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some questions from a noob



Ok i've been playing this game for almost 100 hour now and i've some questions.

1- People told me that i must start the second dream quest for some reason...the quest require to finish the natah quest which can be obtained in Uranus...i finally unlocked this planet to find all it's missions are Archwing ones which i hate...what's the deal with that?

Am i supposed to grind through a segment that i hate to unlock a big portion of the game?


2- I've been looking for a mod called serration for those 100 hours and i've already one that a kind player gave it to me for free but i don't want to level it bast rank 3 or 4 so that when i acquire a new primary i don't have to wait tell it's level 12 or something to add it to it.....problem is that mod never drops for me either from infested nor these lady scorpions.

This is a 100 hour grind that i level excal and Rhino and Valkyer and doing other missions....how rare is this mod any way.

Also a 2 guys offered it to me for 30 Plat unranked...is this reasonable price?

Also trying to get intensity but 0 luck so far.


3- it appears to me that in order to get rare mods i've to have a good mods setup....is this a case of a snake swallowing it's own tail like in order to get the thing i need to have it in first place or i won't be able to get it?


4- now that Uranus did stop my advance because i must have a leveled up archwing what should i do?



Thanx alot for all your help.

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i wouldnt recommend trying to farm a specific mod

it gets rly fast super annoying and since ur focused on this one goal to get this one mod u wont see all the other stuff ur achieving on the way there

and all thats left is an exhausting grind

just keep playing and vary the missions keep unlocking the planets (i know AW isnt great but on uranus its rly not that bad) and with time and missions played u will get plenty of mods just along the way without farming for them

oh and as multiple ppl statet above yes 2nd dream is worth playing even if ur not into lore the reward is still worth it

for sorties lets put it this way: i have no fcking clue why DE allowed mr4 players to play these it should be mr10 or something

if u find ppl that are willing to help u and to carry u through the sorties then go on and play them but i think there is right now not the need to play them if ur only mr4

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It's some parts archwing but most of it is not. Just do sabotage missions and you should get your scans from there.

It's a rare mod now. I seems most of the essential mods are now rare. You can get mods like these easy from treasure rooms in the void and ordinary containers.
Im mr21 and I still don't have it maxed. There is going to be an overhaul, not anytime soon, on gun weapons with pure damage mods so keep that in mind.


Not really. You just need to know where super rare mods drop so you can farm for them like stance mods. If you look around a player could give you all of those essential mods.


Try to get your archwing up to be usable. Archwing in it's current state is completely flawed and since it's not the main game little to no work is put into it for improvements such as mod drops, xp range, defenses type missions, and end mission unobtainable rng parts. The archwing on Uranus is not what you think.

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1- They ask you to do it because after 2nd Dream quest new mechanics come into the game and the rewards are also not bad. For your Uranus Problem...no you dont need to grind your way throu it if you hat it that much, you can just ask someone to help you kill the boss of uranus and you can simply let it be what it is. BUT you need the Uranus Nods sometimesto go invasions, Sorties etc if you never been there its rather difficult to actually for example do a good spy mission because you simply dont know the maps and enemies.

2- Serration isnt rly that rare i would guess i have about 50 or so laying around. NO HELL NO! dont buy it for 30 PL that a pure rip off. If you are dat deperate, tell me here and i trade you serration and Intensity for 5 pl.

3- You dont rly good mods to get good mods thats bullshi... well you know what i mean. When we talk about good mods as  Corrupted Mods, you only need to able to kill lvl 30 Infested(not rly hard) and go Derlict with a group and you Dragon Keys. if by Good mods you mean event mods, that are in hives,spy missions or even obtianable by Baro... also no you dont need OP-Mods/Weapons to get them. Baro requiers farming in the void, hives and spy only requiere you to either go in a team or just get a Loki and do it Stealth.

4- Ask for help if you dont wanna do it alone. Either Skipp the whole Planet by just getting taxi to he Boss or get a Team(pref with at least one stonger player) and just do Uranus as a whole.

