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Why do people LOVE Valkyr (mainly) and other frames


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I read some of the post and I must reiterate my statement. 

This thread isnt there to put down a frame or state if something should be removed. i apologize if i am using you as example

13 hours ago, Sixty5 said:

Lol no, Ivara is busted as hell.

The thing is that all of her abilities take some sort of setup to use properly, she's not like Mirage or Banshee who just want to recast their abilities every time the duration ends, and she's not like Ash who can press 4 and then go AFK while his ult kills everything. All 7 of her abilities have their uses and once you know when and how to use them as well as how to chain them together Ivara becomes stupidly strong.

Her 2 is arguably the ability that gives her the most potential damage, so if you think it isn't very good then you must be doing it wrong

but please state how it gives you the most potential damage. This thread is there for people to learn :)

and since I am on the topic.

Valkyr is one of my favorite frames, she is very easy to pick up but very difficult to master.I use her to learn new content where I know i turn on hysteria to stay alive and take more risks like staying on a platform a little longer, but I have longed moved of her to much better frames.

Loki with irradiating disarm is amazing in team play in almost any situation. 

Mirage: I recently picked her up so i am still learning

Excalibur: One of the best and most versatile frames in the game. There is a reason the stalker is HIM. Recently I saw him and EV trinity in a game and wow radial blind spam.

Trinity: I want her, she is one of the most wanted frames in the game and for a good reason. She is THE best support when combined with another frame. THEY become GODS.  

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Valk is awesome for the fact she is good if u dont rely on Hysteria. Hell she is my only frame i dont even use flow on because all i really use is warcry and at the rate i kill with war i can keep it up as long as the spawning is good. Out of all my frames i have she is still my most played and still my favorite.

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5 minutes ago, Kanlor said:

Valk is awesome for the fact she is good if u dont rely on Hysteria. Hell she is my only frame i dont even use flow on because all i really use is warcry and at the rate i kill with war i can keep it up as long as the spawning is good. Out of all my frames i have she is still my most played and still my favorite.

i HATE you (jk) T_T i want War,

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10 minutes ago, Kalel_087 said:

I read some of the post and I must reiterate my statement. 

This thread isnt there to put down a frame or state if something should be removed. i apologize if i am using you as example

but please state how it gives you the most potential damage. This thread is there for people to learn :)

and since I am on the topic.

Valkyr is one of my favorite frames, she is very easy to pick up but very difficult to master.I use her to learn new content where I know i turn on hysteria to stay alive and take more risks like staying on a platform a little longer, but I have longed moved of her to much better frames.

Loki with irradiating disarm is amazing in team play in almost any situation. 

Mirage: I recently picked her up so i am still learning

Excalibur: One of the best and most versatile frames in the game. There is a reason the stalker is HIM. Recently I saw him and EV trinity in a game and wow radial blind spam.

Trinity: I want her, she is one of the most wanted frames in the game and for a good reason. She is THE best support when combined with another frame. THEY become GODS.  

Hey, I don't want anything about Ivara to be changed, I said that I love her, and that still stands.

As to why it is her biggest damage source, Navigator cloaks you whilst it is active. Because of the way the game works your first hit with a melee weapon whilst cloaked will get a stealth damage multiplier of 8x damage, this stacks multiplicatively with the Navigator damage bonus, which by default stacks up to a 5x damage bonus. That equates to a 40x damage bonus without a single power strength mod. 

Couple that with a Power Throw/Quick Return Glaive and you have an ability that lets deal massive amounts of AOE damage, as well as giving you the ability to take out priority targets. I'm also pretty sure you can throw in Prowl for the headshot bonus damage as well, but I haven't fully tested that.

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2 hours ago, Sixty5 said:

Hey, I don't want anything about Ivara to be changed, I said that I love her, and that still stands.

As to why it is her biggest damage source, Navigator cloaks you whilst it is active. Because of the way the game works your first hit with a melee weapon whilst cloaked will get a stealth damage multiplier of 8x damage, this stacks multiplicatively with the Navigator damage bonus, which by default stacks up to a 5x damage bonus. That equates to a 40x damage bonus without a single power strength mod. 

Couple that with a Power Throw/Quick Return Glaive and you have an ability that lets deal massive amounts of AOE damage, as well as giving you the ability to take out priority targets. I'm also pretty sure you can throw in Prowl for the headshot bonus damage as well, but I haven't fully tested that.

This one knows what's up.

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Another Excalibro here, I love him primarily because with a Nikana prime at his waist the udyat syndana flowing down his back with the prototype skin and another helmet on he looks godly.. To me anyway, and in this instance my opinion is all that matters.


Anyway, I use a Exalated Blade build with some duration in my radial blind to get me out of sticky situations regen my hp and mow down those level 90-100 baddies that are a bit too tanky for my liking. I prefer playing like this because I just think it's wicked awesome to run around as a sword wielding nutter making sushi out of everything that crosses my path, plus... He's Excalibur he is a sword based frame after all.


I personally think he excels at soloing survivals mostly what I play, but with a change out of mods to make his Radial Blind much stronger I can specialize him into other game play types.

