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We need to have a talk about weapon exclusivity.


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Not to sure about the Braton or Lato vandals.   But DE has stated Repeatedly that the Founders Items, are Never going to be made avaliable again, Ever.    So bringing them up, kinda makes this thread lose any chance of being a real discussion on those items that are making rounds through Baro or even the sorties.    


Founders Items, are not coming back.   Theres no need to mention them.

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6 hours ago, Thodor1s said:

The Braton and the Lato Vandal. These are weapons that were given in a short window to players during the transition from closed to open beta. Some may say that these weapons are in T1, as if, we will never be able to get them ever again. I personally dispute that. I think they will either be given as the game launches or as normal vandal weapons at some point through sorties.

There is evidence to support this, but i can't post all of it right now, have to go to work very soon

But i will post this little tidbit




edit: why is it so small?..

heres the link to the source http://www.directupload.net/file/d/3239/qxoe79g5_jpg.htm

Edited by Jaysus41
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Not to sure about the Braton or Lato vandals.   But DE has stated Repeatedly that the Founders Items, are Never going to be made avaliable again, Ever.    So bringing them up, kinda makes this thread lose any chance of being a real discussion on those items that are making rounds through Baro or even the sorties.    


Founders Items, are not coming back.   Theres no need to mention them.

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I think Founder items should stay Founder items, I'll say that. They were the game's first supporters, so they do deserve a shiny thing or two IMO. However, event items or timed exclusives are a grey area. I think some should be released again, and others don't need to be. As someone who missed quite a lot of earlier content because I started playing this year, I'd like to see some kind of recurring events giving out SOME weapons that were made available the first time around. Obviously not ALL events and weapons need to be unvaulted, and I wouldn't expect that. However, it's kind of crappy knowing there's content I'll never see just because I didn't have the means to play before this year. 

I can also understand the "I've been here longer, so I got this stuff for my dedication" mentality. The thing is- a lot of people don't seem to use those weapons often, as there are generally better options. If it goes unused, and largely unappreciated, why then do people feel the need to defend their suddenly oh-so-valuable exclusives when they just sit gathering dust? If I would appreciate the Latron Wraith and use it while others don't, why do they deserve it more than me? Yeah, they've been here longer and they "worked" for the reward, but if it was given back out, how would that diminish their effort in any way? How would my having an event weapon hurt someone who had it previously. They're not badges, they're TOOLS. Weapons to be used, and they mostly don't get that, so it won't hurt a damn person (besides their ego) if some of these weapons got released to people who would use them, and to more people that have missed a lot of stuff. 

We deserve the same opportunity to get some of the same rewards you got. 

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23 minutes ago, Noamuth said:

 It was argued many times that the affinity boost is pay to win because no one else could obtain that amount of affinity.

That "argument" can be understood in three ways and all are idiotic.

1) Founders paid real money to support creation of the game.  In no way is that "pay to win."

2) People who arrive earlier than other had access to weapons that newer players don't.  That same players actually LEVELED those weapons and the new players simply want the exp because it's unfair.  That's incredibly moronic.

3) There is no way for "pay to win" because Mastery Rank is NOT winning.


Saying that giving exp to whining new players is middle ground is saying that the argument has merit.  It does not.  "That player that has been playing the game a year longer than me has something that I don't, so I want it." is not a valid argument.

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1 minute ago, TrickshotMcGee said:

We deserve the same opportunity to get some of the same rewards you got. 

You do.  You have the same opportunity to the same rewards when you log in.  You want earlier rewards?  You should have joined earlier.  that applies to everyone, including me.

If you missed something, you missed it.  If I miss something, I miss it.

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8 minutes ago, Troll_Logic said:

That "argument" can be understood in three ways and all are idiotic.

1) Founders paid real money to support creation of the game.  In no way is that "pay to win."

2) People who arrive earlier than other had access to weapons that newer players don't.  That same players actually LEVELED those weapons and the new players simply want the exp because it's unfair.  That's incredibly moronic.

3) There is no way for "pay to win" because Mastery Rank is NOT winning.


