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Lumped Together Mosh-Pit of Ideas I've had for too Long


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State Of The Pit Address for Viewers:


Apologies for the current delay folks, been struggling with an issue in my latest creation that I wasn't anticipating. Turns out, Tengus is heavily entangled in the ghouls and their upcoming purge quests, meaning that me dipping into the Teng now might be. . . a bit story-clashing? I don't know what Digital's version looks like, but, with mine being a beefy glowing-eyed tumor-backed midget with a hunch, wires in his face that look like a Fu-Manchu, a personality and accent LIKE Fu-Manchu, absolutely no attachment to his creations whatsoever, and an inability to actually bother to recognize anyone other then a faction's leader, I feel like I might have. . . gone to far?

Don't really know what to make of it, wondering if you forumite folks might have a clearer view then me Pit Attachment and me desire to avoid treading on Digital's toes.


See ya when the next project is set-up!

Unus, Diabolical Word-Wallsmen.

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Message to the Pit "Viewership".


After digging through the Pit for some time, I've had the fascinating revelation that there are several weapons and enemies which have never been displayed in any of my Discord escapades, indicating that that I might need to slow down production on the new Modifications that are coming soon today and roll out the red carpet for those weapons who have gone on unseen and unheard for months.


New Material is on the way folks, it's just that I might need to artificially slow down the production line while I place my pieces out in the world to see the audience's reactions and thoughts elsewhere. This should only take about a week, so, don't be worried about me forgetting about my dear old Pit, just spreading the word a bit.

Sincerely and with heartfelt apologies, Unus, Exhausted "Writer" At-Large.


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                                         Post 320

(Conceived circa 12/19/2017 at approximentally 15:46. Birthed circa 12/21/2017 at 18:32.)

Had to mull this one over for a bit folks, but, after weighing the pros and cons and balancing the costs, I think my next bit might actually be feasible in the grand scheme. Let's see if my few day sabbatical has come up with a crumb of interest, shall we?


Designation: Lock-In Mod

Polarity= Blank

Cost= The cost of the modification the Lock-In is added to is effectively doubled. Placing a locked-in modification into a correspondent polarity slot will zingy be able to reduce it's cost down to the typical maximum for it's "pip-level.

Effect= When utilizing a weapon which has two elements present that are not innate to the weapon itself, one can drag a Lock-In modifier framework over one in order to forcibly separate it from the other element, allowing two separate elements to coexist. The cost of the affected elemental modification is doubled in the process. Modifications affected by a Lock-In modifier will be surrounded by a distinct jade glass outline.

"Flavor Injection"=


Hailing from the very dawn of the current age when the Tenno were first awakening, Lock-In Modifications are a cumbersome relic of the elemental stamping technology of the Orokin. Using a precision void engine and "spooky action" linked components, a portion of the weapon's elemental stamping mechanism is transferred into and suspended in the void itself, only imparting it's effect on the weapon at the very last moment. Once considered the norm for weaponry across the Sol-Origin system, the switch to the Tenno-derived integrated mix systems and their devastating effects eventually led to the wide-scale discarding of the energy hungry machines. With the resurgence of the presence of Sentients in the Sol Origin system resulting in a mad scramble to gain a combat advantage however, some have returned to the old methods In search of an advantage, though the lack of a modern support structure and the unpreparedness of modern weaponry means that Lock-In Mods are more energy-hungry then ever.


There we are folks, another baked concept. Not half-baked, not quarter-baked, but full and steamy with a crisp aftertaste of nostalgia. I understand that such a crafted concept might be a tad bit controversial to say the least, but, I figure, with the added cost, it'd make it a MUCH much more difficult to achieve the ancient "rainbowic" builds of the elder days. That said, I'm willing to lend an ear to those who might disagree.

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                                       Post 321

(Conceived circa 12/27/2017 at 17:32)

Excellent! Just when I thought I was running low on material to create beyond upcoming updates to pre-existing ideas, Digital swoops in with a new update to sprinkle fertilizer on the old mental wheat field and bring some life back into things! Poor Ordis just wasn't thorough enough. . . or perhaps he just couldn't let go?


Designation: Dual Cains. Alternatively, Dual Stigmas (To be narrowed down later.)

Weapon Designation: Dual Daggers.


Manufacturer: "Unknown". Retrieved and retrofitted by an as-yet-undetermined lorist as a memorial gift for Ballas to remember a certain someone's ""amusing"" display by.

Method of Acquisition:

While exploring the new side-room, the Operator will receive a jump-scare in the form of a ceiling panel coming loose and a container falling out and slamming into the floor in front of them. Ordis will begin to apologize that he wasn't as thorough a cleaner as he thought, but then trail off a bit as the Operator rights the container and presses the button to open it. The front will slide open and unveil the weapons slowly rotating in a small display case, sending Ordis into a disrupted and fearful frenzy, unable to maintain either the panic of Ordis or the indignation of Ordan. In the end, as the Operator picks up the weapons, both Ordis and Ordan will sigh and Ordis will say that the Operator may as well put bad memories to good use with no real explanation as to why he was so disturbed. The game then resumes as normal and the Operator will acquire the Duel Cains/Duel Stigmas.

