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The new fissure system


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First of all I know DE has put a lot of time in the new prime parts farming system and i know it's supposed to be much more new player friendly and make the game easier when farming for a certain prime part . But there are very big flaws to the system, that really make so frustrated and I decided to make a topic about it ,so may be I will get some recognition , and we will have a change here.

Now the fissures have made getting a very desired part somewhat easier to get, which is absolutely amazing , but if i wanted to farm more prime parts , more as in quantity , this new system sucks . Let me explain why . Lets say I want to farm ducats and i have limited keys . What would I do with the old system is, I would get few friends or clan members and do key shares . This means for every key we put in we get at least one prime part , or something like a forma which is fine . Or what we would do is , go to a survival mission  and do 60 minutes survival and get 12 rewards with one key . Now if I wanted to farm prime parts that would mean everyone of my friends putting a relic and get ONLY one reward in the end of the mission .This means we used 4 keys to get ONE part .This is terrible , this is like nerfing the keys significantly . But ok lets say , one of my friend puts a relic and we go and play the fissure mission and now only he gets a reward and we get nothing . I am sitting here and thinking  WHAT !? really .How is that new system is going to benefit team play .I know , now you have 4 chances in one mission to get the certain reward you want , but again those 4 changes are separate and i have had so many times , when we all have the same reward in the end of the mission, and even tho we chose only one person's reward we all lost our relics . This is so inefficient way of farming .This means we have to find 4x more time to actually farm relics than spend time playing fissures .Which also means the new system has not made any new improvement in terms of effective prime parts farming . Not to mention if i wanted to farm survival mission I would get 12 rewards with 1 key in the previous system and now we waste 4 keys for 1 reward . This is like nerfing the keys 4x12 times which is  48 times .Just wow ..... I have no words . Clearly something has to change , because this inefficient farming will eventually make me and many other old players, that have been playing for over 3 years, quit the game . I hope this topic has some influence , because I am really trying to get the best out of the game , but now my passion for it, is slowly fading away .

Regards -CM-Napalm

Edited by -CM-Napalm
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Agree, Huge key reward nerfs. RNG of key farm for new primes, on top of decreased chances for Rare Prime parts (without refinement) , on top of nerfs of endless key rewards, on top of low Trace amount caps all combined make it pretty unrewarding. Plus not to mention that the old "endgame" of long running difficult Void missions have been reduced to low level Fissure farming which is the repetitive and uninspiring. I have never felt less interested in the game. I hope you guys reconsider or I too will end up one of the "many 3 years+ players quitting the game"

Edited by 3thereal
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You aren't the first one to notice this.


I'm part of 3 groups on Discord, and since SotR all the groups went from regularly having 10 or more people playing WF to having only 2 or 3 people.


The repetetive fissure mini exav, archwing movement/view, credit nerfs, and the lack of "bulk prime farming" get cited as reasons for people stopping playing after getting the cephalon fragments and kavats they want.


Like you, I enjoyed the challenge of trying to go 60-100 waves of T3/T4Def, 2 hours of T3/T4 survival. The prime parts as a reward for pushing yourself (ok, mostly your &#! and sanity) and your builds to their limit made it feel more worthwhile than simply running the same 3 minute minigame during another mission.

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i know how you feel, those were my excat same thoughts after running some fissures. With all the desynced lootreward in the past days, that killed like at least 1 week of doing anything in team, since every1 just get their loot, as they were solo... mates and i just encountered yesterday another feature of U19:

Instead of desyncing and every1 just get their random loot, guess what, we desynced and no1 got any of the relicrewards they selected and on top of that, the used flawless and radiant relics were gone after that run without any reward :D


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1 hour ago, giantconch said:

Like you, I enjoyed the challenge of trying to go 60-100 waves of T3/T4Def, 2 hours of T3/T4 survival. The prime parts as a reward for pushing yourself (ok, mostly your &#! and sanity) and your builds to their limit made it feel more worthwhile than simply running the same 3 minute minigame during another mission.

I'm sorry, but that sounds like such a massive waste of time, it's not a challenge if you literally had no other option. The only reason you would push yourself was because the keys were bloody rare-ish to begin with.

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Funny, i started playing last month, and just when i was starting to go to the void and getting prime parts, i was so happy, just then they changed it and i was like come on man, why now ^^

So i got to play void a couple of days just to see it taken away ;(

So even from a new player perspective, this whole nerf sucks big time. Because now i can't get the prime parts i want at all, i get one piece of that, one piece of this, and i can't complete anything at all, i just have many different pieces of gear that i can't craft because i miss that other piece which drops from that other fissure for which i need that other key i don't have etc.

It's just a scam, and DE did not do this to help new players that's for sure, i know because i'm a new player and it completely blocks me from crafting any prime stuff.


So for me it's simple, i just don't even do void fissures at all, just because it serves no purpose and i don't get anything remotely useful from it.

Edited by Mellaus
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So essentially you are complaining because you can no longer take one key, go solo and cheese the ever living hell out of it with Ivara or Loki for as long as you like...

You actually have to go collect keys(now artifacts) from... Le'gasp endless missions which you seem to love anyways. And the Void is one of the better spot for it.

