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MAKE OBERON GREAT AGAIN (Oberon Rework Suggestion)


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Oberon is my favorite frame, but he's always been on the short end of the stick when it comes to viability. He is considered to be a jack of all trades, but is that a good thing? In this case, no, not at all. Oberon isn't good at anything and suffers from mediocrity and because of this, he is considered the worst frame in the game. Oberon has been out for almost three years with no beneficial rework that will at least put him at mid tier instead of absolute bottom tier. In this thread I will be discussing changes that I believe should be made to Oberon, I won't be laying out an entire rework as I'm unsure what kind of skills would work best with these new ideas, just the ideas DE should use to implement them. 

General Theme
Oberon was originally described as a paladin and much less a druid. Oberon's abilities and appearance somewhat resembled a paladin but gave off more of a druid vibe. Oberon is much further pushed towards a druid theme with his fantastic new skin, and pushed further away from paladin with Rhino's new Palatine skin. Perhaps pushing Oberon more towards the druid theme will better suit him for a rework, which points towards his new passive, Beastmaster. Beastmaster is a cool passive that strongly fits with a druid theme but doesn't necessarily fit with his other abilities that pertain more of a paladin theme. Maybe Oberon's rework should focus on buffing and increasing the utility of his companions and his allies' companions. If DE doesn't want to expand on this Beastmaster theme, then they need to go for a tanky healer theme which would fit the paladin/druid theme well, because obviously "jack of all trades" just isn't working.

Offensive Capabilities 
It would probably be best if Oberon was not an Offensive frame. Maybe only limiting one skill to Offense or a skill that provides both utility and offense (such as Trinity's link skill) For balance's sake, the more offensive a frame is, the less defensive and healing they are. Unless DE turns Oberon from an unskilled, average, not good at anything "jack of all trades" into a skilled, viable, mid-tier "jack of all trades", Oberon's damage won't see any significant increase in a new Rework. There are plenty of frames to fill the overwhelming damage role, this isn't a role Oberon should bother with, which brings us to the next section.

Defensive Capabilities 
Oberon should be tankier than most frames, but not as tanky as the tankiest frames. Oberon's theme relies on him being a warrior, not a thin skinned glass cannon, but if he's too tanky he would fall off in utility. Possibly Oberon should be able to mitigate damage from his allies to himself or simply just away from his allies. Oberon should have a higher pool of Armor, Health, and Shields, just enough so that he can sustain himself and/or defend his allies from damage without worrying about being near death all the time. Rhino and Valkyr can take alot of damage and provide damage buffs but otherwise provide little in terms of utility outside of that. Oberon's role should be a tank like Rhino and Valkyr are, but instead of damage, Oberon should provide support.

Support Capabilities 
Currently, Trinity is the only viable healer, which is blatantly unfair to Oberon, and to the rest of the frames because she holds a monopoly on all the healing. Many Warframes can provide utility, damage, defense, ect. but only one can provide healing. Oberon's damage should be almost completely replaced with support. Where as trinity specializes in life steal, energy restoring, mitigating damage from herself to her enemies, and instantly restoring health and shields and providing damage immunity, Oberon should specialize in constant health/shield restoration over time and mitigating the damage from his allies. The new Phoenix Renewal mod is great, but the cool down needs to be lowered and integrated as a part of Oberon, instead of just being an augment in the rework. If Oberon is reworked in this fashion, he will be a strong competitor with Trinity as he should be. 

TL;DR: Oberon should be a tanky healer that can compete with trinity. 

Feedback is much appreciated. Thanks for reading. 

Edited by Whypop
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I like Oberon, but you're wrong about him not being the best at something- proc removal.  His carpet will instantly remove procs from allies, increase armor, and damage enemies slightly.  While in the carpet he can't be knocked down, only staggered.  He is a great support for frost in the snow globe, as enemies that make it through have a hard time knocking you around.  The problem is survivability though.  He just dies too easily.  I have a good build on him, but it just doesn't work when the enemies can kill you before you can finish the renewal casting.  Good points though...I bet if they toughened him up a bit, he would be just fine.

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Proc removal isn't really something someone says "lets bring that warframe since we get procced so much" else nezha would be taken for more than just a faster squishier rhino. 

Oberons problem is indeed that he is jack of all trades. I think however instead of "competing" with trinity in place of a healer and such, he needs to be given a unique place. Something like High Energy efficiency while standing in the hallowed ground, or his renewal could drain his hp or energy to give to allies, or toggle between the two since there are toggle abilities now. The biggest reason people would still take trinity over him is because he is competing with her and does everything she does but worse. If he had his own unique niche maybe he would be played more. That niche just shouldn't be "jack of all trades and master of none" since that doesn't leave him in a good area for any part of the game since there will always be better frames for a given situation

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1 minute ago, LuckyCharm said:

Proc removal isn't really something someone says "lets bring that warframe since we get procced so much" else nezha would be taken for more than just a faster squishier rhino. 

Oberons problem is indeed that he is jack of all trades. I think however instead of "competing" with trinity in place of a healer and such, he needs to be given a unique place. Something like High Energy efficiency while standing in the hallowed ground, or his renewal could drain his hp or energy to give to allies, or toggle between the two since there are toggle abilities now. The biggest reason people would still take trinity over him is because he is competing with her and does everything she does but worse. If he had his own unique niche maybe he would be played more. That niche just shouldn't be "jack of all trades and master of none" since that doesn't leave him in a good area for any part of the game since there will always be better frames for a given situation

True, no one brings because of his strengths, but they are his strengths even if they aren't always that useful.  I have had missions where having an Oberon made all of the difference, but that rarely happens and that is the problem.

