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Is it just me or could Nyx use an adjustment?

(XBOX)Castiel Mk VI

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As someone who has only recently acquired Nyx Prime, I love the change of pace (been a dedicated lawnmower Excalibur for a long time) her play-style presents, but she honestly seems rather underwhelming.

Dedicated CC with Chaos has been fairly useful so far, but that seems to be the only thing she can really do well. Mind Control is single-target, Psychic Bolts... well, they honestly suck in my (admittedly limited) experience, and I've been downed an awful lot going into/out of Absorb. Perhaps it's just me, but Nekros seems to effectively be a better version of Nyx with Shadows of the Dead seeming objectively superior to her 1, 3 and 4 put together, Soul Punch seeming better than her 2, Desecrate being energy/health drop heaven and him having Terrify to boot.

Is it just that I've not had enough time/effort invested into Nyx to fully make use of her talents, or is the Frame actually not all that good?

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Oh yes, for CC she's excellent.

But as someone who is used to being able to take my Exalted Blade out and mow the lawn thoroughly, seeing Nyx's ultimate and Psychic Bolts being so goddamn useless bothers me. 'Spam 3' seems to be something people love complaining about in regards to Nekros, so why not her too? It fosters a similarly dull style of play, imo

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Nyx is a very end game frame imo. She basically can keep up with the enemies regardless of level (like mag and trinity). But, like all frames, its all in the build.

Classic example for Nyx to shine is a lvl 80+ interception, with chaos sphere, she can nearly solo it, her with an ev trinity, bubble mag, and suicide equinox, is pretty much chill to win, at least in our experience.

Basically, get some infested mods, some nightmare mods, and play around with her builds until you are happy. All frames are better with mods ;)

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6 minutes ago, (XB1)Castiel Mk VI said:

Oh yes, for CC she's excellent.

But as someone who is used to being able to take my Exalted Blade out and mow the lawn thoroughly, seeing Nyx's ultimate and Psychic Bolts being so goddamn useless bothers me. 'Spam 3' seems to be something people love complaining about in regards to Nekros, so why not her too? It fosters a similarly dull style of play, imo

Nyx is a support frame, not a DPS frame like Excalibur, Chaos, especially when augmented, is your best tool, Mind Control is also useful with the augment, I tend to use it in defense or survival to turn Eximus units into allies.

Her 2 and 4 however, are outdated/crap.

Please learn and accept that not every frame is a DPS beast, Frost's role is defense/snowglobe, Nyx's role is often the employment of CC.

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12 minutes ago, (XB1)Castiel Mk VI said:

Oh yes, for CC she's excellent.

But as someone who is used to being able to take my Exalted Blade out and mow the lawn thoroughly, seeing Nyx's ultimate and Psychic Bolts being so goddamn useless bothers me. 'Spam 3' seems to be something people love complaining about in regards to Nekros, so why not her too? It fosters a similarly dull style of play, imo

A lot of CC was because of endless missions needing CC. Endless missions got nerfed with Relics and have little or not reason to be done at all anymore.

Now it's nothing but running a quick mission lvl 50 and under and nothing more than that. Enemies under lv 50 can die from blowing on them...so CC is kinda pointless now outside of needing to scan something or doing LoR.

Edited by rawr1254
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Oberon needs a rework more imo... love his 1, everything else is just outshined by every other frame, he sure looks cool though... just saying feyarch skin makes up for lackluster 2, 3 and 4 lol

As someone else said, Nyx isnt dps, she is control... literally. Sure psychic bolts are weak, but her 1, 3 and 4 are very good. 4 is not as good as it used to be, but is still good as a support ability for helping res squishy frames... again, its all in the mods lol

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Good point, however if you take into consideration the energy/damage ratio is still way inferior, damage falloff doesnt work for an ability who makes the player immobile, there is situations were you dont even have enemies around you anymore.

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Or, instead of determining Absorb's starting damage, Power Strength could offer a damage multiplier.