Statistical Breakdown:

Damage= 50 Slash, 10 Puncture, 5 Impact.

Slide Attack= 175

Attack Speed= 0.75

Critical Chance= 10%

Critical Damage= 2.5X

"P.R.O.C." Chance= 30%

Mastery Rank Requisite= 5

Polarity= None

Stance= Zenurik

Riven Disposition= ?

Special Trait(s):

Sanguine Waltz:

If Enemy= Bleeding, + 5% melee damage. Capacity= 25%.

The blades subliminally manipulate the wielder into having their brainwaves synchronize with their former owner's. Every foe on the battlefield who suffers from a blade-inflicted bleeding P.R.O.C. further drives the wielder into a battle trance, increasing damage inflicted by 5% up to a cap of 25%.

Cruor Haze:

Percentage Health Lost= Percentage Melee Damage Increase.

As the user spirals ever closer to death, the blades take advantage of this weakness and further imposes the very thoughts of their former wielder upon the wielding victim. The closer to death the wielder is, the greater the well of spiteful fury the wielder can draw upon to slay their foes.



These primitive lengthy spurs of bone have been thoroughly augmented by both a machine and the hands of a skilled scrimshawist. The grip is shining and golden in typical Orokin fashion and is chalice-like in styling, with several hard metal insulated wires plunged through the blunter tip of the bone and holding it in place. The portion the wielder grips is covered in a wrinkled grey-white synthetic material that is soft and comfortable to grip. A blue light shines on both the bottom of the "bone-bearing" portion of the grip in a perfect circle. The sharp end has been serrated into a proper knife edge, with both the serrations and the tip having been neatly coated with a thin coating of Orokin metal to give it the proper bite it needs to penetrate modern body armor and slice through tough flesh. The bone is a healthy yellow-white with a pinkish hue, still alive despite the passage of centuries since the fall. On both sides of the flatter and carved blade end, filigreed in neat blue glowing Orokin script, is the phrase "Remember that we will never die".

"Basic" Description:

Amongst the deep inner circles of the Orokin, death became something of an actual form of entertainment for the immortals. Tragic plays, "mock" battles, and honor duels were all carried out to their grisly ends with the actors none the worse-for-wear at the close. After a certain incident occurred at one coronation ceremony however, a new form of entertainment was born the likes of which reach the truest depths of decadent depravity, experiencing death itself as entertainment.


Though the particulars may vary, the process was always the same, a lavish banquet part followed by a meeting with the "Guest of Honor", commonly a convicted felon, mental invalid, or blank-slate commoner taken off the street. Upon entering, the blades would switch on, immediately feeding the thoughts of the original user directly into the mind of the wielder, potentially breaking them and making them nothing more then a puppet of hate and fury. Filled with fury, the "Guest" will begin brutally slaughtering all members present, the chaos ending with when the last Orokin falls, the blades shut off, and a single subsonic bullet from the barrel of an attendant Dax's gun enters the wielder's temple. The bodies of the partiers are then taken away into the next room and all wake the next day for the "After Life" party where all present wear ethereal robes and engage in all manner of carnal pleasure.


How this tradition was started exactly may never be known, though the sheer exoticness of these blades suggest quite a story to be told. . .


PHEW! Sorry bout the big time gap there folks!  Me birthday and Christmas gifts sing quite the siren song of enrapturement.


Kinda sad no-one really talks anymore, but, eh, I see that view count continuing to rise, so I know at least a double digit amount of people are still enjoying this as much as I do. Though there is silence, it appears I simply have a silent audience, and that's okay.


See you folks for the next piece!



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Oh, and, as a direct question for viewers, which name should I go for for the bone blades?


Duel Stigmas as their use is an insult and embarrassment towards the original user of them, a mockery of all they stood for?


Duel Cains due to the chaotic betrayal the weapons were used in and the cain raised when the original wielder used them against the Orokin?


Private message, a post here, or even a green (Stigmas) or red (Cains)"emoji" placed on this topic , it matters little how you impart the information, I need only hear you, the audience's, take on which name fits the bill folks!

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4 hours ago, Unus said:

                                       Post 321

(Conceived circa 12/27/2017 at 17:32)

Excellant! Just when I thought I was running low on material to create beyond upcoming updates to pre-existing ideas, Digital swoops in with a new update to sprinkle fertilizer on the old mental wheat field and bring some life back into things! Poor Ordis just wasn't thorough enough. . . or perhaps he just couldn't let go?


Designation: Dual Cains. Alternatively, Dual Stigmas (To be narrowed down later.)

Weapon Designation: Dual Daggers.


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Manufacturer: "Unknown". Retreived and retrofitted by an as-yet-undetermined lorist as a memorial gift for Ballas to remember a certain someone's ""amusing"" display by.

