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Warframe Beta, Official release?


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15 hours ago, Rizilliant said:

Its been several years now, and it doesnt appear to have an end in sight.. Are there any plans for it to ever officially release? Or is it going to stay in a permanent beta state?  Im asking honestly, because i really am curious, and it will affect my decision whether to continue playing or not. I dont watch their little dev streams, or talks, or whatever, and as you can see, i dont really use the forum much..


Im sure this has been asked many times, But i didnt find any with a quick search..

Perpetual Beta

I doubt there'll ever be an official release.

WF is more like an MMO in the sense that content is just continually added until the servers are turned off and DE moves on to a different project.

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I'm kind of in both boats on this issue. On the one hand, I do see the whole 'forever beta' thing as an excuse that can be leveraged as a get out of jail free card for any major technical fubar that occurs. But on the other hand, what exactly does being 'officially released' mean? Like, what benefit would they have of getting it, beyond getting out from under the potentially seen as crutch like beta label? Its a free to play game with microtransactions that's persistently online - Beta or not, its going to CONSTANTLY be in flux. If you want a game that's feature complete and set in stone, you're going to have to dig out old consoles or abandonware PC games to get that experience these days.

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12 hours ago, svanced said:

A game that keeps on having constant updates which adds and changes stuff is obviously in "beta" state.Its not like your "old" games which were final releases and you would only have a patch,maybe two IF any at all to fix some stuff but thats it.No adding stuff no nothing.DLCs are add-ons for a finished game and it doesnt require you to buy them. to finish the game.

sooo... you're saying WoW, GW2, DotA and LoL are still in beta? ;)

Frankly, since the terms "early access" and "beta" these days are so watered down, that you cannot even distinguish between the two (at least in the way they are used by many), it doesn't really matter imho. Yes, there's never been an official release and yes, the beta-status is a bit of an excuse, but whatever?! You might also argue, that it is a motivation for DE and a "promise" to the community, basically saying "We are not done, yet! More is to come!". It is really not like DE even uses the beta status as an excuse for lacking content or bugs anymore. At least it has been quite some time, since I heard or read the word "beta" by them.

Edited by DjaAkh
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When every mod has a primed version (except those with Ranks of 10)

When every frame is primed

When every frame is Umbra'd

When all corpus and grineer weps have vandal and wraith upgrades, respectively 

When there are enough weps to carry us to MR 30

When the final piece of the puzzle is revealed to connect all of the lore

Edited by (XB1)OTF SERENiTY
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