Saying that giving exp to whining new players is middle ground is saying that the argument has merit.  It does not.  "That player that has been playing the game a year longer than me has something that I don't, so I want it." is not a valid argument.

I disagree.  This seems extremely punitive for such a small thing.

Ultimately, what we think doesn't matter.  DE has made it clear their done with the Founders package, OPs idea about rewarding the leader board toppers with Founders items isn't going to fly, nor should it.

Edited by Noamuth
I hate this phone.
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First off, OP, I'm not sure why you place emphasis on MR. Past MR12, there is no point in raising your MR except for loadout slots, which most people don't even use (myself being a rare exception; I have a ton of builds). You say the game is "about Mastery"... In what way? You're going to have to make a solid case for that beyond mere compulsion.

As others have stated, Excal Prime will never be released. That's not going to change, no matter how many people ask. Founders can't even keep him during account migration. As for the beta weapons... those may come back someday. Maybe. It's a different case from Excal Prime, so no one can say for certain.

As for the Tier 4 you mention, those things were vaulted for a good reason. Void drop tables are a mess. Prime gear was retired to ease farming, not to restrict content. That stuff will be coming back when it can be accommodated in the new star chart. This has been all but outright stated; at the very least, we know even previously unvaulted Prime gear will be unvaulted again at some point. Nothing is gone forever... except Excal Prime.

Lastly, rushed content is never a good thing. I would rather they keep their current pace, and release three-to-four deluxe skins every major build. Of course, it would be nice if we could get them more often. But I don't want to see their quality degrade.

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4 minutes ago, Noamuth said:

Ultimately, what we think doesn't matter.  DE has made it clear their done with the Founders package, OPs idea about rewarding the leader board toppers with Founders items isn't going to fly, nor should it.

And we end in agreement. 

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why is it that every topic involving exclusives always flies off the rails?


in all seriousness, i have both the braton and lato vandal... i feel that they fit better in the tier 1 exclusivity because i was here 3 years ago when they were avaliable... and labled as exclusive... however i would be willing to give them up if i got a skin for each one that i could use in place of them... for example because i got the braton vandal to replace it i would want a skin that i could put onto any assault rifle so that way i could still have something to show that i was here sense open beta day... the same goes with my lato vandal to show i have been here sense closed beta...

as for the founders stuff i'm not going to say anything because i don't have them... (as i feel that people should start making a mentality of) if founders would agree with me i would personally say that skins would be a good solution to allow for people to show off their exclusive stuff without the constant complaint of how it costs others mastery rank and such... but in all seriousness... i am pretty sure that no matter what you do... people will always complain that they don't have something somebody else does... but if it were a skin rather than a seperate warframe or weapon at least that brings more of a reason to tell people "no you can't have it" which is what i would personally say to everything regarding braton and lato vandal, skana prime, lato prime, and excal prime...

(waiting for the topic to be locked like all of these topics seem to end up)

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16 minutes ago, Troll_Logic said:

 You want earlier rewards?  You should have joined earlier.  that applies to everyone, including me.

If you missed something, you missed it.  If I miss something, I miss it.

I can appreciate this logic, I really can. It's not lost on me how selfish this kind of things sounds, and, frankly, I sound a bit like I'm whining.

The point I'm trying to convey is that the exclusive items are gotten, leveled, and left alone. They serve absolutely zero purpose and do not fill their intended roles for many of the players that own them. Essentially, they're forgotten by most people. They have no more value because nobody uses them. If there was another opportunity to get them, the weapons would be useful, they'd have a reason to exist in the game. Newer players like me see this and go wanting. I want to experience everything the game has to offer, and exclusive items that are kept exclusive to feed people's egos and elitism are not proper exclusives. Those items are seen as badges of time played and dedication, but they shouldn't be. They should be seen as weapons that are a part of the game, and made available to everyone who's capable of meeting the requirements.

By your logic, no Prime items should ever be unvaulted and people would just have to suck it up because they missed it the first time. It's a foolish notion to think that exclusive items, especially items that required a quest, alert, or grinding should stay exclusive to those who did it first.

How does that affect anyone who got them already? They just carry on - business as usual - while us latecomers grind to get the items. 

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