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DDoS Attacks 15/07/2016 [Resolved]


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To be honest, I'm new to this game. And I don't know how many times this kind of attacked already happened, but this game is not new anymore, and usually a developer can do something after 1 or 2 attacks, and there are still a lot of bugs that need to be fix. And thanks for all DE efforts and time to fix this, but I think now is the time to put an end to this kind of attack.

Edited by seastorm-x
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39 minutes ago, seastorm-x said:

To be honest, I'm new to this game. And I don't know how many times this kind of attacked already happened, but this game is not new anymore, and usually a developer can do something after 1 or 2 attacks, and there are still a lot of bugs that need to be fix. And thanks for all DE efforts and time to fix this, but I think now is the time to put an end to this kind of attack.

Umm, it's completely impossible to completely prevent DDOS attacks. All you can do for the most part is mitigate the attack when it happens.

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2 minutes ago, Endgame77 said:

Umm, it's completely impossible to completely prevent DDOS attacks. All you can do for the most part is mitigate the attack when it happens.

It's impossible, yes. But I think we have to do some prevention, so when the attack comes, at least not down like this. And now, I can't login. Well, heading to dedzone then. Hope everything will be better soon, coz tomorrow I got a day off. Good luck to DE team. GBU all.

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And here I thought I kept connecting to like Japanese players like in the original Dark Souls where you would get invaded and try your hardest to run to the boss fog because you knew you were about to eat some backstabs from like a football field's worth of distance away if you didn't. Those Havelmoms and Giantdads still give me nightmares. 

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Ah, so this is what's been going on. I was starting to wonder if my ISP had increased the chokehold it has on my connection, so that I am now not even able to play a game that's been working fine as a single-player experience for the past 3+ years (or however much time has passed since Patch 7)

Edited by ScorpDK
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Just after today's daily reset, i tried to log into my account after sotr 10 hotfix but it gave me the "Login Failed. Check your Info". i retyped my email and pass multiple times consecutively but it was all in vain. After a little heart attack of thinking about my account being hacked, i went to the main page of WF (from Firefox) and tried to log in, same result "Login Failed", then i renewed my password then guess what message i got this time after trying to log in, "Error: Tar-pit". Now on google chrome, i was already logged in on the forums, i even tried to use the support desk but it wanted me to log in but when i did it didn't let me... AGAIN.

It's been nearly 12 hours and i still can't log in, i've tried several solutions like disabling any proxy/vpn software, adding WF on my windows firewall etc etc. Googled a thousand times but all i got were the same threads and posts on WF and Steam forums, now i'm getting impatient. 

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On 7/15/2016 at 5:51 PM, [DE]Danielle said:

Hey Tenno, 

It seems we are experiencing a series of DDoS attacks. We are fighting back to keep you guys in the game, but despite our efforts you may still experience disruptions. During this time you may get the "unexpected server delay" message and/or be logged out from the game. 

We're terribly sorry for these interruptions. The team is staying on top of it a monitoring the attacks to increase our defenses. 

What exactly are they attacking in peer-to-peer game and how does it manage to log me off while in orbiter?

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On 16.7.2016 at 5:37 PM, Nyaa314 said:

What exactly are they attacking in peer-to-peer game and how does it manage to log me off while in orbiter?

The matchmaking server, the login / authentification server, chat and the server where all your stuff is. Not sure if those are all different ones or just one.

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18 minutes ago, Zdeadfallout said:

the problem is back ?

Its still happening for me. Got logged out while fusing mods a few hours earlier. And 30 minutes ago unexpected bla, bla at the mission end screen. No reward, YAY!.

Happend the whole weekend for me with that unexpected Server delay and today 3 times with no reward. At least i could log in everytime.

Edited by Neothel
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Just happened to me while i was doing the armored agility alert, at mission end the servers didn't take the result into account while i got a natural talent mod to go with it and a brakk blueprint from the gurstag who spawned during the mission.

All lost, thank to the A******s.

Edited by Kitzun
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On ‎7‎/‎16‎/‎2016 at 0:50 AM, [DE]Danielle said:

The attacks have slowed to a halt. If any other server issues arise we'll keep you in the know. Thank you for your patience! 

@[DE]Danielle But the server delays still messing up before-during-after mission sessions. Getting unusual host migrations and detached from the squad where they need to reinvite me to get back into that squad. During after mission reward screen and after mission 'MEDITATION...!!' session nothing actually can be done except for 'ALT+F4' or wait long for the system to crash and ask for re-logging.

we know you guys are like messed up working hard to fix things up but trust me gameplay technical issues need to be closed ASAP otherwise we are losing our precious time here and money without mentioning.



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On 7/15/2016 at 4:03 PM, seastorm-x said:

To be honest, I'm new to this game. And I don't know how many times this kind of attacked already happened, but this game is not new anymore, and usually a developer can do something after 1 or 2 attacks, and there are still a lot of bugs that need to be fix. And thanks for all DE efforts and time to fix this, but I think now is the time to put an end to this kind of attack.

I hope you realize the only way that would be possible would be to remove the internet from existence.

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Those attacker trolls.... what a sad and ugly life they are having xDDDDD

I always laugh at them every time a DDos attack comes to a game.  These attacks dont mind for me. I just go away to the beach or some sport with friends and then back again to play my favourite game.

Hello trolls!!! :-)

Edited by ArionLightning
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