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Defense with Operative Missions kinda don't make any sense.


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The purpose of this thread is to try to put logic into this situation.

The Tenno are sent to protect a operative/Darvo that is in trouble.

But for some reason the operative/Darvo decides to take a stroll on a location that is about to get surrounded?

I'm not trying to be salty, but I for one, who is not a Tenno in that situation would take cover.

If you want them to move around, atleast make them hack into consoles or pretend to do so instead of walking around admiring the walls.


The Moving Defense Mission NPC does not make any sense.

Why is he/she walking around?

Why is he/she not taking cover, when they know they are about to get surrounded. 


I know it's suppose to change the situation, but there needs to be a reason why he moves around. 

It's like taking care of a baby crawling in the middle of the no man zone in World War 1. 



Edited by -Trinity
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It's so people also have a walk with him instead of standing still? *said someone using a max range banshee*

Life doesn't make any sense yet I still live it. Games don't make any sense yet I still play them. This mission makes no sense, I still play it.

Why do sorties only have NPC and not the cryothing? And why aren't these spec defenses on starmap? Why why why does this make no sense everywhere I look!!!!! WHY DO HUMANS EXIST!


Edited by ScorpioneITA
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3 minutes ago, ScorpioneITA said:


It's so people also have a walk with him instead of standing still? *said someone using a max range banshee*

Life doesn't make any sense yet I still live it. Games don't make any sense yet I still play them. This mission makes no sense, I still play it.

Why do sorties only have NPC and not the cryothing? And why aren't these spec defenses on starmap? Why why why does this make no sense everywhere I look!!!!! WHY DO HUMANS EXIST!


I've said it specifically, If you want us to walk with him. 
Make him pretend to hack something instead of WANDERING aimlessly. 
The point of my thread is not to complain about the mode. 

But Putting purpose to why he's walking around. 

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Just now, ScorpioneITA said:

That's the purpose of my reply as well..

You still don't get it.

I said. "Give him an animation to hack/loot/something" 

The idea is there, but it's more of a placeholder mode then something firm. I'm not trying to make "LOGICAL SENSE" that relate to REAL LIFE.

But more towards the idea where I actually feel the need to defend him, and I'm not just mindlessly exploring the halls of a corpus/grineer/void ship with this unknown operator.

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1 minute ago, -Trinity said:

You still don't get it.

I said. "Give him an animation to hack/loot/something"

So now you know how and what I think?

1 minute ago, -Trinity said:

The idea is there, but it's more of a placeholder mode then something firm. I'm not trying to make "LOGICAL SENSE" that relate to REAL LIFE.

But more towards the idea where I actually feel the need to defend him, and I'm not just mindlessly exploring the halls of a corpus/grineer/void ship with this unknown operator.

I've simply provided a scenario. There's a difference to a game and real life, why are there so many things in this game that don't make sense yet they aren't as important as the missing information in real life. If you didn't understand my message that's another thing. (which seems to be the case)

So all you're doing is restating something you've already said that I clearly understood but because your failure of understanding my message because perhaps you thought I was mocking you resulted you in saying I "don't get it"? No sir you don't get it. I was agreeing with you the whole time. Get off your high horse.

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9 minutes ago, -Trinity said:

I've said it specifically, If you want us to walk with him. 
Make him pretend to hack something instead of WANDERING aimlessly. 
The point of my thread is not to complain about the mode. 

But Putting purpose to why he's walking around. 

This doesn't give him purpose, this gives you the illusion that he has logic.  

That aside, the operative's purpose is to be a target for you to defend.  The operative has a purpose, you're just not seeing it.  

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1 minute ago, xXxCrushxXx said:

This doesn't give him purpose, this gives you the illusion that he has logic.  

That aside, the operative's purpose is to be a target for you to defend.  The operative has a purpose, you're just not seeing it.  

They could just release a NPC in a T pose staring at the wall and you would still defend the idea of the NPC just walking around.

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Just now, -Trinity said:

They could just release a NPC in a T pose staring at the wall and you would still defend the idea of the NPC just walking around.

I'm not defending it, I'd actually like to see a logical NPC, It's just that I don't actually see a problem with how the operative functions.  He fulfills his role just fine.  To introduce logic into the NPC would be nice, but it's not something I see as a necessity.  Especially since most people finish those missions as quickly as they can.  

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The bigger question is, if these NPCs are being hunted/need defending, why camp out in a room with 10 different entry points? 

Also, I think it'd be kinda cool if, with these "open" NPC defenses, you actually had to move from room to room (while headed towards extraction) while staving off periodic ambushes. Kinda like a mobile defense. That way, the goal remains the same, but there's an additional bit of risk.

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It makes perfect sense, the guy is a total idiot! I mean, let's put ourselves in his mind.

"Look at all those grineer shooting me from behind cover ...cover..... maybe I should take cover too? Nah, I'm immortal huehuehue. Let's walk into the line of fire instead. Hey Tenno, what do you think about this spot, center of the room, every gun is pointed at me, look at them hiding behind crates hahahaha. I'm Boris the invincible!!!"

Seriously, the dumb AI is taking cover while this idiot strolls around a battlefield like he owns the place, it's so stupid it's comical.

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Ludonarrative. Look it up.

It's the same reason that many mechanics in this game exist in the illogical way they do-- cut off life support but send in units with life support modules, send enemies to attack drills with the power cells those drills need, send drills that aren't fully powered, etc, etc.

It doesn't have to make sense. It wouldn't be much of a defense mission if the operative was able to hide and take cover as well as you are. They let him wander so there's some form of actual challenge to the fight.

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On 21.09.2016 at 11:34 PM, Chipputer said:

Ludonarrative. Look it up.

It's the same reason that many mechanics in this game exist in the illogical way they do-- cut off life support but send in units with life support modules, send enemies to attack drills with the power cells those drills need, send drills that aren't fully powered, etc, etc.

It doesn't have to make sense. It wouldn't be much of a defense mission if the operative was able to hide and take cover as well as you are. They let him wander so there's some form of actual challenge to the fight.

Life support modules make sense. There's no life support in the area and enemy units are not superhuman killing machines to be able to last without personal life support long enough. You know, like how guys wearing gas masks enter gassed areas? They don't wear them so protagonist can grab one from them, they wear them for themselves.

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