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corrosive projection why is it forced on other people?


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1 minute ago, (PS4)ToastyFairy01 said:



It makes our e-peen big when we get there.

Really? It just makes mine annoyed and wish difficulty came from clever AI and enemy variety instead of obscenely large numbers, so all that work I put into optimizing my builds doesn't feel like a waste.

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Is this guy really arguing with the math? And when the hell did lvl 130 become easy and not needing corrosive projecting? Enemies start getting annoying and bullet spongey at 80. Kinda just seems like a bragging thread/I'm better than you thread disguised as a question.

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Yes, taking a mod that benefits you personally over one that benefits the rest of your group is selfish. That's how being selfish works.

Although in this case, it's more a lack of understanding of the game mechanics. 4 CP provides a greater benefit (for everyone in the group) than 3 CP + Steel Charge by around level 50.

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12 minutes ago, PikeOrShield said:

Buy it for 20p in the market then, rather than come to the forums to justify your unwillingness to change.

sure after i finish saving up for oberons and banshees deluxe skins and getting more weapon and warframe slots as well as any catalysts i need for weapons. as for alerts in all the 3 years iv been playing iv not once seen a CP alert happen and my unwillingness to fallow what some people think is the "right way to play the game" is the same rreason i dont play mobas because apparently having fun is considered a crime 


Is this guy really arguing with the math? And when the hell did lvl 130 become easy and not needing corrosive projecting? Enemies start getting annoying and bullet spongey at 80. Kinda just seems like a bragging thread/I'm better than you thread disguised as a question.

because people play games differently? and its not bragging when im legitemently asking why every frame in the game must have a dash polarity 

Edited by hazerddex
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you have serious problem, hazerddex. no offence. when you go with a team, you have to accept and use what the team wants. use aura to apply to entire squad. why you use Steel Charge ? do you melee 99% of the game ? just do a simple mathe, you use 1 CP, that's all, the team very good. but you want 3 players equip Rift mods ??? you see ? this is your big problem.


You say CP is a waste polarity fopr yourself ( only you ), then why you force 3 other players ruin 3 mod slots.

I myself don't use melee to kill lv 100+ . And I think not many veterans do that. Your Steel Charge is useless. and, in the end, Im very curious to know your Mastery Rank ?

Edited by (PS4)Bosnia_Akhalar
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Also all the armor stripping moves in the game don't hold a candle to 4x Cp because 4x CP doesnt require you to use energy/spend time casting to to strip the armor! Doesn't matter if you can shred armor in a second with melee it's still slower and less efficient than instant 100% armor strip for all enemies. Is it dumb? Yeah but doesn't mean it isn't the best mod for a full squad to have at lvl100 up 

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2 minutes ago, (PS4)Bosnia_Akhalar said:

you have serious problem, hazerddex. no offence. when you go with a team, you have to accept and use what the team wants. use aura to apply to entire squad. why you use Steel Charge ? do you melee 99% of the game ? just do a simple mathe, you use 1 CP, that's all, the team very good. but you want 3 players equip Rift mods ??? you see ? this is your big problem.


You say CP is a waste polarity fopr yourself ( only you ), then why you force 3 other players ruin 3 mod slots.

I myself don't use melee to kill lv 100+ . And I think not many veterans do that. Your Steel Charge is useless. and, in the end, Im very curious to know your Mastery Rank ?

in long haul survivals yes i usualy melee 99& of the time why?


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28 minutes ago, (PS4)Bosnia_Akhalar said:

you have serious problem, hazerddex. no offence. when you go with a team, you have to accept and use what the team wants.

Technically, whoever provides the key makes the rules. If those joining don't like it, they can host their own key or join someone else's.

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no offence to all, i just want to say something. when we was newbie, we think rejuvenation is good aura. we can heal from it. but then, energy siphon is good aura because we know enemy can't do anything if we have enough energy to spam skill. and when we become veterans, we know we have blessing trinity, banshe, ev trinity, Zenurik....so we don't need steel charge, we don't need rejuvenation, we don't need energy siphon. We only need CP.


But, even CP can't help you do endless missions too long. at some point, you can't kill enemy anymore. You have to kill enemy by Covert Lethality. the best tactic needs you stun lock all map, stay invisile forever, open for finisher..... then at this time you can use any aura use want, I prefer Enemy Radar.

Enemy Radar is the best aura in my opinion.

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1 minute ago, (PS4)Bosnia_Akhalar said:

Im very curious to know your Mastery Rank ?

There are only two mastery ranks anyway: 0 and Draco. Seriously, why do people use that as a metric for experience...? I was MR8 for almost two years.

