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Survey for players with 1000+ hours


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On 8/2/2016 at 3:07 PM, Faulcun said:

Ive seen some things over the years in Warframe. Last time I looked, I had around 2200 hrs in my profile. In all of those hours, the game has had many changes. Some good, some bad.

However, Warframe and the developers behind it have remained fairly consistent over the years, good stuff and bad stuff, so much so that i can honestly say that my opinions have not changed either.

So im curious about other players who have amassed similar hours of gameplay here. None of this is really meant to spark a debate about anything in particular, but more of a quick view into the minds of "experienced" players, because 1000+ hours in anything.... and well you should know something about something or at least have an informed opinion. This is not meant to suggest that players with less hours have any less worth of an opinion. Im merely looking for the ones that may not have any reason to play still, and their views on why they do, their playing habbits over the years, and various opinions among other things.


So here are my questions:


How many hours are in your profile?


Have you taken any long periods of breaks, and if so, how long and why?

unless a rather large content patch has dropped or an event is going on, i typically just log on daily or every other day and dont do much else, only recently have i spent more than a few hours actually working on trying to get all the primes i stopped trying to collect

When did you start playing warframe?

during CB, right after update 5 i believe, i was ingame when the hek/fragor were introduced

How many clans in warframe have you been apart of?

just 1, FLOW, i tried to create my own, but apparently the name: Dark Sectors was taken =P ; so then i joined FLOW soon afterwards, becuz their forum thread was/is epic

Were you apart of leadership in any of those clans?

ive been around so long i have a form of seniority, but i am not big on the authority and micro-managing thing, besides, what is the point? clans serve little to no value ingame atm beside sectionalized chat groups, DE took away what little competition that there was due to a few QQ'ers =/

If so, aside from direct clan problems, how has the development of the game affected the members?

all online games have turnover, so it has been the same in my clan, there are those of us that have stayed on, in some form or another, and others have left or moved on for various reasons ; ie not enough motivation, too much drama, etc

Have your views changed over the years?

views on what specifically? but the answer is likely of course

If so was it due to the community, or in game experiences?

again this is pretty vague, if this is still a clan/community/drama question then i guess i just remained oblivious

Were you an avid viver/draco player?

not at all, i never saw the point in re-forma'n much of my gear, and by that point i typically had everything already maxed, so there was really no value in it for me, and honestly i saw it as the most boring way to go about ranking up gear in general [i preferred to rank up new gear thru spy missions]

What is your favorite game mode, and what is your favorite part of the game?

i think the spy v2 missions are the best designed mission type ingame atm, but i also enjoy mission types with bosses/minibosses such as some of the sabotage missions and even the reworked rescue/sabotage types ; even though i would still like many boss encounters to be re-worked and improved [hek, ruk, etc]

What is your least favorite?

i find most of the 'endless' type missions to be very boring, the 'horde' aspect of the AI really makes the game feel incredibly monotonous IMHO and hurts the potential for interesting and dynamic enemy encounters [needs a change of pace/rhythm]

Do you prefer to play with clan members or public games?

i often play either solo or public, occasionally with clannies, but often more difficult to put together a clan group vs just jumping into a public one

What level missions are you most comfortable with without needing a team of super specific loadouts?

i have zero desire for any kind of specific loadout unless the team cannot think outside the box ; things like frost for def work well becuz the vast majority of tenno have no clue how to work as a team from what i have seen

Do you still have many things to complete/collect in the game?

mostly just the new primes since Saryn and stupid things like the Sibear which i have no interest in dedicating hours/days/weeks of farming for 1 lackluster icy hammer, and of course whatever new arghwing gear that is just never worth working towards

What is your opinion on pvp/dark sectors?

IMHO they should have never been 'turned off' , its not like they made any real significance ingame anyway ; but they did need to be improved, as the initial game modes and design was and still is lackluster and not interesting/exciting at all ; hopefully they can get the kind of attention that they deserve [potentially a dedicated team like pvp has received]

Have Youtubers been a large influence or source of your knowledge about the game?

not really, i did enjoy AGGP's videos for a hot sec, but i always thought Mogamu's content was boring and unoriginal [ie no ideas that i had not already thought of myself or heard elsewhere] ; then i un-subbed from both of them after the nonsense drama ; atm DogManDan / QuietteShy / Xenogelion are the only WF YT'ers that i subscribe to ; DMD cuz he seems largely unbiased and anti-drama, Tenno-clock i actually dont watch much of, but seems like a decent podcast/stream , and Q-Shy cuz her videos are just the right amount of salt for my taste

Do you consider yourself a casual, heavy, or hardcore gamer?

i am a gamer thru and thru, so heavy i guess ; IMHO hardcore means 24hr+ sessions with food stockpiles and shifts and weeks of free time, which i dont have anymore/atm ; and casuals r filthy/dirty =P j/k

