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Now more than ever, the Focus gains need a massive buff


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Just now, Stratego89 said:

"new guy joining the game"

"new guy seeing he gets 500 focus"

Let me just stop you right there. For the thousandth time. What do you guys not get about "end game system". A new guy is not farming focus. A new guy IS running around mercury with a braton- whether that's what they want to do or not.

Stop...... mentioning..... new..... players.... when talking about an end game system.... -_-

Talk about hitting the nail on the head.... DE is so focused on New players... they need to show some love to veteran players... and that does not mean adding 'veteran content' than the new players can just pick up and complete.

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21 hours ago, Defmoon said:

Draco is was just moved to another spot in cere's. But focus is not meant to be leveled in weeks, it is meant to take months to level. It was DE's response to more end game material.

So I've played alot since 2nd dream, I hit teh focus cap quite a bir. I haven't even got 1 focus tree maxed. So maxing them all with the abitily to do draco when you get a affinity booster from Lor means about 5-6 YEARS of playtime... and that's someone who plays more than most (and more than he should).

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4 minutes ago, Stratego89 said:

They already DID boost gains for veterans. HEFTILY. Specifically- it was in the update that added the convergence tokens that spawn around the map. Focus used to be MUCH. MUUUUUCH slower to obtain

During this update they also nerfed the lenses and non-convergence focus gains. I was there, man. Gains used to be faster. You didn't used to need draco to get focus. We could get plenty just by doing the sorties. I remember a corpus defense mission where my friend maxed his 75k cap entirely during the mission. After the update the sorties no longer provided large amounts of focus, and more and more people turned to draco.

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10 minutes ago, Stratego89 said:

Respect goes both ways- and completely ignoring everything I say, twisting my words, taking stuff out of context, and being hypocritical? That's not respectful either.

Please tell me when I did any of those things. While you're at it, stop being verbally abusive while claiming that nobody respects you.

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2 minutes ago, Lord_Azrael said:

During this update they also nerfed the lenses and non-convergence focus gains. I was there, man. Gains used to be faster. You didn't used to need draco to get focus. We could get plenty just by doing the sorties. I remember a corpus defense mission where my friend maxed his 75k cap entirely during the mission. After the update the sorties no longer provided large amounts of focus, and more and more people turned to draco.

If that's true- I missed it in patch notes. Normally I read every single word but I was tired from hosting guests for the previous 3 days and skimmed after I hit the halfway point this time.

Even still- if DE nerfed the focus, that just reinforces my point that they want it to be a slow, gradual process. Just like I said they've said multiple times on streams. People are free to voice that they don't want that- but the issue is they're just saying it's bad and are providing NO reason as to why other than "we're lazy". That's not ok. That's not constructive criticism. That's just complaining/whining. Meanwhile I come in- because I am ALSO free to voice my opinion that I am fine with it and actually WANT it to be this way, and I explain why and add on the factoids of why it's like this and say DE wants it too- and in the end they do what they want even if the whole community doesn't like it. Yes they listen to us- but there are numerous times in the past they've overruled what people want because it would be bad for the game. In each case- it was exactly like this thread. Kneejerk moaning, whining, and complaining with no basis whatsoever other than the negatives aspects of the human race rearing it's ugly head and consuming a part of the community- followed by bashing, trolling, hating, etc on anyone who dares oppose them even though THEY are actually providing good arguments and care about more than just themselves.

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4 minutes ago, Lord_Azrael said:

Please tell me when I did any of those things. While you're at it, stop being verbally abusive while claiming that nobody respects you.

You may not have- and if you haven't then I apologize if my irritated state ended up hitting you as collateral damage. I was speaking to the thread's population as a whole, not you specifically- though.

Also this is nitpicking your statement- but respecting someone and acting with basic respectfulness/ human decency are entirely different things. I don't care if people respect me or hate my guts, but acting the way they do is inexcusable. It's like using loopholes to get around forum rules intentionally to mess with people and continue fanning the flames of unbased complaints on forums because they like to watch chaos.

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14 minutes ago, Stratego89 said:

If that's true- I missed it in patch notes. Normally I read every single word but I was tired from hosting guests for the previous 3 days and skimmed after I hit the halfway point this time.

Even still- if DE nerfed the focus, that just reinforces my point that they want it to be a slow, gradual process. Just like I said they've said multiple times on streams. People are free to voice that they don't want that- but the issue is they're just saying it's bad and are providing NO reason as to why other than "we're lazy". That's not ok. That's not constructive criticism. That's just complaining/whining. Meanwhile I come in- because I am ALSO free to voice my opinion that I am fine with it and actually WANT it to be this way, and I explain why and add on the factoids of why it's like this and say DE wants it too- and in the end they do what they want even if the whole community doesn't like it. Yes they listen to us- but there are numerous times in the past they've overruled what people want because it would be bad for the game. In each case- it was exactly like this thread. Kneejerk moaning, whining, and complaining with no basis whatsoever other than the negatives aspects of the human race rearing it's ugly head and consuming a part of the community- followed by bashing, trolling, hating, etc on anyone who dares oppose them even though THEY are actually providing good arguments and care about more than just themselves.

You did miss it in the patch notes. They took the lens and cut their focus dramatically, then added it BACK with the token. Sure the token is higher while it's on, but while it's not your focus is MUCH worse than it was before the nerf.