Edited by SilvaDreams
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void cant stay as it is now, it cant be a planet like any other and it wont.

Probably they will be addressing this for people who liked going endless and be rewarded a bit more. But this will take time, last update was kinda rushed.
Even if i like the fissure system the endless missions were very attractive for many players, but without adequate rewards kinda looses its purpose.

I would like if in fissure mission void survivals you could get multiple fissure spawning, maybe every 10 minutes in a range between 3-5 fissures tops in a single mission, with only one relic used. Still not endless but 60 mins top is the range 98% of players were going to run survivals anyways.

Or just put some very rare and special loot in endless void mission in the old and hated C rotation. Like umbras and vaulted items... why not? having those missions accessible without key doesnt mean they cant be rewarding.
Or maybe do something like the trial key system, you can craft a key for cheap and you can try a special void endless every 23h. but this will be a rewarding endless mission, and being able to do it only once every day will be an additional motivation for pushing yourself to the max.

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29 minutes ago, SilvaDreams said:

So essentially you are complaining because you can no longer take one key, go solo and cheese the ever living hell out of it with Ivara or Loki for as long as you like...

You actually have to go collect keys(now artifacts) from... Le'gasp endless missions which you seem to love anyways. And the Void is one of the better spot for it.

Did you not read what I typed at all ?

One of the main issues is not benefiting the team and you sit there saying solo ?No this is not about cheesing the game.This is about the flaws of the new system and bringing attention for a fix or a change that can benefit the players that do like the new system and players that don't .

Edited by -CM-Napalm
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6 minutes ago, -CM-Napalm said:

Did you not read what I typed at all ?

One of the main issues is not benefiting the team and you sit there saying solo ?No this is not about cheesing the game.This is about the flaws of the new system and bringing attention for a fix or a change that can benefit the players that do like the new system and players that don't .

Oh I read it but honestly key shares were a plague on the community. Between clan members it wasn't much of an issue but overall it was, there were ever growing cries for DE to do something about the leeches joining them only to ditch out when it was their turn.

So the relic system is their solution, everyone has to put in their key/relic up front if they want Amy chance of a reward.

It's not even hard to get relics, you get them randomly through game play and endless style missions.

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1 hour ago, SilvaDreams said:

So essentially you are complaining because you can no longer take one key, go solo and cheese the ever living hell out of it with Ivara or Loki for as long as you like...

You actually have to go collect keys(now artifacts) from... Le'gasp endless missions which you seem to love anyways. And the Void is one of the better spot for it.

baseless statement , you are wrong thinking people only cheese endless voids with ivara or loki . lots of other frames were used , stop whiteknighting 

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4 hours ago, BlazerEraser said:

I'm sorry, but that sounds like such a massive waste of time, it's not a challenge if you literally had no other option. The only reason you would push yourself was because the keys were bloody rare-ish to begin with.


*giggles* You actually think t3/t4 keys were "rare-ish"? Right there with that statement you provided me with an endless supply of laughter. Thanks!


Just because you don't understand why people ran the endless missions to extremes, and because you don't understand that the reward for running the endless missions to such an extent was an endless supply of prime junk, doesn't mean that its not a challenge or that there are no other options.

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6 hours ago, giantconch said:


*giggles* You actually think t3/t4 keys were "rare-ish"? Right there with that statement you provided me with an endless supply of laughter. Thanks!


Just because you don't understand why people ran the endless missions to extremes, and because you don't understand that the reward for running the endless missions to such an extent was an endless supply of prime junk, doesn't mean that its not a challenge or that there are no other options.

they are rare when you only play a few hours every day or so :3. Some people, have other stuff to do, guess that's a weird concept for you.

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Specters of the Rail has a real chance to kill the game. It's rare but sometimes a single update can kill a game. "Star Wars Galaxy" is a well known example of that.

Oh I read it but honestly key shares were a plague on the community. Between clan members it wasn't much of an issue but overall it was, there were ever growing cries for DE to do something about the leeches joining them only to ditch out when it was their turn.

So the relic system is their solution, everyone has to put in their key/relic up front if they want Amy chance of a reward.

Sorry, but scamming is worse now than it ever was. I just wrote about the issue 5 minutes ago in the Void 2.0 thread so instead of writing it all again I just cope&paste it:



Another huge issue I have is with the void traces and upgrading relics. With the current system it's basically mandatory to upgrade a relic in order for it to have a chance at getting a rare drop. And that is a huge can of worms. Because not just is it grindy as hell. It's also almost pointless for people that do not have friends or long time clan mates they can somewhat trust. Because the new system is a dream for scammer.

Yes, there were key-scammer in the old system. But at least those were always noticed at some point and I could always add another person to my ignore list I would not have to deal with again in the future. With the new system it's impossible to even notice a scammer as long as they at least bring a basic relic of the same type to a key/relic-share.

It's entirely possible to end up in a rediant relic-share with 3 other people and none of them actually brought a radiant relic. In case you are a scammer yourself you might even end up in a radiant relic-share that has not a single person actually using a radiant relic. Which means everyone is basically just wasting their time.

There is NO WAY to even tell.



Edited by ----Fenrir----
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