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[The Silver Grove Update] Titania and The Silver Grove Quest Feedback!


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6 hours ago, Elindiir said:

I think a lot depends on how you play her.. One thing nobody seems to notice is that her ult can activate in mid air. I think a lot of her power budget is put into that because if you get used to utilizing that, you can fluidly switch forms on a whim. If you bullet jump up, ult, and then fight from directly above, you can do quite powerful things and her abilities begin to make more sense.

Yeah, then she is either out of power within four casts of her abilities, doing no damage, her abilities have no duration, or you need be to flying adjacent to the enemies you are targeting with your abilities.  Pick your poison, because they are all bad options.  She is a trash frame.

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Hi, i found a bug in the codex with the Nightfall apothic entry:

Today one my friends started The Silver Grove quest and immediately checked the codex to see if there were some new entries scannable within the quest (yeah, we both are a bit obsessed with codex entries). He found the nightfall apothic entry, which plays the first of the female's speech. I checked it and turns out i only have Twilight and Sunrise ones, but not the first one. I started the quest the day it was added, before any hotfix, maybe this was the cause.

So i'm here to ask if devs could made a script to complete the codex entry for palyers who did the quest but don't have the first entry in the codex. Thanks in advance.

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On 8/26/2016 at 10:08 PM, Sporial said:

So, dunno if this has been brought up, so I'm bringing it up now. On the Ceres junction (on mars), using the razorwing melee on the trinity specter seems to crash the game constantly. Can anyone else confirm this? Tested with a few other junctions and I don't seem to get this anywhere else. 

Going to bump here, but this seems to be fixed now, gg [DE]

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6 hours ago, (PS4)CrazyWill718 said:

I haven't actually played Titania cuz you know console but it seems that for a caster frame her energy is to low like 100 base and 150 max seems ridiculous in my opinion. I also wish they kept some of the things that she did in the Devstream build the same in game.

You mean like actually be a frame worth using and not this trashheap they released? yeh me too. not seen a single titania around in 3 days. wonder why.

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3 minutes ago, (PS4)Lei-Lei_23 said:

I can see the mayhem with her 3 and the Pox if you build around it. The rock salt amassed for Titania, man...

Yeah, it'd be great if your target didn't fly away from where you cast it, if the ability didn't take 1.2 seconds to cast, if the ability didn't interrupt ALL actions, and if the ability didn't cost 75 energy on a base 150 power max frame.  She is hilariously bad.

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DE please for the love of God shorten the cast time on her abilities.  I do run Natural Talent plus the Exilus which isn't bad but it becomes a core part of the build in a lot of ways.  Even with those mods the cast it noticeable.  For Tribute a skill that you need to spam to get the best from it, it becomes a chore.


Also PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE do not make Tribute Augment a cone/aoe.  Just make tribute a cone, affected by range, or an aoe, please.  If that was the case I can completely see the time it takes to cast.  One or the other maybe?  I can smell an augment for Tribute being just that and it would really hurt my soul.  I really like Titania but she needs a good bit of polish that doesn't need to be 'fixed' via augments. 

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20 minutes ago, timur_the_lame said:

Yeah, it'd be great if your target didn't fly away from where you cast it, if the ability didn't take 1.2 seconds to cast, if the ability didn't interrupt ALL actions, and if the ability didn't cost 75 energy on a base 150 power max frame.  She is hilariously bad.

So, aside from the max energy pool, I should treat her Power 3 like a combination of Nezha's cast times with Mag's Magnetize in a way, with a 75 energy cost. Sure, manageable. Her target for Lantern isn't the primary concern, I just want to handle the hordes that follow.

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1 minute ago, (PS4)Lei-Lei_23 said:

So, aside from the max energy pool, I should treat her Power 3 like a combination of Nezha's cast times with Mag's Magnetize in a way, with a 75 energy cost. Sure, manageable. Her target for Lantern isn't the primary concern, I just want to handle the hordes that follow.