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I like Ash because he plays like my favorite kind of rogue; he's tough and dangerous while also not squishy as **** without being invisible. Though, I'm interested in Volt's rework so I may have another main soon.

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He didn't grow on me until like my 800th hour in WF,  but Volt is my is definitely my favorite. His kit is pretty versatile across all game modes. Shock is really a great addition to gunplay since it doesn't interrupt reloading or charging; which is something I love when using my Lanka so I can line up that perfect headshot or keep enemies at bay. Speed let's me go crazy with melee or rush for that revive. Electric Shield is timer based and amplifies my gunplay further. Finally his Capacitance gives me a nice survivability + CC ability with Overload (even though the ability by itself is quite bad). While I can't do damage like Valkyr or CC like Vauban, I can hold my own and support my team in most situations. 

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I'm a fan of 3 frames these days:


Smite Infusion Oberon. I've taken a massive hate beratement being an Oberon-main since day 1. But man, let me tell you, vs grineer? Nothing lives. Half the stuff in the void? Nothing lives. I rock it right around 150% Radiation dmg bonus. The side-heals and the crowd control are wonderful as well.


Max Range Ivara. Two words: Sleep Arrow. Even when using maxed Overextended and positively ruining my power strength, rifle mods and headshot crit from her cloak still see me one-to-two-shotting level 90~ enemies. But that's not my real job: Ever seen an entire defense perpetually asleep? Yeah. It pretty much rules.


F***ING RHINO. Doesn't matter. Rhino for some reason is totally sweet now. With that augment to pop his Iron Skin as a 100% knockdown CC and at-will renew Iron Skin... I find myself never actually taking damage as him. Like, ever. Even in endgame stuff. Fell back in love with this giant dork again.

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I skew all my mainstay frames as glass cannons with range and efficiency, designed for cheesing standard star chart content. I've gotten their noggles, and in order of preference;

Rhino P: A straightforward skillset of maneuverability, defence, buff and crowd control which comes together for good damage. Buff, stun and charge around the map wth pretty much any weapon. Good in practically any mission or any team.

Frost P: Avalanche with high range makes chain ice explosions which can weak enemies and wipe even stronger clustered enemies. Huge Snow globes which, with efficiency, you can stack back to back. Good for defensive missions.

Ember P: Stun a horde of enemies, sweep through them with World in Flames, and gun down everything else with fire weapons. Insanely efficient, viable on defensive missions but excels while moving from point to point.

Honorable mentions: 

Loki P: Cheese bosses and Spy missions with Duration, or enact strict gun control with Range as Loktimus Prime.

Mag P: Press 2 to initiate Corpus war crime.

Nova P: Slows down the game for tougher content.

Oberon: Obe Ron Kenobi, seeks balance in the force. Painfully average, but a good mix of heals , damage and cc.

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I love playing as Frost.  No one is ever sad when a Frost shows up to the party regardless of the mission.  And I think it's one of the better looking primes.

Edited by Sonos
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My favorite frames are Nezha, Trinity Prime and Valkyr. I don't care why anyone would hate Valkyr (waste of time to hate on any frame), I love melee and being able to spiderman my way around the map.

I love Nezha because he is adorable, especially with his Circa helmet! I mainly use his Warding Halo and Fire Walker because, again, I love melee and he makes it fun. And I tend to slide a lot and I enjoy the way he keeps going. I use to play with Ember a lot and use her World on Fire ability but she tended to knock out enemies with it before I could get to them, which was fine but I like the satisfaction of slicing stuff too. With Nezha I get the fun of burning + cutting enemies. And Blazing Chakram I don't use often but it's helpful. Gives me that healing option which I like.

Trinity Prime I mostly like because sometimes I want to be the support frame in a battle. I hardly ever solo anything with her but I like that I can still do that when I feel like it. Also she's, imo, the prettiest Prime so far.

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Because the average Warframe player looking just to melee all the things around, sadly the gameplay is based on OP melees and enforce you to play with them.

An huge base damage, hit counters that increase your damage more strikes you get, melee mods that are pretty cheap to max, stance mods that increase your mods capacity, Life Strike and so on are melee exclisiveness..

Anything related to melees overtake rifles and pistols, not talking about Steel Charge aura thats absolutely unfair as it gives more capacity to your frame (guessing why) and higher buff ingame if compared to any other aura.

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I'm probably one of the few, that almost exclusively plays Zephyr. I remember when we were getting our Dojo set up and one of our clan mates was saying I should try her out that i would really like her, and I was like "nah". Well the moment I got her built our clans most played warframe went from being Valkyr to Zephyr in about 2 week.  That mobility she has is just so much fun, I love being able to fly, getting a birds eye view of the battlefield is quite amazing, and well the invulnerability is nice too lol. Just spec her for range and duration and your good to go for an all around build. By the way out of curiosity, why do so few people like Zephyr?

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Nyx-Nothing as  funny as watching tons of enemies slap fight while to kick back and open a cold one.With her mods focused on her mind control and chaos. You get a free tank and rarily have to worry about enemies gumming up anything you do.