That would allow you to potentially reflect several times the damage you've absorbed, creating a greater energy-to-damage ratio, if you so choose to spec that way.

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23 hours ago, (XB1)Eli and Niti said:

Oberon needs a rework more imo... love his 1, everything else is just outshined by every other frame, he sure looks cool though... just saying feyarch skin makes up for lackluster 2, 3 and 4 lol

As someone else said, Nyx isnt dps, she is control... literally. Sure psychic bolts are weak, but her 1, 3 and 4 are very good. 4 is not as good as it used to be, but is still good as a support ability for helping res squishy frames... again, its all in the mods lol

His healing, damage CC, ect. are all outclassed individually, but Oberon is the only one that can do them all. It takes 3 frames, at least, to fill all of his roles. He really needs to be used as a multi-tool.

As for Nyx, I've actually been thinking that she's the worst warframe in the game right now. Like any other frame, she most definitely has her uses, but it seems that there are warframes that can almost do what she does, but with a whole lot more. Oberon and Loki can turn enemies against each other, but with objectively better skill sets for the average scenario. Again, Nyx isn't bad, because DE did a good job of making sure every warframe is significantly useful. It's just not often that I need every enemy spawned to be attacking their allies, or that I'd need her to use Absorb for something.

Nyx's role combination is also counterintuitive. She makes enemies not attempt to damage her, but turns damage taken in to an attack. I think the possible lack of viability of playing both of her roles at once lets Equinox kinda creep into her territory, but not really. I'm not a Nyx user, so I've been wanting to know what Nyx user think of this.

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On 18/7/2016 at 8:27 PM, (XB1)Castiel Mk VI said:

Oh yes, for CC she's excellent.

But as someone who is used to being able to take my Exalted Blade out and mow the lawn thoroughly, seeing Nyx's ultimate and Psychic Bolts being so goddamn useless bothers me. 'Spam 3' seems to be something people love complaining about in regards to Nekros, so why not her too? It fosters a similarly dull style of play, imo

Number 1 basically removes an enemy from the battlefield (Auras, Bursas you name it).. and makes them work for you... like for example an Ancient Healer..

Number 2 + augment inmobilizes and irradiates around 2-3 enemies... what makes it different from Chaos is its quick execution AND........ you can fully move while doing it, did i mention his glorious autotargeting?

Number 4 gives you a pause from combat, can use it to recharge shields, gives you proc invulnerability, suspends you on air...

Yeah pretty much that sums up.

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1 hour ago, EX-Zanki said:

Number 2 + augment inmobilizes and irradiates around 2-3 enemies... what makes it different from Chaos is its quick execution AND........ you can fully move while doing it, did i mention his glorious autotargeting?

It's pretty useless when I can do it with a dark dagger, or basically any weapon with a rad proc. Homing is not an excuse for a lackluster ability. If I wanted a stun, I'll simply run Excalibur or Mirage, which targets way more enemies.

1 hour ago, EX-Zanki said:

Number 4 gives you a pause from combat, can use it to recharge shields, gives you proc invulnerability, suspends you on air...

Because this is totally useful when you deactivate the bubble and get shot at again before regaining control, thus requiring ANOTHER breather.

Seriously, why waste an ult on a breather?

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10 minutes ago, Madho said:

It's pretty useless when I can do it with a dark dagger, or basically any weapon with a rad proc. Homing is not an excuse for a lackluster ability. If I wanted a stun, I'll simply run Excalibur or Mirage, which targets way more enemies.

Because this is totally useful when you deactivate the bubble and get shot at again before regaining control, thus requiring ANOTHER breather.

Seriously, why waste an ult on a breather?

Dark dagger works with a chance, you need to get close with any melee.... Number 2 works 100%...its distance is more than any melee... Nyx has 15 armor btw...homing is not an excuse its a feature...

What does Excalibur or Mirage have to do with Nyx?... i hope you are not attempting to compare them with a totally different horse... we are talking about Nyx here...

You forget that number 4 causes an stun... so you have like 3 seconds to get out of a tight situation...but thats where the player's skills comes in handy...

