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Spy missions with fissures are impossible to stealth


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i can confirm and it's annoying, one grineer room cannot be finished in time when that happen.

7 hours ago, Chipputer said:

Better idea is to just not let Corrupted enemies spawn inside spy vaults. It's incredibly annoying having them spawn on top of you when you're trying to hack a door open.


what he said

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12 hours ago, Chipputer said:

Better idea is to just not let Corrupted enemies spawn inside spy vaults. It's incredibly annoying having them spawn on top of you when you're trying to hack a door open.

Please consider making this change. As spy is my favorite mission type, this is more than a mild inconvenience for me.

If that's not a viable option, maybe have it set so that Corrupted enemies don't set off lasers/regulators/sensors, or don't immediately target the panic buttons that multiple tend to spawn directly in front of.

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