Method of Acquisition:

While exploring the new sideroom, the Operator will receive a jumpscare in the form of a ceiling panel coming loose and a container falling out and slamming into the floor in front of them. Ordis will begin to apologize that he wasn't as through a cleaner as he thought, but then trail off a bit as the Operator rights the container and presses the button to open it. The front will slide open and unveil the weapons slowly rotating in a small display case, sending Ordis into a disrupted and fearful frenzy, unable to maintain either the panic of Ordis or the indignation of Ordan. In the end, as the Operator picks up the weapons, both Ordis and Ordan will sigh and Ordis will say that the Operator may as well put bad memories to good use with no real explanation as to why he was so disturbed. The game then resumes as normal and the Operator will acquire the Duel Cains/Duel Stigmas.

Statistical Breakdown:

Damage= 50 Slash, 10 Puncture, 5 Impact.

Slide Attack= 175

Attack Speed= 0.75

Critical Chance= 10%

Critical Damage= 2.5X

"P.R.O.C." Chance= 30%

Mastery Rank Requisite= 5

Polarity= None

Stance= Zenurik

Riven Disposition= ?

Special Trait(s):

Sanguine Waltz:

If Enemy= Bleeding, + 5% melee damage. Capacity= 25%.

The blades subliminally manipulate the wielder into having their brainwaves synchronize with their former owner's. Every foe on the battlefield who suffers from a blade-inflicted bleeding P.R.O.C. further drives the wielder into a battle trance, increaseing damage inflicted by 5% up to a cap of 25%.

Cruor Haze:

Percentage Health Lost= Percentage Melee Damage Increase.

As the user spirals ever closer to death, the blades take advantage of this weakness and further imposes the very thoughts of their former wielder upon the wielding victim. The closer to death the wielder is, the greater the well of spiteful fury the wielder can draw upon to slay their foes.



These primitive lengthy spurs of bone have been throughly augmented by both a machine and the hands of a skilled scrimshawist. The grip is shining and golden in typical Orokin fashion and is chalice-like in styling, with several hard metal insulated wires plunged through the blunter tip of the bone and holding it in place. The portion the wielder grips is covered in a wrinkled grey-white synthetic material that is soft and comfortable to grip. A blue light shines on both the bottom of the "bone-bearing" portion of the grip in a perfect circle. The sharp end has been serrated into a proper knife edge, with both the serrations and the tip having been neatly coated with a thin coating of Orokin metal to give it the proper bite it needs to penetrate modern body armor and slice through tough flesh. The bone is a healthy yellow-white with a pinkish hue, still alive despite the passage of centuries since the fall. On both sides of the flatter and carved blade end, filigreed in neat blue glowing Orokin script, is the phrase "Remember that we will never die".

"Basic" Description:

Amongst the deep inner circles of the Orokin, death became something of an actual form of entertainment for the immortals. Tragic plays, "mock" battles, and honor duels were all carried out to their grisly ends with the actors none the worse-for-wear at the close. After a certain incident occurred at one coronation ceremony however, a new form of entertainment was born the likes of which reach the truest depths of decadent depravity, experiencing death itself as entertainment.


Though the particulars may vary, the process was always the same, a lavish banquet part followed by a meeting with the "Guest of Honor", commonly a convicted felon, mental invalid, or blank-slate commoner taken off the street. Upon entering, the blades would switch on, immediately feeding the thoughts of the original user directly into the mind of the wielder, potentially breaking them and making them nothing more then a puppet of hate and fury. Filled with fury, the "Guest" will begin brutally slaughtering all members present, the chaos ending with when the last Orokin falls, the blades shut off, and a single subsonic bullet from the barrel of an attendant Dax's gun enters the wielder's temple. The bodies of the partiers are then taken away into the next room and all wake the next day for the "After Life" party where all present wear ethereal robes and engage in all manner of carnal pleasure.


How this tradition was started exactly may never be known, though the sheer exoticness of these blades suggest quite a story to be told. . .


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PHEW! Sorry bout the big time gapthere folks!  Me birthday and Christmas gifts sing quite the siren song of enrapturement.


Kinda sad no-one really talks anymore, but, eh, I see that view count continueing to rise, so I know at least a double digit amount of people are still enjoying this as much as I do. Though there is silence, it appears I simply have a silent audience, and that's okay.


See you folks for the next piece!



Quite the nice headcannon there. I really liked the backstory, and how it displays the abnormal detachment Orokin could have to any earthly preoccupation to the of not only finding death itself just a recreational experience - but to start a tradition of getting brutally murdered for funsies due to what was a brutal attempt of revolution against their very tirany. 

Can I propose another name, though? How about "the blades of the jester", to further insult and reduce the violent lashes of frustration and oppression as nothing but a diminutive spectacle to be enjoyed after a dinner?


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Dropping in from the midst of my project to wish you all a happy New Year!

Gotta say, its been quite a productive year on my account and many many many others! Heres to a greater future of even more quality expansion and to a hopefully much more positive year ahead! Happy happy happy new year!


