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Void Fissure System is Actually REALLY Good


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8 hours ago, _-.O.N.I.-_ said:

People keep forgetting that it works both ways. Sure you can't charge people an arm and a leg for a part so much anymore but now you can get something you need without being charged an arm and a leg. Not to mention, DE needs money too, and Idk about you, but I get a plat discount at least once ever couple weeks (usually way more). There's loads of avenues to get plat, and all this means is that if you wanna go the totally free way, you have to put in a little elbow grease instead of getting rich because you got lucky on something you only wanted for ripping people off. Now everyone has a fair chance at getting things that are straight upgrades and more people getting into high level content (more people able to earn better gear, better gear equals ability to do higher end content, therefore more people with better gear means more people doing higher end content). 

People use the trade market to sustain themselves, but right now its simple to farm for ridiculous amounts of parts in a short time frame, it takes all the challenge and awe out of void missions, now  fissure mission can be completed in 1/5th the time it would have taken for a void mission, honestly the system is a bad idea, it may be great for new players who don't have much and want to get easy parts in the void without playing a high amount of plat, however the people who are supplying those items will likely get fed up and just leave the game when they realize that DE did this as a means to drive plat purchases upward, they need money I know but they can easily work on more cosmetics, what it boiled down to was that this would be a way to diminish the exchange of plat through trading and increase market sales, Ive seen it before on another F2P games or games with mircotransactions.

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Void 2.0 is awful.

They're basically Syndicate runs.

No challenge.

Once people get through the awe of getting those pieces they weren't dedicated enough to get before. I think you'll see just how boring this system is.


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1 hour ago, Xzorn said:

Void 2.0 is awful.

They're basically Syndicate runs.

No challenge.

Once people get through the awe of getting those pieces they weren't dedicated enough to get before. I think you'll see just how boring this system is.


If this system is boring, then the older system was excruciatingly painful.


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9 hours ago, Gelkor said:

It is a bit worse for pure solo players, but on the other hand it's very simple to pug now, so if you don't mind just pugging it, it's pretty easy and enjoyable.

That's a concern on my part.

I don't mind pugging— I just don't want to feel obliged to rush.

...First world problems, I guess.


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21 minutes ago, Aimop95 said:

If this system is boring, then the older system was excruciatingly painful.



I enjoy fighting enemies that my Ignis doesn't just wipe away.

Now I have little reason to use about 3/4 my weapons. Now it's just a buncha fodder and Nullifiers. The fact they basically drop on your head and the sheer number of them makes bringing a lot of frames and weapons to Void runs rather pointless.

It's true getting to the high level enemies was boring but at least you continue to be rewarded for doing it and once you're there the game is interesting.

The system neglects solo players and destroyed Ducat farming.

I'd much rather do a 1h surv over chain running the same 5min mission for an hour.

People only think this system is good cuz they're getting the loot they want. Just wait till you have everything like me and can't find anything to do with your millions of damage.


Edited by Xzorn
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15 minutes ago, Xzorn said:


I enjoy fighting enemies that my Ignis doesn't just wipe away.

Now I have little reason to use about 3/4 my weapons. Now it's just a buncha fodder and Nullifiers. The fact they basically drop on your head and the sheer number of them makes bringing a lot of frames and weapons to Void runs rather pointless.

It's true getting to the high level enemies was boring but at least you continue to be rewarded for doing it and once you're there the game is interesting.

The system neglects solo players and destroyed Ducat farming.

I'd much rather do a 1h surv over chain running the same 5min mission for an hour.

People only think this system is good cuz they're getting the loot they want. Just wait till you have everything like me and can't find anything to do with your millions of damage.


Well see that's the thing with me. I don't think we should be doing millions of damage, and I'm a proponent of getting rid of straight damage mods and the like. Because if I have to wait 15 minutes to experience a challenge, then something's wrong with the game design. I'd rather have our damaged nerfed so that standard 30-40+ enemies become the new 100+ and that we experience that as soon as we get into a mission. And if DE makes good on their thoughts about taking out straight damage mods and reworking the multi-shot ones, then my ideal scenario has a good chance of becoming reality.

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7 minutes ago, Aimop95 said:

Well see that's the thing with me. I don't think we should be doing millions of damage, and I'm a proponent of getting rid of straight damage mods and the like. Because if I have to wait 15 minutes to experience a challenge, then something's wrong with the game design. I'd rather have our damaged nerfed so that standard 30-40+ enemies become the new 100+ and that we experience that as soon as we get into a mission. And if DE makes good on their thoughts about taking out straight damage mods and reworking the multi-shot ones, then my ideal scenario has a good chance of becoming reality.


I've said many times on posts that I think Damage 3.0 is just going to be a weapon damage nerf but even so they should have reworked the damage system first instead of having players sit around with millions of damage and nothing to challenge them.

In the end the damage is just gear creep. It's going to happen again and again. They need to have a better scaling system in place. Resetting the point of challenge is just another band-aid and it's going to upset people a lot more than having proper scaling difficulty. 

Of course this still doesn't address the problem that Nullifiers spawning on your head causes with weapon and frame choices. They go through all this trouble to make frames more viable later in levels and more fun to play and this setup takes a dump on it. Prolly half the frame roster I won't bother to run Void Fissures with.

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Just now, Xzorn said:


I've said many times on posts that I think Damage 3.0 is just going to be a weapon damage nerf but even so they should have reworked the damage system first instead of having players sit around with millions of damage and nothing to challenge them.

In the end the damage is just gear creep. It's going to happen again and again. They need to have a better scaling system in place. Resetting the point of challenge is just another band-aid and it's going to upset people a lot more than having proper scaling difficulty. 

Of course this still doesn't address the problem that Nullifiers spawning on your head causes with weapon and frame choices. They go through all this trouble to make frames more viable later in levels and more fun to play and this setup takes a dump on it. Prolly half the frame roster I won't bother to run Void Fissures with.

I have a personal philosophy of "what's done is done", so while I do agree with you on how DE should have addressed the damage creep as soon as they could have, I'm not going to berate them for not having it then when they are now finally considering fixing it. Because at this point, it's either continually ramp up the damage even more or reset it and start working on scaling around that reset point.

As for the nullifier-fissure problem, I personally am having the most fun with it, because it forces me to be really on my toes and to be parkouring everywhere. I'm actually having a lot of success playing as a Mesa.

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It basically reduces the reward you get for less RNG.

Also Void exterminates and captures are generally faster than closing a fissure, while closing a fissure is infinitely faster than doing Void def/surv/intercepts.

Whether these 2 things are good or not depends on what you're trying to do. If you're farming a certain part, sure, it's an improvement. But Ducat farming is gonna suck unless you have a bunch of relics for Volt P helms/Nyx P systems. And there's no guarantee that you'll be able to get that either. Maybe someone brought a relic for something that they actually want to get instead of just farming ducats and your other teammates chose that item. 

inb4 relic trolling by picking formas on pugs

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