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Umbra Warframes (Discussion Thread)


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15 minutes ago, (PS4)Filthy113 said:

I had to come here and say it "It's NEVER GONNA HAPPEN' umbra ant never coming......

It's a hard hard pill to swallow but facts are facts face is face bees sting and well tacos are bomb as hell. But Excal umbra ant never gonna happen not in my lifetime maybe?

i honestly dont get were you came up with that 

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31 minutes ago, (XB1)EternalDrk Mako said:

in regards to 

Us: Hey DE, what are you doing with that sweet looking Excalibur Umbra thing we been looking forward to for the last few months?

DE: Well, were gonna stick him in this way distant project we haven't even started yet, were not gonna say anything about what it is, avoid the topic for months, and then never reveal an actual date or any details about what were actually doing. You're just gonna have to wait for an indefinite amount of time while we talk about other stuff.

Us: -_- thanks DE

it is a valid viewpoint, and i can understand were they are coming from

How can it be valid if it's not based on any facts? Not a single player here knows whether or not DE has been working hard on Umbra. Why? We're not DE employees. DE has said what it is, dark/twisted side of prime Warframes. They haven't avoided, they probably just got tired of people asking the same question over and over again. They gave some answers/minor details about the topic via devstreams, forums posts, and twitter. We've waited an indefinite amount of time for many things before Umbra, it's certainly not the first time we had to wait for content. Remember how long it took for the Mios to actually come out? Pretty sure that was way longer than Umbra. 

44 minutes ago, (XB1)EternalDrk Mako said:

umbra excal was delayed in release to create a new "project" involving umbra and more umbra frames, mechanics, deployment system..ect , the project which was then shelved due to second dream development and has been progressively shelved for game improvements and other content  which if one stands back and reads it, in this view, it is accurate , maybe trolly , but sadly accurate. not that that the updates are not welcomed or unwanted mind you . and feel that the "top secret label" was simply a way to no longer need to answer the constant umbra questions, in effect stonewalls all umbra directed questions as they wont need to answer in any shape or form or give progress updates. 

Not accurate for the reasons above. Again, players are not entitled to knowing every single thing that DE does at their office. I'm sure they want the release to be very good and a pleasant surprise. Sadly, it seems some players are not appreciative of their efforts to flesh out this new variant.

49 minutes ago, (XB1)EternalDrk Mako said:

personally im optimistic and hope for u19 

now if we take the "top secret" label as fact and that it "has" been in dev , not forgotten then the above statement is untrue.

if we were to take this view, then what could DE have released in terms of top secret project info that wouldnt spoil it? 

well some come to mind... (check is answer , no is unanswered) 

umbra project is being worked on?  DE: being added to a future quest ..soon (check)

umbras appearance?: 6% different less gold, but still gold 94% same as china variant(check)

multiple umbras?: a new limited line of warframes (check) 

will the standard powers be the same ? (no) <--assume yes 

will umbras have thier own passive? (no)

will lore be developed in regards to umbra excal and others (mixed, they did discus lore, but not much which is ok) (check)

is umbra restricted for a specific reason ? (no)

will umbras have a different/unique way to be obtained? working on new system for umbras (check)

will umbra have a cinematic? (i think this was covered in a dev stream as yes...?) (check)

is the stalker related to umbra via this quest or in some way? (no) <--possibly due to story so i can pass that 


Pretty sure they never said anything about it having less gold. It may not have gold as a default color, but those metal parts would likely remain unchanged.

Why would Umbra have different powers? Does Prime have different powers? No.

Why would Umbra not have it's own passive? Prime has it's own passive. If it's different from the death orb, then maybe it's spoiler heavy.

DE said Umbra would not be restricted, so why is that even a question? They are not trying to create another Excalibur Prime situation or cater to people that want to be special snowflakes, with something as pivotal as the next prime-tier Excalibur variant.

Stalker questions are usually always kept hush as well. They may say they are buffing him but never go into detail about what they are doing with him.

I don't see any valid reasons for players to say DE hasn't given us information. 

