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So this is feedback, but postive feedback. I felt this was a bit needed with the recent topics regarding with people opinions on the recent changes in Warframe. Most of those I felt was a bit negative, so I'm just trying to dilute it a bit.

For me these changes were great, you need skill to use Mirage prism, I actually saw a mirage macro bot on the void Interception before and it made my a cry a bit. Also Trinity's changes were much needed, felt it just took the fun of the game no need to dodge anymore.

For me the fun in the game is to play like ninja, dodge bullets, use abilties which has a smaller range to deal with a threat before me etc. For me frames like Mirage, Trinity took this away from the game. Did I play with those,no(except for Trials, cough)..., but It made it harder for me to play with other Tenno and still have fun.

Also something which I heard, was that why didn't they change Mirage or Trinity before. Well they are only Human and there are alot less of them than there are of us^^(they are talking about this in a Devstream), for me I never even got Trinity and Mirage before I saw people using them in Trials etc(I didn't understand how powerful they were beforehand).

Also love the new Mag changes pulling a magnetized target never get's old^^

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I agree 100% it was boring just standing there in a mission as mirage would blind enemies, and now allies can't go running off on there own in T4 survival and hope their trinity watches their health. They gave us back our challenge, and gave us back a team. I am very grateful for this, I can't wait to see what else DE Scott has in mind for all the other warframes.

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Yeah pretty much this. Mirage/Trin easymode's gone. That's good. Blessing was good to carry up newbies through the missions though, but well, they have to fight for their loot too.. hehe. Nevertheless that's what the game needed, and yeah Mag is amazing now, Polarize debuff against grineers is op :>

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21 minutes ago, EgAlia said:


It's not just saying they did a good job with the changes.

Good job? 


Focus fixes? None

Fixes to game play ? I.E. Broken enemy scaling ? None

Spend 120 dollars for a warframe with a sliver of extra armor a so so weapon versus overwatch uncharted 4 or a bundle deal of uncharted 4 overwatch and ratchet and clank _ _ _ Gee let me think _ sarcasm _ _seroiusly bro Its overwatch time .

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5 minutes ago, (PS4)aiptekfanboy said:

Good job? 


Focus fixes? None

Fixes to game play ? I.E. Broken enemy scaling ? None

Spend 120 dollars for a warframe with a sliver of extra armor a so so weapon versus overwatch uncharted 4 or a bundle deal of uncharted 4 overwatch and ratchet and clank _ _ _ Gee let me think _ sarcasm _ _seroiusly bro Its overwatch time .

Did not really understand you, but I think they did a good job, I play Warframe and Overwatch and they are working on the scaling.

" The bigger picture is the way enemy damage and EHP scales in the higher level content. We are discussing a few options at this time on the way scaling works, but ultimately we will preserve increased difficulty over time that demands a 'be careful and get out or get killed' set of stakes the longer you spend in a mission. The long term of this will demand a greater Dev Workshop as we make decisions on the topic - more to come here. "

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10 minutes ago, EgAlia said:

Did not really understand you, but I think they did a good job, I play Warframe and Overwatch and they are working on the scaling.

" The bigger picture is the way enemy damage and EHP scales in the higher level content. We are discussing a few options at this time on the way scaling works, but ultimately we will preserve increased difficulty over time that demands a 'be careful and get out or get killed' set of stakes the longer you spend in a mission. The long term of this will demand a greater Dev Workshop as we make decisions on the topic - more to come here. "

What is there not to understand?  He said you can Spend $120  on a warframe that will eventually have it's functionality ruined, or you can buy multiple triple A games instead then said he was going to play Overwatch instead of Warframe.

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I'm personally looking forward to the changes.  As much as easy mode full level blind and infinite range healing where great when it was midnight and I wanted to take one more pot shot at something hard, it really did trivialize thing.  Also I love my mag and it'd be nice to have more utility other than corpus mini nuke...

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3 minutes ago, (PS4)DesecratedFlame said:

What is there not to understand?  He said you can Spend $120  on a warframe that will eventually have it's functionality ruined, or you can buy multiple triple A games instead then said he was going to play Overwatch instead of Warframe.

