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i feel tennolive2015 sigil and tennocon2016 syandana+sigil a bit unfair


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2 minutes ago, cob_metallica said:

people paid to go to tennocon and enjoy people devs and stuff, this is only a gift, do people are selfish to see these sigils / syandana shared for community? maybe not you but i'm sure a good bunch of yes.

Seems to me that you're missing the entire point of a "gift"

They're just an extra bonus to people who attended Tennocon. That's all you have to know.

And that "good bunch" have to deal with the fact that they're a gift. Nothing more. They're a special cosmetic for Tennocon peeps. Get rid of that, and what are they? Just plain cosmetics with no value at all.

Edited by KJRenz
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well I do agree, if there is anyway to get them it`d be cool, u see a big portion of the players I know are not even 18 yet, so even if they want they cant travel there, which is somewhat unfair to them, meanwhile, it`d be a nice plat sink if DE added them ingame with a like a little bit above the average price, keep it free for those who attend the events though

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3 minutes ago, KJRenz said:

Seems to me that you're missing the entire point of a "gift"

They're just an extra bonus to people who attended Tennocon. That's all you have to know.

No need to say people are selfish just because you can't get something that's meant to be a "gift" who took the time to travel there and attend. That's just childish

I'm just saying there are selfish people, hopefully a minority, who would surely not help these stuff to be shared. thats all, what is childish? And the problem is that your gift is a INGAME content. thats all

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54 minutes ago, cob_metallica said:

to players who can't even travel to these events (i live on reunion island near south africa) , i'm in love with this game, i started at Update 10, and it is a bit frustrating to not be able to get these sigils / syandana. i dont like this way to release some exclusive stuff. it is only my opinion, i wish to hear yours , and also i really hope DE will change their mind about and make them available from an other way.

one solution could be and that the most of the players can get it is a "collecting" based on the tenno-con for one month for getting the parts you mention, we pay 10 bucks and DE gives the income for this cosmetics to the social project where all income for tenno-conn flows into

just an idea, because DE gives all income to this project in canada, there is no need to excuse whatever from a lot of here

then feelings like this wouldnt appear, the cosmetics are simply beautiful, so why not using a solution/give away into this social project instead of creating strange noises from all directions and meanings

finally i dont know how things like that function in canada, maybe its possible, maybe not, i really dont know about tax and this things in canada

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i kind of simpathize with OP, i have the capital to buy a ticket, but not to fly to canada. i wish i could go with all my heart. now i do understand rewarding the players who are able to make it. But its just personally frustrating for me.

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I find those arguments childish. It's a gift for people who attend the conference. Will you get mad if I receive a present for my birthday? I don't think so, so you shouldn't get mad for this. Afterall, it's not something lifechanging

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They gift you cosmetics (which gives 0 bonus stats) from attending Tennocon, which costs money to get there, and having a free schedule to be there.

I see no problem with that, if you want the cosmetics that bad, then buy a ticket, and go to Tennocon.
Otherwise, if you can't... Then you can't.

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1 minute ago, Drufo said:

I find those arguments childish. It's a gift for people who attend the conference. Will you get mad if I receive a present for my birthday? I don't think so, so you shouldn't get mad for this. Afterall, it's not something lifechanging

i dont think that thats a good example, because everyone has a birthday, and a birthday is all about that person. 

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1 minute ago, Drufo said:

I find those arguments childish. It's a gift for people who attend the conference. Will you get mad if I receive a present for my birthday? I don't think so, so you shouldn't get mad for this. Afterall, it's not something lifechanging

sorry i may have troubles to explain my feelings in English, but i can say your argue is kinda childish also, this gift isnt your birthday present youre talking about something totally different.. wtf? and i'm not getting mad, i'm just trying to make DE change their mind about, its some people who are mad to see this opinion on the forum or just dont care because its a cosmetic. not me sorry i care about Warframe and its stuff.

