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Umbra Warframes (Discussion Thread)


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9 hours ago, (PS4)joe03827 said:

Please , bear in mind that DE isn't like EA or any other big company like that , When warframe started , DE was a really small company and even now it isn't a ginormous company that can work at the speed of light . DE has priorities  other than Umbra , What priorities may those be ? Fixing the game . DE are constantly fixing and reworking the game so it isn't broken and not playable , and reworking things that are bad is way more important than adding a new frame into  a game , it's more important to make a game fun than adding an aditional frame , yes , maybe that  frame will be really fun , but that will be the only thing fun in a broken game if DE doesn't do what they are doing righ now .

Also , don't be one of those people who say that the spent a lot on the game but they don't like it , DE NEVER said that you had to use money on  the game , you chose to spend money on the game , so its not their fault that you now don't like warframe .

the game ain't really all that broken considering, there's stuff here and there but it seems like they're undoing bugs they caused in the first place alot of the time. Also, I never said I disliked warframe now. I simply don't like the direction in which they're going about updating the game. We got enormous bloated cinematic updates now that we gotta wait like half a year for when what they were doing before seemed to work fine. I noticed a decline on consoles and I'm starting to think that, along with people just plain hitting endgame is the reason they stop playing. There really isn't enough content to keep the recently hit mr22s and the high mr21s interested.

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Well i don't think i want this.

i mean we already have the Warframe and their Prime versions... i don't want to have 3 versions of the same frame...

further more it would be nice if we could "convert" our "normal" frames to prime frames.. means.. when i have a 4x forma Valkyr and then i farm Valkyr Prime BP, Neuroptics, System and Chassis yes.. then it would be nice if i just apply prime on my old Valkyr using the prime stuff i just farmed ... its annoying for me to forma again and again and then they release another version of the same frame :(

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16 minutes ago, Cathy Toshlyra said:

Well i don't think i want this.

i mean we already have the Warframe and their Prime versions... i don't want to have 3 versions of the same frame...

further more it would be nice if we could "convert" our "normal" frames to prime frames.. means.. when i have a 4x forma Valkyr and then i farm Valkyr Prime BP, Neuroptics, System and Chassis yes.. then it would be nice if i just apply prime on my old Valkyr using the prime stuff i just farmed ... its annoying for me to forma again and again and then they release another version of the same frame :(

Umbra will be special and unique , so it won't be another variant , and about making normal frames to primes , that's not happening , because according to lore , The Orokin made the Prime Frames first then the Tenno made copies and mass produced them , so the primes are the originals , you can't make an original from a copy , wouldn't make sense 

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1 hour ago, (XB1)ToothlessApollo said:

the game ain't really all that broken considering, there's stuff here and there but it seems like they're undoing bugs they caused in the first place alot of the time. Also, I never said I disliked warframe now. I simply don't like the direction in which they're going about updating the game. We got enormous bloated cinematic updates now that we gotta wait like half a year for when what they were doing before seemed to work fine. I noticed a decline on consoles and I'm starting to think that, along with people just plain hitting endgame is the reason they stop playing. There really isn't enough content to keep the recently hit mr22s and the high mr21s interested.

When DE made the Second Dream , everybody loved it and told DE to make more quests like it , and that what they are doing , the thing with console updates is just that they have to be sure that there's not a lot of bugs before sending to cert so it isn't rejected , then there's cert that takes it's time . Although this has nothing to do with Umbra , I feel that the war within will be big and be filled with a lot of things to do . Be patient , even if it takes a lot of time , it will eventually come 

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2 minutes ago, Helch0rn said:

I don't get why people are so excited about Excalibur Umbra. 

It's just a black excal with some cloth on his crotch. 

Saryn Umbra (prime) on the other hand would make me excited. 

Because I wouldn't mind being able to have another variation of excalibur thats not his prime.

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7 minutes ago, Helch0rn said:

I don't get why people are so excited about Excalibur Umbra. 

It's just a black excal with some cloth on his crotch. 

Saryn Umbra (prime) on the other hand would make me excited. 

Because, believe it or not, there are people who actually like Excal and want another cool-looking variant of their favorite frame. But I guess that's soooo hard to understand.....

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2 hours ago, (PS4)GHOSTBEAST1000 said:

Excalibur Umbra Prime is a timed exclusive which is how that happened

DE Rebecca said that we get excal Umbra (not prime) and the chinese get him too (not prime)..

So no .. The excalibur Umbra prime is still exclusive..

That means´.. they already have excal Umbra.. and we are waiting..

And noone can hide badges on profiles... i just gave you the informations that were said and seen on the picture..

Edited by WaRsHooTer666
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2 minutes ago, (PS4)freddytrix said:

Hi, this Excalibur Umbra has differents stats from the Prime/Normal version? 

Well for the chineese version he has 250 armor and a increase in total energy (idk by how much) We do not know if our version will have those changes or not.

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1 hour ago, Helch0rn said:

I don't get why people are so excited about Excalibur Umbra. 

It's just a black excal with some cloth on his crotch. 

Saryn Umbra (prime) on the other hand would make me excited. 

Because some of us *cough* consoles*cough* don't have any Excalibur upgrade. And to some of us he's our favorite frame. Though I do get what your saying about Saryn.

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5 hours ago, (PS4)GHOSTBEAST1000 said:

I think they just put Excalibur Umbra Prime as a timed exclusive for their community and they must have just released it to the public.



25 minutes ago, (XB1)MK Ultra K11 said:

Because some of us *cough* consoles*cough* don't have any Excalibur upgrade. And to some of us he's our favorite frame. Though I do get what your saying about Saryn.

this ^ x2 

plus mechanics of umbras will be unique 

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3 hours ago, WaRsHooTer666 said:

DE Rebecca said that we get excal Umbra (not prime) and the chinese get him too (not prime)..

So no .. The excalibur Umbra prime is still exclusive..

That means´.. they already have excal Umbra.. and we are waiting..

And noone can hide badges on profiles... i just gave you the informations that were said and seen on the picture..

Well if that is true umbra looks no different from umbra prime 

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4 hours ago, WaRsHooTer666 said:

DE Rebecca said that we get excal Umbra (not prime) and the chinese get him too (not prime)..

So no .. The excalibur Umbra prime is still exclusive..

That means´.. they already have excal Umbra.. and we are waiting..

And noone can hide badges on profiles... i just gave you the informations that were said and seen on the picture..

Watch Devstream 58 the "Prime" label is for China and the International will have just Umbra

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4 hours ago, WaRsHooTer666 said:

DE Rebecca said that we get excal Umbra (not prime) and the chinese get him too (not prime)..

So no .. The excalibur Umbra prime is still exclusive..

That means´.. they already have excal Umbra.. and we are waiting..

And noone can hide badges on profiles... i just gave you the informations that were said and seen on the picture..

 Unless you have information saying otherwise after Devstream 58 my comment still stands

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