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Kubrows vs Sentinels - Cute vs Useful


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i reformad a sahasa, take away the loot-stuff-mod, now he fights really great without any tricks like huras

i have not many kubrows and im levelling a chesa now, didnt play this kubrow for a long long time

i use fully formad and fully levelled mods at my kubrows, lots of fun with and i really like and appreciate how they are given to us

i use also mostly one sentinel when i farm because there is no kubrow which sucks loot as sideeffect as this primed sentinel does ^^)

for me its not versus, for me its how i feel like when i play what and when ... just a personal individual opinion

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2 minutes ago, aoguro_ said:

for me its not versus, for me its how i feel like when i play what and when ... just a personal individual opinion

True kubrows are awesome and personally would like to only play with Kubrows as well.

However as things are now, you have to give up a lot of straight power and even more convenience to play with a Kubrow. And with Kubrows having maintenance costs I think it should really be the other way around. Kubrows should be an upgrade. They should be the Ferrari of companions, not the Tricycle.

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56 minutes ago, ngrazer said:

I've made a topic about why Kubrow(s) are bad last year, but I haven't seen any improvements to their AI yet. Maybe if their AI weren't THIS stupid they'd be good.

Um, they did though. In 18.5. And it's pretty noticeable too.

  • Kubrow have received various improvements to their movements and pathing to help make their speed, movement, and general navigation much smoother.
  • Kubrow should no longer become stuck under stairs when following a player.
  • Kubrow should now ‘duck’ when close to the player, reducing the chance that the Kubrow will block the player’s line of fire.
  • The Chesa Kubrow will now be more responsive when picking up multiple items in close proximity.

Just thought I'd point that out.

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Huras Kubrow is still better than Shade if you need to be unseen while using your utility frame to support allies. Also there is rare-as-frozen-hell mod called Shelter which is Kubrow version of the Sanctuary (revive shield). However, sentinels are still better at many tasks...

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35 minutes ago, TheBright888 said:

True kubrows are awesome and personally would like to only play with Kubrows as well.

However as things are now, you have to give up a lot of straight power and even more convenience to play with a Kubrow. And with Kubrows having maintenance costs I think it should really be the other way around. Kubrows should be an upgrade. They should be the Ferrari of companions, not the Tricycle.

fully formad kubrows with all their mods fully levelled are like "ferraris", couldnt say i better ^^)

i dont know how many people that they kill a bombard in t4 with one stroke and the give a voice-sign when they get harmed short by whatever, you can hear that clearly and its not really a expression of being wounded, its more a "natural" development they get

its really worth the effort to level and forma a kubrow at its full level

i dont play f2p ... im 50/50 with the "sensivite" cash-theme (^^

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Considering the frame I play the most (Ivara), the only pet that is useful to me is Carrier.  The other sentinels aren't really that useful for me.  Helios is good for scanning enemies.  Most Kubrows fall into the same catagory as the sentinels but with the added maintenance to boot (not a good thing).  Bare in mind that I mostly play solo and only do pugs on occasion.   I like Kubrows and looking forward to Kavats.  Just sadly right now that only pet that serves any useful purpose for me is Carrier.  That might be one of the reasons there are so many Carrier users instead of them all being "Lazy".   Until I have a better option, Carrier it is.  :P

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People have difference preferences, I, would rather have no companion than having to take a kubrow, and I breed them as often as i can, I pretty much supply my clan with imprints. Carrier is my sentinel of choice not only for the pickup but for the general unintrusiveness of it, there's no stupid animal getting in my way of rockets, running around, and dying distracting me and my team mates from the actual mission.

I don't need damage, disarms, or loot, I use restores when i need energy or ammo, and everything else I can do myself. This is my opinion.

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Just now, nothinginsight said:

People have difference preferences, I, would rather have no companion than having to take a kubrow, and I breed them as often as i can, I pretty much supply my clan with imprints. Carrier is my sentinel of choice not only for the pickup but for the general unintrusiveness of it, there's no stupid animal getting in my way of rockets, running around, and dying distracting me and my team mates from the actual mission.

I don't need damage, disarms, or loot, I use restores when i need energy or ammo, and everything else I can do myself. This is my opinion.

I agree, due to the little difference they make they're rather a nuisance than useful. The only useful one I see is Carrier as I hate picking up loot that's 2 feet away from me. 

Also, lets please add in (kubrow) when one of them dies. I hate having to cross half a map only to find out that I have to rev a kubrow.

That's also why I never take them...and they're hungry

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6 minutes ago, InglriousB said:

I agree, due to the little difference they make they're rather a nuisance than useful. The only useful one I see is Carrier as I hate picking up loot that's 2 feet away from me. 

Also, lets please add in (kubrow) when one of them dies. I hate having to cross half a map only to find out that I have to rev a kubrow.

That's also why I never take them...and they're hungry

my fully formad and fully mod levelled ones dont die, it needs a real horrible attack of some level 100 enemies to make my kubrows shaky ^^))))))))

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As few people already stated, it is all about preferences.