What is your background in gaming in general? (ie: fps, mmorpg, strategy, etc etc)

been playing vidjagames since my Commodore64, Genesis, 286, 386, 486, SuperNintendo, Dreamcast, PS1, Xbox, PS2, etc ; not much into the consoles anymore [despise the lack of backwards compatibility]

Compared to other communities in other games, how does warframe compare?

the WF community certainly has its share of morons, but there are also some serious shining stars as well, DiabloUrsus is someone who comes to mind as a forum poster that i typically always agree with and feel they are just a rational/intelligent being

What keeps you playing the game?

its free, there really isnt anything keeping me from coming back at my leisure, and ive spent 2k+ hrs ingame, im not likely to just abandon ship at this point unless DE does something REALLY STUPID and hugely anti-player

What do you hope for long term in future updates?

most of the things that im looking forward to 'are' in the works, but of course the timelines are probably longer than many of us would like ; atm i dont expect more than 1 update a year from here on out, it seems like DE is having serious problems internally unfortunately =/ ; but for example i would like all placeholder content to be given unique models [ambulas, sergeant, phorid], would like to see an infested grineer fomorian, an AW/onfoot fomorian mission or an attack on a large corpus ship that involves transitioning back-forth from AW and inside the ship ; unique kill-squads from the syndicates ; two button light/heavy melee rework ; repeatable/replayable quests and previous events ; completely re-worked 'trials' by someone who better understands the concept and not a bunch of 'forced co-op' and standing still on stupid pads ; etc

What things would you like to see given attention in the near future?

argon should decay into traces [1-3 traces per argon] ; void should not drop control modules but instead drop traces ; relics should be found in crates in treasure rooms in void/derelict ; rare/reinforced orokin crates should have 'vaulted' relics in them ; loki should be able to use radial disarm in midair

Without going into too many details, what are you opinions on any experiences with Warframe Support?

dont have many, seen a ton of horror stories on /r warframe tho, and a few happy endings

Overall, what is your view of Warframe and its business model?

overall i think it's 'fine' but IMHO there is certainly a ton of room for improvements, especially with the ingame markets and places where the dev-team just seems/feels completely out of touch with the playerbase



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This is gonna be "fun"


How many hours are in your profile?

(5k or so... (I have no self respect during the summers and ending of the school year)

Have you taken any long periods of breaks, and if so, how long and why?

Currently around 5-7 months due my laptop freezing to death whileni was traveling 

When did you start playing warframe?

Around(exactly as it started) the start of the of cryotic front event

How many clans in warframe have you been apart of?

1-4, one of the leaders ripped me off and two of them I considered a family

Were you apart of leadership in any of those clans?

Only one since it was kinda enlisted on me due to the leader out on work and I was usually in school meaning I had more free time

If so, aside from direct clan problems, how has the development of the game affected the members?

not any that I can think of

Have your views changed over the years?

Not in any good, well most of it

If so was it due to the community, or in game experiences?


Were you an avid viver/draco player?

Only for energy weapons. I prefer ballistics, explosives, arrows and blades

What is your favorite game mode, and what is your favorite part of the game?

Anything that allows me to feel freewithout any chains restricting from my "Art"

What is your least favorite?

Raids, defense and anything involving waiting since it puts me to sleep... you can ask surtur about how many times I passed out on raids...

Do you prefer to play with clan members or public games?

Neither since it kinda slows my "art work" 

What level missions are you most comfortable with without needing a team of super specific loadouts?

I play with anything on any lvl scale

Do you still have many things to complete/collect in the game?

Nope, people were making fun of my Mr so I became the meta

What is your opinion on pvp/dark sectors?

Saryn, hek, jat cannon and a marelok was all I needed to take down their core

Have Youtubers been a large influence or source of your knowledge about the game?

Nope, don't like any of them gossip monkeys

Do you consider yourself a casual, heavy, or hardcore gamer?

Idk what I am

What is your background in gaming in general? (ie: fps, mmorpg, strategy, etc etc)

RPG and shooters of all kinds

Compared to other communities in other games, how does warframe compare?

Salty, kinda toxic, cancerous in both good and bad

What keeps you playing the game?

I spent 40bucks and I have friends on here that dont care about me

What do you hope for long term in future updates?

To get my 40 bucks worth back

What things would you like to see given attention in the near future?

Machetes, the community as a complete whole and my replacement word for kubrows as kubers

Without going into too many details, what are you opinions on any experiences with Warframe Support?

They're ok, I guess well at least from when 

Overall, what is your view of Warframe and its business model?

