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Out Of Frame: The Everyday Lives Of The Tenno - Feedback & Discussion


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Questions for Saryn:


What is your favorite primary weapon?


Do you ever try to use stealth? (I know it doesn't work well, key word is 'try')


What would you consider to be the most useful skill for a warframe operator?



((Comment for Saryn, good luck. Relationships are hard work but worth it.))

Edited by Kalenath
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What do you think about your new helmet? I personally think the earrings are odd.


Have you ever tried using nothing but poison weapons? Yknow, a loadout consisting of just Torid, Acrid and Mire? I'd love to see how that'd work.


Besides you and Frost (I hope that works out, by the way), who has the coolest armor? Personally, I think Volt's got the best looking armor.


(Thing for Doozy: Good lord, this is amazing. Just amazing.)


Also, have you seen Vauban anywhere?

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What do you think about your new helmet? I personally think the earrings are odd.

It’s interesting. I do have a certain attachment to my standard helmet, on account of it makes me look like the queen in Aliens. Every time I suit up I just feel like I could kick Sigourney Weaver’s &#!. If you’re gonna kick another woman’s &#!, Sigourney is a pretty good one to aim for.

I think saryn got drunk and took banshees helmet.

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Hey Saryn, got a few questions if you feel like you want to deal with another sap poking you. wont touch on the frost bit, I know that's a tad on the "bad for your health" side. 


#1: What would you say is the strangest thing you've ever found your roommates (past or present) doing?


#2: If you were to design a weapon, be it melee or ranged, what would it be? how would you make the perfect weapon in your own opinion?


#3: Thank you for looking out for PDG, many of us here in the Design council appreciate it. if they say they dont, There's always the Loki option till they do. Though the question is what is your favorite planet to visit? I'm not talking for missions or that kinda thing, but more in your off time. Bit of a fan of Saturn myself, Nice to see old titan tech floating around in the sky. bit stormy but nice.


#4: Is there anything you'd like to request of the design council? anything we could try and work on for you that you believe would be helpful?


#5: Have you ever met Lotus in person?



Also tip, take it or leave it. from one snow loving guy to someone who has issues with a snow loving guy... try snow cones or ben and jerries ice cream (on him not you).

Edited by YuriTesla
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So snappy...such a VENEMOUS attitude. Honey, being mean is futile. Kinda like a snake without POISON. You should find a word to like. I'll give a suggestion. SARYNdepity. Please don't hurt me I swear I'll be good..... What if I buy you the complete Ed Hardy Perfume collection? Is that Goth enough to appease you? And can you at least tell Volt that Solaurus says he loves him in a semi-#$$ way?

Edited by Solaurus
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looking at Ember and Nyx. thier suits look really similar....

are they related?

cause seriously...even stat wise they the same.

also what is stalker's deal? is he a tenno?

and lastly...what is that thing on the back of trinity's suits's.....skirt. a loki prank?


Edited by Arenta
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Hey saryn, i have a few questions. I hope none cross any boundries :P


Are you easily tempered when in a mission? (With your other Tenno)



Would you ever forgive Loki if he were to apologise in person?



Aaand lastly, your poisen, do you make it yourself?

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Gentleman Zeus here.. don't wish to whistle too many balls again, but I have MOAR Questions! XD


What was the hardest should you say "client" you had to deal with? Knowing the PG13 EULA, you can make it brief or you can skip this question entirely. Your call.


If the Warframe regime disbanded, would you consider going back to your "tasteful stuff?" Or would you consider career opportunities?


Did you play any video games?


Do you watch TV? If so what do you watch?


And lastly about your suit... Are the shoulder pauldrons solid/rigid, or is that fur? If it's fur, then I say you're a classy lady. (And that was a complement, not a flirt... maybe... <.<)

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