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Sorry about the absolutely massive delay in concept posting folks! Its not that I don't have anything, rather, its that I have so goddem much that its taking me some extreme time to slap it all together and create the set. Preemptive warning for those wondering, most of this next batch are mostly Corpu-Grinnic hybrid design, so, if thats not your cuppa Joe, my sincerest apologies. I don't control the ideas that come, just whether or not they are A) "Original" and B) Implementable. See you folks as soon as I pump out this latest piece, the techno-noir repeater/revolver known as the Dividend!

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                   Post 323

(Conceived circa 12/30/2017 at 21:14 and 21:19 respectively)


Thats right folks, a double whammy (quite similar to the movie that quote is from for one of em at that)! I always love it when something as simple as a holiday light show can trigger off a twin birth like this, from both sides of the grey area of the law at that. Let's start with the whiter side of things, something a tad bit. . . techno-noir, shall we say?


Designation: Dividend.

Weapon Designation: Secondary, Pistol-Type.


Manufacturer: Hepfaustia-Tech, Personal Security Division, Ishtar Terra, Venus

Statistical Breakdown:

Trigger-Type= Semi-Auto.

Projectile= Projectile, Plasma Torus  (Like that of the Lanka, Dera, Supra, etc.).

Damage= 77 Puncture, 3 Impact.

Critical Chance= 16%

Critical Damage= 2.0X

"P.R.O.C." Chance= 20% 

Cyclic Rate-of-Fire= 5.5

Magazine Size= 12 charge plasma battery.

Reload Speed= 1.6 (Flip l.a.s.e.r. diode top-sight down, lights shut off, pull down on left side of oval bottom to detach plasma-cell magazine, swap out, insert new p-c mag and push until it clicks into place, flip diode-sight up, lights turn on, resume firing stance.)

Mastery Rank Requisite= None.

Polarity= 1 Naramon.

Riven Disposition= ?

Special Trait(s)= 

Specialized Target-Lock=

If target= within aimed-forward 45' arc, then +15% accuracy, + 10% fire-rate.

If target= within aimed-peripheral 45' arc, then +15% damage , -10% rate of fire, +1 ammo consumption.

Rather then have a standard uplink targeting reticule system, the Dividend utilizes a set of 3 ionization l.a.s.e.r.s on ball pivots to highlight and "enrich" the path of the plasma bolt, focusing the emitter and shortening the charge cycle when the target is locked-on and within the standard ballistic arc and over-charging the bolt in order to maintain plasma cohesion as it trails towards a target if it is in the periphery. Predictive adaptive software ensures that the lock-on remains even through walls, allowing canny users to arc shots over troublesome cover or trail running targets


Despite a few grinnic influences in the form of a few studding nubs here and there along the back, the Dividend is by-and-large very much made up of the Corpus' focus on hard geometry and sharp angles. The grip is essentially one long trapezoid flipped on it's side and studded with patterned grip nodules for ease of holding. The very bottom of the grip terminates in a half-oval shape with the flat part facing upwards. It partially  caps off the grip with and partially juts forward, allowing one to easily  pull down on the left portion to remove the plasma-cell magazine. A black seam runs all the way down the middle of the grip, splitting it in two and further showing that half of it is indeed the plasma-cell magazine.

Finally, completing it's display of where the p-c-m is is the fact that, on the right side of the oval is a whitish blue gemstone-style light which shuts off when a p-c mag is removed and switches on when one is inserted. The main body of the entire weapon is a wide rounded rectangle in shape with a gridlike pattern on the top portion. Sticking out of either side is a mounting armature that can fold against the main body when not in use and is tipped with a ball-pivot that houses a whitish-blue l.a.s.e.r. sight. A set of flexible grey wires can be seen through the ventilated grating the armature is made up of, snaking along all the way back into the weapon itself. A final l.a.s.e.r. is mounted on a switch of sorts on the back end which is flipped down to shut the weapon off for reloading and is flipped into an upward position when the weapon is active, allowing the ball pivot to swivel the weapon with the others properly and light the route of the plasma blasts, lighting up more when a target is within the forward  45' arc and and dimming in brightness when the target moves into the periphery 45' arc.

The barrel, if it can be called that, is a recessed nozzle on the front of the weapon not unlike that of an air-hose. Beneath it, a sparked like that of a lighter is housed, slightly extending and igniting when in the ready position and extinguishing and retracting when the gun is off. A similar mechanism sits above the barrel and has a similar set of actions, only it has a sparking electrical tip to it. The trigger of the gun is a metal ring on the end of a curved bit of metal that moves up into the body up to the ring itself when in storage. Similarly, the entire grip is hinged in such a way that it folds up along the body to the point that only the ring is exposed on the inside. Sticking a finger through the ring causes the weapon to unfold, with the grip swinging downwards into position, the trigger extending into it's proper place, the armatures extending into position, and both the flame and the sparker igniting on the barrel's tip.


The overall color scheme is of varying shades of grey, white, and black with a Dera-copying paint job applied to the grid covered top.

