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Petition to remove junction missions requirements


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The ("masked") toxicity is really strong in this thread. I'm sorry to hear what happened to your brother, OP, but as others have said, the most probable thing is that this bug will be fixed in a couple of days. Until then, all I can recommend your brother is to look up a weapon blueprint in the market that he's interested in and farm out the resources for it/them. I hope that you and your brother are enjoyinv the game, regardless of the bugs, and if you need any help, you may whisper me in the game (though I'm not as active as I used to be)

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3 hours ago, HolyDemon00 said:


I started the game like 15 days ago, ( a bit before this major update), and my experience with junction is pretty much waiting for RNG to give me the right alert/fissure/invasion that doesn't happen on a locked node, Atm I'm stuck on Jupiter's junction because it requires me to survive for 20mins in draco, but the spawn rate is so low, it's effectively impossible. People on region told me that the only way to do it is to do it with a "looting" warframe (they list ivara and nekros). It's just frustration after frustration for beginner like me.

I tried this game because TotalBiscuit reviewed it as "Dynasty Warriors in space" and "grinding stuffs while doing cool S#&$s". Well, the combat is certainly fun. but half the time I'm either on a map with barely anything to kill or waiting for the right mission to pop up so I could progress.


Warframe has a tendency to balance all new content for veterans, often leaving new players choking on dust.

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13 hours ago, GaxxD said:

Speaking of my brother - he is stuck on Mars, he can't complete the Phobos junction (invasion mission on either grineer or corpus side). Finished it 3 times, game didn't register it once. I took him to Phobos then, so he could unlock Ceres junction (assault on Phobos). Game didn't register that either.

Me and my friend had the same issue. I got the credit, he did not. We swapped around so he was the leader of the group, and then he got the credit.

So it appears to be a bug with premade parties doing these. We had the same issue with Lith fissures btw.

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10 hours ago, climatiseur said:

Besides not registering players' completion, some of the requirements are just unreasonable.

Killing 10 eximus on Venus? The only possible way to do it besides waiting for alert or special operation (which new players usually have little access to). is doing the defense mission for more than 20 waves. I cannot imagine how new players without all the mods and equipment can complete it in a reasonable fast time to not make them frustrate and stuck at a very early state. Those requirements for early planet junction shouldn't be that hard considering new players' resources.

Agree with you, but not with your Venus example. While testing the new system out of fun, I was able to complete this challenge by doing the mobile defense mission and taking my time - one eximus or two would appear every minute or so - followed by the boss fight (encountered a couple eximi along the way, again). Just don't rush. The Earth challenge, on the other hand, now that one was unfair. It is true, nonetheless, that newer players might not even know what eximi are, so asking them to find and kill some doesn't make much sense.

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6 hours ago, Enno69 said:

Agree with you, but not with your Venus example. While testing the new system out of fun, I was able to complete this challenge by doing the mobile defense mission and taking my time - one eximus or two would appear every minute or so - followed by the boss fight (encountered a couple eximi along the way, again). Just don't rush. The Earth challenge, on the other hand, now that one was unfair. It is true, nonetheless, that newer players might not even know what eximi are, so asking them to find and kill some doesn't make much sense.

On Earth I just did the Coba defence mission, I had 5 Eximus kills before hitting wave 15.

But I agree that we could really do with some in-game detail explaining what Eximus units are (Hell we could do with some lore on them at the same time)

Edited by SilentMobius
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1 hour ago, SilentMobius said:

On Earth I just did the Coba defence mission, I had 5 Eximus kills before hitting wave 154.

But I agree that we could really do with some in-game detail explaining what Eximus units are (Hell we could do with some lore on them at the same time)

Clearly units tainted by the void giving them low key Tenno like powers!  This why my assumption, but that doesn't explain eximus nullies as they wouldn't be able to use powers generated by void energy...  which would be a kinda cool mechanic if they didn't use their powers till the bubble went down, and the power cut off when it came back up...

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7 hours ago, LogaMC1995 said:

You can let enemies to trigger alarm so 1 eximus unit spawn that time. Keep doing that few times in few missions, and you're done. See, junctions make us find a way to try and understand how certain mechanics work.


4 hours ago, Enno69 said:

Agree with you, but not with your Venus example. While testing the new system out of fun, I was able to complete this challenge by doing the mobile defense mission and taking my time - one eximus or two would appear every minute or so - followed by the boss fight (encountered a couple eximi along the way, again). Just don't rush. The Earth challenge, on the other hand, now that one was unfair. It is true, nonetheless, that newer players might not even know what eximi are, so asking them to find and kill some doesn't make much sense.

Thank you both for giving me more insights on this. 

Nonetheless some of the requirements are a bit over for new players I guess..

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4 hours ago, SilentMobius said:

On Earth I just did the Coba defence mission, I had 5 Eximus kills before hitting wave 154.

But I agree that we could really do with some in-game detail explaining what Eximus units are (Hell we could do with some lore on them at the same time)

5 eximus before hitting 154 wave huh well i kill eximus on earth excavation bro if other player kil eximus my task count as well

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5 hours ago, truthless said:


Me and my friend had the same issue. I got the credit, he did not. We swapped around so he was the leader of the group, and then he got the credit.

So it appears to be a bug with premade parties doing these. We had the same issue with Lith fissures btw.

Yesterday someone mentioned it in this very topic, so we fiddled a little and he finally got his pass to Ceres (though it still took 2 more time for whatever reason). The thing is, we should not be looking for a way to bypass a bug. While both me and him liked the game from the start and didn't want to give up on it, there are many new players, who will be turned off by the bugged content, and many of them won't look for help at the forums or the game, which in process will just make them drop the game.