It's not that bad... but some "people" has said some true things about the devs (names will not be said due to seeing people saying it or even questioning it and getting banned)

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How many hours are in your profile? - 1134.


Have you taken any long periods of breaks, and if so, how long and why? - No.


When did you start playing warframe? - Last year in November or December.


How many clans in warframe have you been apart of? - 4.


Were you apart of leadership in any of those clans? - Just my current one. I'm leader of the PS4 division. (The main leader plays on PC.


If so, aside from direct clan problems, how has the development of the game affected the members? - I don't know. My clanmates have always had issues, barring inactive ones.


Have your views changed over the years? - No. It's been less than a year for me anyway.


If so was it due to the community, or in game experiences? - See above.


Were you an avid viver/draco player? - Yes.


What is your favorite game mode, and what is your favorite part of the game? - It's a draw between survival, defense, and excavation, and I like testing things.


What is your least favorite? - The community. (The reasons why are, the game isn't very solo-friendly, and I've never had any active friends to play with. I end up hating the average player I happen to socialize with, and they often try to give me trouble because of what I'm using. Most notably, about my main, Oberon. I'm generally just hated by people I have reason to hate, and others are bad to me in other ways, like being impatient or a liability.)


Do you prefer to play with clan members or public games? - Clan members, but I'm almost always limited to public matches.


What level missions are you most comfortable with without needing a team of super specific loadouts? - I don't have a level limit. I design my loadouts based on my clan leader's god builds. (You may have heard of the series.) My loadouts are designed to take on every mission, because some players don't even give me time to switch builds between missions, and the players I help in region chat tend to have incredible impatience as well. Solo, the strongest enemies I've faced were around level 140 though.


Do you still have many things to complete/collect in the game? - Yes. I'm MR16.


What is your opinion on pvp/dark sectors? - A video of dark sector PVP was what got me to try the game. Sadly I never got to try that. Conclave and duels are sometimes fun, but need some work, IMO. I've never tried Lunaro.


Have Youtubers been a large influence or source of your knowledge about the game? - Yes. I've heard a lot of false info from them, which led to me actively testing stuff. Quite soon, I want to make videos of my own to give players 100% true info.


Do you consider yourself a casual, heavy, or hardcore gamer? - Heavy. I'm definitely not casual, but I do not think I'm hardcore. I am a tryhard though.


What is your background in gaming in general? (ie: fps, mmorpg, strategy, etc etc) - Pokemon, MurderMiners, and Minecraft, mainly. I've played many other games, but those are the only other 3 I've actively played within the last 3-5 years.


Compared to other communities in other games, how does warframe compare? - I hate most players I play with, but people on the forums aren't as bad. I've met many nice players, but I'm still looking for friends and active clan mates.


What keeps you playing the game? - Currently, just the fun of testing, but when endgame is made relevant again, I'll also be more focused on that. (Most of my testing is for endgame viability.)


What do you hope for long term in future updates? - In general, difficulty and depth. Also a highly satisfactory PVP mode.


What things would you like to see given attention in the near future? - Endgame and general difficulty.


Without going into too many details, what are you opinions on any experiences with Warframe Support? - I've never tried contacting them.


Overall, what is your view of Warframe and its business model? - Being free and fair, I have no reason to be against it.




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On 2/8/2016 at 10:07 PM, Faulcun said:

How many hours are in your profile? A little over 1700

Have you taken any long periods of breaks, and if so, how long and why? Just once before the Rathuum event came, i was feeling a bit bored and a couple of old friends of mine had gone back to play an old MMO i used to play a lot (World of Tanks) and thus i followed them. Didn't last 2 months tbh.

When did you start playing warframe? January 2015, basically when Eyes of Blight was live.

How many clans in warframe have you been apart of? Just one

Were you apart of leadership in any of those clans? I'm co-founder, it's a Ghost clan made up of people i know irl - even though calling it a leadership it's a bit of a stretch, formal roles are not a thing

If so, aside from direct clan problems, how has the development of the game affected the members? Uhm, directly not much if at all. A couple of clan mates do not play anymore because they got involved in other more competitive MMOs, and the other founder has a really S#&$ty net so he basically cannot play anymore.

Have your views changed over the years? Not really - but then my account is pretty young. The Second Dream was a big plus in howi percieve this game though.

If so was it due to the community, or in game experiences? In game.

Were you an avid viver/draco player? Never. I can't bear that kind of playstyle.

What is your favorite game mode, and what is your favorite part of the game? Excavation/Survival - i personally think that this game is at its best when there are enormous swarms of enemies coming at you from every direction and you just have to kill them without worrying too much about side objectives and their like. My favourite part of the game is definitely quests - i positively loved them up to now, waiting for TWW at this point.

What is your least favorite? Gotta be Defences. Positively dull - also because of old Void Defence grinding.