Vauban-Big daddy V is the one true Engineer frame.  His skills are good at locking things down, He gives his allies much needed control of the battle field. On top of that setting a trap for enemies and watching them get sliced up by lazer wire,is so marvelous,or hell Slap one on a ally and watch enemies get shocked.


Limbo-Took ,me sometime,But I am slowly learning to love him. His skill to lock down enemies helps a lot. You can more or less slowly pick enemies off or banish the big ones to the void alone as you kill the mooks. Or then It into a far fight by going in and dunking a Examus while your allies are dealing with small fries. He favors team play and tatics and has more then one saved people from death. Also, His spy skills are lols worthy.


Valkyr-Main lady, Not my first build (That would be nyx) But she holds a place in my heart. No frame is much like Valkyr, Melee focused but deadly as they come. She comes to the table being able to dishout and take punishment. Draw Arggo. I like her because well there is not that many frames in warframe who focus mainly on Melee damage. Wukong is more a Richmans Valkyr but he lacks a power you feel when you are on low hp and crack open your Hystra, People getting mowed over and what not. Their is a feel of power to playing her. Like you are some kind of horror movie monster and all your enemies are discount space marines.


Volt-I like shocking people to death. It is funny to watch them wiggle the fork in socket dance.


Mesa-Even after her nerf I have been having fun with her. Enemies forced to check there weapons a shield that makes bullets bounce off and almost rival Valkyr's Hystra in power. Also, Cowboy...Nothing more MERCIAN, then cowboys (Or cowgirls in this case).


This is just 6 of them.

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Lol jk, seriously though, Loki can avoid many things with his invisibility, and his decoy and switch teleport are such crutial things when it comes to the whole level of confusing the enemy and getting around obstacles. Plus he can disarm the deadliest of targets.

Edited by (XB1)OTF SERENiTY
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Valkyr is pretty much my favorite frame, partly because I enjoy using a melee-centric playstyle on occasion, and also because I tend to generally love berserker themed characters in games. The invincibility is nice, admittedly, though my favorite build on her is a high range Prolonged Paralysis build. Dragging enemies to my feet, then clawing them to bits while they're on the ground...it just doesn't get old.

Aside from her, I really love Ash because he's the one true space ninja, and almost anything is more awesome when it's ninja themed. :P

Rhino was probably my first fave in the game, just based on his description and appearance alone. A hulking tank who can charge through hordes like a bull in a china shop? Yes, please. Even now I still love using him.

Of the recent frames, Ivara is a clear standout for me. Her kit was damn near perfect right out the gate, she's a stealth frame (which I highly enjoy), and she's versatile enough to handle almost anything.

Lastly, I would have to say Banshee is another clear favorite. I think it was Shy's fascination with her that first intrigued me, and playing Banshee has only deepened my appreciation for her over time. She is, to me at least, one of the most genuinely exciting frames to play, particularly in high level content. She has just enough tools to stay alive, but you have to stay on your toes at all times, especially if you play solo with her.

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Nyx P: My overall favorite because you can collect more allies at your will and make the enemies forget about their original targets. Great for just about every situation I know of, and is my go-to frame. Her relatively good shield stats are also good for me since I'm generally a solo player and will not have others to pick me up as a result.

Frost P: Nothing like making your own winter wonderland which nobody can shoot into. One of my most used frames aside from Nyx, and also good for many situations.

Mirage: Of all the female warframes, she looks the most attractive to me with the harlequin helmet on. Also love her HoM which turns my explosive weapons into outright barrages, and disco balls.

Where Valkyr is concerned, I use her for godmode in sorties where I prefer not to take any risks (i.e. Today's Corpus sortie, where everybody else dies because we have 20 sappers on us) and be able to revive people easily. She is not an overall favorite for me though, simply because I'm not that much of a melee guy.

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6 hours ago, (XB1)Harper Lord said:

I'm probably one of the few, that almost exclusively plays Zephyr. I remember when we were getting our Dojo set up and one of our clan mates was saying I should try her out that i would really like her, and I was like "nah". Well the moment I got her built our clans most played warframe went from being Valkyr to Zephyr in about 2 week.  That mobility she has is just so much fun, I love being able to fly, getting a birds eye view of the battlefield is quite amazing, and well the invulnerability is nice too lol. Just spec her for range and duration and your good to go for an all around build. By the way out of curiosity, why do so few people like Zephyr?

I think so few people play Zephyr because she's pretty frail (barring Turbulence) and her abilities aren't as directly damaging as those of other Warframes. You can do uber-well with her, but she requires a decent amount of skill to pull off. Many players will seek a high power output for a low skill input, and Zeph just doesn't fit that description.

Like her Profile mentions, Zephyr is deceptively strong. Her ability to reposition with incredible speed can turn entire fights around; she can tank damage and provide large zones of crowd control. With Zephyr I play with strategy in mind, and I bank on her ability to counter enemy plays (usually this revolves around targeting Nullifiers, shield-giving and Eximus units). While she's not my favourite for single-target missions like Assassinate or Capture, she's still a decent pick, and she's my absolute favorite for Defense-type missions.

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