You should treat her 3 like it doesn't exist, because it is a steaming pile of S#&$.  The ability literally does not work due to the fact that your target literally flies (usually) very far away from where you originally cast it, in a fairly random direction.  Couple that with the fact that, most of the time, your teammates will either: 1) kill the target before the extraordinarily slow casting animation is finished (which doesn't refund energy) or 2) shoot it after the animation is finished causing it to fly farther away, through no fault of their own, because shooting enemies is what you do in this game.  Her ability does nothing to help against the hordes of enemies which follow, as they aren't affected by the taunt anyways (due to the fact that the targeted enemy is, by that point, usually on another planet).  Maximizing for range means that you are directly weakening her "best" ability, so building for this piece of garbage isn't worth it.  Maximizing for duration reduces range.  Choose.

I'm not going to sit here and convince you to not play Titania; if you want to continue to eat this turd sandwich and be generally unhelpful to your teammates, feel free.

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7 minutes ago, timur_the_lame said:

You should treat her 3 like it doesn't exist, because it is a steaming pile of S#&$.  The ability literally does not work due to the fact that your target literally flies (usually) very far away from where you originally cast it, in a fairly random direction.  Couple that with the fact that, most of the time, your teammates will either: 1) kill the target before the extraordinarily slow casting animation is finished (which doesn't refund energy) or 2) shoot it after the animation is finished causing it to fly farther away, through no fault of their own, because shooting enemies is what you do in this game.  Her ability does nothing to help against the hordes of enemies which follow, as they aren't affected by the taunt anyways (due to the fact that the targeted enemy is, by that point, usually on another planet).  Maximizing for range means that you are directly weakening her "best" ability, so building for this piece of garbage isn't worth it.  Maximizing for duration reduces range.  Choose.

I'm not going to sit here and convince you to not play Titania; if you want to continue to eat this turd sandwich and be generally unhelpful to your teammates, feel free.

So if you play her and enjoy her then 'turd sandwhich'.  She's a new frame that requires some TLC.  The build I have her with is the only one I feel is feasible but I'm sure others have their own.  She can hang in there for quite a while and be quite useful.  So far the tips and such are more of a help in figuring out how to really make her shine.  Any suggestions?


Ultimately the casting speed, versus radius, are huge issues for me personally.  I don't mind having a longer casting time if it works out well.  Nyx can take over the most difficult enemies with a short cast time.  Loki disarms with a longer cast time.  There has to be a sweet spot for spammable skills.  As for her 3.  A lock down, is what most people want I think.  The lantern once cast will bounce the enemy seven meters into the air where they'll HANG.  Incoming shots and damage will cause the lantern to swing and sway (like something hanging from a chain or hook) which can increase the radius of the pull, while the post is stationary!


Ideas are fun!  Let's hope DE thinks so too. 


P.S maybe casting 1 on it, or 2 on the latern can push it in a direction that won't ascend over that 7 meter range?  Because luring enemies can be fun, with Valkyr's ripline, things like that?

Edited by Blacque
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Ok so I have not played her main account on console. I want her to be amazing and I think she can be her tow sucks and need s real love but her 3 just needs a little love like not flying! If it just floated in one spot it would be great!! Her 4 looks awesome! I really hope they make some changes also agment for could be to have 3 or 4 out at a time and that would be sick 

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1 hour ago, Blacque said:


So if you play her and enjoy her then 'turd sandwhich'.  She's a new frame that requires some TLC.  The build I have her with is the only one I feel is feasible but I'm sure others have their own.  She can hang in there for quite a while and be quite useful.  So far the tips and such are more of a help in figuring out how to really make her shine.  Any suggestions?

Ultimately the casting speed, versus radius, are huge issues for me personally.  I don't mind having a longer casting time if it works out well.  Nyx can take over the most difficult enemies with a short cast time.  Loki disarms with a longer cast time.  There has to be a sweet spot for spammable skills.  As for her 3.  A lock down, is what most people want I think.  The lantern once cast will bounce the enemy seven meters into the air where they'll HANG.  Incoming shots and damage will cause the lantern to swing and sway (like something hanging from a chain or hook) which can increase the radius of the pull, while the post is stationary!