It seems that you only read the first 8 words of that line...

- Can use it to recharge shields

- Gives you proc invulnerability

- Suspends you on air

If you are refering to its incapacity for killing enemies... well... that's totally true...Nyx probably won't kill enemies with powers.. but she has a lot of control over the field...in Nyx case.. its her weapons that will do the killing...

Just so you know... i'm not saying Nyx is perfect...i'm just sharing what experience i have with that warframe which i main...




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3 minutes ago, EX-Zanki said:

Dark dagger works with a chance, you need to get close with any melee.... Number 2 works 100%...its distance is more than any melee... Nyx has 15 armor btw...homing is not an excuse its a feature...

Having only 2 or 3 enemies confused is trash. They'll die quickly. Plus, I can have a ranged status chance weapon doing the exact same effect, or simply use rad procs from syndicate effects that WON'T RANDOMLY DISARM MY TARGETS, thus reducing their damage output.

6 minutes ago, EX-Zanki said:

What does Excalibur or Mirage have to do with Nyx?... i hope you are not attempting to compare them with a totally different horse... we are talking about Nyx here...

Pacifying Bolt (augment) gives enemy stun

7 minutes ago, EX-Zanki said:

You forget that number 4 causes an stun... so you have like 3 seconds to get out of a tight situation...but thats where the player's skills comes in handy...

Range problems. It's not really that useful even with stretch + OE on. 23.5m range is hardly enough.

12 minutes ago, EX-Zanki said:

- Can use it to recharge shields

- Gives you proc invulnerability

- Suspends you on air

First one is useless with enemies out of range shooting at you, the other two are lackluster niches that don't really do much. Why would you need to suspend in mid-air? What does proc invul have to do with CC? Plus, according to this logic:

14 minutes ago, EX-Zanki said:

.Nyx probably won't kill enemies with powers.. 

and by assuming Absorb won't kill that parasitic eximus, you're still stuck in an animation with the aura still affecting you, thus rendering proc invul completely useless.

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14 minutes ago, Madho said:

Having only 2 or 3 enemies confused is trash. They'll die quickly. Plus, I can have a ranged status chance weapon doing the exact same effect, or simply use rad procs from syndicate effects that WON'T RANDOMLY DISARM MY TARGETS, thus reducing their damage output.

Trash? Tell that to the Bursa coming for you... yeah you might have a ranged weapon with +- 100% status chance, but you will have to sacrifice power to do so...

I mean.. yeah you can use a radiation weapon and a syndicate weapon with radiation...OR use Nyx to do all that so you can use other weapons...btw... you are very hopeful if you expect the confused enemies do the killing for you... that is not how it happens... unless you have an specific build... 

An armed Bombard shooting at you is not the same as a Disarmed Bombard running at you....so disarm counts...

Anyway... there is Chaos if you want a lot of enemies confused around you... but Chaos has a somewhat long casting aniimation and you are not very mobile while doing it...

25 minutes ago, Madho said:

Pacifying Bolt (augment) gives enemy stun

That's correct... so?

Other warframes do stun too like Excalibur.. and Mirage... and Volt... and Vauban..... Oberon... but that doesn't makes them the same or similar...they all have different abilities better suited for different styles of play...

28 minutes ago, Madho said:

Range problems. It's not really that useful even with stretch + OE on. 23.5m range is hardly enough.

If you are downed by an enemy 23.5 meters from you... its not a problem of the ability... number 4 is not a solve it all ability...but it can save you from some well aimed rockets from time to time...


30 minutes ago, Madho said:

First one is useless with enemies out of range shooting at you, the other two are lackluster niches that don't really do much. Why would you need to suspend in mid-air? What does proc invul have to do with CC? Plus, according to this logic:

First one is kind of useless.. well yeah... but if enemies are killing you from afar....the problem is not the Warframe... maybe you can't kill them fast enough...in that case.. maybe you should consider using chaos instead of absorb

Proc invulnerability is a niche but is not useless... it can save you if you are about to die by proc...cause sometimes there is no one near to save you...

