interconnected nodes in a vast network, said mesh needed a near constant supply of energy in order to sustain even the most minute semblance of life, and, with their original homes having been reduced to barely functioning wrecks, most colonies collapsed quite quickly within a few years of The Fall. By the time Tenno explorers stumbled across their existence, only three populations remained in the entire Sol-Origin System, only one of which could sustainably breed on a derelict production vessel's sputtering void cutter drive just beyond the orbit of Charon. Recognizing opportunity when it strikes them square in the face, it wasn't long before the newly dubbed "Charon 01" breed was being cultured in dojos system-wide in a slightly more independent and "higher amperage" format for  purposes slightly more aggressive then mere observation of raw energy output. In the end, while the original "seed population" has drifted to far beyond Charon for further observation, the new strain is slowly becoming closer and closer to being a fully feasible weapon for wide-scale deployment. Though the means and methods are hardly altruistic, the Tenno have saved another species who has suffered a fate not unlike their own.


Well ladies and gents, it looks like this fellow will be my last one till around the arrival of The War in November. My workload has expanded so much that I simply cannot spare time for further production currently. Rest assured, this is not the Pit's demise. It is merely going to ground in order to hide from the endlessly trudging footsteps of mundane labor in order to rise to prominence once again, not unlike the tree-shrews in the aftermath of the age of dinosaurs. Ciao for now folks, these sample reports won't curate themselves!



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4 hours ago, Unus said:

Ongoing breeding program suggests a feasible combat population should be possible within 22 years.

Right in time for The War Within update.

4 hours ago, Unus said:

Everything else

I really, really like this concept; but I cant unsee some problems:

1) What about frames that deal no damage? And frames that deal obviously superior damage, such as Trin's finisher damage on Energy Vampire?

2)What's the energy cost of a second of shooting? Because the main problem with this is that this is, quite basically, a channeled secondary-- and we all know how marvelously well channeling works.

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1) I have yet to find a frame that deals exactly no damage, but, please, let me know if you know of one that I cannot think of.

1B) That part, being the sorta mook I am, I am torn between two options I dislike. Option A is to have a preset default damage just like my Commuta elemental projector which makes me feel it would defeat the purpose of my "The gun bends to you and you bend to the gun" concept. Option B) would be me ignoring it and saying that no person in the game would completely base their entire existence around one measly weapon, which completely ignores the Cult of Synoid Mirage. Ugh.

2) After pokeing this 550 million year old clam for a while, I think I have a patch for this problem. What if the energy consumption was adjusted based upon the wielding frame, with the average Warframe energy capacity meaning a consumption of two per second and it increaseing or decreasing from there. The heat emission issue also helps stick a cap on that.

Thanks for popping in! I may not be able to conjure new ideas currently, but, that doesn't mean I can't discuss patches and repairs on my current children.

Also, apologies for the long appearence section, Infested weapons seem to require quite a bit of T.L.C. in that regard.


Right in time for The War Within update.

I really, really like this concept; but I cant unsee some problems:

1) What about frames that deal no damage? And frames that deal obviously superior damage, such as Trin's finisher damage on Energy Vampire?

2)What's the energy cost of a second of shooting? Because the main problem with this is that this is, quite basically, a channeled secondary-- and we all know how marvelously well channeling works.

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10 hours ago, Unus said:


1) I have yet to find a frame that deals exactly no damage, but, please, let me know if you know of one that I cannot think of.

Jut checked it. you are actually correct. All frames have at least a token damaging factor. moving on....

10 hours ago, Unus said:

1B) That part, being the sorta mook I am, I am torn between two options I dislike. Option A is to have a preset default damage just like my Commuta elemental projector which makes me feel it would defeat the purpose of my "The gun bends to you and you bend to the gun" concept. Option B) would be me ignoring it and saying that no person in the game would completely base their entire existence around one measly weapon, which completely ignores the Cult of Synoid Mirage. Ugh.

Mh... you can alwas give it the Chroma treatment...

Also, yes. NEVER ignore the possibility of overpoweredness, no matter the cost. there will always be people thinking it is a fair trade.

10 hours ago, Unus said:

2) After pokeing this 550 million year old clam for a while, I think I have a patch for this problem. What if the energy consumption was adjusted based upon the wielding frame, with the average Warframe energy capacity meaning a consumption of two per second and it increaseing or decreasing from there. The heat emission issue also helps stick a cap on that.

Mh... that is, the energy consumption being dependent of a fraction of the frame's maximum energy, instead of static numbers? I do like that idea. Though, maybe magazine increasing mods should decrease energy cost? the result is virtually the same.

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