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Dark Split-Sword Profile Codex Bug


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I am also experiencing this, and I'm pretty sure it's universal. It even showed up this way on [DE]Rebecca's profile, when I was stal... I mean observing her profile for educational purposes for this exact reason XD It just sucks, because it is the only thing on my profile that's grayed out, and I really just want it to show everything done DX. Anyway, hope this gets fixed soon!

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Same issue. Weapon will recognize in profile listing as Dual split single and dual split dual sword seperately with a third pictuer call "Dark- Split Sword" Even un equipping a stance will not correct this. Lvled 3 different times for each stance Dual, Heavy, None.  

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I'd like to say that I think that it's really innovative that they have added a weapon that you can level up as a different weapon based solely on the type of stance mod that one equips on the weapon.

That is really a great idea.

I was really enthusiastic about being able to level a weapon two different times with different stances.  Especially after having to use 10 mutagen masses to build the weapon. I thought that they were justifying the high resource cost by providing two weapons in one with double the mastery rank earning potential.  

You can put the Swirling TIger stance (which is alarmingly the only one that matches the weapons stance polarity) and use it as a dual sword weapon. 

You could put Tempo Royale in the stance slot and use it as a heavy weapon.

What I did was forma the weapon after getting level 30 as a dual sword weapon. (Dark Hybrid Sword Dual)

I noticed that it was increasing the level in my equipment profile for the heavy weapon version (Dark Hybrid Sword Single)

I hope they adjust Master Rank XP for leveling it a second time.  I doubt that they will, but I am optimistic, nonetheless.

Thanks, DE, for making a new innovative weapon!

 I hope you continue with similar weapons that allow mastery rank earning increases with different stances.

Could you imagine putting a sword stance on a machete?  A polearm stance on a Bo or Amphis?  A hammer stance on a halikar?  It could grow a large pole handle and become a hammer.  That might allow players to get to mastery rank 30.  DE Geoff?


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23 minutes ago, HarrodTasker said:

I hope if/when this gets fixed, people who own a level 30 weapon won't have to craft a new one to get the mastery.

My clan mate built two of these because he thought his game was glitched.  An extra ten mutagen masses wasted.

Adding a forma to the weapon and leveling it should grant MR for the different stance!

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

I also have this bug.


i sold my already Level 30 version, and build a new one, because i thought, maybe its bugged on my side.

But after leveling up the new one, its still shown with uncompleted in my profile.

Can you please tell us, when u will fix this bug? thx in advance.

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On PS4 here, has the same problem... I started leveling my Dark Splt sword as a heavy blade , then switched at LVL 12 to try it as a Dual Blade, and finished leveling it as such...

For a while I was stuck with a Maxed Dual Split Sword, a Lvl 12  Dark Single Sword with no picture shown as portrait and a Dark Split Sword Entry that was grayed out.

Since the new patch, I completed a mission with my Dark Split Sword with no Stance equipped and it fixed the LVL 12 entry, but  I Still have the greyed out Dark Split Sword entry in the codex.

Also, we have duplicate Kavats still on PS4 too... Which is annoying... I know the profile is there more for bragging rights, but when you have everything leveled, it sucks to have missing stuff that you actually did finish.

Edited by (PS4)Stealth_Cobra
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