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I'm Pretty Sure Most People Would Like This.


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Yes, idiots. you can't just takea word and use it because you are unable to learn the other words... Its like me calling you a crayon because you have the wrong word. You do realize though that not everyone agrees with you, and if enough people disagree with you sometimes, just sometimes you should consider fully someone elses position. In this thread no on defends broken mechanics. I went back and can sum up the thread, do not get hit with slow moving attacks, there are penalties.

1. Idiots is too generic, and elitists are a type of idiot anyway.

2. Slow moving attack. Lol. You do realize that Disruptors are completely silent, can sprint across the room faster than Loki, has next to no wind-up before attacking, can attack in any direction regardless of where they're facing(even attack behind themselves by sticking their arm through their own bodies) and can even ignore panic from fire (skiing Ancients, both hilarious and infuriating), right? I wouldn't call that a slow-moving easy-to-dodge attack.

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1. Idiots is too generic, and elitists are a type of idiot anyway.

2. Slow moving attack. Lol. You do realize that Disruptors are completely silent, can sprint across the room faster than Loki, has next to no wind-up before attacking, can attack in any direction regardless of where they're facing(even attack behind themselves by sticking their arm through their own bodies) and can even ignore panic from fire (skiing Ancients, both hilarious and infuriating), right? I wouldn't call that a slow-moving easy-to-dodge attack.

All this and yet I don't seem to suffer quite the ammount of anguish others seem to report, interesting.



and to point number 1..... really? Thats like saying "oh you like rules. you must be a nazi" If you went to a posh country club, with the rich old money where the poor get snubbed.... something something something boiled goose.....anyway, they dont let you in because you arent rich. Thats elitism. People in this thread just do not agree. hardly similar.

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Disrupters aren't that bad because they do have a short windup animation. They demand that you have some situational awareness to notice them and get out of the way as a dodge roll will avoid their attack 100% of the time if you can time it correctly.

And you cant look at a glitch that they have, the ignoring the flame panic, and use that to call them OP, that is just disingenuous.

And really, disrupters are the *only* challenge that the infested provide. Without disrupters the infested would be ridiculously easy to take care of. And even with them if you notice them you can hit them with a ice element bullet and take them down well before they reach you even at level 80 on defense missions.

Its also not that hard to stay outside of the disrupters attack range, all you have to do is pay attention to the enemies and notice that they are there. That will generally save you a lot of issues with them.

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I actually kinda like the fact that they`re super OP. then if they punch me i`m like "Wow, *BLEEP* *BLEEP* *BLEEP* that *BLEEP* Disruptor! How did i not see that *BLEEP* *BLEEP* *BLEEP* sneak up on me!?" but at least it`s completely my fault. when i`m with my cousin we prioritize all ancients (especially the Disruptors) over any other infested. like we totally ignore anything that comes our way, if there`s an ancient approaching.

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And that's the proper way to handle them.

The only time I dont prioritize ancients is when I see a massive group of runners ahead of them and its mostly healers and toxics. Disrupters are high value targets and should be taken out at the earliest possible moment.

Really the only change that I would make to *all* ancients is to have them make some sounds as they move around so that you know that they are there. But its still a nice challenge to walk around a corner and have to get out of there before the disrupter you just about hugged hits you.

Edited by Tsukinoki
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I don't like the disruptors being able to drain all 487 energy with one hit, whilst you having 0 means to counter against it.


If there's a massive pack of infested the disruptor in a laggy game can attack you without even facing towards you and all of a sudden drain every single point of your energy.


I'd like to have more than just Overheat on Ember to actually counter against that, something like blocking or dodge rolling.

You can dodgeroll, though. It's actually quite effective if you time it right. It's not an invincibility frame mind you, but it gets you out of the way really well.



What I think they should do with Disruptors, is change how they effect shields. It's pretty damning to get hit with one when chargers do such an absurd amount of damage. What I was thinking, was that they could make it like Feedback in StarCraft 2. What it would do, is it would take how much energy you have, drain it, and then deal that amount of damage to Shields, on top of a base amount. The disruption effect (UI scramble, unable to regen shield or energy, etc) should definitely stay, though. This would make it so that getting hit by one isn't a complete and utter death sentence, but it still retains it's threat level. It also is a bit of a way to promote using powers more, instead of hording it so you can ult-spam or something. After all, it'd do less damage if the player has less energy to be disrupted :u

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Guess I'm not part of the "most people".


The current disruptors are fine.


The real problem is the spawning.


They can spawn behind your backs from a room you just cleared.


Everything else about them is just fine.


All you have to do is just run backwards and you are safe.

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Disruptors are fine as it is, one of the few mobs that make you actually watch your step so you don't get hit. And its not like it's that hard to avoid them or sidestep or dodgeroll their attacks.

Currently Warframe is really too easy as it is and we have no proper challenge or endgame to get stronger for. It is just farming for the sake of getting better gear or stronger mods for the sake of getting stronger, not to be able to beat the next area or boss. Heck, bring a couple of ammo kits and you can solo T3's easy. We need more diverse and challenging missions and more high level content. I really love this game but if it won't even make you break a sweat going through the missions and end game content then it will lose its appeal in the long run.