Do you prefer to play with clan members or public games? No particular preference either way. I tend to run PUGs due to the fact that the schedules of my clan hardly match so my clanmates are not online very often when i am.

What level missions are you most comfortable with without needing a team of super specific loadouts? Guess up to 200 or around there - past that point i'd much rather have a pre-built loadout.

Do you still have many things to complete/collect in the game? Meh, not really. Or, to be more specific, not things that i care about.

What is your opinion on pvp/dark sectors? Dark Sectors i only saw a wee bit of, but i liked. Conclave is unplayable for me though - low end machine and sorta unstable net make for a really painful experience. On top of that, it's a bit too on the twitch shooter side for my taste - i'm terrible at those AND i don't really like them.

Have Youtubers been a large influence or source of your knowledge about the game? Nope. Too much bullS#&$ involved. Better to test stuff my own way, at least i'm gonna be sure of the results.

Do you consider yourself a casual, heavy, or hardcore gamer? Meh, i play a lot when i have time, but i'm hardly hardcore... so heavy i guess?

What is your background in gaming in general? (ie: fps, mmorpg, strategy, etc etc) Played a couple of competitive FPS/TPS before i realised they really weren't my thing. Only games that really got into me were RTS (particularly stuff like Supreme Commander) and a couple of racing games. Only MMO that really hooked me up before Warframe was World of Tanks, but the playerbase over there is terribly embarassing and after a while fighting against enemies that have worse tactics and strategy than a frigging bot gets really stale.

Compared to other communities in other games, how does warframe compare? One of the best if not the best. I'm still puzzled at how this game managed to keep a community that's so civil.

What keeps you playing the game? Fashionframe obviously. Also quests :)

What do you hope for long term in future updates? I love AW to death but the gamemode is blatantly unfinished now - i'd love for it to come fully on its own. Also, i'd personally love to be able to, in the future, participate in bigger battles that also involve armoured vehicles and the like, and to see the fabled colonies.

What things would you like to see given attention in the near future? AW, and maybe the balancing (as in buffing) of some older weapons that really lack power, like Sicarus Prime for example.

Without going into too many details, what are you opinions on any experiences with Warframe Support? So far so good, do mind i'm unter the italian support though.

Overall, what is your view of Warframe and its business model? Pretty great actually, for a public company they do a great job of managing ROI and player enjoyment imho. Also, this is probably the first F2P game where microtransactions are not necessary to play (or play at higher levels) and i love it. In fact, i spend money on this game because i want to, not because i have to, which is great.



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How many hours are in your profile? 1305

Have you taken any long periods of breaks, and if so, how long and why? I did for like 4-5 months probably sometime ago (unfortunatly around when they added log-in rewards and I missed a lot of them.) Just got too distracted by things that I can't recall. I'm bad at remembering anything time related.

When did you start playing warframe? I dunno, but I think Hydroid was the newest frame at the time. 

How many clans in warframe have you been apart of? Just one.

Were you apart of leadership in any of those clans? Yes.

If so, aside from direct clan problems, how has the development of the game affected the members? I assumed many ran outa fun things to do since there were a lotta people who stopped logging in for 100-300+ days. 

Have your views changed over the years? The game has improved since I began playing for the most part. 

If so was it due to the community, or in game experiences? Both.

Were you an avid viver/draco player? I don't remember what Viver was but I did Draco to forma some stuff faster. 

What is your favorite game mode, and what is your favorite part of the game? Currently I think Sorties are the most fun mode. Sometimes I do certain ones again just for fun, Focus/Affinity or to help friends complete it. As for mission type I'm not sure, maybe Mobile Defense or Survival. Favorite part? Ninja-ing stuff?

What is your least favorite? Probably the new Archwing race/rush/thingy and Interceptions. Even worse; Archwing Interception...

Do you prefer to play with clan members or public games? Both. These can be done at same time too.

What level missions are you most comfortable with without needing a team of super specific loadouts? I'm confident in my ability to handle any level mission with any team setup.. If it's too difficult I'd more depend on my own loadout and pugs/friends can play whatever they want. Interceptions can be tricky with that though but allz fun. 

Do you still have many things to complete/collect in the game? Not entirely, no. MR 20 at the moment. Mostly Codex enemy scans to complete and some clan weapons that need Forma to make.

What is your opinion on pvp/dark sectors? I've never done Dark Sector PvP since they changed it. I'm not sure how it even works anymore. I didn't like the old mode though. I do the PvE ones for the bonus loot but I notice it seems the same clans always own them all the time. Is it somekinda monopoly? :)

Have Youtubers been a large influence or source of your knowledge about the game? Yes. Youtube videos and the Wiki are lifesavers. 

