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Can we get a break from Spy sorties?

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53 minutes ago, Lobotomy said:

It's not really something they could patch sensibly, considering the tile layout on the one I mention. Even the others which can be speedrun in similar fashion would be nonsensical to patch out. Then again, it is DE, so I get the feeling they'd probably do it anyways; hence why I'm not more specific on the matter... >.>

Uh, then why don't you also like Rescue? Those are even faster to speedrun than spy missions, by at least a factor of three. Literally. All rescue missions are such that you can throw on max sprint mods, blitz to the prison, pop the door, blitz over to the prisoner holding area, use one of multiple secret entrances to skip having to hack the door, and just enter the main holding area, kill/banish any wardens or mooks, hack the cell doors to release the prisoner, then just run like the wind to the exit for an easy victory. And if you feel like you need more time to open prisoner cells, make sure you bring your Liset and throw down an air support charge to have Ordis freeze the timer temporarily.

Limbo is a champ for speed-running most rescue missions, though Loki is also great for it. There are only two specific tilesets that I wouldn't use Limbo on for a solo rescue mission - a Corpus Gas City and a Grineer Underwater Lab; those are hell for Limbo, due to the lack of an enclosed prison area. For those two I just use Loki and it works great.

Rescue missions always feel like RNG to me. RNG warden spawns, RNG searching for Prisoners and most annoying RNG "does the prisoner instantly die if I'm not there to babysit them" 

I also have a vested hatred of them since the days when I first started playing and had a hell of a time trying to solo the 12 million star chart rescues with a Loki, and back in those days the ai was even dumber.

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33 minutes ago, WolfTitan said:

The dream Sortie set-up would be:

  1. Spy
  2. Spy
  3. Spy

I'm still waiting for it.

Excavation is definitely the worst; Vay Hek assassination is just as bad.

The best that we have gotten is



Rescue so far this season.


I personally don't mind spy missions, since I have a duration Loki and got really, really good at solo spy missions while farming for Ivara. I have a build for duration and range with a little efficiency, with irradiating disarm for when you need those extra seconds and the enemies are closing in. I think my build is something like: Energy Siphon, Intruder (Exilus), Narrow Minded, Continuity, Constitution, Flow, Streamline, Overextended, Irradiating disarm, and quick thinking. I have a silent Soma p, twin grakatas, and a Redeemer, with Helios (no weapon) as a sentinel. There is a guide somewhere to all of the spy 2.0 vaults (https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=587545211)  and this helped me greatly.




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4 hours ago, (PS4)Foxkid_8 said:

@Haspitas I've grown so tired of Spy missions over time (largely due to Ivara burn out) that its exactly what I do. If my Spy-loving friend/clanmate isn't online, I'm skipping that day unless I absolutely "have" to run it solo.

But in doing so it actually burns me out from doing literally anything else the rest of the day in the game in favor of watching YouTube or pulling up Spotify and sleeping. And I'm one of those players who will gladly spend up to an hour or so when possible in a Raid/survival minus camping in a bottleneck spot).

To be honest, i've been really burned out of all of warframe contents already. Knowing that the kela mods will stay, I don't even bother collecting them right now. Still, I would like to get my hands on that Snipetron Vandal; spy missions are among the fastest to do. The fact that it's boring that I want to get it over with as soon as possible.

If you think it's longer than survival and defense, go play solo and it should be done in less than 5 mins if you know the alternative pathways. Use either loki or bring huras.

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so long as it's not spy earth, I'm okay with it, since you can't really rush the spy missions like the other missions, and there really hasn't been a reason to go and do earth's spy, so i just forget the patterns.

rescue is the easiest, and since Sabotage sortie isn't a mini exterminate anymore, it's just running around. 
every other mode is just horror long wait time to get those 25 gold cores

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I find Sortie spy nice, due to several reasons.

I can XP/focus farm there and even better with Eximus stronghold condition etc, and it can easily be done for a sortie, (I HATE excavation sortie :|)

I normally solo everything (due to my personal/networking/environmental issues), and I'd rather run easier mission than a frustrating mission...like Level 100 Excavation with Elemental Enhancements V:

Besides, spy can sometimes be tricky as well, and let you even practice more for hacking, for NM raid etc maybe where you can't use Cipher.

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20 hours ago, DiosGX said:

I'd be fine with Sortie spies if they just made it require 2 extracts instead of all 3, solely due to randoms flubbing things up. Objectively speaking, an entire game mode where the whole team is caused to fail from the actions of a single individual is wrapped in poor game design.

So what are you suggesting? Punish the one who failed the vault by force extracting anyone in the failed vault then reset it? 

I think if you choose to go with a team you accept the risk of anyone within that team messing up. Especially if you go public.


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13 hours ago, Lobotomy said:

What are you even talking about? Don't you have an Amprex and/or an Atomos? That would be so quick and easy with a slow nova I don't even...

I don't use either of them, plus slowing them down on the Grineer Defense Tile makes it a chore to round them up, as they get often stuck at their spawn points.

Glad I it again for a friend with Loki/Ash/Trinity/Equinox combo. We were done in about 10 minutes there. 

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Like others have said, Loki and Ivara make the Spy missions easy to do. I can honestly say since I try to run the sorties solo, I look forward to having a setup that has any combo of spy, extermination, rescue, survival, or assassination (so long it isn't Vay Hek). Mobile Defense, interception, Defense, and Vay Hek are all my bains due to not having the right mods and forma builds, or correct frames, or enough skill.

In fact, each of the things I listed are all somewhat easy to do with a Zenurik energy efficient Ivara so long as there is not much energy reduction.

Spy missions = no need to explain.

Extermination = got silent weapons or sleep shot + finishers.

Rescue = Stealth Bubbles and running.

Survival = Prowl will sometimes take life support from enemies while they are still alive.

Assassinations = See Extermination, minus finishers. 

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4 minutes ago, Lobotomy said:

unless for some strange reason pressing one button to kill everything you can see and everything you can't see is a chore to you, in which case I really don't know what's wrong with you.

Doesn't matter anymore, Ash provided.

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