"Basic" Description= 

In order to maintain it's image as an independent friendly company that has recently been liberated from the Profit-obsessed ways of it's Corpus brethren, Hepfaustia Tech has embarked on a "community outreach" program of providing discounted security equipment to independent organizations the system over under a banner of "stabilizing the marketplace".

In reality, as with all things involving Hepfaustia Tech, the reality is much much grayer. The program, while certainly creating stability in certain areas, is really not much more then an excuse to sell combat weaponry to anyone who isn't either local to the inner solar-system or affiliated with  any Grinnic or Corpusian organizations directly, preventing the sales from backfiring onto Hepfaustia Tech by providing any particular side with an advantage.


This particular weapon itself is just as grey in background as it's constructing company, for though it is marketed as the ultimate hostile pursuit weapon to engage armed criminals running from the law, the Dividend's actual origins is as "worker deterrent", purpose built to take down workers attempting to flee one of Hepfaustia's many volcanic underground work-camps without the need for experienced armed guards, as the gun does all the work in aiming and improving corporate dividends by increasing worker productivity.


Slowly but surely, Hepfaustia Tech continues to worm its way deep into the Sol-Origin System's independent unaffiliated infrastructure, and, with further signs of conflict on the horizon, is projected to dig ever deeper well into the future. A beneficent tumor that both feeds upon and nurtures the colonies in equal measure.


PHEW! That one took me AGES to complete workwise! Mostly on account of me having trouble describing the body in typed detail. Next up, we go to a much more grinnic and darker side to Hepfaustia Tech. Here's hoping this ones a tad bit quicker.


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  • 2 weeks later...

HOLY COW FOLKS! My sincerest apologies for not updating the Pit for some time! I had a line-up brewing, I made a few game purchases and BOOM, suddenly time warped and it was a baker's dozen days later! Rest ASSURED, the two new models should be coming up within the next week or so for sure, even with me going back to work. In any case, maybe it was nice for folks who care to catch up?

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                                    Post 326

(Conceived circa 12/30/2017 at 21:19)


Designation: Multiplex

Weapon Designation: Secondary, Pistol Type.


Manufacturer: ""Anonymous"" (See "Basic" Description)

Statistical Breakdown:

Damage= 34 Puncture, 5 Impact.

Projectile= Spallating Plasma Round

Accuracy= (Exact number incalculable due to loss of calculations from source. Rough suggestion is that any shots fired from the Multiplex will land somewhere within the aiming reticule, emphasis on somewhere.)

Cyclic Rate-Of-Fire= 7.00

Critical Chance= 5% 

Critical Damage= 2X

"P.R.O.C." Chance= 2.5%

Magazine= 1 40 "ballistic container" round merged double clip.

Reload Speed= 2.5 (Depress button on mag-well's side, merged-clip free-falls onto ground, insert new merged clip, pull back beam-hammers as one to pull first rounds up into chamber, assume firing stance.)

Trigger= Automatic.

Mastery Rank Requisite= None

Polarity= Madurai

Special Trait(s):


Fall-Off Damage= Yes.

Fragmenting Round= Yes.


As the containment round travels through the air, it's freshly ionized internal plasma payload begins to melt away the plastic exterior, which in turn sloughs off in molten globules that can be just as lethal as the originating mass.


From a distance, the Multiplex is very much of grinnic make, consisting almost entirely of a thick sausage-like body, a grip-magazine-well hybrid, and a simple angled fore-grip from a distance. Fitted to the bottom of the magazine-well is it's strange magazine, seemingly a pair of pistol clips that have been completely and flawlessly merged together to form a single cohesive whole (a mistake on the manufacturers part, given their intentions for it.) with an opening at the top with just enough space to accommodate both sets of rounds going through at once. The grip-pattern consists of four thin peach-colored rectangles that wrap around the grip, a simple solution to holding the weapon. The trigger, just behind the knobby grinic lump that passes for the trigger guard, is a single piece of metal with an inset dent at it's middle that is just "snug" enough that it pinches and holds the trigger-finger in place with a bit of discomfort, loosening a bit when the trigger is depressed and leading to an inadvertent (on the part of the wielder anyway) "leadfinger" and decisive mindset on the part of the wielder's use habits. At the top back of the weapon are the deceptively simple looking "beam-hammers".

Seemingly a pair of black-powder hammers in the forward position divided by a thin lumpy grinic mound complete with four orange-dotted (energy-colored) "aiming blades", their internal  components are exceedingly advanced. Each houses a tiny ion beam emitter and a supply of liquid coolant. When the trigger is pulled, the beam fires into the chamber it is connected to, melts through the thin rear casing of the round, and ionizes it's orange (energy-colored) gas contents, ionizing it into a fiery magnetized plasma that begins to melt it's container. Sensing the danger, an onboard computer activates a series of hidden gauss coils tightly wrapped within the weapons outer shell, dragging the round out by it's ferromagnetic skeleton at projectile velocity. Between each shot, the "beam hammers" retract asynchronously from their emission ports to both allow for the release of potential plasma backwash and to emit puffs of spent coolant vapor (energy colored) before reconnecting and resuming the process. The barrel is actually mostly covered by the sausage-like barrel-shroud + casing assembly, giving it the appearance of being extremely short-snubbed. The overall paint job of the weapon continues to keep up with the Grineer ruse, a battered and white-scratched raw-steel-grey with a few strategically applied splatters of rust coloring around typical formation spots.

