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Umbra Warframes (Discussion Thread)


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45 minutes ago, Vlada91 said:

I assume that DE will create a good treiler for the Umbra release date, a little like having vauban prime and prime saryin trailers.

Doubtful. The way they've been talking sounds like they want to introduce him in an update as a 'surprise' or something like that. That means no official trailer for him.

Edited by (PS4)Redemption_015
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22 hours ago, (XB1)ToothlessApollo said:


Us: Hey DE, what are you doing with that sweet looking Excalibur Umbra thing we been looking forward to for the last few months?

DE: Well, were gonna stick him in this way distant project we haven't even started yet, were not gonna say anything about what it is, avoid the topic for months, and then never reveal an actual date or any details about what were actually doing. You're just gonna have to wait for an indefinite amount of time while we talk about other stuff.

Us: -_- thanks DE

This ^

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Just now, EmptyDevil said:

Not even remotely true. The OP wouldn't have any info from DE if it were.


majority of info is from players or those hunting through china forums

what we have in op is what we have gathered on our own and discussed, the only DE content is in news (dev streams)  as well as specific quotes regarding umbra and umbra info 


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19 minutes ago, (XB1)EternalDrk Mako said:


majority of info is from players or those hunting through china forums

what we have in op is what we have gathered on our own and discussed, the only DE content is in news (dev streams)  as well as specific quotes regarding umbra and umbra info 


Considering the fact that the reply you were saying was true was in regards to DE not giving us info, you can assume that my post is only referring to what DE says. Besides, only DE's information can be considered true information because China Warframe is not a perfect mirror of our own. Player conjecture =/= solid information from devs.

I'm curious, what do you expect DE to tell you about umbra other than what we already know? Be very specific.

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1 minute ago, EmptyDevil said:

Considering the fact that the reply you were saying was true was in regards to DE not giving us info, you can assume that my post is only referring to what DE says. Besides, only DE's information can be considered true information because China Warframe is not a perfect mirror of our own. Player conjecture =/= solid information from devs.

I'm curious, what do you expect DE to tell you about umbra other than what we already know? Be very specific.

I thought the only info we had was cosmetic wise.... And that we will get it.

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2 minutes ago, EmptyDevil said:

Considering the fact that the reply you were saying was true was in regards to DE not giving us info, you can assume that my post is only referring to what DE says. Besides, only DE's information can be considered true information because China Warframe is not a perfect mirror of our own. Player conjecture =/= solid information from devs.

I'm curious, what do you expect DE to tell you about umbra other than what we already know? Be very specific.

in regards to 

Us: Hey DE, what are you doing with that sweet looking Excalibur Umbra thing we been looking forward to for the last few months?

DE: Well, were gonna stick him in this way distant project we haven't even started yet, were not gonna say anything about what it is, avoid the topic for months, and then never reveal an actual date or any details about what were actually doing. You're just gonna have to wait for an indefinite amount of time while we talk about other stuff.

Us: -_- thanks DE

it is a valid viewpoint, and i can understand were they are coming from

umbra excal was delayed in release to create a new "project" involving umbra and more umbra frames, mechanics, deployment system..ect , the project which was then shelved due to second dream development and has been progressively shelved for game improvements and other content  which if one stands back and reads it, in this view, it is accurate , maybe trolly , but sadly accurate. not that that the updates are not welcomed or unwanted mind you . and feel that the "top secret label" was simply a way to no longer need to answer the constant umbra questions, in effect stonewalls all umbra directed questions as they wont need to answer in any shape or form or give progress updates. 

personally im optimistic and hope for u19 

now if we take the "top secret" label as fact and that it "has" been in dev , not forgotten then the above statement is untrue.

if we were to take this view, then what could DE have released in terms of top secret project info that wouldnt spoil it? 

well some come to mind... (check is answer , no is unanswered) 

umbra project is being worked on?  DE: being added to a future quest ..soon (check)

umbras appearance?: 6% different less gold, but still gold 94% same as china variant(check)

multiple umbras?: a new limited line of warframes (check) 

will the standard powers be the same ? (no) <--assume yes 

will umbras have thier own passive? (no)

will lore be developed in regards to umbra excal and others (mixed, they did discus lore, but not much which is ok) (check)

is umbra restricted for a specific reason ? (no)

will umbras have a different/unique way to be obtained? working on new system for umbras (check)

will umbra have a cinematic? (i think this was covered in a dev stream as yes...?) (check)

is the stalker related to umbra via this quest or in some way? (no) <--possibly due to story so i can pass that 


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I had to come here and say it "It's NEVER GONNA HAPPEN' umbra ant never coming......

It's a hard hard pill to swallow but facts are facts face is face bees sting and well tacos are bomb as hell. But Excal umbra ant never gonna happen not in my lifetime maybe?

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