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3 minutes ago, EmptyDevil said:

How can it be valid if it's not based on any facts? Not a single player here knows whether or not DE has been working hard on Umbra. Why? We're not DE employees. DE has said what it is, dark/twisted side of prime Warframes. They haven't avoided, they probably just got tired of people asking the same question over and over again. They gave some answers/minor details about the topic via devstreams, forums posts, and twitter. We've waited an indefinite amount of time for many things before Umbra, it's certainly not the first time we had to wait for content. Remember how long it took for the Mios to actually come out? Pretty sure that was way longer than Umbra. 

Not accurate for the reasons above. Again, players are not entitled to knowing every single thing that DE does at their office. I'm sure they want the release to be very good and a pleasant surprise. Sadly, it seems some players are not appreciative of their efforts to flesh out this new variant.

Pretty sure they never said anything about it having less gold. It may not have gold as a default color, but those metal parts would likely remain unchanged.

Why would Umbra have different powers? Does Prime have different powers? No.

Why would Umbra not have it's own passive? Prime has it's own passive. If it's different from the death orb, then maybe it's spoiler heavy.

DE said Umbra would not be restricted, so why is that even a question? They are not trying to create another Excalibur Prime situation or cater to people that want to be special snowflakes, with something as pivotal as the next prime-tier Excalibur variant.

Stalker questions are usually always kept hush as well. They may say they are buffing him but never go into detail about what they are doing with him.

I don't see any valid reasons for players to say DE hasn't given us information. 

incorrect on a few points tenno

" How can it be valid if it's not based on any facts? Not a single player here knows whether or not DE has been working hard on Umbra. Why? We're not DE employees. DE has said what it is, dark/twisted side of prime Warframes. They haven't avoided, they probably just got tired of people asking the same question over and over again. They gave some answers/minor details about the topic via devstreams, forums posts, and twitter. We've waited an indefinite amount of time for many things before Umbra, it's certainly not the first time we had to wait for content. Remember how long it took for the Mios to actually come out? Pretty sure that was way longer than Umbra.  "

via devs treams were were told flat out there had been no work done on the project

in terms of wait time its been 9 months for umbra, 2 years for an excal variant for general game players that are non founders  so two fronts but yes the mios took quite soem time due to complexity of mechanics (whip blade usage and design) , umbra is already developed and setup in code, ready to be cut/pasted in when it was first released in china 

minor topic questions were answered

the less gold part was per steve  on twitter , but you may have missed it

" Not accurate for the reasons above. Again, players are not entitled to knowing every single thing that DE does at their office. I'm sure they want the release to be very good and a pleasant surprise. Sadly, it seems some players are not appreciative of their efforts to flesh out this new variant.


Nor do I say we need to know every little thing , and many things done for the game are taken in a hate/love view for the community , not acknowledging the opposition makes for a weak argument though ..., i recognize that there are points we cannot know, the second dream for instance was kept silent until its release. umbra was not , it was shown to us via china 9 months ago prior to second dream, and caused quite the stir. players have for a while expressed a great interest in a excalibur variant. the added bonus of the other umbras was a icing on the cake

But with devs treams asking on it , as we have on other topics, we were constantly answered with no progress, similar weapons shown with this variant and in that time frame are finally making their appearance without any reason to the delay. 

nikana prime, spira prime , zhuge  for instance . and as DE is a company it has many teams to dedicate to various projects they are involved in, it seems less we didnt work on it, but other things had a higher priority, as i acknowledged earlier the improvements are much needed and wanted, its just another delay though for a topic that has been hot for 9 months 


Pretty sure they never said anything about it having less gold. It may not have gold as a default color, but those metal parts would likely remain unchanged.

Why would Umbra have different powers? Does Prime have different powers? No.

Why would Umbra not have it's own passive? Prime has it's own passive. If it's different from the death orb, then maybe it's spoiler heavy.

DE said Umbra would not be restricted, so why is that even a question? They are not trying to create another Excalibur Prime situation or cater to people that want to be special snowflakes, with something as pivotal as the next prime-tier Excalibur variant.