Do you consider yourself a casual, heavy, or hardcore gamer? All three, depending on the game and mood. I stop having fun if a game feels more like a job though and my interest will drain.

What is your background in gaming in general? (ie: fps, mmorpg, strategy, etc etc) Since Atari. RPG, Tactics and Shooters tend to be my favorite.

Compared to other communities in other games, how does warframe compare? Seems more positive than most because of how open and social the developers are. 

What keeps you playing the game? It's still fun and changes/adds stuff often. 

What do you hope for long term in future updates? A game mode that lets you play as your operator. 

What things would you like to see given attention in the near future? My previous answer. 

Without going into too many details, what are you opinions on any experiences with Warframe Support? I still remember my first experience with support, which was a negative one way back when I started. All I wanted was to fix my name because their censorship system banned the word "doggie" for some reason and they charged me tons of plat to do it after they unbanned the word. I haven't really had any other support tickets I can remember. 

Overall, what is your view of Warframe and its business model? I'm fine with it. Nothing Pay2Win and it's easy to trade for plat if you don't wanna spend dosh. 75% off coupons are delightful. I find some pricing to be silly and hard to believe anyone would buy, such as 20p for 1 Oxium. But it's not like it's forced. 

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How many hours are in your profile? 4294 hours in-game (7546 in Steam)

Have you taken any long periods of breaks, and if so, how long and why? No intentional breaks, just accidental (PC problems, no internet). The longest was 9 days IIRC

When did you start playing warframe? July 2013, about 4 months after this game became Open Beta

How many clans in warframe have you been apart of? 2 (current clan included)

Were you apart of leadership in any of those clans? Yes, in my current clan. I'm the de facto recruiter and promoter

If so, aside from direct clan problems, how has the development of the game affected the members?  Clan mates who have just started playing the game lose interest in the game as time goes by

Have your views changed over the years? Some of my optimism about the game wore off, but I still find playing fun

If so was it due to the community, or in game experiences? Partly community, partly game experiences

Were you an avid viver/draco player? Nope. I only played in Viver/Draco when I was MR19, when I decided to forma my frames and weapons

What is your favorite game mode, and what is your favorite part of the game? Spy 2.0 and Quests, probably Archwing lol. Parkour/Mobility and the almost overwhelming warframe and weapon selection are my fave parts of the game.

What is your least favorite? Pod Defense is my least fave game mode. Part of the game would probably be PvP

Do you prefer to play with clan members or public games? A bit of both

What level missions are you most comfortable with without needing a team of super specific loadouts? Probably level 30 and lower.

Do you still have many things to complete/collect in the game? Just the Braton and Lato Vandals (if DE decides to rerelease them lol) but I'm always interested in any future frames/weapons that DE will come up with.

What is your opinion on pvp/dark sectors? I never played PvP, so my opinion is based on second-hand information, so I guess it's irrelevant. I appreciate that DE is trying to balance PvP in it's current iteration though.

Have Youtubers been a large influence or source of your knowledge about the game? At the start, yes. As I got more experienced, I decided to try things out for myself.

Do you consider yourself a casual, heavy, or hardcore gamer? If it's based on the number of hours I played everyday, hardcore. But not as hardcore as those concerned with event leaderboards and/or those who literally lived in the previous Void

What is your background in gaming in general? (ie: fps, mmorpg, strategy, etc etc) I love playing all kinds of video games, RPG, RTS, FPS, TPS, Flying sims, and Racing sims, even "casual" games... just as long as it interests me, I play it.

Compared to other communities in other games, how does warframe compare? Pretty civil compared to other gaming communities.

What keeps you playing the game? I still find this game fun and enjoyable, even with the grind. IMO, I just need those two things to keep playing the game.

What do you hope for long term in future updates? New frames and weapons, of course haha, and new events. Seriously, bug fixes and further reworks.

What things would you like to see given attention in the near future? Archwing mobility tweaks and missions. Enemy scaling.

Without going into too many details, what are you opinions on any experiences with Warframe Support? WF support is fine, I guess, but then again I only contact them when I report AFKers.. so far I haven't experienced anything serious (like my account being hacked or something)

Overall, what is your view of Warframe and its business model? I think their business model is pretty fair.

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How many hours are in your profile? 1047

Have you taken any long periods of breaks, and if so, how long and why? a week or 2, boredom with warframe/other games

When did you start playing warframe? January 2016. 

How many clans in warframe have you been apart of? 1

Were you apart of leadership in any of those clans? no.

If so, aside from direct clan problems, how has the development of the game affected the members? I am the only active member in my 30 man clan everyone else is bored/having a break with the game, they have all been playing for longer than me. 

Have your views changed over the years? started this year, kinda dissapointed with the void thing but we'll see how it goes. 

If so was it due to the community, or in game experiences? Both.

