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So, we did a T2 survival, at 20 mins, a Nikana Prime Blade dropped, the host wanted to go until 40, we did, his Soma Prime part didn't drop. What did he do? F*** over all of us with quitting during extraction at 1 second. He had such a weird name I can't even remember it. Can't do nothing about it. Fml. My whole rng luck is gone for a year again.

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Just now, (XB1)Listed mia 510 said:

You could have went and stood at extraction and made him leave...  Just saying.

I didn't want to do that since we agreed to 40 mins in the first place, I kept my word and this is what I got :D.

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2 minutes ago, (XB1)Listed mia 510 said:

Well we win some we lose some.. Ive had a few ppl do this too me as well, i just dont see the point though as they still lose the key...

why waste their own time?

It was obviusly a disguised troll because t2 surv keys are literally falling from almost everywhere...

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1 hour ago, Momo93 said:

So, we did a T2 survival, at 20 mins, a Nikana Prime Blade dropped, the host wanted to go until 40, we did, his Soma Prime part didn't drop. What did he do? F*** over all of us with quitting during extraction at 1 second. He had such a weird name I can't even remember it. Can't do nothing about it. Fml. My whole rng luck is gone for a year again.

That's why you need to play with clanmates or friends, in public mode you always are vulnerable to be trolled. Although it would be good to have a kind of individual extraction method in survival so you can extract whenever you want.

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9 minutes ago, chofranc said:

That's why you need to play with clanmates or friends, in public mode you always are vulnerable to be trolled. Although it would be good to have a kind of individual extraction method in survival so you can extract whenever you want.

I went public because I absolutely hate survivals, it's a BOREFEST, it's even worse when you solo it. Friends weren't online at the time and the clan was silent. Plus I can't host well with my slow internet.

We lost everything because the host had the key as well. I have 40 friggin T2 surv keys, if the game checked if I had any I could have been the new host and nothing would have been lost but no that would be too much to ask since DE doesn't even have a basic progress saving feature during missions.

Edited by Momo93
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Just now, (PS4)xKAIOWAx said:

He s a complet idiot, why he dont sell nikana balde and buy lot of somas ^^

Well yeah, he ultimately screwed himself as well. Even if he had the Nikana Prime the Blade is going for pretty high still.

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1 minute ago, (PS4)xKAIOWAx said:

Dont let this put you down , you ll find your nikana blade again =D

I really hope so. I just came back from a long break because of burnout and this wasn't the comeback present I expected. I almost rage deleted the game lol.

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3 minutes ago, taiiat said:

if one Session that doesn't go your way is the end of the world...

don't let it be. 

It can't be helped. Survival is my most hated game mode, it wastes so much of my time and DE keeps putting good things only in rotation C with rigged chances, I am forced to waste lots of time of my life :/. I wouldn't rage that much if it was another mode since those can be done faster usually but you can't do anything to speed up survival.

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On 14/05/2016 at 1:36 AM, EmptyDevil said:

Individual extraction would be pretty convenient.

I don't think so. Alot of trolls would be born from that. 

H > T4Survival 40 min

Then they leave at 35min to annoy you. Then you get your item at 40. hmmmmmmmmmm ok maybe this can be good after all 

Edited by NovusNova
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I have always wanted survival to be non dependant on everyone standing at extraction. 

How many of you have locked a random noob into a mission because he was the only one that wanted to leave, and you didn't feel like leaving? You've seen it happen, it's happened to you, or you've done it, if you have spent any time running public survivals.

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8 minutes ago, Momo93 said:

It can't be helped. Survival is my most hated game mode, it wastes so much of my time and DE keeps putting good things only in rotation C with rigged chances, I am forced to waste lots of time of my life :/. I wouldn't rage that much if it was another mode since those can be done faster usually but you can't do anything to speed up survival.

I can't help but think that everything would be much simplier if mission rewards were directly added in your inventory upon find...
Think of it, the guy who's searching for the items in survival, you don't ever see him, you're not in any way protecting him. If the life supports runs out, then he just has to run away aswell, you dying doesn't affect his capacity to get away from the place he is.

That would at least fix the problem with losing connexion and stuff like that, you've played your time for this item, there's no reason for you to lose it like that. You've been rewarded for playing 20-40, hell~ 120 minutes. There shouldn't be anything to remove this time from you.
That and individual extraction >.>... It's a pain when you're 1/4 that has to leave after 20 minutes for in real life stuff and your team just suddently decided that they want to go suicide squad for another hour.

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On 14/05/2016 at 2:18 AM, DzeraDragonbane said:

I don't think so. Alot of trolls would be born from that. 