Stalker questions are usually always kept hush as well. They may say they are buffing him but never go into detail about what they are doing with him.

I don't see any valid reasons for players to say DE hasn't given us information. 


steve via twitter stated 94% similar , less gold but still would have gold 

stalker variant does , it has a collaboration of powers, and as the model types for shadow stalker and umbra excal are the same it possess the question of why ? 

umbra translates to "shadow" 

umbra variants were stated to be apart of a limited pool,  "all frames will have primes, but not all frames will have an umbra" 

they are stating we have not received any progress or time when it would be in game, initially it was last year but secondream was giving the priority (rightly so, lets make everything cannon) , and now its looking more and more u19 or summer , but no diffinative time frame or progress other then soon 


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4 minutes ago, (XB1)EternalDrk Mako said:

incorrect on a few points tenno

" How can it be valid if it's not based on any facts? Not a single player here knows whether or not DE has been working hard on Umbra. Why? We're not DE employees. DE has said what it is, dark/twisted side of prime Warframes. They haven't avoided, they probably just got tired of people asking the same question over and over again. They gave some answers/minor details about the topic via devstreams, forums posts, and twitter. We've waited an indefinite amount of time for many things before Umbra, it's certainly not the first time we had to wait for content. Remember how long it took for the Mios to actually come out? Pretty sure that was way longer than Umbra.  "

via devs treams were were told flat out there had been no work done on the project

Nope. You're using when they said 'there was no work done on it' as an argument in place of the most recent info we got in a devstream, which was 'it's coming soon'. That means they have been doing work on it.

7 minutes ago, (XB1)EternalDrk Mako said:

in terms of wait time its been 9 months for umbra, 2 years for an excal variant for general game players that are non founders  so two fronts but yes the mios took quite soem time due to complexity of mechanics (whip blade usage and design) , umbra is already developed and setup in code, ready to be cut/pasted in when it was first released in china 

And DE made it clear that they don't want to just throw another Prime-tier Excalibur into the game without lore and fleshing it out for us. There are several possible reasons for this. The most immediate one that comes to mind is so that some founders don't feel betrayed.

11 minutes ago, (XB1)EternalDrk Mako said:

the less gold part was per steve  on twitter , but you may have missed it

I follow Steve on twitter and saw this tweet. It did not say that.





18 minutes ago, (XB1)EternalDrk Mako said:

" Not accurate for the reasons above. Again, players are not entitled to knowing every single thing that DE does at their office. I'm sure they want the release to be very good and a pleasant surprise. Sadly, it seems some players are not appreciative of their efforts to flesh out this new variant.


Nor do I say we need to know every little thing , and many things done for the game are taken in a hate/love view for the community , not acknowledging the opposition makes for a weak argument though ..., i recognize that there are points we cannot know, the second dream for instance was kept silent until its release. umbra was not , it was shown to us via china 9 months ago prior to second dream, and caused quite the stir. players have for a while expressed a great interest in a excalibur variant. the added bonus of the other umbras was a icing on the cake But with devs treams asking on it , as we have on other topics, we were constantly answered with no progress, similar weapons shown with this variant and in that time frame are finally making their appearance without any reason to the delay. 

Well behaving as though we're entitled to know every little thing doesn't help your case. The nitpicking at DE over what you want to know + saying they aren't doing work/shelved it indefinitely because they aren't divulging possible spoilers is silly to me.

The devstreams where they were asked, they did give some answers but not a ton of information. DE didn't constantly say they didn't do work on it, i recall them saying that once because all hands were on deck for The Second Dream.

You shouldn't compare weapon releases with frame releases. They don't follow the same release patterns.

28 minutes ago, (XB1)EternalDrk Mako said:


Pretty sure they never said anything about it having less gold. It may not have gold as a default color, but those metal parts would likely remain unchanged.

Why would Umbra have different powers? Does Prime have different powers? No.

Why would Umbra not have it's own passive? Prime has it's own passive. If it's different from the death orb, then maybe it's spoiler heavy.