About the air suspension.. niche is... but because you don't use it you shouldn't assume nobody would...

40 minutes ago, Madho said:

and by assuming Absorb won't kill that parasitic eximus, you're still stuck in an animation with the aura still affecting you, thus rendering proc invul completely useless.

If anyone attempted that... well... take my word... you don't kill an eximus with absorb...nor you should try to get in that position...but assuming you are there stuck with absorb and assuming you are playing solo... you should explode the absorb ball and get out of there....

I'm starting to think you don't like Nyx very much.. XD... or maybe its not your style..

I'm my personal experience.. there is nothing that i can say its USELESS in this game...


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31 minutes ago, EX-Zanki said:

Trash? Tell that to the Bursa coming for you... yeah you might have a ranged weapon with +- 100% status chance, but you will have to sacrifice power to do so...

I mean.. yeah you can use a radiation weapon and a syndicate weapon with radiation...OR use Nyx to do all that so you can use other weapons...btw... you are very hopeful if you expect the confused enemies do the killing for you... that is not how it happens... unless you have an specific build... 

An armed Bombard shooting at you is not the same as a Disarmed Bombard running at you....so disarm counts...

Anyway... there is Chaos if you want a lot of enemies confused around you... but Chaos has a somewhat long casting aniimation and you are not very mobile while doing it...

For high priority targets like bombards and bursas, a single mind control does the trick without disarming the target, and it won't shoot at you. Disarming only occurs when the ability timer runs out. If I want a reliable disarm, I'd be using Loki or a Chesa kubrow instead.

It's true that I don't expect enemies to kill each other, but at least give me a visible EHP decrease.

35 minutes ago, EX-Zanki said:

Other warframes do stun too like Excalibur.. and Mirage... and Volt... and Vauban..... Oberon... but that doesn't makes them the same or similar...they all have different abilities better suited for different styles of play...

Therefore we do not need stun on another ability, and the suggested stun does not justify it being a "good" ability.

37 minutes ago, EX-Zanki said:

If you are downed by an enemy 23.5 meters from you... its not a problem of the ability... number 4 is not a solve it all ability...but it can save you from some well aimed rockets from time to time...

Further proof that Nyx's ult is incredibly situational and a death trap. I should be able to regain control of my Warframe immediately, or have an invul phase during the cast time.

41 minutes ago, EX-Zanki said:

maybe you can't kill them fast enough...in that case.. maybe you should consider using chaos instead of absorb

Because this is totally the case when absorb also draws enemy aggro.

43 minutes ago, EX-Zanki said:

Proc invulnerability is a niche but is not useless... it can save you if you are about to die by proc...cause sometimes there is no one near to save you...

Again, very situational.

52 minutes ago, EX-Zanki said:

About the air suspension.. niche is... but because you don't use it you shouldn't assume nobody would...

Because I'd totally waste 10 seconds recasting absorb to "fly" across the room when my team blaze through it in less than 5. Yeah right.

53 minutes ago, EX-Zanki said:

If anyone attempted that... well... take my word... you don't kill an eximus with absorb...nor you should try to get in that position...but assuming you are there stuck with absorb and assuming you are playing solo... you should explode the absorb ball and get out of there....

So the aura ignore is worthless too.

Being my second frame after my Excalibur starter, I've repeatedly crafted and sold Nyx many times before getting Nyx prime. It certainly makes gameplay a lot more interesting, but there are tweaks that need to be done.

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33 minutes ago, Madho said:

For high priority targets like bombards and bursas, a single mind control does the trick without disarming the target, and it won't shoot at you. Disarming only occurs when the ability timer runs out. If I want a reliable disarm, I'd be using Loki or a Chesa kubrow instead.

It's true that I don't expect enemies to kill each other, but at least give me a visible EHP decrease.

Yes, unless you've already have a high priority target mind controlled... then you would have to use another ability...or change mind control target...i will always say... whatever disarmed.. its better than fully equipped...