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1- basically....yes. some of the parts of this game requires archwing (AW for short). you should at least have a full lvled gear of AW. you don't need to get all the AW weapons and stuff. you can do that latter when you have timer and patience. just lvl your starter gear to 30 and get the basic mods and you should be ok...most of these mission require AW for mobility and stuff, no big fights occur, so don't worry much about it 

(I'll be happy to give you some AW mods if u want, for free ofc) 

2- first off, 30p isn't as near as a good price. no one even buys serration. some people just give it to newbies for free (like your kind person did). and you don't need to farm it if you have it now. just play the game and it'll drop on it's on
as for ranking it up. you should because more ranks = more effectiveness = more dmg. yes you'll have to wait a while (till R12) until you can use it sometimes but it's worth it. when you get high into the game, you can use an orokin catalyst to get more mod space and thus put mods on faster 

3- there's no such thing. but have a good mod setup will help you a lot in this game. I mean you can't go on using on common mods and stuff. but you don't need to have a mod in order to get it the 2nd time

basically, just try to make your set up as good as possible 

4- well, you really should get more of your stuff lvled up. lvl your AW, use and try out other weapons/warframe. try farming for mods or resources that you might need. basically just play the game like always. unlocking all planets isn't that big of a deal, there's no use going for a high lvl planet if your items and equipment are low-mid tier :/ 

EDIT: if you really wanna buy serration, 5-10p is a decent price 

Edited by Kenshin98
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Most of the Uranus missions nodes are the so- called "sharkwing"(aka underwater). Yes, you need archwing for those parts but not ALL of those missions(it'll be hit-or-miss) will have these underwater sections. While I suggest you do level up your archwing(personally I like the game mode even if it does still need a lot of work and you should give it a fair chance) you can do most Uranus mission nodes and hope to get lucky with one not having a Sharkwing section thus allowing you to start the Natah quest and continue your progress across the Star Chart.

I would suggest against not levelling Serration, it's the base damage boost mod for your primary weapons and not being to slot it for a while is a small price to play for when you can and it increases your weapon's base damage with 165%. I have had the mod drop several times on the Draco mission on Ceres. Also, 30 plat sounds like a bit much for a mod that is relatively ubiquitous for the fact that it is considered a MUST-HAVE.

Intensify is indeed a pain to get, but then again it IS a rare mod.

It does seem a bit like to GET good mods you gotta HAVE good mods. Luck plays a large part into that, but if you refuse to rely on that, you'll be forced to GET good through continued play so as to be able to  conquer the content in which you can find those good mods that you want. Also, avail yourself of the Co-op nature of the game and look for people to team up with to help each other get through that harder content. Yes, you might be "carried or boosted" to a certain extent but if you go in with the intent to do your part to the best of your ability that feeling should be easy to ignore.

In the case of trading for mods, maybe try offering Fusion cores instead of Platinum if you are hard up for that in-game currency.

Hope any of this helps, good luck.

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3 minutes ago, fargali said:

Or am i pushing too hard here?

Probably. Especially without Serration and especially, especially, because lvl 50 mobs are not your problem. Lvl 100 mobs are. Finishing the first lvl of a Sortie does not yield any special reward. The interesting stuff drops after the 3rd round. Some Sorties can be finished with little to no fighting (if 3rd round is a spy mission for instance) and, therefore, can be beaten by mid-game equip, but in general Sortie is kind of end-game (lvl 100 Lephantis :) ).

If you still have troubles with Serration and Intensify, pm me ingame, when you see me.

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To be perfectly honest... this game revolves around RNG... so if you don't get that mod you want... you simply don't have the luck of the cards on that one... you will get it eventually. The game's also relatively easy in most cases... and for Lv 100 mobs... if they are too tough to shoot... just go melee on them. (one of the reasons people say do 2nd dream).

I'll be on warframe in about 7-8 Hours... add me, and I can give you some mods and stances.

You may be struggling now.. but in a month or so you will wonder why you even bothered with this, as everything comes when you don't need it. For sorties... take a status weapon + long reaching attacks... Bo works well early on. Mod for Blast damage and just go ham, you might not kill quickly, but you will at least keep enemies from killing you (especially heavy gunners).. or do some ground slam/ finisher attacks. Also a good idea to not solo them in that regard. As for the boss fights... if you don't inflict enough damage, at least keep your allies alive/ revive them to the best of your abilities.

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The archwing portions of the Second Dream are not that big a deal.  I completed them with a level 16 archwing (no Forma or catalysts) and the only rough part was when I had to play a game of hot and cold looking for an item underwater and my gun could not kill all the enemies swarming me.  I took so long that, after about 10 minutes, the game straight up told me where to go and put a marker on my mini map.

30p is way to much for an unranked Serration.  I'd sell it for no more then 5, anymore and I'd feel like a dirtbag.