DE said Umbra would not be restricted, so why is that even a question? They are not trying to create another Excalibur Prime situation or cater to people that want to be special snowflakes, with something as pivotal as the next prime-tier Excalibur variant.

Stalker questions are usually always kept hush as well. They may say they are buffing him but never go into detail about what they are doing with him.

I don't see any valid reasons for players to say DE hasn't given us information. 


steve via twitter stated 94% similar , less gold but still would have gold 

stalker variant does , it has a collaboration of powers, and as the model types for shadow stalker and umbra excal are the same it possess the question of why ? 

umbra translates to "shadow" 

umbra variants were stated to be apart of a limited pool,  "all frames will have primes, but not all frames will have an umbra"

See above for my Twitter screenshots.

No, do not use Stalker's multiple-frame powers as a basis for whether or not Umbra will have new powers. I shouldn't even have to explain why, just don't.

33 minutes ago, (XB1)EternalDrk Mako said:

they are stating we have not received any progress or time when it would be in game, initially it was last year but secondream was giving the priority (rightly so, lets make everything cannon) , and now its looking more and more u19 or summer , but no diffinative time frame or progress other then soon 

We don't need any definitive time frame or information on it's progress with Steve's soon. Him mentioning the frame on his own in a devstream without anyone asking should be a major clue to everyone. Steve likes to spoil for us too, but has to control himself.

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Btw that tweet steve made was saying he was "94% sure" they'd look the same. Not 94% the same. He means he's not 100% certain ours are going to look the same but they most likely will because there's literally no reason to change the design




All ^ means is that we can change the Gold bits on him to be anything we want. Doesnt mean he is going to be a different color

Edited by Demoonic
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1 hour ago, EmptyDevil said:

Nope. You're using when they said 'there was no work done on it' as an argument in place of the most recent info we got in a devstream, which was 'it's coming soon'. That means they have been doing work on it.

And DE made it clear that they don't want to just throw another Prime-tier Excalibur into the game without lore and fleshing it out for us. There are several possible reasons for this. The most immediate one that comes to mind is so that some founders don't feel betrayed.

I follow Steve on twitter and saw this tweet. It did not say that.

Well behaving as though we're entitled to know every little thing doesn't help your case. The nitpicking at DE over what you want to know + saying they aren't doing work/shelved it indefinitely because they aren't divulging possible spoilers is silly to me.

The devstreams where they were asked, they did give some answers but not a ton of information. DE didn't constantly say they didn't do work on it, i recall them saying that once because all hands were on deck for The Second Dream.

You shouldn't compare weapon releases with frame releases. They don't follow the same release patterns.

See above for my Twitter screenshots.

No, do not use Stalker's multiple-frame powers as a basis for whether or not Umbra will have new powers. I shouldn't even have to explain why, just don't.

We don't need any definitive time frame or information on it's progress with Steve's soon. Him mentioning the frame on his own in a devstream without anyone asking should be a major clue to everyone. Steve likes to spoil for us too, but has to control himself.


"Well behaving as though we're entitled to know every little thing doesn't help your case. The nitpicking at DE over what you want to know + saying they aren't doing work/shelved it indefinitely because they aren't divulging possible spoilers is silly to me."

no one is stating we are entitled, all we are asking is why , and simple questions, and to take that stance is very odd tenno . i merely state things as ive observed them. i remain neutral in my views as i do believe de is trying their best , but i can understand were those who stated that OP are coming from , as i can also your own stance tenno. your own arguments are base upon the premise of patience, and many have shown this,  ive constantly urged many to remain patient  numerous times that i cannot count them, even with other topics besides umbra there will always be those who ask and have anger and frustration with the wait , such as with the mios, console tennogen.. ect. . 

