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Level 60



having trouble even making dents of level 60's. should i forma weapons or frames? to get the power needed to lay waste? i do not pay for plats btw. so not an option for me..

A prime weapon forma'ed would be a good start i hope.. if so what one? im more of a tank guy than say using nyx prime.. which i have ... just so sick of these players that come in to a game, run around like a god and just  lay waste to anything that moves...so disheartening, sometimes i feel like giving up on the game, as i plod along and do my best to keep up, rank up power up...

Edited by cateater2u2
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I believe you need better understanding of how to mod weapons and frames. As general rule try to look at the best stats and try to focus on those.

For example base damage mods (Serration, Point Blank, Hornet Strike, Pressure Point) improve overall damage of the weapon as well as elemental damage, while specific damage increase for slash, puncture or impact won't affect elemental mods.
Those base damage mods should be your priority in every weapon.

Your Rhino sports Rifle Amp aura, but you use shotgun that doesn't benefit from it. Use Charged Steel instead and at least your melee will benefit.

Your Phage has one sole damage mod Contagious Spread. It lacks Point Blank or any other damage increase. Fire rate, reload speed and ammo capacity is not essential. You will need less ammo and slower fire rate if your hits would deliver more punch. Primed Ravage is a waste as this weapon has very low crit chance as is Accelerated Blast (puncture damage doesn't apply at all here)

Tonbo - again a lot of ill suited mods here. Organ Shatter is useless with only 5% crit chance. Auger Strike and Heave Trauma as well as this weapon deals very low puncture or impact damage. Elemental mods or Reach would be much better instead. At least there is Pressure Point. Jagged Edge is also good choice as Tonbo deals mainly slash damage.

See where it's going? Put base damage mod, then enhance strong sides. When weapon has a lot of crit chance (20% or more) put crit chance + crit damage mods. Otherwise elemental mods considering your enemy. Damage 2.0 has a table that will tell you what elements to bring for specific faction.

Edited by (XB1)Deflinek
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Try telling us your current available options, at least before the Tonkor comments start to roll in.

Either way, a few popular examples, Soma / Prime, Any bow (practice those headshots), Syndicate weapons like the Vaykor's, Sancti Tigris, the Rakta's, my beloved Ignis (I've got 6 forma on it though) xD (trolling Sortie missions with it since ever)

also, about frames, usually no forma already leaves them capable to doing plenty, even without a potato, some can.

Edited by Manyc
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Modding is a vital part to upgrading your arsenal and you'd be surprised how bad a weapon can seem until a certain mod build is put on it. Practically all prime weapons are at least decent at high levels, but each is different, and so requires a different mod loadout to maximise damage output.

You'll only get better at modding the more you play. Mods will be found, fused, transmuted and sold as you go through the game. But never give up.

If you tell me what weapons you have and/or want to use, I can give you some basics on building efficient mod loadouts for them.

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id recommend to use a potato bevore u start with forma


u can get both potatoes and forma from alerts

or just trade for some plat and get it from the market

both silver and gold potatos are 20p each and forma is 10p

shouldnt be to hard to trade for that

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Modding is the answer to your problems, and more specifically, ranking up your mods. Problem is, that many weapons can't support all that many mods without heavy investment in formas, and formaing (forming?) weapon several times takes a lot of time.

I know this is just my own opinion, but I recommend picking a strong melee weapon you like. Melee weapon mods are often a bit cheaper to rank up (having less ranks), and melee weapons have more power for mods because of the stance mods. As an example, I use Redeemer myself - with a stance (high noon) and a potato, I can stick 8 fully ranked mods to it without any need for forma's, (okay, not exactly - Fury mod is 2 ranks away from being max ranked, but everything else is max ranked and no forma's installled) - and it is capable of one-shotting the lvl 60 enemies at short-medium range, and the 80+ enemies on close range. For comparsion, my primary shotgun (drakgoon) needs some 5 forma (I think) before it can be considered "fully modded", requiring leveling it from 0 to 30 six times before it's actually up to the task...

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I know the feeling of playing with overpowered players. When i started, i got to Jupiter and was doing a massive '1' damage, and my Loki build was pretty rubbish too back then.