I remember it being tough getting my first few good mods.  I would recommend investing in one good weapon and relying on it for tougher content so you can farm out some of the more desirable things.  Melee weapons are probably the easiest to get going since pressure point is easy to max, and shotguns are worth considering since Point Blank (base damage mod) is easier to rank up and cheaper to equip than Serration.

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A note here.

This in by no mean a rant...i love the game "hate AW" but because there is so much to do it gets overwhelming.

anther question in regards to sorties now that i'm rank 4 i can do them but the problem here is that all the mobs are level 50+.

Now i can kill a level 25 or even 30 no problem but 50?

Or am i pushing too hard here?

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Thanx for the answers every one.

I will level my AW a little more in order to do this planet.

I will also invest in a weapon "was thinking either this double barreled shotgun or the Hek Tell i reach MR 5 and get a Tonkor as it seems every one says you must get one.


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AW the combat mode is quite fun in and of itself (barring the lamentable lack of hitscan with the starter primary - better to rely on melee really).

AW the progression system is a PITA.  Unfortunately, this "taints" the thing as a whole, and people come to hate AW as a whole, where actually I think that just in terms of gameplay mechanics it's decent fun and makes a nice change from normal play - once you've levelled up your AW gear, that is.

Edited by Omnimorph
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6 hours ago, fargali said:

Ok i've been playing this game for almost 100 hour now and i've some questions.

1- People told me that i must start the second dream quest for some reason...the quest require to finish the natah quest which can be obtained in Uranus...i finally unlocked this planet to find all it's missions are Archwing ones which i hate...what's the deal with that?

Am i supposed to grind through a segment that i hate to unlock a big portion of the game?


2- I've been looking for a mod called serration for those 100 hours and i've already one that a kind player gave it to me for free but i don't want to level it bast rank 3 or 4 so that when i acquire a new primary i don't have to wait tell it's level 12 or something to add it to it.....problem is that mod never drops for me either from infested nor these lady scorpions.

This is a 100 hour grind that i level excal and Rhino and Valkyer and doing other missions....how rare is this mod any way.

Also a 2 guys offered it to me for 30 Plat unranked...is this reasonable price?

Also trying to get intensity but 0 luck so far.


3- it appears to me that in order to get rare mods i've to have a good mods setup....is this a case of a snake swallowing it's own tail like in order to get the thing i need to have it in first place or i won't be able to get it?


4- now that Uranus did stop my advance because i must have a leveled up archwing what should i do?



Thanx alot for all your help.

1. Yeah, archwing becomes "sharkwing" in Uranus and pretty much you're using archwing underwater.  It's a pain, but you'll do fine with your regular Odonata, Imperator, and Veritux as long as they're leveled up a bit.  I recommend doing capture mission if you want to scan drones to start the Natah Quest.

2. 30 plat for Serration is a rip off.  If you have friends or clanmates, ask them for the essential mods.  Most of us who have been playing the game for a while have tons of these essential mods, and if they're like me, they'd be happy to give them out to new guys starting out.  I don't remember Intensity, but I often find those rare Warframe mods (Continuity being one I do remember) as random drops in the Void containers.  Take your time and explore the Void.  You can find a bunch of secret hiding places and those places usually have containers that have a chance to drop mods.  Bring a Thief's Wit and explore.  Tower 1 Exterminate would be perfect for this kind of exploration.  You can also try 20 min of low level survival (like Mercury) or have four successful extractions on Earth or Venus excavation mission for a shot of Intensity.  

3. Just focus on leveling up the essential mods that you have and slowly clear the planets and level up your weapons, frames, and mods.  You will find more mods as you keep playing and no one expects you to have full sets of mods when you're starting out.  I wouldn't worry about Corrupted or Nightmare mods just yet.

4. Do low level archwing missions to level up your archwing stuff and get some archwing mods as rewards.  You don't need your AW to be fully leveled to tackle Uranus, but at least get them leveled up to 15 or something.  Luckily, you won't be spending most of your time in water doing missions in Uranus so don't worry too much.

It seems like everyone has a Tonkor and it is crazy powerful, but I rather use Hek than Tonkor because nothing annoys me more than seeing the shots from Tonkor totally missing and going between the legs of the Grineer, haha.  Both of those weapons can carry you far into the game, and it really depends on your play style and preference.  Build both if you want.  :)

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