1 minute ago, dthorn92 said:

Also all the armor stripping moves in the game don't hold a candle to 4x Cp because 4x CP doesnt require you to use energy/spend time casting to to strip the armor! Doesn't matter if you can shred armor in a second with melee it's still slower and less efficient than instant 100% armor strip for all enemies. Is it dumb? Yeah but doesn't mean it isn't the best mod for a full squad to have at lvl100 up 

No offense, but you should probably bring a different weapon if you aren't killing lv100 heavies in under 2 seconds. If they're eximus bombards, that's a different story, but you shouldn't be having that much trouble with anything less. Try a viral spec with as high status chance as you can manage. Anything over 80% is fine, although you need DPS to be over 7k if you're running less than 4x CP. Viral cuts effective health by half, so if you can reliably proc, it's almost twice as valuable as a single CP. And if you're running 4x CP, a viral Tonkor will literally one-shot anything (provided it procs). I have yet to see an enemy survive that combo.

Alternatively, you could use a dagger and Valkyr specced for melee speed.

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Just now, KirukaChan said:

Technically, whoever provides the key makes the rules. If those joining don't like it, they can host their own key or join someone else's.

You know as much as I totally agree with that people usually jump the corrosive projection thing after I have joined their mission. So for future reference when I need to join your cute cute 20 wave/20 minute nonsense let me know beforehand that you want an arbitrary 4x CP for it so I can laugh at you so I can go somewhere else.

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4 minutes ago, (PS4)Bosnia_Akhalar said:

no offence to all, i just want to say something. when we was newbie, we think rejuvenation is good aura. we can heal from it. but then, energy siphon is good aura because we know enemy can't do anything if we have enough energy to spam skill. and when we become veterans, we know we have blessing trinity, banshe, ev trinity, Zenurik....so we don't need steel charge, we don't need rejuvenation, we don't need energy siphon. We only need CP.


But, even CP can't help you do endless missions too long. at some point, you can't kill enemy anymore. You have to kill enemy by Covert Lethality. the best tactic needs you stun lock all map, stay invisile forever, open for finisher..... then at this time you can use any aura use want, I prefer Enemy Radar.

Enemy Radar is the best aura in my opinion.

elitism much? no offence. you know not everyone wants to go tirnity  banshee etc also its rather insulting when you call some one whos played this game for 3 years a newbe just saying these are things people call meta or as i call it when people say play this way or get out mentality that i really hate sure i can make my own room and i usualy do when i do super long surivivals 

Edited by hazerddex
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18 minutes ago, TermiteFrame said:

You know as much as I totally agree with that people usually jump the corrosive projection thing after I have joined their mission. So for future reference when I need to join your cute cute 20 wave/20 minute nonsense let me know beforehand that you want an arbitrary 4x CP for it so I can laugh at you so I can go somewhere else.

Reminds me of a time when I was hosting a T3 Defense, only going to 20 waves (killing time waiting for my usual partner in crime to wake up), and someone was spazzing out that we didn't have a Frost. I had to explain to said Tenno that T3 Void is baby town frolics, I could solo it to wave 20 easily (was using Chroma/Supra at the time), and that I was only bringing 3 other Tenno so the enemies had something else to distract them.

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That players feel forced to use Corrosive Projection to get around the seriously broken armor scaling is an oversight in game balance. Enemies need to have static armor so that Corrosive Projection is still useful, but not mandatory. 

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20 minutes ago, (PS4)BlitzKeir said:

Actually, only one person would need to equip Coaction Drift. The mod increases the efficacy of your aura by 30% for you, and (if the aura affects allies) 15% for allies. Coaction Drift + 3x CP gives you a total of 99.9~% armor reduction. At that point, an enemy would need base 10,000 armor to not get one-shot.

if that were true, Equipping one Coaction Drift would bring 3 Corrosive Projections to 117%.
this is not the case.
one of the Players using Corrosive Projection Equipping one Coaction Drift would bring 3 Corrosive Projections to 94.5%.
all three of the Players using Corrosive Projeciton Equipping Coaction Drift would bring 3 Corrosive Projections to 103.5%.

(also how are you doing that little Damage with a Tonkor, on a RED Crit? normal Crits already deal ~3x that)

1 minute ago, KirukaChan said:

and someone was spazzing out that we didn't have a Frost.

i find that strange too - bro, the Objective has like 50,000 Health, if it takes a couple thousand Damage, it doesn't actually matter.
sure, if we were going to play 60 Waves or more something to protect the Objective is a good idea, but even to 40 Waves - it really doesn't matter. it'll take some Damage and that'll be it, who cares. Enemies are being mowed down and CC'ed, so whatever.