Modding your equipment is a vital part of getting to the end-game level missions (60 isn't really that high, many weapons modded right will still take enemies down with one shot at that level.... not trying to say anything, merely point out that when modded right weapons kinda do that to level 60 enemies, it's an entirely feasible thing)

A Serration Mod thats ranked as high as you can take it is going to take you quite far..... Granted, ranking it up takes considerable investment - I'm not a min/max kinda guy, and i only put the last pip on my Serration late last year.... so probably best to get started on that asap. 

Naturally you're going to want to put a Catalyst on your weapons too so you can equip more high level mods.

As for what weapons may suit your playstyle.... Probably one of the Syndicate weapons. The Synoid Gammacor from Suda, Hek from Meridian, and Tigris from Loka are favourites for many. These release an AOE that deals more damage, and generally aids in killing things faster.


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As mentioned above it's easier to give you some advice with some more information provided from you, stuff that you might have already.

Maxing mods or getting them up to lvl 8-9 helps a lot. But all mods are not suited for every situation (ex: most of the time blind rage at max level will end up dealing less damage and cost more energy than simply casting the skill twice at a lower level)
Looking in to damage types and resistances can also help you with taking down enemies faster as the resistances varry.

"Tanky" frames might not be as straight forward in WF as in other games but here are some suggestions:
Valkyr - literally immune to damage with her 4:th, but restricted to melee combat.
Trinity - Can achieve 99% damage reduction when timed right using blessing, also has Link (reduces damage and stuff like knockdowns iirc), can heal the entire team.
Inaros - with the right mods he can have a massive amount of hitpoints with the ability to self heal.
Nezha/Rhino - two different version of skills for extra health (iron skin, ring-thingy-don't-know-the-name-of :D)
Frost - stationary bubble that soaks up damage from ranged weapons outside of it.
Wukong - has an ability to resurrect.
Chroma - perhaps a bit trickier but can achieve great damage reduction and extra damage with the use of skills.
*Volt - has a deployable shield wall. Volt prime also sports large shields and energycapacities.

They might not be tanks but it's something you have to experiment with, might have missed some frames too.

If you haven't tried it and want to test out stuff a bit more yourself you can always look at builds at http://warframe-builder.com

There is also the wiki page warframe.wikia.com

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As many already have said, modding your weapons and Warframes will be your key to success.


Now for what to mod, it could be anything, however some weapons will be stronger at a base than others. For example Soma requires a few formas in order to get the crit damage decent together with an elemental combo.


There will always be a few base mods that you will want to use, that being along the lines of following:


Primary weapons:


Heavy Caliber (note, some would not use this on bows or weapons that require accuracy, I personally always use it on everything because warframe isn't a game where is put accuracy over damage for end game content. And if you do need accuracy, your secondary could do).

Split Chamber

Shred (you'll be shooting faster and through enemies to hit the ones behind them,1 bullet hitting several enemies :D)

Optional (crit build mods):

Vital Sense

Point Strike

(Some, and this is very optional to me, if you really want it) Critical Delay.


For secondary weapons:

Hornet Strike

Barrel Diffusion

Lethal Torrent

Crit build mods:

Pistol Gambit

(Primed) Target Cracker


These mods you will of course want to have as high rank as possible on your weapons in order to get the most out of them, although maxing Serration, Primed Target Cracker or Heavy Caliber could be expensive.


Note to always also use the elemental combo your enemies will be taking extra damage from. Possibly if you're lazy, just run Corrosive damage against everything but shielded units. Though I would not advice to just run corrosive only.


I'll also mention a few solid weapons that you may or may not already know deal a punch even without maxed mods on.


Weapons (primary):

Boltor (Prime), even at low rank both the prime and non-prime can take care of enemies. Min/maxing them however, can make them shred enemies.

Soma (Prime), one of my favourites for speed running, although it requires a crit build, limiting your overal options of elemental combo by quite the but if you use shred too.

Sancti Tigris, the one shot machine at close range, you name it, it'll kill it. However it mostly deals slash damage, which is not very effective against armoured units. Drawback to this is that it's a two barrel shotgun, leaving you reloading quite often and dependant on being close range.

Vectis (Prime), not my favourite among the bunch, however that doesn't mean it can't deal damage and deliver a devastating shot.


Paris Prime, the Paris prime with a crit build will shred enemies until quite the high level. Due to it being able to fire rather rapidly with firerate mods to decrease the time it takes for you to charge your arrow.