Ideas are fun!  Let's hope DE thinks so too. 

P.S maybe casting 1 on it, or 2 on the latern can push it in a direction that won't ascend over that 7 meter range?  Because luring enemies can be fun, with Valkyr's ripline, things like that?

I posted an extremely long list of suggestions for all of her abilities and her passive somewhere back in the thread.  Just go through my post history and find it if you're interested.  It's not just that all of her abilities are bad, which they are, but her stats suck, too.  She is, in my opinion, the worst frame in the entire game at the moment--every other frame has a specific purpose or use (most have multiple), but Titania, due to her all-around awful kit, simply sucks at everything.  She is slow, her defensive stats are bad, her casting stats are bad, her abilities have very poor stats and usability, and she is generally unfun to play.  The only part of that which is arguable is that she may be appealing to some to play.  As I stated in my suggestion post, the only good thing about her is that she looks great.  She is an extremely terrible frame in all other ways.

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1 hour ago, (PS4)Lei-Lei_23 said:

So, with this convincing argument, I should probably lay waste to the battlefield with a HoM Mirage and spam the Synoid Simulor. Good on you, mate, that would definitely help my teammates out! 

Yes, that would actually be useful, because you wouldn't be flying around the battlefield being completely ineffectual.  You do not need to bring an overpowered frame to be useful--every frame can be useful in the right situation.  Except for Titania.  She is just awful.

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I'm also in favor of Lantern getting a rooted tether when finished casting on an enemy, essentially treated it like a smaller-radius-but-damaging Bastille. Perhaps, if it's viable down the line, adding more visual feedback during the casting such as a brightening glow that rapidly radiates to the full diameter of the ability & interrupting the enemy unit's animation with the suspended-in-air animation from Bastille before being ragdolled & tethered for the ability's duration. 

Also, please institute something along the lines of making the enemy unit instantly invincible when cast upon, not unlike Nyx's Mind Control. That way there'll be a LOT less frustration at expending half of Titania's energy pool for an ability with a fairly long cast time that may or may not complete. 

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I find her 3rd basically a Vaubans 4th but it dont ragdoll them and just "lures them". if it tethers to the ground and dont move around much it may replace vaubans 4th skill which i find a little toe steppingly bad. it deals much more damage than vaubans 4th too which i find sad.

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11 minutes ago, F4talFr4me said:

I find her 3rd basically a Vaubans 4th but it dont ragdoll them and just "lures them". if it tethers to the ground and dont move around much it may replace vaubans 4th skill which i find a little toe steppingly bad. it deals much more damage than vaubans 4th too which i find sad.

Vauban's vortex literally fully incapacitates enemies and drags them into one gigantic pile which can be easily obliterated by most weapons in the game.  It is an incredibly useful ability.  Titania's third ability could never be as good as that, especially if it doesn't change.  If it does change, it will be a moderately useful tool to cc infested enemies who will run at you.  Corpus and grineer will be largely unaffected (especially corpus).

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3 hours ago, F4talFr4me said:

I find her 3rd basically a Vaubans 4th but it dont ragdoll them and just "lures them". if it tethers to the ground and dont move around much it may replace vaubans 4th skill which i find a little toe steppingly bad. it deals much more damage than vaubans 4th too which i find sad.

I mean, you know, the CC frame could be good at CC and people will choose between two different CC frames with different abilities based on preference, and we will finally have a new frame useful in a group.

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Titania's 3 could use some polish. It would be cool to see the ability to pull it back toward you in the 2 skill, as it's single target. Lantern tends to fly away fairly quickly, making it useless in larger areas, and the disengage on it can take a wee bit if you can't position it how you want to exactly, and even a small object in the hallways can alter it's flight path and render it useless. 

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On 9/6/2016 at 6:09 PM, timur_the_lame said:

Titania's third ability could never be as good as that, especially if it doesn't change. 

The difference is that Vortex is a HARD CC

Titania's #3 is a 'soft' CC, and it's area of effect is 5X larger.  If it doesn't fly away it works really good.

Edited by zehne
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