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Specters of the Rail General Bugs [Megathread]


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4 minutes ago, AttackShrub said:

Just curiosity, does hitting escape and going to the market or arsenal not teleport you to the part of the ship you need? Or is this when you are being carried?

its at the end of second dream quest, while your warframe is carying your tenno, so... no market, no mission abort, no arsenal... NO EVERYTHING just your tenno operator and warframe huging each other while facing the moon, it would make for a beautifull ending screen but still...

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lol this patch realy got to be a joke realy realy realy bad work i cant even do fissures cause of the lack of mobs that spawn or wil drop that reactor thingy you need to put into the fissure for sealing it so DE how you guys expect that we can play the game if yall just launch a patch that isnt ready at all with al those bugs and errors


but for you guys a realy good tip before you guys go launching a patch if you guys do that instead of just launching the patch with full of bugs

if you guys have a patch then setup a public test realm where players can play that patch and then can encounter the bugs and report it so you guys can fix before you launch it this way you wont have to deal with these angry players cause its just a test server where you can copy your account to the test realm and play the patch to look how it is

but no you guys just decided to launch a patch that isnt working properly so i hope you guys take this into consideration for next time to use a test realm and then let us find out what works and what not and then you guys can fix it and when its all done launch it

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I was in the mission The New strange, and had stopped at the building the chassis Chroma, but during the update this change mission, and now need a burned flag to advance, but do not have the item, since it is constructed before while I stopped now, so I have no way forward for the mission, Please help me. PS: I'm from Brazil and my english is not very good .-.

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The launcher forcefully disables full resolution and changes it to windoved for several clients. Some clients are not affected.

If you attempt to change from windoved to full ress in-game>options the game creates black borders, but the game itself remain in windowed resolution with rendered graphics.

changes are not saved upon restart so TO AVOID THIS simply make sure to enable full resolution in the startup launcher by clicking on the gear icon.

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57 minutes ago, BladeOfCaos2184 said:

I was in the mission The New strange, and had stopped at the building the chassis Chroma, but during the update this change mission, and now need a burned flag to advance, but do not have the item, since it is constructed before while I stopped now, so I have no way forward for the mission, Please help me. PS: I'm from Brazil and my english is not very good .-.

Contact support to help you with this in the meantime since this bug is making it impossible for you to progress.

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Using the Esc menu to go to the relics refinement thingy in the orbiter doesn't lower the platform to the landing craft.



You can then walk under it and then it lowers and sinks you to the floor.




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Either the color of the reactant orbs needs to change for contrast based on the tileset, or the time limit to close a fissure needs to go, preferably both if someone is trying to solo one of those things.

I finally found an alert mission that counted for the Earth-Mars junction (it was on Phobos... makes perfect sense) and then tried to solo a Lith fissure on Mars. The fight was less of a problem than trying to find yellow reactant orbs against desert sand in full daylight, and then I ran into the unexpected time limit when I was at 40% and the mission failed.

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Just a few bugs that I noticed :

- Credit booster acquired (prior to the update) not working since the update.

- Default windowed / low res. setting at every single launch.

- Getting stuck constantly under the ramp in the ship.

- Alert missions' rewards sometimes not provided after completion of said alert.

- 90% completion glitch even if void rift fully sealed (reward availble though).

- Void rift missions not launching properly (unable to select relic).

- Junction objectives completion do not update properly.

- Crashes here and there (particularly during trades).

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That "mission summary stuck after mission completed bug", its very annoying. I have to restart the game. pressing esc do nothing.

Only the chat window is still useable.


And pls DE.. fix the new strange quest too.it wont progress :(

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For those getting stuck after mission completion, for me it was caused by a quest video playing, I was having to Alt F4 after every mission but I noticed this in my log,

668.621 Sys [Error]: Script Error: attempt to method global 'mMovie' (a nil value): In RollOutPlayer(5525) originating from /Lotus/Interface/EndOfMatch.lua::RollOutPlayer

and once I changed to a quest without a video it stopped happening....

Except on mission failure where it always seems to happen.

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Ramp bug on The Second Dream questline at the end. After entering the ship carrying the operator, the ramp will not open to go to the end of the ship. Menu does not contain an "abort mission" tab. And restarting the game simply puts you back into the ship again stuck at the same point. Therefore the game is completely unplayable and there are A LOT of players stuck in this situation and have been for over a day now with only one reply from a DE stating they'd reported it. This also means that we cannot play any alerts and our boosters are withering away minute by minute. This issue has been reported before the hotfix yet nothing has been done.

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Guest GorgonTheHeroine

Warframe won't stay in the selected "full screen" mode, when logging back in.

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