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OMG DE! I love new volt rework!!! xD


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20 hours ago, Vlada91 said:

Some people seem to think that Shock won't stun anymore. 

If you pay attention to detail, you might notice that the target enemy is a Grineer Hellion.
The Hellions have Jet-packs on their backs, and when you damage it, they can't fly anymore.
Jet-packs have their own HP and can block your attacks from hitting only once, unless you have punch through.
I once shot a Hellion from behind with lex prime. The Jetpack took damage, he did not.

In the Preview, after Volt uses Shock on the Hellion from behind, you see him running and his jet-pack is smoking.
Basically, that Jet-pack blocked the Shock and thus the Hellion was not hit and therefore not stunned.


Edited by KainMurasaki
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3 hours ago, ElectronX_Core said:

Why? Energy Vampire, Energy Siphon, Zenurik, 850 energy pool, it doesn't take energy to pick up the shield. The only problem is if you're doing extended high tier missions or raids and EVERYONE wants shields, but there would be a Trinity is the squad anyway, so...

Because Electric Shield builds do not take Str in consideration at all, and if you're going to mod for a high level mission, If the shields are gonna have health, I'm gonna need more str.

Mine for instance: Corrosive Projection Agility Drift
Vitality        Steel Fiber      Quick Thinking  Narrow minded
Primed Flow Fleeting Expertise Rage Primed Continuity

I'm gonna have to take away from my survivability if I'm gonna have to buff those shields' Strength, it may seen that I put too much on health, armor and energy, to have a big health pool (counting with quick thinking and primed flow) but I honestly miss these mods if I'm at a lvl 2,3 Sortie or T4.

It gets worse if you take SHocking Speed build, cuz it leaves duration and 200%, Range at 34%, Efficiency at 45% and Str at 284%, because SHokcing Speed is really all about 1 ability, 1 cast, you only need anough energy for that, While the new gimmick is about 3 (shock, electric shields and speed itself), Or I'm gonna have to sacrifice some of the Str or the duration to have some efficiency back. or not use Speed at all, stick to the electrified electric shields (oh the redundacy), Not a happy thought.

Edited by Duduminador
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2 hours ago, Duduminador said:

Because Electric Shield builds do not take Str in consideration at all, and if you're going to mod for a high level mission, If the shields are gonna have health, I'm gonna need more str.

Mine for instance: Corrosive Projection Agility Drift
Vitality        Steel Fiber      Quick Thinking  Narrow minded
Primed Flow Fleeting Expertise Rage Primed Continuity

I'm gonna have to take away from my survivability if I'm gonna have to buff those shields' Strength, it may seen that I put too much on health, armor and energy, to have a big health pool (counting with quick thinking and primed flow) but I honestly miss these mods if I'm at a lvl 2,3 Sortie or T4.

It gets worse if you take SHocking Speed build, cuz it leaves duration and 200%, Range at 34%, Efficiency at 45% and Str at 284%, because SHokcing Speed is really all about 1 ability, 1 cast, you only need anough energy for that, While the new gimmick is about 3 (shock, electric shields and speed itself), Or I'm gonna have to sacrifice some of the Str or the duration to have some efficiency back. or not use Speed at all, stick to the electrified electric shields (oh the redundacy), Not a happy thought.

So that's what you meant. Ok. I've said this a billion (exaggerated) times already, but the shield is tied to duration. Power strength does not affect the ability at all, although I do think that it should affect the damage and crit boost the shield gives.

Also, Steel Fiber? Volt has higher shields, so I would recommend Redirection instead.

Edited by ElectronX_Core
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Just realized something. I don't know if anyone mention this but look at the edge of the shield before and after when he use shock. 

There was no lighting when he deploy it but one after when he use shock. Maybe there a synergy that cause the shield to finally shock enemies as they touch it, or add bonus to the shield.

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2 hours ago, (PS4)ArnnFrost said:

Now all what Volt needs to turn into cole from Infamous is the energy drain ability trick.

Btw, you guys got the rework already or Is it just a preview o.0?

Just a preview from Rebecca's twitter.

Here's the sauce.

1 hour ago, Hemmo67 said:

just wait untill ur squad mates take them away from defense objectives.... plz be volt only pickup :(

It will probably be for volt only.

Edited by Spot.
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35 minutes ago, ElectronX_Core said:

So that's what you meant. Ok. I've said this a billion (exaggerated) times already, but the shield is tied to duration. Power strength does not affect the ability at all, although I do think that it should affect the damage and crit boost the shield gives.

Also, Steel Fiber? Volt has higher shields, so I would recommend Redirection instead.

Personal preference, I rather have a little bit more vitality over a cluster of shields.
Actually this build was broken into 2, a full endurance with Steel Fiber, vitality, Vigor, handspring, rage, quickthinking, primed Flow and Narrow minded, and another build wich maxed Efficiency and duration for electric shields, collapsed both builds into the one shown in previows post. My second slot is a shocking Speed build, third is a overload (which is more like a clear slot just waiting for the rework).