What is there to understand ? WF is a FtP, there is literally zero reason to "spend 120 dollars for a warframe". The rework was not perfect but it did good things, it didn't "ruin" anything and it's a step in the right direction towards a more balanced and fun game. If people are bored or burnt-out, it's fine, they can go, nobody is forcing them to stay. Jeez, why do they feel the need to claim they are leaving in such a way, as if others somehow cared ?

BTW, focus fixes are coming in U19, just sayin'

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7 minutes ago, (PS4)DesecratedFlame said:

What is there not to understand?  He said you can Spend $120  on a warframe that will eventually have it's functionality ruined, or you can buy multiple triple A games instead then said he was going to play Overwatch instead of Warframe.

Well I understand you now, well for 120 dollar I think he means prime access, and you have the opportunity to farm for that in game if you dont want to buy it, thats what I'm doing. And the not prime version are usually easier to get than the prime one excluding vauban I guess. I think prime accesss is more for people who dont want to grind but have money left over.

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I don't want DE to be discouraged with all the negative feedback but I'm also not a huge fan of treating them with kids gloves over it either. There was a reason so many people were upset over it and at the end of the day the only people who seem happy were the ones annoyed with being outpaced in a match anyway. 

I'd really like to stop spinning our wheels over 'reworks' and just get back to making actual content to play through. Stuck in place is a really, really bad situation to be in for a game like this.

Edited by Morty2989
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1 hour ago, Morty2989 said:

I don't want DE to be discouraged with all the negative feedback but I'm also not a huge fan of treating them with kids gloves over it either. There was a reason so many people were upset over it and at the end of the day the only people who seem happy were the ones annoyed with being outpaced in a match anyway. 

I'd really like to stop spinning our wheels over 'reworks' and just get back to making actual content to play through. Stuck in place is a really, really bad situation to be in for a game like this.

Well I think I get the reason why people where upset, was that they didn't change the enemies before they fixed some Warframes. I mostly think it made them more interactive though, if I can state my opinion. 

I also want more content, but the reworks are needed so we are not just brezzeing through it.

7 minutes ago, tnccs215 said:

Nice to see some appreciation threads to counterbalance the salt around.

Thank you OP

And thank you :).

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Wow... positive feedback... I thought people had forgotten how XD

Definitely a vote up from me.

While I don't 100% support the changes DE have made so far, I can understand them. The cost of powerful abilities was too low, and the aim of Warframe's game play is being directed far more than it has been before.

The only way that the changes DE wants without upsetting parts of the community would be to literally shut down game production and leave everything unchanged for up to a year before releasing one big update, and none of us think that the game would survive without the rolling content updates.

So the rolling changes continue.

As it stands, the big thing DE wants to do is to adjust the biggest mistakes they've made in how the enemy scales and how the game mechanics scale over time. 18.13.2 is a key example of this, giving players a true reason to have a high Mastery Rank by having that count towards the base Mod Points of weapons and frames. More changes they want to include is removing what are seen as 'essential' base mods for weapons, like Serration and Hornet Strike, by making weapon damage scale as you level them up, effectively freeing up a mod slot for better builds on weapons, and that my reflect on warframes too, since they already gain health, energy and shields as they grow, and this may actually come to make un-modded warframes more viable in late game.

The trouble is that the first thing they have to do is get all the warframes ready for this change.

Why? Because you can't put the cart before the horse. If the game was changed to affect all the enemy scaling and difficulty first, then every frame as it stands would be completely overpowered. All those times you see the leader-board topped by one guy using Loki for an 8 hour t4 survival, and you know he's found an exploit in the map, that will be the norm without an exploit.

Thus, what we see as nerfs to all the frames currently will, once the core game mechanics are updated, be completely justified. It's only now that we see them as nerfs, because the gameplay hasn't changed yet.

I don't see any changes so far, barring the range cap on Trinity's Blessing, that actually genuinely prevent us from doing exactly what we did before. People can still mod the same way, they can still run missions the same as they did before, and only the infinitely-scaling Mag Polarise ability being removed prevents us from running her to silly time in the void without effort, now you have to do it actively.

I'm glad the mag rework is so well liked, but I'm a little surprised that all they did was just to replace one high-powered 2 ability with another and leave her 3rd as a bit of a weird one that doesn't really do what it should. It's still a great kit, and I really like playing as Mag again. And I'm really surprised at the new Volt, his abilities synergise so well, but a lot of people see that his shield only having 4 casts is a nerf, whereas I'm fairly sure that the ability is now actively tactical and not the spam it was before.