Edited by Danyael
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I agree that the disrupters are overpowered. But then again there are a lot of guns we can use that are overpowered. This game is all about combining powers and weapons into a strategy. Once you start talking to experienced players, you'd be surprised at how many ways there are to shred through ancients

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Well f***, since so many people apparently enjoy fake difficulty, we may as well just bring back the Nervos. Hell, why not let Scorpions insta-kill you if you get hit by their hooks? It's YOUR fault for not dodging the completely silent attack. In fact, every single enemy should insta-kill you on hit, because it's YOUR fault for not being pro and dodging everything, and you should be punished severely for making a single mistake and not having 360 degree visual environmental awareness every second, because Warframe is clearly advertised as the next Dark Souls, and actually improving enemy AI or increasing enemy variety to increase and sustain challenge in a fair way is COMPLETELY ABSURD.

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It doesn't require 360 degree vision. It just requires that you look around instead of focusing on what is just in front of you. And DE could make the ancients make identifiable sounds so you would know that there is an ancient in the area, but not necessarily what type it is.

And if they remove the challenge of the disrupter there would be zero challenge left to the infested at all. I say that they hold off changing the disrupter until they can add more unit variety and challenge that way. Then they can remove the disrupter and everything will be fine. If they just drop the disrupters challenge to nothing now, and then increase the challenge later people will yell and complain on the forums far louder than if they do the opposite.

Next, its not fake difficulty. If you pay attention and then run *away* from a disrupter while shooting at it you can take it out well before it gets you if you aim at its weakpoint. That requires situational awareness, a good thing, and aiming, another good thing.

And finally, reductio ad absurdum doesnt quite work in this argument, as cutting the disrupters power would trivialize the infested nearly completely, and no one here is wanting fake difficulty like you are describing.

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It doesn't require 360 degree vision. It just requires that you look around instead of focusing on what is just in front of you. And DE could make the ancients make identifiable sounds so you would know that there is an ancient in the area, but not necessarily what type it is.

And if they remove the challenge of the disrupter there would be zero challenge left to the infested at all. I say that they hold off changing the disrupter until they can add more unit variety and challenge that way. Then they can remove the disrupter and everything will be fine. If they just drop the disrupters challenge to nothing now, and then increase the challenge later people will yell and complain on the forums far louder than if they do the opposite.

Next, its not fake difficulty. If you pay attention and then run *away* from a disrupter while shooting at it you can take it out well before it gets you if you aim at its weakpoint. That requires situational awareness, a good thing, and aiming, another good thing.

And finally, reductio ad absurdum doesnt quite work in this argument, as cutting the disrupters power would trivialize the infested nearly completely, and no one here is wanting fake difficulty like you are describing.

Okay, THIS is a reasonable counter argument. DE should add distinct warning sounds for the Ancients ASAP, and when they add new enemies to spice things up, THEN they can nerf the Disruptor to something more reasonable, I'm fine with that. See, why can't more people make actual compromises and suggestions instead of just posting "NOOOO GAEM IZ TOO EAZY, SHUT UP AND LRN2PLAY NUB"?
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The thing I hate about cheap enemies is: You either giving them no chance to unleash their attacks or they give you no chance to counter their attacks (killing them before they can even do anything isn't counter attack)



Ex: The Phantom in Mass Effect 3 (especially in Multiplayer) she got a pinpoint accurate range attack that can down you in 3 shots in higher difficulties, her melee attack is a slash combo that will stagger you with each swing and after that she will chain attack (even if her melee combo is disrupted midway, she still can do this) into an instant kill move that kills you for good for the rest of the wave. Her defense mechanism are a cartwheel dodge that will react to all your hitscan weapons and gives her 75% damage resistance coupled with an aura that will negate all your lock-on powers and react upon you started casting. She will also cloak and hide to regenerate her shield. Sound tough? Projectile weapons can take her down with ease before she can even attack you or using a high caliber weapon with high cover penetration and shoot her through cover. Certain powers can also get rid of her quick. The problem is: When you use those methods to kill her, she has no way to defend and turns into a joke but when she's able to catch you off-guard, even though you manage to react and try to counter (dodge, bashing her with melee,...) she will negate all your efforts and start slaughtering you (unless you are a Geth Juggernaut).


The Disruptor is more forgiving than Phantom but he's still cheap and can still be taken out with ease.


Nerfing Disruptor won't make this game any easier (is this game even challenging?), just less annoying.

Edited by Crimson_King256
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People are such drama queens.


Disruptors are fine. The other day, on one of those def alerts, my team got swarmed by 10+ ancients on the last wave, mostly comprised of insanely high level disruptors.


It was a nightmare.


It was hilarious. I've never had to fight so hard, or dodge so much. I wouldn't change a thing.



I mean, I'm sorry to be "that guy", as many others no doubt already have... but yeah. Suck it up. The disruptor attack can be dodged, or prevented with CC. You don't even have to stay out of range, if you time your dodging well.


Hell, you're playing a game where you can flying kick multiple enemies with almost no effort and knock them all down in a row. Maybe, you know, try that?

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I wouldn't like this. They are one of the few things that add a small challenge.. sometimes.


Warframe is far too easy anyway. What is all that grinding and building a strong character good for when there are no enemies to test yourself against?


We need to make the game harder, not easier. We need an endgame past T3 void.


I agree to a certain point, there should be ways to introduce these guys to newbie’s so that way they can stop complaining about them and do more killing

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