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1 minute ago, Drufo said:

I find those arguments childish. It's a gift for people who attend the conference. Will you get mad if I receive a present for my birthday? I don't think so, so you shouldn't get mad for this. Afterall, it's not something lifechanging


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Whats so hard to understand that they give out something special for attending their first con? Yeah lots of people are unable to go and some can't for one reason or another but they have every right to give something special for those who do come. It's a gift and a thanks. Do you also attend peoples birthday parties and ask why you don't get presents? Don't act so entitled to things. they're allowed to do what they want with their game.

Edited by JayCold
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Just now, cob_metallica said:

sorry i may have troubles to explain my feelings in English, but i can say your argue is kinda childish also, this gift isnt your birthday present youre talking about something totally different.. wtf? and i'm not getting mad, i'm just trying to make DE change their mind about, its some people who are mad to see this opinion on the forum or just dont care because its a cosmetic. not me sorry i care about Warframe and its stuff.

Again, deal with it because from what I'm seeing, DE aren't going to change their mind about this.

I also don't understand how his response was childish. The whole gifting thing falls into the same concept INGAME or not. Same deal.


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1 minute ago, Monsterwithin said:

They gift you cosmetics (which gives 0 bonus stats) from attending Tennocon, which costs money to get there, and having a free schedule to be there.

I see no problem with that, if you want the cosmetics that bad, then buy a ticket, and go to Tennocon.
Otherwise, if you can't... Then you can't.

as i said for some of us , even if its a cosmetic, we care about. your argument is your opinion. Otherwise if i can't go to tennocon even if i would love to, then i post of forums and hope, thats all

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1 minute ago, cob_metallica said:

as i said for some of us , even if its a cosmetic, we care about. your argument is your opinion. Otherwise if i can't go to tennocon even if i would love to, then i post of forums and hope, thats all

So basically, your posting your frustration of not being able to go to Tennocon, and not being able to gain the cosmetics, here on the forums?

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I like how ff14 does it. They have an event and if you can't attend you can buy tickets to the live stream for 20 bucks and guess what? You get the exclusive items. Such a weird thing right. You can't go, but have money for the ticket, want the cool items, and want to watch the events so you buy a livestream ticket.

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3 minutes ago, Monsterwithin said:

So basically, your posting your frustration of not being able to go to Tennocon, and not being able to gain the cosmetics, here on the forums?

i'm bothered by this and i am telling it, should i sit and shut my mouth? no sorry. even if it is not everyone opinions, i wanted to tell it.

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Event exclusive cosmetics have existed for a very long time. I remember back in the day, you used to get specific pokemon for attending events at specific stores and such. Likewise, people are paying for the event and the devs want to give them a token of remembrance and gratitude. It's a very nice gesture, something they did not have to. Those who go, get the cosmetics, and get no gameplay advantages. So I don't really see the issue with it.

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As someone who lives in Bulgaria (trust me it aint easy to get money here, let alone enough for a flight to Canada) my chance of being able to go to Tennocon is 0,01% at best.

Yes I would like to have those exclusive items (for collection reasons, mainly), but understand why they are exclusive as well.

I know the Despair (the one weapon Stalker never drops for me) you feel, I know it all too well. So anytime you need a hug, just call.

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Would I like to get some of those items?  Heck yes!!!  However my jobs schedules don't allow me the flexibility TO go to them often.  And when I do have the chance to go, something else comes up that's more important.  There should be some sort of incentive to those that ARE able to go. Perhaps next time ill be able to make it?!  The plat I'm jealous of, but it is again, an incentive

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1 hour ago, cob_metallica said:

well if i'd only have to buy the ticket it would be ok . but it is not the case, you must be physically to Tennocon2016, and since it is game content, even if only cosmetics, i feel it a bit unfair tbh

It is unfair. But after they screwed consoles on founder pack, which no game ever done, those kind of bs stunts are expected. 

Complaining about this is like complaining that EA shoves microtransactions in every game. 

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3 minutes ago, (PS4)Lord_Gremlin said:

It is unfair. But after they screwed consoles on founder pack, which no game ever done, those kind of bs stunts are expected. 

Complaining about this is like complaining that EA shoves microtransactions in every game. 

Other games have done this and no, they did not screw consoles over on founders pack. Do you understand what a Founders pack is?

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