And my point as to why I think Volt is at a tight corner here, I'm already sacrificing max eff, duration and survivability, to have a lot of those on the same build, if the Rework brings the need for str or range, I'm probably gonna have to roll back to 2 separate builds (and leave no room for overload)

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6 minutes ago, Duduminador said:

Personal preference, I rather have a little bit more vitality over a cluster of shields.
Actually this build was broken into 2, a full endurance with Steel Fiber, vitality, Vigor, handspring, rage, quickthinking, primed Flow and Narrow minded, and another build wich maxed Efficiency and duration for electric shields, collapsed both builds into the one shown in previows post. My second slot is a shocking Speed build, third is a overload (which is more like a clear slot just waiting for the rework).

And my point as to why I think Volt is at a tight corner here, I'm already sacrificing max eff, duration and survivability, to have a lot of those on the same build, if the Rework brings the need for str or range, I'm probably gonna have to roll back to 2 separate builds (and leave no room for overload)

That's the point of mixing mods to get the desired stats, man.

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They specifically said that Shock would remain unchanged, so you can all relax. If it did change, it could stand to have a slight buff to power and duration.

As for his Passive, it seems to have great  potential.  I hoped that Volt would gain small amounts of energy when robotic enemies are destroyed near him (like Necros and health) and when standing near electronics - traps, terminals, electrified water, shock batons, etc.

But who can complain when he's finally getting some love.

Edited by SinReplica
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On 26-4-2016 at 11:32 AM, vinx909 said:

really? that is the worst passive they could have given to nyx. why would you want your puppets to be weak? come on DE, something that isn't S#&$ please. make her invade the mind of enemies making it harder for them to aim giving all the enemies an aim penalty. something interesting and mind invading. if we wanted to disarm them we would take loki.

fot those too lazy to read 

  • "Enemies affected by Nyx's abilities have a chance to discard their weapon."

or make her see all the enemies whose mind she is attacking. SOMETHING that is not copying loki. people play nyx like nyx. not loki with irradiated disarm. if they wanted loki with irradiated disarm they would play loki with irradiated disarm. but they don't, they play nyx, so give us a passive for nyx.

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14 hours ago, KainMurasaki said:

Some people seem to think that Shock won't stun anymore. 

If you pay attention to detail, you might notice that the target enemy is a Grineer Hellion.
The Hellions have Jet-packs on their backs, and when you damage it, they can't fly anymore.
Jet-packs have their own HP and can block your attacks from hitting only once, unless you have punch through.
I once shot a Hellion from behind with lex prime. The Jetpack took damage, he did not.

In the Preview, after Volt uses Shock on the Hellion from behind, you see him running and his jet-pack is smoking.
Basically, that Jet-pack blocked the Shock and thus the Hellion was not hit and therefore not stunned.


I think that was an elite lancer? I see a blunt not a jetpack 

Edited by Wolfnrun
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1 hour ago, SinReplica said:

They specifically said that Shock would remain unchanged, so you can all relax. If it did change, it could stand to have a slight buff to power and duration.

As for his Passive, it seems to have great  potential.  I hoped that Volt would gain small amounts of energy when robotic enemies are destroyed near him (like Necros and health) and when standing near electronics - traps, terminals, electrified water, shock batons, etc.

But who can complain when he's finally getting some love.

Ya, I think shock could do more damage and chaining, since when it chains it does 50% of the damage dealt to the initial target with a 2 second stun 

Edited by Wolfnrun
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Volt's rework is looking more and more awesome. He was the first frame I played after the Excalibur I started with, and I loved him. I farmed Volt Prime a few months ago and was a bit disappointed that he wasn't as strong as I remembered him to be. I'm glad to see he's getting a proper rework, and I have to say I'm loving how DE is starting to make warframe abilities synergize with one another.


On 4/26/2016 at 10:35 AM, vinx909 said:

and how do you damage a grafics card.

Most likely by causing it to overheat, either because the user tried to overclock it, or it was installed in a case without adequate ventilation. The only other thing that could damage a GPU is if the voltage to the components is too high, and that is typically not something that happens.


On 4/26/2016 at 11:16 AM, vinx909 said:

well said, but you can overdo it. coughhalflife3cough. well, not that they will actually make it, ever. their revolutionary half life 2 has become outdated and they haven't made a game for years.

It seems like Valve is busy making things other than games, like their SteamOS, controllers, the Vive, etc...

My personal speculation is that U19 (The War Within) will have something to do with Umbras, since 'umbra' is Latin for 'shadow'.


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I was worried about my Voltprime, because he has proven a little bit weak in comparison with my other frames,(flash mode is still epic) but with that rework

holy Ampere that will be hell lot of fun and it will be more useful than ever.


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On 4/26/2016 at 6:01 PM, Jeffrey94 said:

Still nothing about his crap 4, I see

I think it needs a rename different visual and added range. I like the idea of keeping enemies locked in there position due to their bodies being infiltrated with electricity. A few changes with shock and more additions with speed and I think that just about does it

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1 minute ago, Uzpian said:

Riot Shield? RIOT SHIELD?!

Man, I just wish that shield can electrify or at least knockdown enemies when sprinting.

I'm not sure if you looked carefully but MES killed the guardsman. I think that makes needing to knock them down unnecessary if it can kill

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