Tonkor, crit build on this will deal quite the punch in AoE. This have been the go to weapon for a lot of people doing higher level missions.


Secondary weapons:

Vaykor Marelok, some build this for crit, othe raw damage and others for status chance, either way you should be able to deal the damage you need to take down an enemy. The Marelok also procs health when enough affinity is earned, which is great for staying alive.


Despair, this one could be difficult to get your hands on as it is from the stalker and recently have started to fall of compared to other weapons, however that doesn't mean it can't deal damage! :)


Rakta Ballistica, Great viral proc and if modded with some firerate mods, you should be charging shots rather fast taking down heavy and high heeled enemis with ease. Nice to get energy from the proc too.


Brakk, some have a hard time getting this from the raid or G3 in general, however it does still do damage close range and if you like playing close and get your hands dirty, I suggest giving this a try! :)


Theres of course other weapons too, like the Rakta Cernos or Synoid gammacore, but all weapons, no matter which one it is, will need you to Forma it if you want to go really high level with them.


Hope this helped a little, typing this on my phone sure took its time and I see our community have already answered with a lot of good answers already :)

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Rhino:  Drop Fast Deflection and Reflection, slotting in Steel Fiber and Streamline instead.  Iron Skin scales based on Power Strength and your armor level, so Steel Fiber will increase the damage you can soak significantly.  Personally, I'd replace Continuity with the Corrupted Mod Fleeting Expertise, trading Duration for more Power Strength,  Rhino Stomp won't CC as long, but you'll get more damage out of it, and your Iron Skin will also improve, as will Roar.  A Sentinel with the Guardian mod slotted in the first Precept slot will automatically restore your shields to full should they drop, so Fast Deflection becomes redundant, though do remember that Guardian does have a cool down between uses, so pop Iron Skin as soon as it procs to keep safe until the CD resets.

Nyx:  Drop Rush for now.  It's an Exilus mod, so once you complete the Natah quest, you can unlock that slot and stick it there if you have space.  Nyx's best skills are Mind Control and Chaos, neither of which use power strength (though Psychic Bolt and Absorb do), making Duration and Range your friends.  Duck behind cover, use Chaos, and watch the enemy kill themselves.  Getting an Overextend (trades power damage for more range) helps with those skills, while you can still use Absorb for the aggro draw it has, letting you draw fire while allies res fallen allies.

Phage:  Pull Accelerated Blast, since it's boosting your none existent Puncture damage, and slot Point Blank for the 90% increase in damage you'll see.  Pull Primed Ravage, since your crit rate is only 10%, so you'll not be critting often.  I'm pretty sure Hell's Chamber works with Phage, though it's been a whole since I used mine last, so throw that on there for the 120% multishot.  A good replacement is the Hek shotgun, which can use the Shattered Justice Mod for +200% multishot (stacks with Hell's Chamber for a total of 320% more pellets per trigger pull).  Vaykor Hek, which you can get by getting to General Rank in Steel Meridian is also a good choice.  It's high crit rate works well with your Blunderbuss, Laser Sight (Land a head shot, get +120% increased crit chance for 9 seconds, adding a full 35% to the 57.5% Blunderbuss will get you to, for a massive 92.5 crit chance.  That's per pellet by the way, so damage ramps up quick, and you get the bonus crit rate before it actually calculates if you scored a crit on that head shot or not.  Odds are you'll get a massive damage boost there).  Both Shattered Justice and Vaykor Hek let you collect Justice points on kills, which set off a 1k Blast damage AoE centered on you once you get 2k affinity on the weapon, healing you 25% of your max HP and giving you +25% of your base armor for 30 seconds (47.5 for Rhino, 4.75 for Nyx, btw).

Tonbo:  Pull Auger Strike, Heavy Trauma and Organ Strike.  Tonbo is a slash weapon, and the small base damage it has in the other damage types is very low, so even full ranked mods won't help much.  It also has a poor crit rate, so slotting mods that deal with crit chance or damage is a poor choice.  Put a Reach mod for extra, well, reach, and slot Molten Impact and North Wind for the Blast damage they combine into, which causes AoE knock down when it procs, and most enemies don't have resistances to it.

Sonicor:  Pull Sure Shot.  Sonicor has no Status chance at all, and mods that influence that stat have no effect (+1000% of 0% is still 0%).  Replace with Barrel Diffusion.

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