"Nope. You're using when they said 'there was no work done on it' as an argument in place of the most recent info we got in a devstream, which was 'it's coming soon'. That means they have been doing work on it."

the dev stream stated "sort of soon", not its "coming soon" ,  meaning they are not sure when it will be deployed either, also insinuates progress is not yet complete or developed fully as well

also reflect back onto the multiple  dev streams ,why did they state otherwise in other dev streams , literally stating " no work has been done"  one of the earlier ones from this year stated they were on hyatis..(vacation)  and no work has been done on umbra, which was understandable, and then ..nothing in the way of information or progress, even rebecca brought it up stating they need to address it, when you tie that in it paints it very clearly the progress was either non existent or moving much slower then they expected  

that contradiction between all devs to the more recent shows a valid point , rather then the last one stating soon

"The devstreams where they were asked, they did give some answers but not a ton of information. DE didn't constantly say they didn't do work on it, i recall them saying that once because all hands were on deck for The Second Dream."

that there is supportive to the point that the project was shelved as "all hands on board" it was the major project , and ive even stated repeatedly that this was understandable as is the much need improvements to the game itself, but then.... the follow dev streams made no mention of umbra at all , no news to report means no progress, then following dev streams later saying still no progress further provides support to this, not being vauge ,just flat out nothing new on this, which is how it was taken if you review the threads posts.  as with the other things on hand must have taken a lot of staff to get done

You shouldn't compare weapon releases with frame releases. They don't follow the same release patterns.

that is true, but also  reflect on that china variants dont follow that pattern as well, wukong and nezah and other weapons dont fall in line with the pattern. and as the excalibur umbra prime nikana prime and spira prime were attached to saryn prime , which follows your own statement that they do not accurately mirrior one another 

"See above for my Twitter screenshots.

No, do not use Stalker's multiple-frame powers as a basis for whether or not Umbra will have new powers. I shouldn't even have to explain why, just don't."

just to clarify 

aug 25  2015 discussing pbr is reflective of tinting the gold parts 

 and jan 2 2016 discussing if it will be similiar is 94% sure it will be the same, its a guesstimate but that is a post from a de staff, which as per your own statement 

"only DE's information can be considered true information because China Warframe is not a perfect mirror of our own. "

thus it is the only  source for its  appearance we have to go from that is from a credible source that we can consider to be true enough 

100-94=6% difference , so a small cosmetic appearance variance with PBR (excal prime recently got his) so if there use the same pbr or a similar alternative , that is also already done and ready to implement

so again slight change of appearance , with pbr which will be nice

and as for stalker powers it is a valid point and you may not agree but it is true , as also the acolytes could display similar mix/match of powers and with his shadow stalker variant using the same base body , it is a reasonable question thats been brought up numerous times and i only bring it up because it has been asked

"We don't need any definitive time frame or information on it's progress with Steve's soon. Him mentioning the frame on his own in a devstream without anyone asking should be a major clue to everyone. Steve likes to spoil for us too, but has to control himself."

though when it was brought up it joke in dev 72, but i agree, he probably felt more confident in the progress hes made , as for specific time that is also true, but normally we do get a sort of ballpark frame of time summer, fall, winter ect to at least be expectant of it. but again thats for DE to decide, it just going to keep building the frustration 

I do not wish to further derail the discussions, as this is getting to be a drawn out back in forth, lets just agree to disagree and move on 



Edited by (XB1)EternalDrk Mako
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8 minutes ago, (XB1)EternalDrk Mako said:


You're contradicting yourself and a lot of your points are all over the place, so I'll just move on.

Anyway, watch from 8:34 to 10:10 for what DE really said about Umbra:

To me, this does not insinuate that they haven't done work on it. It screams that it has been worked on, they don't want to spoil anything, and want people to stop prying to ruin the surprise.

Also, this is not derailment since it's on the topic of Umbra.

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14 hours ago, (XB1)EternalDrk Mako said:

in regards to 

Us: Hey DE, what are you doing with that sweet looking Excalibur Umbra thing we been looking forward to for the last few months?

DE: Well, were gonna stick him in this way distant project we haven't even started yet, were not gonna say anything about what it is, avoid the topic for months, and then never reveal an actual date or any details about what were actually doing. You're just gonna have to wait for an indefinite amount of time while we talk about other stuff.