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Il just wait till mag rework arrive and shield polarize will (according to de) reduce armor, it it's be scalable enough then that cp meta may take some changes, till then so far cp is the most usefull aura for long endless missions with heavy armor units.

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3 minutes ago, taiiat said:

if that were true, Equipping one Coaction Drift would bring 3 Corrosive Projections to 117%.
this is not the case.

Uhh how would you know that 4x cp with 1 coaction drift doesn't reduce armor by 117%?

(That's not snark or sarcasm I legitimately want to know how one would come to know that)

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1 hour ago, PikeOrShield said:

Because it's about not being selfish and taking one for the team.  Why should someone else have to sacrifice an extra slot just because you don't want to bring CP?

Why should OP have to sacrifice a slot just because others don't understand his Playstyle, and can't adapt to something that's not meta?


Anyway, I can't say I've ever had a problem with people telling me to use Corrosive Projection, and honestly, if I ever do, I'd tell them to adapt or leave. I play how I want and like. If you don't like that or can't understand that, you may as well ask me to use RJ Excal. I play well with the way I mod. And if you need to ask a player to change an Aura mod, maybe the person just needs to get good.
For example, on Ash Prime, I found I can't play him without Rejuvination (and even Enemy Sense (the personal mod one)). Now I know it doesn't offer 0.8% energy per second, or strip a little Armor or Shields from enemies, but that's just my Playstyle. My Ash isn't afraid to take a hit, because I don't Blade Storm every single god damn enemy I see, but when he does take a few devastating hits, I find Rejuvination to add a LOT more Survivability to him. And then people who agree with everyone using Corrosive Projection and nothing else be like "Why don't you just use Health Pads?" Because I don't want to. Same reason why I RARELY use Energy Pads. They aren't a Quality of Life thing for me. It's a luxury thing. I ALWAYS have 100 of every Pad stocked up and ready to use, so don't call me tight for not wanting to use Resources, I could easily build up to 5,000 of each with no worries. But again, it all comes down to playstyle.

So if you wanna use Sniper Scavenger, Enemy Sense, Shield Disruption, Corrosive Projection or even Sprint Boost, go right ahead. Don't let anyone tell you what Aura to use. Use what suits you and don't settle for anything less.

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2 minutes ago, PickleMonster21 said:

Why should OP have to sacrifice a slot just because others don't understand his Playstyle, and can't adapt to something that's not meta?


Anyway, I can't say I've ever had a problem with people telling me to use Corrosive Projection, and honestly, if I ever do, I'd tell them to adapt or leave. I play how I want and like. If you don't like that or can't understand that, you may as well ask me to use RJ Excal. I play well with the way I mod. And if you need to ask a player to change an Aura mod, maybe the person just needs to get good.
For example, on Ash Prime, I found I can't play him without Rejuvination (and even Enemy Sense (the personal mod one)). Now I know it doesn't offer 0.8% energy per second, or strip a little Armor or Shields from enemies, but that's just my Playstyle. My Ash isn't afraid to take a hit, because I don't Blade Storm every single god damn enemy I see, but when he does take a few devastating hits, I find Rejuvination to add a LOT more Survivability to him. And then people who agree with everyone using Corrosive Projection and nothing else be like "Why don't you just use Health Pads?" Because I don't want to. Same reason why I RARELY use Energy Pads. They aren't a Quality of Life thing for me. It's a luxury thing. I ALWAYS have 100 of every Pad stocked up and ready to use, so don't call me tight for not wanting to use Resources, I could easily build up to 5,000 of each with no worries. But again, it all comes down to playstyle.

So if you wanna use Sniper Scavenger, Enemy Sense, Shield Disruption, Corrosive Projection or even Sprint Boost, go right ahead. Don't let anyone tell you what Aura to use. Use what suits you and don't settle for anything less.

Can I hug you?

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13 minutes ago, taiiat said:

if that were true, Equipping one Coaction Drift would bring 3 Corrosive Projections to 117%.

The way it works is the first value increases the effect of your aura on you; the second value increases the effect on the entire squad, including you. If the aura has no effect on allies (which CP doesn't), then the second value only applies to you.

The mod's description is extremely unclear. But that's how it works. There may be an exception for CP, making the second value not apply at all. But even if you're correct, and the total of 3x CP + 1x CD comes to 94.5% reduction, then enemies with 10k armor would still only have 600 armor, which is approximately 50% damage reduction. Meaning they still get one-shot. Eximus don't break 10k armor until around 1h20m T4 sur.

Also, last I checked, unbuffed Tonkor can't deal 180k damage.

Edited by (PS4)BlitzKeir
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