Now, if we can get the same quality and diligence put into a Zephyr rework, I'll be ecstatic XD

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9 hours ago, EgAlia said:

So this is feedback, but postive feedback. I felt this was a bit needed with the recent topics regarding with people opinions on the recent changes in Warframe. Most of those I felt was a bit negative, so I'm just trying to dilute it a bit.

For me these changes were great, you need skill to use Mirage prism, I actually saw a mirage macro bot on the void Interception before and it made my a cry a bit. Also Trinity's changes were much needed, felt it just took the fun of the game no need to dodge anymore.

For me the fun in the game is to play like ninja, dodge bullets, use abilties which has a smaller range to deal with a threat before me etc. For me frames like Mirage, Trinity took this away from the game. Did I play with those,no(except for Trials, cough)..., but It made it harder for me to play with other Tenno and still have fun.

Also something which I heard, was that why didn't they change Mirage or Trinity before. Well they are only Human and there are alot less of them than there are of us^^(they are talking about this in a Devstream), for me I never even got Trinity and Mirage before I saw people using them in Trials etc(I didn't understand how powerful they were beforehand).

Also love the new Mag changes pulling a magnetized target never get's old^^

I mean, i understand some frame had some thing really strong, but i think the Blessing range on trinity is really too low, it breaks a lot of end-game content, and you can't really support your allies on big missions like interceptions.

It's not even affected by power range

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51 minutes ago, Thaylien said:


I don't see any changes so far, barring the range cap on Trinity's Blessing, that actually genuinely prevent us from doing exactly what we did before. People can still mod the same way, they can still run missions the same as they did before, and only the infinitely-scaling Mag Polarise ability being removed prevents us from running her to silly time in the void without effort, now you have to do it actively.


I agree, you can pretty much play the same way you just need to do it actively, which I think is great in any game.

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32 minutes ago, (PS4)RenovaKunumaru said:

Honestly, is the main reason Trinity mains are upset is because they can't get 99% damage reduction?

yes. Now you cant stay invincible for an indefinite amount of time.

What a balanced abilitythatvused to be.

the only "legitimate" criticism done to her alterations are the range Nerf, and even that is open to a lot of counter arguments. An instantaneous, infinite range healing and damage reduction ability can be quite too powerful, even if it no longer grants complete invincibility. Personality, I aprove of all her changes. Though, yet again, I think she needs a full rework. She's simply outdated.

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13 minutes ago, Thaylien said:

What's wrong with Nova? I get Ash, but why Nova?

Well the very long duration on the slow maybe, but its still an interactive ability, Ash is in a whole other league than Nova XD. And I would say there other abilties that deserve tweaks before Nova.

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25 minutes ago, Thaylien said:

What's wrong with Nova? I get Ash, but why Nova?

I have probably only spent maybe 5 hours in my whole warframe time playing nova, so I'm just going to say how it feels playing with her. 

Nova is a team support frame, like trinity, molecular prime can be cast infinitely, almost all over an entire map, and to me, what it does to the enemies is pretty much just as good as 99% damage reduction, sure you can still get shot and die, it's not completely easy more on super high levels, but it takes the enemies and reduces what they can even do to you, damage wise ( just like blessing pretty much). In my eyes, molecular prime fits the criteria for what was wrong with blessing, and why it was nerfed. Both are ultimate that make the game easier. I'm just being salty and asking for things to be fair.

Nova actually has a weird synergy, before synergy was cool, her mini balls and giant ball do way more damage to molecularly primed enemies, and the portal ability is cool. But the damage the balls do is negligible against non primes enemies...the portal is just kind of for fun, or a smart ability to trap enemies at spawn points, so it really all boils down to molecular prime being her only really important ability...

I like what they did to Excalibur...

And what if you had the mini ball ability, held the button down to send them all out as the giant ball or form all remaining into a ball. 

Teleport would stay.

Molecular prime would be a smaller ability like blessing is, may be being spread from explosions (as anti matter explosions hitting other non primed enemies will spread it like saryns spores) 

And a new ultimate (trinity needs a new ultimate, blessing also needs to be a third ability, or go away and well of life be more useful)

Because molecular prime overshadows everything in novas kit and makes all missions easy mode.

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