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Specters of the Rail General Bugs [Megathread]


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For the last few days, I've been trying to do alerts that give the grineer detonite item, and today an orokin catalyst blueprint. Any time a grineer map gets the room with five tubes making a ramp downward to the chamber elevator (I still think it looks like we're climbing into a revolver chamber), the chamber elevator closes and then bugs/stops a foot up. It then just sits there, doing nothing. You can't get out or move forward. I really need a catalyst, so I ran the stupid map multiple times trying to get the r'rare' tile set that has the blue wall instead, but after ten 'broken' chambers in a row, I just quit.

First we can't farm atlas if we did it after the saturday patch,

 And multiple broken grineer levels due to a single tile set...  I kinda wish I hadn't come back for a while longer.


Edit: I forgot about this one. Wiki and forums say that Ivara parts are gained through specific level ranges for each part. I got the systems twice. Once in the 1-15 bracket, then again in a 35.

Edited by ssj782
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I'm not entirely sure if this is intended, but i highly doubt if it is, I cannot incubate a Kubrow with traded imprints i received from a friend. The traded templates simply dont show in the select template menu. All my previous incubation templates show and are selectable, except for the Traded ones.

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12 hours ago, JaxAmber said:

With the most recent Hotfix, even after completing a Junction, no matter how many times I kill the Specter, IT WILL NOT LET ME ACTIVATE THE CONSOLE THAT WILL ALLOW ME TO MOVE ON! WHAT THE F*** DE!

I have the same issue.


Also, it's back:

Have been online all morning doing various things and no issues until I log into Warframe. Have been booted 2 times already within 5 minutes of logging in.


Edited by Stitches1974
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Rhino's passive doesn't seem to be triggering anymore. If it matters, I'm using Rhino Prime, and have Heavy Impact equipped as well for extra effect.

UPDATE: And then, in a mission later on, it does trigger. I guess some hard landings aren't as hard as they used to be? Slight gravitational tweaks while the solar map was being overhauled? :-)

Edited by Maeglin73
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furst sory for bad speling so befor the last prime time 126 wen i finihs mision the warfreim is just siting on the graund i was inposible to move naw the seim bug is apiering EVRY time i go to the clan dojo only to the calan not if i got invaitet to sombody els dojo and bekos of dis from the 15 treids i did evr time the odar pursen want me to invite him bekos if hi invite me hi wil bi buget and have to restart the game i meid eksperiment just going in the dojo not treiding just geting in and awt evry time 20 times in a rol i get buget pls fiks dis DD PLS and agein sory for very bad speling 


Edited by gredata
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Pretty much out one of every 5 times I leave a mission or dojo, the screen loads too quickly and my WF just sits there. When I get up, I can move around, but when I hit pause, the credits/plat/profile icon/grouping section is blanked out and I can't give or receive any invites, nor can I join missions. I have to restart the game to fix it. I thought you guys at DE fixed this bug? It's annoying to have to restart the game because it loads too quickly and bugs out after leaving the dojo or sometimes a mission.

Another bug is the Invasions with the cannons that are supposed to transport you. I notice if you're by yourself in it (even in a group), and you're host, it will transport you. Everyone else cannot get transported though, and it will bug out if others are in it with you. Everyone here has been talking about it though.

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17 hours ago, Maeglin73 said:

You can find that information in the WF Wiki.


so theres not a single place in game that says what mr rank a weap needs unless u are under that rank and u have to go to an outside source to find it out?

well think they should improve that... at least add an icon in the top right corner of the weap card that says "MR 8" for example

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1. Frequent bug where my warframe gets in a kneeling position in my liset, usually when coming back from a mission or relay. Stuck in that position at the nav console. Sometimes I can move around in that position, but just kneeling and sliding across the ground. The only way I've found to get out of it is to go in and out of the ESC menu, after that though I cannot start a mission or receive an invite forcing me to relog.

2. Frequent bug where host migration in a dojo causes everyone to be forced out of the dojo, particularly when inviting a non-clan member to the clan for trading. 

3. Spelling mistake for one of the Mars codex segments.

The whole sentence could use some work, but mainly 'be fastened' need to be 'been fastened'

"A primitive and devout civilization was carved into the dust-filled canyons of Mars. These aging and severely eroded habitations miraculously remain intact, regardless of how much Grineer machinery has be fastened to it. Rusty metal and oil-soaked sand mark the territory of its proprietors."

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Is the Corvas supposed to be completely unobtainable without spending platinum? No syndicates sell its parts, and its parts don't drop anywhere, but it's still in the market.

EDIT: The Rathbone, too.

Edited by ArtiSylv
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i have a problem in which the trade chat stops updating when i enter my chat.

Trade chat works fine when i enter/leave relays, and then it stops when i enter my chat. I cannot trade very well atm because of this. its been going on for 3 days now.

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Aside from a nightmare mod listed as one of the rewards, there is zero indication that an alert is a nightmare alert with the new solar map. In the previous version, there was at least a red alert icon above the mission node. There isn't any indication in the alert list of archwing missions, either. Sure, the mission node name is a hint, but a vague one for those who don't have them memorized.

Along those lines, looking forward to the usual nightmare mode missions coming back, whenever that happens.

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"Craft a weapon requiring Mastery Rank 1 or higher"  Bad enough that I didn't get credit for pre-existing weapons, but now I just crafted a Cestra, which from the wiki requires MR4, and I still didn't get credit for it in the Uranus junction.  Can you fix that, and give me credit?  (And it's ridiculous that I can't see the MR requirement displayed in the Market.)

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I'm stuck at the second dream quest! After customizing my operator there was a hotfix so I was forced to reopen the game to download the hotfix. However, after that I can't proceed with the game anymore and everytime I log in I have to fight the staker and customize my character again.

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One of the rails keeps glitching for me. I forget what one it is exactly, but after killing the spector (its a nova if that matters) the prompt never comes up to activate it.

I have it all unlocked anyhow so its not too much of an issue, but cant seem to finish that one rail.

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At least when it's done as a context action when it's nearby (gamepad button B by default I think, not sure what the keyboard binding would be), there's some weirdness with the camera when interacting with a companion about 1/3 of the time, at least with kavats. Normally it would be low to the ground while the animation is taking place, but sometimes it's somewhere else, resulting in barely being able to see the interaction animation if at all.

It's probably related to the companion being able to roam the ship now, instead of being confined to the incubator.

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My apologies for posting again if there is already a bug report on this, but I found a visual bug in one of the tiles adjacent to the Grineer pump room (where you destroy the neurotoxin) on Earth. It's a ring of unrendered blackness as shown  here:




You can kind of see it on my map in the upper right corner. It ran into it twice on different games, so it's probably recurring.

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On 7/17/2016 at 7:39 PM, JaxAmber said:

With the most recent Hotfix, even after completing a Junction, no matter how many times I kill the Specter, IT WILL NOT LET ME ACTIVATE THE CONSOLE THAT WILL ALLOW ME TO MOVE ON! WHAT THE F*** DE!

having the same problem with the Uranus > Neptune Junction.  The poor loki keeps getting tossed around like a rag doll, but I cannot activate the solar rail.

easy 200 simarus standing tho, that I can repeat over and over again for scanning the spectre

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