Were you an avid viver/draco player? I did do some Draco to forma/level average weapons. 

What is your favorite game mode, and what is your favorite part of the game? probably hieracon/xp farming, my favorite part of the game is probably just helping friends/new players out.

What is your least favorite? new fissures, so dull and boring

Do you prefer to play with clan members or public games? either, but usually public since my clan is mostly dead.

What level missions are you most comfortable with without needing a team of super specific loadouts? none of the missions are particularly difficult, depends what im using leveling/feel like at the time. 

Do you still have many things to complete/collect in the game? rare weapons/vaulted items

What is your opinion on pvp/dark sectors? never done Dark Sector pvp but it sounds like it woulda been fun and some actual endgame, sucks i didn't get to try it out.

Have Youtubers been a large influence or source of your knowledge about the game? no, wiki yes. 

Do you consider yourself a casual, heavy, or hardcore gamer? Hardcore at the start, getting kinda bored of warframe now, but still play as i haven't found a new game to play yet

What is your background in gaming in general? (ie: fps, mmorpg, strategy, etc etc) warband probably my most played game, survival games, city builders, mmos

Compared to other communities in other games, how does warframe compare? Surprisingly good community, only come across a few tools 

What keeps you playing the game? fun combat, grinding for stuff. 

What do you hope for long term in future updates? A endgame, something for all those powerful weps/frames. 

What things would you like to see given attention in the near future? ^^^^^^^ 

Without going into too many details, what are you opinions on any experiences with Warframe Support? I havent had any dealings with them

Overall, what is your view of Warframe and its business model? It's not P2W so its good.

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How many hours are in your profile? 2370 iirc

Have you taken any long periods of breaks, and if so, how long and why? Not long breaks but time off,  life and work have a tendency to interfere just when you think you can chill out.

When did you start playing warframe? December 2014

How many clans in warframe have you been apart of? 2

Were you apart of leadership in any of those clans? First clan I worked my way up, second I decided to become a warlord [Binary sun] and alliance warlord [Magister Mortalis legion].

If so, aside from direct clan problems, how has the development of the game affected the members? Since the armistice was introduced  a fair few players have lost interest or are on less frequanently. Bring back the solar rails.

Have your views changed over the years? Yes

If so was it due to the community, or in game experiences? Both

Were you an avid viver/draco player? No

What is your favorite game mode, and what is your favorite part of the game? Survival, and favourite part of the game, breeding kubrow and kavats. Dojo building / upgrading / designing etc

What is your least favorite? Capture... way to easy and to short, needs multiple targets or be overhauled.

Do you prefer to play with clan members or public games? Clan and alliance, but I don't mind joining public Lobby's.

What level missions are you most comfortable with without needing a team of super specific loadouts? Sortie level 60- 80

Do you still have many things to complete/collect in the game? A few weapons,  codex entry's,  Dojo colours, a few oddities, MR...always something to do.

What is your opinion on pvp/dark sectors? Ds, best for quick credit farm, and pvp is a lot better since the introduction of lenaro

Have Youtubers been a large influence or source of your knowledge about the game? No self taught and use of wiki. Or word of mouth from other players. 

Do you consider yourself a casual medium or a hardcore gamer?,  used to be hardcore but I'd say I'm casual to medium now 2-3 hours every other day, weekends. Maybe 5 hours.

What is your background in gaming in general? (ie: fps, mmorpg, strategy, etc etc) PC mmos, mmorpgs, strategy , racing Sims and fps.

Compared to other communities in other games, how does warframe compare? Informative springs to mind but it's Hard to compare a game like warframe as there's not another mmo out ATM that's like warframe however star trek online is out soon on Xbox and PS4 once that's out I'll RE review this question .

What keeps you playing the game? Hard to describe but a sense of duty and responsibility to my clan and alliance a second kind of home only warlords will get what I mean. Love the lore, and the possibility of making platinum like a ferengi looking to make more gold pressed latinum.

What do you hope for long term in future updates? Armistice to be lifted, Dojo to be integrated more fully into the main aspect of the game, and a possibility of liset space combat

What things would you like to see given attention in the near future? Dojo,  feels like its long overdue a refit and upgrades, limited decorations, colours, rooms, etc feels left out.

Without going into too many details, what are you opinions on any experiences with Warframe Support? Very helpful and generally respond quickly to address and fix issues. 

Overall, what is your view of Warframe and its business model? Imo, it's a very interesting in depth f2p mmo definitely worth it's grinding time for players who don't wish to pay for their free content but equally worth the money for players who see the content as an investment. My only gripe would be the platinum prices being way to expensive both in the market and platinum via PC store.

Imo, if the prices were altered to be a little more affordable and realistic more people would buy platinum.

