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Unreal final sortie for today


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So today, the final sortie was the Raptor assassination.

I had pretty easily soloed the other two, so I took a Hybrid disarm/invis Loki P and a tonkor and made way for it. Then I discovered the issue:

1. Its unreal tankiness

2. Its ability to kill me with quite literally one hit from across the map

3. The fact that it flies, which means that i'm shooting at a moving target while dodging the insane amount of Eximi below it, all trying to kill me.

I couldn't do it. No matter how hard I tried, I couldn't succeed. I tried Valkyr, Wukong, Loki, Ash, Excal, Rhino, Chroma, even Mesa with her Shatter Shield build (which is extremely powerful).

The result was the same If enemies remained Un-CC'd for even a second, you're screwed. If you pop out of your god-ability for even a second, you're doomed. Once you hit the Raptor's bombs that will kill you from 10ish meters away that are covering the ground, its just so hard to succeed.

I'm a 3 year vet. I know the game pretty well. I'm not the greatest player ever. But I went up with some of the most powerful combinations of gear in the game, and I couldn't even attack before I was ripped to shreds.

Is it just me with this problem? Or do I just need to get gud?

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1 minute ago, JarkayPahnts45 said:

So today, the final sortie was the Raptor assassination.

I had pretty easily soloed the other two, so I took a Hybrid disarm/invis Loki P and a tonkor and made way for it. Then I discovered the issue:

1. Its unreal tankiness

2. Its ability to kill me with quite literally one hit from across the map

3. The fact that it flies, which means that i'm shooting at a moving target while dodging the insane amount of Eximi below it, all trying to kill me.

I couldn't do it. No matter how hard I tried, I couldn't succeed. I tried Valkyr, Wukong, Loki, Ash, Excal, Rhino, Chroma, even Mesa with her Shatter Shield build (which is extremely powerful).

The result was the same If enemies remained Un-CC'd for even a second, you're screwed. If you pop out of your god-ability for even a second, you're doomed. Once you hit the Raptor's bombs that will kill you from 10ish meters away that are covering the ground, its just so hard to succeed.

I'm a 3 year vet. I know the game pretty well. I'm not the greatest player ever. But I went up with some of the most powerful combinations of gear in the game, and I couldn't even attack before I was ripped to shreds.

Is it just me with this problem? Or do I just need to get gud?

When i saw that it was a raptor assassination for the final sortie, I just gave up. I have attempted to do this sortie many times before, with no avail. He is simply just too godly to kill.

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6 minutes ago, JarkayPahnts45 said:

...Raptor assassination.

...and a tonkor...



...The fact that it flies, which means that i'm shooting at a moving target while dodging the insane amount of Eximi...


Use another weapon, since tonkor projectiles are slow, OR bulletjump close enough to pump him with grenades. Bring ammo and energy plates since it will be an expected long fight, health plates to some extent.

TBH, you don't need a hybrid build, just go full invis.

Learn the boss room, I've found 2 hiding spots (against his barrages), one below and one on the left side (facing the boss room).

Ignore lesser enemies, unless necessary.

Patience is a virtue, especially for this fight.

Yes, I used a 4-forma redeemer for this.

5 minutes ago, 4ever4gotin said:

I mean, you could just cheese it with mag's Magnetize with alot of range and duration.

Like all his missiles cant even leave the bubble, and you get the largest target to shoot at.

Yes this works as well, if you can dodge fairly well.

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3 hours ago, 360Broscoper said:

When i saw that it was a raptor assassination for the final sortie, I just gave up. I have attempted to do this sortie many times before, with no avail. He is simply just too godly to kill.

We shared the same thought LOL!!

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3 hours ago, p3z1 said:
3 hours ago, 4ever4gotin said:

I mean, you could just cheese it with mag's Magnetize with alot of range and duration.

Like all his missiles cant even leave the bubble, and you get the largest target to shoot at.

Yes this works as well, if you can dodge fairly well.

i had this thought BUT idk if i can solo it that way tho..

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your Profile Icon is Frost - but you didn't try using Frost?
Magnetize as aforementioned would also be quite good.

if hitting with a Tonkor is impractical, consider using Terminal Velocity or one of the competing Weapons for Damage.

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3 hours ago, taiiat said:

your Profile Icon is Frost - but you didn't try using Frost?
Magnetize as aforementioned would also be quite good.

if hitting with a Tonkor is impractical, consider using Terminal Velocity or one of the competing Weapons for Damage.

like the lanka?

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2 hours ago, taiiat said:

that is one option, yes.
lots of Slash Status could also do well, to circumvent the Armor. esp if under the effect of some sort of Damage Multiplier.

hm.. maybe 1/2ing its heath with spore would help 2.. have you tired that?:o i mean u do have a saryn profile pic xD

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I did it with a public team once. I sat inside my Chilling Globe and killed it after the others died. Sadly, they died before we found out the globe was strong enough to tank for us. But at least we still got the reward. :)
It's a crazy sortie, but I love it!

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13 minutes ago, BigBlackCook said:

hm.. maybe 1/2ing its heath with spore would help 2.. have you tired that?:o i mean u do have a saryn profile pic xD

it would be easier to bring a Status Hose to apply Viral.

Viral Status could help, but chances are you'd still Kill it faster by Multiplying outgoing Damage.

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I jsut did it with a 2man party.

I was mirage with synoid simulor (modded for corrosive+Magnetic, to dezimate both shiels and armor) and the other guy played his only good frame frost.

I spammed the Crap out of my simulor and took raptor down VERY fast, while the frost cc'd enemies and revived me after each inevitable oneshot.

Good luck guys!

PS.: Literally nobody here even mentions how good stripping aromor is agaisnt this guy, STATUS people!

Edited by CrudShuzKong
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58 minutes ago, Ksaero said:

For Raptor sorties I use Ivara, her ult kills the boss in about half a minute.

Yes, she is great for sortie bosses, but it's really overkill for Raptor with eximi stronghold condition. I usually use her only on elemental resistance sorties.

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I did it with a friend who have a banshee and 2 random people

I was a wukong with a rubico and akbronco prime. Took me 6 shots to rip out his armor and 1 shot of the rubico with 1 shot of the vectis of mi friend to kill him, feel like a raptor lv 30  to be honest.

I did like people to pay more attencion to akbronco prime when they have problem with armor which is to me the most problem

(No one of us die in that mission, and we end at the moment we face it lol)

Edited by ShirokiHagane
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Once again, Mag with polarize and a beam weapon. Raptor is gone in mere seconds.

There's no dodging involved, because you can cast Magnetize on any target regardless of how far you are. You can cast Magnetize on Raptor before it even has a change to see you.

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Frost-Nova-Rhino-Trinity if you want to beat it head-on. 

Max range Magnetize Mag + anything if you want to forget Raptor can even shoot you.

Max range/duration Zephyr if you want to be different. 

There are no hard sorties, there are just many kinds of cheese to choose from and you have to pick the right one for the job.

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