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46 minutes ago, Danjal777 said:

I like Oberon, but you're wrong about him not being the best at something- proc removal.  His carpet will instantly remove procs from allies, increase armor, and damage enemies slightly.  While in the carpet he can't be knocked down, only staggered.  He is a great support for frost in the snow globe, as enemies that make it through have a hard time knocking you around.  The problem is survivability though.  He just dies too easily.  I have a good build on him, but it just doesn't work when the enemies can kill you before you can finish the renewal casting.  Good points though...I bet if they toughened him up a bit, he would be just fine.



37 minutes ago, LuckyCharm said:


His proc removal is useful and it is what makes him unique, but the way he does it could be much better. Instead of hg and renewal both removing procs, I think it should solely be on renewal to provide immunity on cast rather than at full health. That would make him a good support in high level eximus and infested missions - providing continuous mobile stat immunity rather than teammates having to pass through your hallowed ground. Other than that good points.

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first off Am I the only one who thinks Oberon has nothing to do with druids other than appearance? He was even named a Paladin among warframe when he first came out. 

Second Oberon most definitely needs some love

Edited by (PS4)sammyp03
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43 minutes ago, Danjal777 said:

If a tree falls in the forest and there's no one around....is hydroid still terrible?

The druid thing became much more evident with the release of his premium skin, and his new passive giving him an affinity with animals. Plus the antlers. 

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19 hours ago, Whypop said:

The druid thing became much more evident with the release of his premium skin, and his new passive giving him an affinity with animals. Plus the antlers. 

Premium skin came with a bundle with a sword and shield and a bow, forest paladin much. 

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21 hours ago, Whypop said:

The druid thing became much more evident with the release of his premium skin, and his new passive giving him an affinity with animals. Plus the antlers. 

Aesthetically sure he looks like a Druid. As much as Warframe can I guess. But none of his Abilities have a Druidic Theme other than his garbage that we call a Passive(and even Paladins in other games have some mastery over wildlife, whether it be a steed or other). Smite, Hallow, Reckoning, Renewal all have a Priest like feel to them. Every RPG type game I have every played (D&D, Dragon Age, Diablo, to name a few) have priest or Crusader type classes that have abilities that resemble Oberons. Which is why to me he has nothing to do with druid. 

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On 6/27/2016 at 8:44 AM, LuckyCharm said:


Proc removal isn't really something someone says "lets bring that warframe since we get procced so much" else nezha would be taken for more than just a faster squishier rhino. 


infested survival with scaling toxins that can kill almost any frame, magnetic laser doors( i use Oberon as my sabotage frame just because of this), grineer survivals with hyekkas and scorches, phobos:the home of slash procs and finally radiation sortie. A group proc removal frame would be quite useful especially if he can cast an aura that provides cc immunity. Oh and one other thing,knockdowns.knockdowns everywhere


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Again we go to the trinity... Look, I understand Trinity is a reliable healer and she is the energizer bunny of warframe, but can you please stop comparing different healers to her as if she's the benchmark of perfection?  Oberon has his place, and he needs a gentle touch up.  He does NOT need to compete with her.  If anything Equinox is the best healer in the game in night form right now due to he ability to shut down enemies with Rest and the augment for Rest and to heal HP and Shields based on things killed in her range.  She doesn't even have to technically deal the damage for that to work.

More health/armor/energy I understand the arguments desired, but just wait for him to go prime.  He will join the Primes soon enough.  He does work right now, but I will echo once again, his skills need a gentle touch, not an overhaul.  "He is the BALANCE the tenno strive for,"  in the flavor text in game.  He is meant for aggression and healing.

And for the record, druids CAN deal damage.  They are not as gentle as so many people I've seen argue against him make them out to be.

TL:DR Below

Oberon is a good frame that so many are just not taking the time to learn and understand.  He does need work, but he does not need an overhaul to be more healing nor more aggressive.

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19 hours ago, Olianu said:

Again we go to the trinity... Look, I understand Trinity is a reliable healer and she is the energizer bunny of warframe, but can you please stop comparing different healers to her as if she's the benchmark of perfection?  Oberon has his place, and he needs a gentle touch up.  He does NOT need to compete with her.  If anything Equinox is the best healer in the game in night form right now due to he ability to shut down enemies with Rest and the augment for Rest and to heal HP and Shields based on things killed in her range.  She doesn't even have to technically deal the damage for that to work.

More health/armor/energy I understand the arguments desired, but just wait for him to go prime.  He will join the Primes soon enough.  He does work right now, but I will echo once again, his skills need a gentle touch, not an overhaul.  "He is the BALANCE the tenno strive for,"  in the flavor text in game.  He is meant for aggression and healing.

And for the record, druids CAN deal damage.  They are not as gentle as so many people I've seen argue against him make them out to be.

TL:DR Below

Oberon is a good frame that so many are just not taking the time to learn and understand.  He does need work, but he does not need an overhaul to be more healing nor more aggressive.

I agree with this 100% his powers have so much potential. Right now I feel his powers don't play well with one another. He's a rough sketch of a very good frame.


On 6/28/2016 at 6:22 PM, (XB1)KickassNinja14 said:

infested survival with scaling toxins that can kill almost any frame, magnetic laser doors( i use Oberon as my sabotage frame just because of this), grineer survivals with hyekkas and scorches, phobos:the home of slash procs and finally radiation sortie. A group proc removal frame would be quite useful especially if he can cast an aura that provides cc immunity. Oh and one other thing,knockdowns.knockdowns everywhere


This. This is how to make Oberon an excellent support frame on par with the likes of *you know who* without having them compete for the same trophy of best healer - Trin giving heal+energy. Oberon giving Heal over time + proc immunity. Also if hg dealt damage to sapping osprey orbs..that'd be swell. 

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