Example; add an offer to people who buy a prime pack or accessories pack to be eligible for a 50% price discount on platinum.  

I don't know about other people but £60  is a lot for add on content especially when you consider a typical season pass costs between £25-£40. 

Other than this minor inconvenience warframe is a fantastic game and continues to hold my interest 2 years on. 

Thank you. Digital Extremes.

Edited by (XB1)Anima Infinatas
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On 8/2/2016 at 4:07 PM, Faulcun said:

Ive seen some things over the years in Warframe. Last time I looked, I had around 2200 hrs in my profile. In all of those hours, the game has had many changes. Some good, some bad.

However, Warframe and the developers behind it have remained fairly consistent over the years, good stuff and bad stuff, so much so that i can honestly say that my opinions have not changed either.

So im curious about other players who have amassed similar hours of gameplay here. None of this is really meant to spark a debate about anything in particular, but more of a quick view into the minds of "experienced" players, because 1000+ hours in anything.... and well you should know something about something or at least have an informed opinion. This is not meant to suggest that players with less hours have any less worth of an opinion. Im merely looking for the ones that may not have any reason to play still, and their views on why they do, their playing habbits over the years, and various opinions among other things.


So here are my questions:


How many hours are in your profile?

Have you taken any long periods of breaks, and if so, how long and why?

When did you start playing warframe?

How many clans in warframe have you been apart of?

Were you apart of leadership in any of those clans?

If so, aside from direct clan problems, how has the development of the game affected the members?

Have your views changed over the years?

If so was it due to the community, or in game experiences?

Were you an avid viver/draco player?

What is your favorite game mode, and what is your favorite part of the game?

What is your least favorite?

Do you prefer to play with clan members or public games?

What level missions are you most comfortable with without needing a team of super specific loadouts?

Do you still have many things to complete/collect in the game?

What is your opinion on pvp/dark sectors?

Have Youtubers been a large influence or source of your knowledge about the game?

Do you consider yourself a casual, heavy, or hardcore gamer?

What is your background in gaming in general? (ie: fps, mmorpg, strategy, etc etc)

Compared to other communities in other games, how does warframe compare?

What keeps you playing the game?

What do you hope for long term in future updates?

What things would you like to see given attention in the near future?

Without going into too many details, what are you opinions on any experiences with Warframe Support?

Overall, what is your view of Warframe and its business model?

I'm Zid (Yzjdriel = ZID RE L), and I've been playing since July 15 '15.  I have 1041 hours logged (I know my profile will say 637, but that's not accurate).

I haven't taken any significant breaks from the game, but I have taken breaks from doing content (I help a lot of new players, so I spend a lot of time on Mercury, Venus, and Earth).

I've joined the Clan Miraalan the day I started Warframe, and have been a part of said Clan ever since.  I am currently on the Clan Council (the four of us who run the Clan), and I wrote the Clan Charter.

The development of the game has brought us our fair share of salt, but mostly excitement about the new, horrifyingly effective ways to kill things we have at our disposal now.  Our Clan as a whole has become much more powerful as time went on.

My personal views haven't changed all that much: I still hate Bless Trin as much as I did the day I learned of her existence (I'm an EV Main), and I still declare Limbo to be the most underappreciated support character in any game anywhere.

The community has actually cemented my views, especially since after the Trin nerf people started making builds that were actually viable in solo play and then taking them to matchmaking.  Everyone's better off now, and I think most players who saw the ridiculousness that was leechers who "needed" Bless Trin mostly evaporate will agree with me.

I joined too late for Vivergate, but Draco was far and away the best place to level stuff quickly (I powerleveled new things for Mastery and Forma'd equipment for different builds - when I wanted to see how they actually played, I leveled them the way I leveled my first set of equipment: solo on Earth exterminates).

My favorite game mode is a tie between Spy and Exterminate, because you can do both with either stealth or overwhelming force and achieve the same results.  And not stealth frames, mind you.  Actual stealth tactics and heads-up gameplay.

My least favorite was Deception (that joke of a mission), but now that's gone I'd say Archwing Defense - oh wait that's gone too.  Hmm.  Excavation, I guess, but not because of mechanics.  Because of lore and other things that don't make sense about it (like how every single faction has the same power cells that just so happen to be perfect for powering our machines).

I vastly prefer Clan members when I'm trying to do a mission of real importance, but usually you'll find me on Lith (the Earth defense) chatting up the new players and offering helpful advice/a spare Streamline or six.

I'm most comfortable with the lower-level missions, where I can take new things I don't understand or use ever and goof around with the new guys.  I find that (not surprisingly) there's a lot less judgement when you screw up and/or die when your squad is full of new players who are doing exactly the same thing.  As far as with my standard gear (EV Prime, Sancti Tigris, Lex Prime, War), I'm comfortable up to level 70 or so as long as I don't run into more than one Bursa at any one time.  Beyond that you'll need some serious strategery (XP).