"Basic" Description:

Found discarded in Venusian orbit in the wake of a series of violent pirate attacks on purely independent colonies the system over by black market salvagers, the Multiplex (as the poorly scratched out name on the box dubbed the contents) sent shivers throughout the Sol-Origin Underworld at the thought of the Grineer finally overcoming the "Tech-gap" and going toe-to-toe with the Corpus as a modern fighting force. Weeks of careful dissection (and numerous electrocutions and lost eyebrows/hands) revealed, however, that the internal components of the weapon were actually of Corpus make, and that the outer shell lacked the flaws it seemed to suggest. Checking the box itself revealed quite little until a chemical test was done on the inside, revealing significant amounts of oxygen, CO2, and sulfur impurities, suggesting one origin, Venus. Linking this to the campaign blitz of Hepfaustia Tech's Dividend pistol and it's accompanying preaching of neutrality and assurances of only selling to independents before the pirate blitz was cakewalk, though given the companies' strange untouchable nature and the market's profit-minded nature, the only "vengeance" that could be had was for the marketeers to sell reverse-engineered copies to the more wealthy independent colonies, who embarked on their own ofttimes suicidal blazes of fury against known and perceived H-T assets or bunkered down into even deeper levels of isolationism. With no confirmations or denials on the company's part, Hepfaustia Tech continues to remain an enigmatic rogue corporate fiefdom, ever aloof and cold in comparison to the fiery passions of it's Profit-minded forebearers.


PHEW! Saved AND improved! Story was gonna be a lot more convoluted then THAT before the purge. Guess anger-inducing accidental purges have some benefits, even if it meant I skipped out on the pleasant banter in my flurry of recovery. . . which might be a good thing to some folks?


In any case, ONWARDS! No more screw-ups, no more false-alarms, just guns guns GUNS! Or, at least, real content. See ya in my next bit, a bit of an exotic piece I gotta say.

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18 hours ago, BladeWielder65 said:

These concepts never cease to amaze me. If just one were to ever grace the game i'd be ecstatic. Excellent work.


Well. . . . .. . . .uh. . . . .shoot, thank you kindly. By that, you mean all the folks in the Fan Concepts section, right? Not just this heap of assorted schizophrenic-scaling quality. . . .right?

At the very least, gotta ask, what stood out as something of quality in the pile? Was it actually something notable for being of quality, or was it just the sheer volume of ideas?

Sincerest apologies for the "questionnaire" of sorts, your kind words and sudden pop-in are a bit of an unexpected treat around these parts.

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1 hour ago, Unus said:

Well. . . . .. . . .uh. . . . .shoot, thank you kindly. By that, you mean all the folks in the Fan Concepts section, right? Not just this heap of assorted schizophrenic-scaling quality. . . .right?

At the very least, gotta ask, what stood out as something of quality in the pile? Was it actually something notable for being of quality, or was it just the sheer volume of ideas?

Sincerest apologies for the "questionnaire" of sorts, your kind words and sudden pop-in are a bit of an unexpected treat around these parts.

What sticks out to me is your early stuff, the Faction's Subdivisions in particular. The Solemn and Fatalistic Grem Grineer, The Authoritarian Orwellian Corpus and the Vector Strain of the infestation, Contagion Incarnate. The exploration and development of these variants strike me as more engaging and interesting than the cookie cutter Grineer Variants. I find an enemy with a completely different approach to combat more fun to fight then the same unit with a new gun and paintjob. So this stuff really tickles my fancy.

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7 hours ago, BladeWielder65 said:

What sticks out to me is your early stuff, the Faction's Subdivisions in particular. The Solemn and Fatalistic Grem Grineer, The Authoritarian Orwellian Corpus and the Vector Strain of the infestation, Contagion Incarnate. The exploration and development of these variants strike me as more engaging and interesting than the cookie cutter Grineer Variants. I find an enemy with a completely different approach to combat more fun to fight then the same unit with a new gun and paintjob. So this stuff really tickles my fancy.

AH! Fascinating! I've found that the Grem seem to very much attract people for some reason, something about them just seems to draw folks in. If thats what you enjoy sir/mam, at the very least, all I have to say is that a new faction was recently added onto the Grineer Generations, as well as a mechanically ""complicated"" new grineer unit in the form of Doctor Tengus' "Newmen.

Not trying to keep your attention like an annoying two-year-old with a crude drawing shrieking "LOOK LOOK DADDY, LOOK WHAT I DREW!", just letting you know there might be some new flavor you might enjoy in the enemy and faction sections.