Us: -_- thanks DE

it is a valid viewpoint, and i can understand were they are coming from

umbra excal was delayed in release to create a new "project" involving umbra and more umbra frames, mechanics, deployment system..ect , the project which was then shelved due to second dream development and has been progressively shelved for game improvements and other content  which if one stands back and reads it, in this view, it is accurate , maybe trolly , but sadly accurate. not that that the updates are not welcomed or unwanted mind you . and feel that the "top secret label" was simply a way to no longer need to answer the constant umbra questions, in effect stonewalls all umbra directed questions as they wont need to answer in any shape or form or give progress updates. 

personally im optimistic and hope for u19 

now if we take the "top secret" label as fact and that it "has" been in dev , not forgotten then the above statement is untrue.

if we were to take this view, then what could DE have released in terms of top secret project info that wouldnt spoil it? 

well some come to mind... (check is answer , no is unanswered) 

umbra project is being worked on?  DE: being added to a future quest ..soon (check)

umbras appearance?: 6% different less gold, but still gold 94% same as china variant(check)

multiple umbras?: a new limited line of warframes (check) 

will the standard powers be the same ? (no) <--assume yes 

will umbras have thier own passive? (no)

will lore be developed in regards to umbra excal and others (mixed, they did discus lore, but not much which is ok) (check)

is umbra restricted for a specific reason ? (no)

will umbras have a different/unique way to be obtained? working on new system for umbras (check)

will umbra have a cinematic? (i think this was covered in a dev stream as yes...?) (check)

is the stalker related to umbra via this quest or in some way? (no) <--possibly due to story so i can pass that 


This ^

DE are pertty much doing this:

DE: Well, were gonna stick him in this way distant project we haven't even started yet, were not gonna say anything about what it is, avoid the topic for months, and then never reveal an actual date or any details about what were actually doing. You're just gonna have to wait for an indefinite amount of time while we talk about other stuff.

I'm shocked some white-knights are defending this claim 

Never mind

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2 minutes ago, LegionCynex said:

DE are pertty much doing this:

DE: Well, were gonna stick him in this way distant project we haven't even started yet, were not gonna say anything about what it is, avoid the topic for months, and then never reveal an actual date or any details about what were actually doing. You're just gonna have to wait for an indefinite amount of time while we talk about other stuff.

I'm shocked some white-knights are defending this claim 

I don't know why you are. I've gone through all my shock, displeasure and hope reserves by this point.

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I think "DE" have a scheduled agenda with little time to arrange different types of things, what we do is let them know that we want the implementation of Excalibur Umbra.
Of course we want it now, but we must be aware that they have at least considered or have thought, what is already important.

I don't think we should have 100% hopes to implement it, but neither that do not. (50/50)

It is best to take this wait with patience and humor and hope :)

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12 hours ago, LegionCynex said:

This ^

DE are pertty much doing this:

DE: Well, were gonna stick him in this way distant project we haven't even started yet, were not gonna say anything about what it is, avoid the topic for months, and then never reveal an actual date or any details about what were actually doing. You're just gonna have to wait for an indefinite amount of time while we talk about other stuff.

I'm shocked some white-knights are defending this claim 

Never mind

It doesn't make someone a white knight if they aren't acting like an self-entitled brat over Umbra. The whining and conspiracy theories are childish too. Must be terrible to see people view the Umbra 'issue' with a level head.

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12 hours ago, EmptyDevil said:

It doesn't make someone a white knight if they aren't acting like an self-entitled brat over Umbra. The whining and conspiracy theories are childish too. Must be terrible to see people view the Umbra 'issue' with a level head.

That..is a good point..

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1 hour ago, (PS4)Redemption_015 said:

I wouldn't go that far. I'd certainly be unhappy but it wouldn't make me leave the game. The day they start charging for updates is the day I leave Warframe.

Eh, I don't think that whuold be the case, but I think alot of people have left due to no Umbra, including Valad91, tho I won't be really done with the game, just overall dispointed, in it, due to I begin to feel DE is slipping into the EA/Blizzard ways. However no Umbra just means I won't be playing with Excal for how ever long it takes for Umbra to get out.