H > T4Survival 40 min

Then they leave at 35min to annoy you. Then you get your item at 40. hmmmmmmmmmm ok maybe this can be good after all 

It would only be a problem if you are really undergeared, basically any frame can do 40 mins T4 solo. Actually you just need one very maxed weapon and some brains.

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1 hour ago, EmptyDevil said:

Individual extraction would be pretty convenient.

...Unless you're the guy who recruited help to do a 40min match and your Nekros or some such important ally strolls out because they got what they wanted at 20min and they don't need help extracting...

There have been plenty of threads saying the exact opposite for Defense, where it's frustrating that people can suddenly leave at the last second and then the remaining party can't finish 5 waves. If you're in a long survival (risky relative to gear/node/skill) and someone just up and sprints out when you're counting on them that's exactly the same thing.

TBH it wouldn't break my heart to be able to roll out of Survival when I want to, but I don't consider it to be this one-sided issue like people try to frame it.

What we really need are session controls. Let people extract at will in public games. When you make a private game and recruit you should be able to say that extraction is available at X+ minutes or the games ends at 5Y waves along with fun things like sword alone. This way both the host and team must commit ahead of time and no one can blame anyone else for leaving early or late.

My 2¢.

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27 minutes ago, VKhaun said:

...Unless you're the guy who recruited help to do a 40min match and your Nekros or some such important ally strolls out because they got what they wanted at 20min and they don't need help extracting...

There have been plenty of threads saying the exact opposite for Defense, where it's frustrating that people can suddenly leave at the last second and then the remaining party can't finish 5 waves. If you're in a long survival (risky relative to gear/node/skill) and someone just up and sprints out when you're counting on them that's exactly the same thing.

TBH it wouldn't break my heart to be able to roll out of Survival when I want to, but I don't consider it to be this one-sided issue like people try to frame it.

What we really need are session controls. Let people extract at will in public games. When you make a private game and recruit you should be able to say that extraction is available at X+ minutes or the games ends at 5Y waves along with fun things like sword alone. This way both the host and team must commit ahead of time and no one can blame anyone else for leaving early or late.

My 2¢.

Well, we need to have a grace period, seriously, when someone leaves in a defense within the last 2-3 seconds, i guess for the sake of not crashing the game, you still load into the game again like usual, but have an option to start the timer again somewhere and it'll last a few more seconds, or ignore option And keep going.

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1 minute ago, (PS4)WINDMILEYNO said:

Well, we need to have a grace period, seriously, when someone leaves in a defense within the last 2-3 seconds, i guess for the sake of not crashing the game, you still load into the game again like usual, but have an option to start the timer again somewhere and it'll last a few more seconds, or ignore option And keep going.

Same problem just moves forward a step. Someone leaves and three people stay. Then suddenly another person leaves at the last second of THAT timer.

Either it's a team decision to end the mission, a majority vote decision to end the mission, or anyone can leave when they want to. All of them have their problems. Picking one for all instances of whatever mission type will never make everyone happy or fix all problems. It's just trading one collection of gripes for another and confusing the non-forum-going players. 



The trick to move forward at this point IMO is to apply them where they make sense.

Public Node PUG = Individuals leave as they like. Survival with individual extraction. Defense with individual stay/leave.

Recruited for a purpose, like OP describes = Team Decision. Host makes a setting that's visible to the team before the mission starts, maybe even have them hit "agree". Mission ends at a set time. No extraction even available before the set X minutes and at X+min any one person can trigger extraction. At 5Y waves the mission just ends for defense, no votes before that and no vote to continue.

Casual / Random Recruitment = Majority vote. Host opts not to apply any settings. Both game modes work like survival works now. Majority of people in extraction after min ends the the survival. Majority must choose to leave on defense, ending the mission for all.





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1 minute ago, VKhaun said:

The trick to move forward at this point IMO is to apply them where they make sense.

Public Node PUG = Individuals leave as they like. Survival with individual extraction. Defense with individual stay/leave.

Recruited for a purpose, like OP describes = Team Decision. Host makes a setting that's visible to the team before the mission starts, maybe even have them hit "agree". Mission ends at a set time. No extraction even available before the set X minutes and at X+min any one person can trigger extraction. At 5Y waves the mission just ends for defense, no votes before that and no vote to continue.

Casual / Random Recruitment = Majority vote. Host opts not to apply any settings. Both game modes work like survival works now. Majority of people in extraction after min ends the the survival. Majority must choose to leave on defense, ending the mission for all.

Oohhh. This is cool. Lets do that.

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