I take Kubrows over everything else, and I use Carrier only when I really lazy.
As someone who plays since late 2013 I did use sentinels a lot, with my main being Dethcube/Wyrm and from time to time carrier.
But since Kubrows were introduced into the game, I use Kubrows. Besides, I simply enjoy their company way more than a "company" or a small robot hoovering over my shoulder.
As a dog person, I prefer to have a pet in-game that I have to take care of, that a hoovering "part of my gear".
I guess that is also a let down for a lot of people, that they actually HAVE to take care of a pet Kubrow and future pet Kavat.


27 minutes ago, aoguro_ said:

my fully formad and fully mod levelled ones dont die, it needs a real horrible attack of some level 100 enemies to make my kubrows shaky ^^))))))))

All my 3 kubrows, can take a lot of damage before dying, as I did not forma them 7 times each for nothing :D

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48 minutes ago, d3me said:

Huras Kubrow is still better than Shade if you need to be unseen while using your utility frame to support allies. Also there is rare-as-frozen-hell mod called Shelter which is Kubrow version of the Sanctuary (revive shield). However, sentinels are still better at many tasks...



So you literally have to 7 forma a Kubrow to max it and get this blasted thing that probably has a drop chance of 1 in 20 million.

And what do you get after all that work? Something that is maybe as good as an unformaed shade.

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Kubrow <3  they run around like tards but they try their best damn it. it's amazing the stupid stuff they can get to/stuck in/break horribly. 

also I can breed pretties and make plat off it. my sentimental just sucks things ;) 

all my forma in my chesa. alll of itttttt....

"Dies if I get cancer and need to go to the hospital." --get incubator upgrade. puts it in status automatically when its on low health. problem fixed.

if they just gave kubrows a vacuum passive or something it would fix all the problems. 




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1 minute ago, morningstar999 said:


Kubrow <3  they run around like tards but they try their best damn it. it's amazing the stupid stuff they can get to/stuck in/break horribly. 

if they just gave kubrows a vacuum passive or something it would fix all the problems. 


Agreed. It would make them usable at least. Medi-Ray would still make me use Sentinels 80% of the time, but at least I could use Kubrows to farm trash mobs.

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7 minutes ago, TheBright888 said:

So you literally have to 7 forma a Kubrow to max it and get this blasted thing that probably has a drop chance of 1 in 20 million.

And what do you get after all that work? Something that is maybe as good as an unformaed shade.

This was too funny.  

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16 minutes ago, TheBright888 said:



So you literally have to 7 forma a Kubrow to max it and get this blasted thing that probably has a drop chance of 1 in 20 million.

And what do you get after all that work? Something that is maybe as good as an unformaed shade.

If you wanna cut corners, 4 is enough to make it durable and deadly enough for most high level missions (Two Madurai and Two Vazarin slots to cover Bite, Maul, Link Shield, and Link Health). Besides, Shelter goes for cheap in the market since demand for Kubrow mods are low.

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Kubrows have one thing i do like... Link Health, Shield and Armor. My bulky Chesa has about 10000 health and 600 armor when i'm Inaros. And that's without Forma. still working on Forma'ing it. i wonder how high it can get? i dunno if sentinels have similar mods, but if they do, i don't own any...

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Sure Carrier is GREAT at getting loot...but so what.

For a vet non-casual player, loot drops aren't all that important to begin with. 

This is where the disconnect happens between casuals and vet players. 

1. I rarely run out of ammo

2. Have more than enough resources

3. Dont rely on random orbs for energy or health.

- On top of all that, I STILL get a good number of drops anyway. so why should I use Carrier again?

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9 minutes ago, Hypernaut1 said:

Sure Carrier is GREAT at getting loot...but so what.

For a vet non-casual player, loot drops aren't all that important to begin with. 

This where the disconnect happens between casuals and vet players. 

1. I rarely run out of ammo

2. Have more than enough resources

3. Dont rely on random orbs for energy or health.

- so why should I use Carrier again?


Free arcane grace/Rejuvination good enough?

12% Health every 16 sec

In my opinion even more OP than vacuum, since Health is one of those few resources that were hard to cheese before.

Only downside: Change to kubrow if you are bless trin.

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4 minutes ago, Hypernaut1 said:

For a vet non-casual player

I've been gaming for over 30 years.  Would I be considered a Vet or a Casual?  I ask this question because this gamer vs casual thing is stupid.  Compared to my gaming history (been gaming since Pong) damn near everyone can be considered a casual.  I just wanted to put that out there to squash any pro vs casual nonsense before it can start.  

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well with that medi-ray mod around, the magical eggplant became a healing beacon that could restore shield along shield you when reviving other while sucking up dropped items yet spewing exploding shotgun shells while breaks containers with new simaris mod whilst could resurrect itself like Jesus sometimes.  and  yet ms little chesa still spazzing its head trying to break containers. still looks cute though

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