I wonder what draws folks so closely to the Grem (outside of your own explanation, of course. Big reason why I desired to make the "Factions Within Factions" in the first place is the EXACT reason you stated)? Your the first person I've had contact me to enjoy the Orweilians and the Vector, but the Grem remain quite the popular piece, among all others, with only the gargantuan monstrosities of the Miltquitque Sentients even coming close.

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To Pitfolks Whom It May Concern

SWWEEEEETTTTT GGGGEEEZZZZUUUSSSS FOLKS! I went down like a stone for a few days when that sino-laryn-stomach whatever-the-ell killed me dead! Have to scramble for all the concept shards I almost lost in my fevered fugue state! Allow me to give a brief briefing of what plans are currently going out to the mid-term, rather then short or long.

First off, in my crippled state, I recognized that I need to retrofit the "quality section" with both new votes and newly voted on topic-projects which have come around in the last few months, that'll be the first piece i'll be spending a few days on post-recovery.

Secondly, there is a riot-control orokin-exotic pistol coming down the line with both greater-then-lethal and less-then-lethal capabilities to inflict upon "perps". That one was almost done brewing pre-plaguening.

And thats the current rub! The sooner i'm back on two feet, the better i'll be able to map the schedule. See you folks soon! I gotta date with a triple-digit temp shower and several water bottles.

Unus, survivor of Raccoon City/ common household contagions.

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21 hours ago, (Xbox One)Fluffywolf36 said:


Hehe, thanks, I may have been the mook to put up the blueprints and the inevitably unread backstory, but, MMM MMM, madam Ivy sure knew how to transcribe these killers into the realm of the visual in near perfect splendor! The ONLY time I ever had a "creative divergence" was in the color department, and, even then, the issue (if you could even call it that) was nipped in the bud REAL quick! With every piece that is granted unto me by the art gods and goddesses, the Pit becomes ever more complete!

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                                  Post 327

(Conceived circa 1/1?/2018 at ?:?? P.M.)

The creato-train's breaks have been greased once again folks! Onwards to a proper deeper Pit descent! Key now is to find time tween job work and recovery from jobbing to get it all down. Oh the endless struggle of a. . . Uh. . . non-starving artist? Bah, onwards!


Designation: Aquitas

Weapon Designation: Secondary, Pistol Type.


Manufacturer: Hand-made by each Judati member as part of their selection process, from just about any inhabited world in the Sol-Origin System. The only aid they received from "The Comission" in the creation process was in the acquisition of the original blueprints, nothing more. How the trainee went about making their Aquitas would determine their placement in the organization, from self-crafting leading to armory assignment to contracting others to do it leading to "public relations" positions.

Statistical Breakdown:

Damage= 10 Puncture and 10 Impact on the crystal bolts' penetration, 115 Slash and 85 Puncture on detonating the bolt by Pulse, None on the Vibratic Pulse hipfire.

Projectile= Bolt, Crystalline Spike.

Accuracy= (Statistical Analytics Missing from Data Source), Vibratic Pulse is an omnidirectional guarantee up to 25 meters.

Cyclic Rate-Of-Fire= 1.5 for the Vibratic Pulse, 5.0 for the bolts.

Critical Chance= 5%.

Critical Damage= 1.5X.

"P.R.O.C." Chance= The Vibratic Pulse is guaranteed to trigger an Impact "P.R.O.C.", but can trigger no others. The bolt, meanwhile, has a 20% chance.

Magazine= 6-shot-worth containment phial.

Reload-Speed= 2.2 (Grasp  kubrow statuette with thumb and index finger and twist left, pull upwards, swap phial for fresh one, insert new phial, twist statuette to right, assume firing stance.)

Trigger= Semi-Auto.

Mastery Rank Requisite= 5

Polarity= Naramon, Vazarin.

Component Set= Barrel, Body, Grip.

Special Trait(s):


If target embedded with 0 < N c-bolts and Vibratic Pulse is triggered within 25 meters of target, then c-bolt= area effect detonation.

   Though the crystalline morphic bolts (created by sandwiching normal forms between two gravitational fields until it reacted by solidification to "defend" itself) fired from an Aquites are hardly lethal, are non-toxic, and come out easily with proper treatment, they harbor a truly nightmarish "secret", to say the least. When hit by a tuned vibrational pulse (electromagnetic, thermal, sonic, gravitational, anything that rattles the particles making up the crystals), the crystal's molecular structure reacts quite violently, exploding into clouds of harmful razor-sharp shards and puncturing sharpnal. Already lodged within the body, the results are usually grotesque and ugly. . . and guaranteed to keep unruly criminals compliant after the first example is made.