Also, bugs and how to bypass them aside, the lack of diversity in the junction requirement is another thing, but that was already mentioned many times in this topic. I understand, that waiting is the part of the game, and I have nothing against it. But waiting for your new weapon/frame or whatever to craft, so you can get strong enough and progress, with a PRECISE TIMER, and logging in from time to time to see, if there's a finally mission that you have an access to, and is required for you to unlock more planets are 2 different things. You'll be waiting 12-24 hours for your new gear to be ready for use, and if you get unlucky, you might be waiting a week for a dynamic mission to pop up on a planet you have an access to. Not everyone can log in 15 times a day to check, if it's there yet, and the game itself doesn't tell you when exactly you'll be seeing the mission you need. I've just checked, and it's 2nd day without an Grineer vs Corpus invasion, which means those, who don't have Phobos unlocked still have to wait. That's just bad design, that will turn the new players away.

Personally, I'm pretty sure I won't be able to upgrade my gear until I have access to t2 relics, and those are dropping from Jupiter+. While I do have access to it (just finished Archwing quest and unlocked the junction), many of the new players won't get past Mars because of the reasons that were mentioned in this topic. They won't come into the forums looking for a way to bypass a bug, or bad game design. They won't know what a taxi is, and they won't bother to look it up, and even if they do, a lot of them will go "fk it, do I have to look for a taxi on every single junction, because the game wants to me to a quest on a planet, that I have no access to?". This is a serious flaw with the junction system and it needs to be changed.

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6 hours ago, Enno69 said:

Agree with you, but not with your Venus example. While testing the new system out of fun, I was able to complete this challenge by doing the mobile defense mission and taking my time - one eximus or two would appear every minute or so - followed by the boss fight (encountered a couple eximi along the way, again). Just don't rush. The Earth challenge, on the other hand, now that one was unfair. It is true, nonetheless, that newer players might not even know what eximi are, so asking them to find and kill some doesn't make much sense.

Many people mentioned Eximus in this topic, but that was actually one thing I haven't had an issue with. When we unlock planet (me and my brother) we usually just clean every single cell there, so by the time we finished all the missions we had like 7/10 eximus needed for the junction. I did check what an eximus is though, so I knew that all we needed to do was just play. I'm still looking for any reliable info, on where to farm Corpus Elite Crewman though, people in game seem to ignore those type of questions for whatever reason, and wiki is very vague about many topics.

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2 hours ago, HELIOS_JINOUGA009 said:

5 eximus before hitting 154 wave huh well i kill eximus on earth excavation bro if other player kil eximus my task count as well

Sorry 154 was a typo (Using mobile on the train) I just meant wave 15

Edited by SilentMobius
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36 minutes ago, GaxxD said:

The thing is, we should not be looking for a way to bypass a bug.

I agree completely, I was merely providing an option for a workaround whilst waiting for bugfixes. They've already released 8 hotfixes since the patch. I'm sure they'll get to it, given time.

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On 14/07/2016 at 6:55 PM, GaxxD said:


1) Content isn't bugged for everyone and DE is currently working hard to correct the issues.

2) " But waiting for your new weapon/frame or whatever to craft, so you can get strong enough and progress, with a PRECISE TIMER, and logging in from time to time to see, if there's a finally mission that you have an access to, and is required for you to unlock more planets are 2 different things. " Just launch the craft when you go to sleep, as for random events, check out https://deathsnacks.com/wf/

3) You absolutely don't need prime weapons or frames to "upgrade your gear", so no need for relics. I have only two P frames and one P gun myself and I do fine. There is enough stuff coming from the market, the labs or the bossfights.


I completely agree though that several junction requirements should be modified, like that invasion stuff you mentioned, that's the stupid kind.

Edited by Enno69
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2 hours ago, Enno69 said:

1) Content isn't bugged for everyone and DE is currently working hard to correct the issues.

2) " But waiting for your new weapon/frame or whatever to craft, so you can get strong enough and progress, with a PRECISE TIMER, and logging in from time to time to see, if there's a finally mission that you have an access to, and is required for you to unlock more planets are 2 different things. " Just launch the craft when you got to sleep, as for random events, check out https://deathsnacks.com/wf/

3) You absolutely don't need prime weapons or frames to "upgrade your gear", so no need fo relics. I have only two P frames and one P gun myself and I do fine. There is enough stuff coming from the market, the labs or the bossfights.


I completely agree though that several junction requirements should be modified, like that invasion stuff you mentioned, that's the stupid kind.

They mentioned in the stream that the invasion requirements for junctions are going to change since invasions are a bit RNG.

Agree with the rest of your post btw, I didn't bother with Primes and the Void until I ran out of other stuff to do really.

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I'm glad that my objectives register appropriately now.

But here I am, trying to fulfill the requirements for the Mars-Phobos junction while  waiting 3 days and still not having the opportunity to close the last Lith-Fissure which I need.

*sad face*

Edited by HeroicKatora
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  • 5 weeks later...
On Wednesday, July 13, 2016 at 4:09 PM, Surtur said:

While it is an overused statement, we are the testers. It will be fixed in time, but it needs time. Be patient really is all that cna be said, and maybe find a clan to join to help them get you around the star chart in the mean time. While you are calmer than most people about a bug, there are some fairly broad/damming statements to make at this time as it has been less than a week (and they dont ignore their customers, but they cant instantly fix every bug)

Yes agreed. Warframe has the best support around. Sumit your issue and give them some time. Still testing out ps4, so i ll let them know if we have the same issues as our pc brothers

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