I haven't hit all the Kuria yet, but beyond that there's nothing I feel any NEED to go do.  And I'll never fight Mutalist Alad V: I already have a Mesa (market), plus I like the idea that there will always be something I haven't done.

Conclave is interesting, but it's not what the game should be built around (or balanced around, for that matter).  I would very much like to be able to rebind my keys for Lunaro without having to go into Settings every time I decide to play.  Like, seriously, just make a new tab or something.  If by Dark Sectors you're referring to the Rail conflict system, my Clan has a rail built but we've never deployed it, so I've never done any of that.

I don't watch any warframe youtubers, so none of them have really had any influence on anything I do.  I get most of my information from Clanmates or personal testing.

Overall I like to think I'm a pretty casual gamer, but my friends would likely tell you I'm a heavy gamer.

I've played many a game, but mostly MMOs and long-term Strategy games.

The community created by Digital Extremes is by far the best community I've seen anywhere.  Everyone's united by their love for this wonderful game of ours, and you don't really find that anywhere else.  The fact that DE talks to us regularly and actually gives a flying care about what we think means more than most people realize.

I keep playing the game because of the shenanigans that occur when I do.  I also enjoy helping new players, and I'm pretty sure they don't mind an Oberon with an unranked [insert fodder weapon here] running around killing everything in Wave 20 on Lith.

Long-Term, I hope for some epic cinematic quests, a rework for Zephyr like the one Volt got, and a definitive answer on what's inside the Warframes (since fanfiction is fun to write and I'd rather not contradict lore if at all possible)

Short-term, I want Blessing to scale off range mods like it should have done from Day 1 instead of being InfiniRange.

I haven't had any interaction with Support, but some of my friends have, and they all heap praise on the staff.

Warfarm's (excuse me - Warframe's) business model is an excellent one - you don't have to give them a dime if you don't want to, but if you want to support them, then by all means, throw money at them to get your new shinies faster.


Have fun and be safe, Tenno.

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  • 3 months later...

How many hours are in your profile? 3k+

Have you taken any long periods of breaks, and if so, how long and why? no, no, no

When did you start playing warframe? in 2014

How many clans in warframe have you been apart of? 1, my own ARHYST clan

Were you apart of leadership in any of those clans? i still am

If so, aside from direct clan problems, how has the development of the game affected the members? there is only 3 of in the clan, so nothing affected our clan so far

Have your views changed over the years? yes and no. 

If so was it due to the community, or in game experiences? both. not that much about game, its all about community that is getting worse every month.

Were you an avid viver/draco player? i played on draco few times, usualy to farm focus

What is your favorite game mode, and what is your favorite part of the game? everything but defence. favorite part - fashionframe

What is your least favorite? trading

Do you prefer to play with clan members or public games? with clan members. usually playing on public is knife with double egde...my ignore list speaks more then i could.

What level missions are you most comfortable with without needing a team of super specific loadouts? with any mission level

Do you still have many things to complete/collect in the game? one word - KURIA

What is your opinion on pvp/dark sectors? pvp - cancer ; dark sectors - never managed to play it, because that system is somehow broken

Have Youtubers been a large influence or source of your knowledge about the game? not at all. i strated watching tactical potato for fashion frame inspirtation, and thats all.

Do you consider yourself a casual, heavy, or hardcore gamer? heavy but on holydays - hardcore

What is your background in gaming in general? (ie: fps, mmorpg, strategy, etc etc) RTS and FPS

Compared to other communities in other games, how does warframe compare? if you asked me this a year ago, i would say its awesome. but today,sadly, i cant say that. not because of administration, its because of new players. WF community is on the way to become like CS:GO community.

What keeps you playing the game? fun that i have with clanmates. and money i invested. 

What do you hope for long term in future updates? kickvote option. 

What things would you like to see given attention in the near future? end game content

Without going into too many details, what are you opinions on any experiences with Warframe Support?  "i will show you my respect with clicking "report this post" button"...because thats how this community roll. it took me 3 warnings and 1 ban to figure it out how to be repectful player.

Overall, what is your view of Warframe and its business model? Warframe is the best game i ever played so far. It need more content for sure, but i believe that [DE] team wont let us down. all in all, i am mostly happy and pleased with warframe. on the other hand, i am kinda sad because there is lack of punishing methods in this game. as i said, kickvote option is a must IMO. i see that [DE] is aiming high and i am supporting them, but they need to implement some vicious punishing system in the game, so we can get rid of trollers, leechers, and all those breeds of toxic players! everybody knows how easy is to troll and ruin fun to other players...

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