Though the Aquitas is very much an Orokin weapon, the sheer styling and feel behind it suggests far less of an aesthetic approach and far more of a desire to intimidate and awe others. The handgrip is very much like that of the Detron in it's construction, complete with a clear and obvious white trigger. The resemblance ends there however, for the body after that Is one large sideways cylinder, braced across either side with a set of bronze metal supports across it's tan plastoid surface that perfectly resemble the symbol of the Orokin (:orokin:) with an eye-in palm fist just below it. Circling it along the up-turned sides all the way around is a thin glass segment with Orokin etching at its center frosted into the glass, reading " . . . i am the hand guided by the Executor's tongue, point me at the guilty, for . . .". Beneath the glass, one can see the faintest hint of metal cables stuck to the far side and snaking all the way around in a loop. Occasionally, amidst the slow white energy that clearly pulses along these cables, something small and metallic whizzes past for a barely visible second, racing along a middle cable.

At the point where barrel and body meet, there is a hole that leads straight down into the weapon, the receptacle for the weapon's unorthodox "magazine". Said magazine consists of a clear glass phial filled with a white (energy colored) substance with the consistency and appearance of mercury, a bronze bottom cap, a vertically opening port in it's middle, and a top consisting of a bronze cap with a kubrow sitting at canine attention on it's haunches. The barrel, slightly resembling that of a bolto's, is adorned with the simplistic statuette of an Orokin Executor pointing forward with one arm, it's face an empty hole through which the wielder aims the weapon. On the front of the weapon beneath the barrel, shaped so that it covers the front of the body, is a bronze "masquelike" face with lambent  white (energy colored) eyes and an expression of grim judgement. The eyes flicker with every shot fired.

"Basic" Descriptions:

In the vast diaspora that was the Orokin Empire at it's height, civil unrest was the norm rather then the exception in almost every society under the thumb of the Golden Emperors, save for their imperial capitals and those cities and settlements fortunate enough to have something the Empire needs. Even with the significant technological advances that allowed for faster-then-light communications and intra-system travel binding humanity together closer then ever before, logistics and the sheer corpus of mankind in existence meant that the more "corporeal" aspects of putting down rebellions, coups, and riots were, at-best, extremely slow to respond, and, at worst, held back dependent on the perceived value of a settlement, replaced instead by science or invasion fleets. Even with the delegation of certain colonies to various private corporations, the Orokin's innate hunger for control meant that they never stopped searching for a method of remaining in power. At the very start of the Sentient War, pragmatic concern forced them to select one of many options, the formation of "The Commission" and it's constituent monk/hunter/officers. Taking in sympathetic (actually, financially, beneficially, it mattered little) humans from their various scattered colonies, the Orokin "trained" these men and women through direct mental downloads and rigorous calisthenics regimes until all that remained was the will of the Orokin and an encyclopedic knowledge of Orokin law.


These vessels of Orokin knowledge were then sent back to their homes with the latest in Orokin peace-keeping technologies, where they would carefully hide them before their conditioned memory loss kicked in and then went about their daily lives. During civil unrest, however, as announcements about it were made digitally, a subliminal message would ride along with signal that only the conditioned citizens would hear. At the drop of a hat, maintenance men, politicians, priests, and all manner of citizen would drop everything, return home, and don their gilded armor and stern-faced masks. Suddenly, right in the middle of the embattled colony, an entire first-response force would appear, hunt down the perpetrators to a man, haul them/their corpses to a transport, and then vanish without a trace. The Judici's ability to hunt down rebels and malcontents under their Commission handlers was outstanding at maintaining colonial order during the war. . . but it did little to halt the Sentient onslaught when it bulldozed through the colonies. Now, no Judici remain, but the equipment made for their thankless task remains alongside many other Orokin relics. Their lethal-compliance side-arm, the morphic-crystal projecting Aquitas , is held in high regard by slavers across the system, though the need for morphics for the gun to "infect" with it's programming and it's rarity mean that only the richest slave-lords can afford them, or, as the case may be, the Tenno.


Wow. . . all I can say is. . . wow. Either I need to actually pen out my entire schedule in order to make time for the Pit, or, I gotta simply shape-up and get back into it. Sincerest apologies Pit readers, Ol Unus seems to be tripping up lately.

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6 hours ago, CalcualtedMurderMachine said:

Hello there

Do you remember me?


Looking forward to give you some suggestions,

Throw your best ideas at me ^.^

(ps if you dont remember me, {Ill be very sad} but just check back a couple posts to find me :>

Oh. . .uh. . .your. . .wait, suggestio. . . .OH, your that WHAMEN fellow from a ways back, hello there sir! You actually want to look at a few more sir? I'm. . .uh. . .i'm flattered.. I uh. . . . I'll look for something interesting for you then.

So, uh, from the things you haven't seen, I have. . .well, theres the Krancor machinegun.

Theres the uh. . .theres one of the Sentient breeds I cooked up before we learned of the Eidolons, the Miltquitque.

Theres a piece a few folks have apparently gained an interest in, my Bastek spear-rockets.

Theres an ancient Gun Glove I made a fair ways back that folks seemed to like, the Gorgrep.

And I guess a final piece you could look over is the ranged Infested I cooked up long ago, the Broadside.

Heres hoping you enjoy this set then!


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