Loki, Chesa... i don't know..... Naramon?...in Nyx 's case disarm is not the principal effect... it more like a cherry on top..

39 minutes ago, Madho said:

Therefore we do not need stun on another ability, and the suggested stun does not justify it being a "good" ability.

People call Nyx a CC warframe for a reason.. besides... its an stun animation where enemy is basically defenseless...

42 minutes ago, Madho said:

Further proof that Nyx's ult is incredibly situational and a death trap. I should be able to regain control of my Warframe immediately, or have an invul phase during the cast time

It may be situational.. but is far from a death trap.. unless you again pretend to kill all enemies around....... with Nyx...

Invulnerability phase??.... i may be detecting your preferences at warframe...

44 minutes ago, Madho said:

Because this is totally the case when absorb also draws enemy aggro.

Yeah cause its the only thing it does /sarcasm.............maybe you should know that enemies are stunned when the absorb ball explodes..

47 minutes ago, Madho said:

Because I'd totally waste 10 seconds recasting absorb to "fly" across the room when my team blaze through it in less than 5. Yeah right.

If you have fun that way... be my guest...XD

48 minutes ago, Madho said:

So the aura ignore is worthless too.

Being my second frame after my Excalibur starter, I've repeatedly crafted and sold Nyx many times before getting Nyx prime. It certainly makes gameplay a lot more interesting, but there are tweaks that need to be done.

Aura ignores worthless?.... how can aura NEGATION be worthless?

50 minutes ago, Madho said:

Being my second frame after my Excalibur starter, I've repeatedly crafted and sold Nyx many times before getting Nyx prime. It certainly makes gameplay a lot more interesting, but there are tweaks that need to be done.

Ok maybe Nyx is not for you...that i can conclude

Every frame would use some tweeks tough...

But just because you couldn't get to use a certain warframe.. doesn't make it worthless.. just saying...

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Used to be my favorite frame. Im still fond, but miss her old broken 4 that scaled indefinitely, and I could keep it up well over five minutes at a time protecting objectives and team mates.

She used to have a superior version of frosts bubble basically, because while it protected objectives it stored damage like maim and could kill everything nearby with ease after a point.

I see why it needed nerfing a little, because huge damage potential and perma  invulnerability, but the damage cap stops its usefulness at high level for me, when my energy gets pummeled by bombard hits and the agro'd enemies clustered around me just shrug off the damage when I unleash it before all my energy goes, leaving me a sitting duck..

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1 hour ago, EX-Zanki said:

Yes, unless you've already have a high priority target mind controlled... then you would have to use another ability...or change mind control target...i will always say... whatever disarmed.. its better than fully equipped...

A disarmed bombard is garbage. It's just a massive decoy.

1 hour ago, EX-Zanki said:

People call Nyx a CC warframe for a reason.. besides... its an stun animation where enemy is basically defenseless...

When even Valkyr can do a multi-target stun with paralysis. So useful for 2-3 enemies.

1 hour ago, EX-Zanki said:

Invulnerability phase??.... i may be detecting your preferences at warframe...

I guess we could at least agree that cast time should not be a factor in a Warframe's survivability.

1 hour ago, EX-Zanki said:

Yeah cause its the only thing it does /sarcasm.............maybe you should know that enemies are stunned when the absorb ball explodes..

Except for enemies 20+m away.

2 hours ago, EX-Zanki said:

Aura ignores worthless?.... how can aura NEGATION be worthless?

It's merely delaying the inevitable. It's way more effective to just shoot it to death without dealing with an aura with an additional 3s.

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14 hours ago, Rhaenxys said:

Good point, however if you take into consideration the energy/damage ratio is still way inferior, damage falloff doesnt work for an ability who makes the player immobile, there is situations were you dont even have enemies around you anymore.

The ratio is inferior to what?

The limited range/falloff is a drawback that makes you think about when and where to use Absorb to maximize its potential, which is a good thing.  

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