Tho I am "hopeing" that due to its so delayed, and the excuses are getting liner, I think that DE will be giveing us more then just Umbra Excal, perhaps even more Umbra frames  

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3 hours ago, LegionCynex said:

Eh, I don't think that whuold be the case, but I think alot of people have left due to no Umbra, including Valad91, tho I won't be really done with the game, just overall dispointed, in it, due to I begin to feel DE is slipping into the EA/Blizzard ways. However no Umbra just means I won't be playing with Excal for how ever long it takes for Umbra to get out.

Tho I am "hopeing" that due to its so delayed, and the excuses are getting liner, I think that DE will be giveing us more then just Umbra Excal, perhaps even more Umbra frames  

that is the hope. 

but what we should see at minimum is

-new lore that is cannon 

-umbra excal 

-new system for obtaining umbras 

at least from whats been spoken in dev streams 

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All I wanna say is DE is handling the Umbra thing 100% wrong. Deciding to be so secretive long after the cat was out of the bag, deciding so long after they mentioned releasing him on multiple occasions dating back to the end of last year, then deciding out of nowhere they wanted to do something innovative with him even though they had everyone already waiting months on end is one thing, but being super vague about when or where or what or anything is just leading to speculation. Its been 9 months and we have no details about what is actually going on. Its maddening, and all these blind followers assuring me that DE knows what they're doing even though they probably know less about it than I do pisses me off even more. But of course, this comment will be followed by another blindly hopeful retort, or another naysay or some other fanboy just saying exactly what DE wants them to say.

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8 minutes ago, (XB1)ToothlessApollo said:

All I wanna say is DE is handling the Umbra thing 100% wrong. Deciding to be so secretive long after the cat was out of the bag, deciding so long after they mentioned releasing him on multiple occasions dating back to the end of last year, then deciding out of nowhere they wanted to do something innovative with him even though they had everyone already waiting months on end is one thing, but being super vague about when or where or what or anything is just leading to speculation. Its been 9 months and we have no details about what is actually going on. Its maddening, and all these blind followers assuring me that DE knows what they're doing even though they probably know less about it than I do pisses me off even more. But of course, this comment will be followed by another blindly hopeful retort, or another naysay or some other fanboy just saying exactly what DE wants them to say.


Too much salt is no good for your health. Please reduce the intake in your daily diet.


Anyway, I hope they release Umbra just like how they released Focus system in U18. Most people didn't expect Focus in the update.

Edited by LogaMC1995
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23 minutes ago, (XB1)ToothlessApollo said:

All I wanna say is DE is handling the Umbra thing 100% wrong. Deciding to be so secretive long after the cat was out of the bag, deciding so long after they mentioned releasing him on multiple occasions dating back to the end of last year, then deciding out of nowhere they wanted to do something innovative with him even though they had everyone already waiting months on end is one thing, but being super vague about when or where or what or anything is just leading to speculation. Its been 9 months and we have no details about what is actually going on. Its maddening, and all these blind followers assuring me that DE knows what they're doing even though they probably know less about it than I do pisses me off even more. But of course, this comment will be followed by another blindly hopeful retort, or another naysay or some other fanboy just saying exactly what DE wants them to say.

So expect DE to release details of there quest content just so your curiosity about Umbra can be satisfied ?

You are a special snowflake...... If you really want to know go get about 150 Million dollars buy the company and they will tell you everything.


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Just now, LogaMC1995 said:


Too much is no good for your health. Please reduce the intake in your daily diet.


Anyway, I hope they release Umbra just like how they released Focus system in U18. No one expected Focus in the update.

yup the old "u mad u just salty" retort, the dedicated troll response with no actual material. Thank you.

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4 minutes ago, DxAdder said:

So expect DE to release details of there quest content just so your curiosity about Umbra can be satisfied ?

You are a special snowflake...... If you really want to know go get about 150 Million dollars buy the company and they will tell you everything.


Yes, that is exactly what I want, for them to divulge in some sort of material information about the subject. Also, I may have put over 400 dollars into this game, but I'm not quite that rich, or I would buy DE in a heartbeat. By the way, thank you for responding exactly the way I said you guys would.

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