Slow is one thing. Glacial is another. Maxing out a single school can take a year of playtime for the average player, maybe more. WF is not WOW, people may not want to spend 5 years playing just to get to the focus content (which isn't even that interesting). That's a long time to see how each school plays maxed out.

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22 hours ago, DeltaPhantom said:

Draco made the Focus farm tolerable.

And this one line right here highlights a pretty big issue.

Since day one, people have been trying to campaign to fix affinity gains across the entire game, but these threads almost always went either completely unnoticed or, even worse, contested by people who have grown complacent with the idea of having to sit in a single node for the sole purpose of maxing out their gear. As a result of this, people got fed up and began attacking the loot caves themselves, rather than continuing to ask for a more balanced leveling system. Why, exactly, did a shift in attitude occur like this? Hell if I know. I'm not a mind reader. 

If nuking Draco is the kind of nonsense it takes to convince more people that the leveling system as a whole needs to be looked at, then I'd rather DE just go ahead and carpet bomb every potential loot cave in the known universe, because something needs to be done, and desperately clamoring to find the next "Draco" isn't going to solve anything. In fact, I imagine it'll only further incur the wrath of the almighty nerf hammer.


Complacency is a terrible thing, folks.

Edited by Roachester
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20 hours ago, DeMonkey said:

Logically if we weren't supposed to be able to hit it, then the cap would be lower.

Given that it has been raised in the past clearly DE agree that people should be able to hit the cap. If they didn't agree, and didn't want people to hit 100k then they wouldn't have raised it that high.

Enough with the caps lock as well, every argument you take part in you go OTT with the caps. It looks like your intention is to win the argument by forcing it down our throats, rather than by using reason and logic.

In regards to it being an endgame system we shouldn't be rushing through, it takes millions upon millions of points to get through focus. Even if you hit the cap everyday since it was released you wouldn't have gotten everything. No one can rush through it, no one is wanting to rush through it. Some are just wanting more than the pitiful gains we currently get, especially if you're a solo/duo player.


20 hours ago, Xzorn said:

Totally agree. The Lens system plays on the urge to grind and have a set pattern for it rather that just progressing through normal gameplay like it should be.

I personally don't like the Convergence thing. It feels cheap and arcade-ish. Like I'm going for a high score or something and if you don't grind your focus that stupid thing pops up and annoys you when you're using a frame with a Lens, basically asking you to get rid of it.


20 hours ago, Ketec said:

keep the lens to "enhance" gain rate - but let a warframe and gear to have a innate/default leech rate to the currently active school.

After reading through the thread I found I didn't really have much to say that hadn't already been said. These are all good things^

     A question that needs to be asked is should these systems be here to be an active or passive goal within the day to day play of the game? Regardless what others say, caps are goals. That's very simple game design that most understand, and if highly likely that DE understands this as well. It's important to see that Focus is a very new and raw system when compared to something like syndicates, which has had a great deal of time to be refined. Notice that it's common to passively grind out daily syndicate exp passively while doing other daily goals.

     There is a reason for a cap, and most of the time that is for it to be met. DE is obviously aware that the only real way to hit the cap is by using exploitative means by witch they themselves do not want employed. Logically if we know DE didn't want use to sit around in draco all day they wouldn't provide a cap that only draco could meet. I firmly believe that the current state of focus gain is a product of DE's attention on other matters, not a product of their being happy with it's results. Increasing the gain or reducing the cost accomplish the same end, either way clearly focus has to be touched.

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Honestly I think Energy Overflow and Shadow Step are completely game breaking OP.  My Chroma swinging War for 1.4m invisible, Saryn = 800k, Banshee = 1.4m  or my Nyx who can sustain an Interception mission indefinably.... while I watch TV.

They fixed it but for a while Madurai was giving Melee Channel abilities +200% Total Damage.



Valkyr's Finisher and slide in that pic.. hard to see, used to hit for that 9 times per attack though.

Excal is what was really OP though, you got 400% from blind and 200% from Madurai. 530k Wave, Duuuurrrr.


Even though they fixed Madurai, Shadow Step is just as broken. I have other picks of Chroma, Banshee and Video of Saryn doing just as stupid high damage. Just normal swings, no finishers, no special setup.

I'm really not used to an Alternate Advancement system giving such a tremendous advantage. It's no wonder people feel the urge to grind it.  It's basically "This is what I can do over you cuz I have Focus, catch up nub."

http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/warframe/images/1/11/Chromawar.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20160318184251 -Chroma

http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/warframe/images/9/94/Chromaredeemer.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20160318184416 - Redeemer Charge shot

http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/warframe/images/8/86/Bansheesavage.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20160426003312 - Banshee non-finisher

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6CbWHcAwUv0 -Saryn 20 lvl 80 Heavies in 20 sec, starting at x0 multiplier

(These were taken before Primed Pressure Point)

My point is, it shouldn't make this much of a difference in my performance. Alternate Advancement should be a tiny portion of your overall strength.


Edited by Xzorn
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5 hours ago, Stratego89 said:

If that's true- I missed it in patch notes. Normally I read every single word but I was tired from hosting guests for the previous 3 days and skimmed after I hit the halfway point this time.

The details weren't in the patch notes at first and were only added after about 10 minutes IIRC. I certainly missed them.

For reference though here's a thread showing that for some the change was absolutely a nerf.


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