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So spy, particularly the sortie flavor seems to be a frustration for lots of people. Lets just say that as typical of going into a PuG I encountered all the different things that cause it to fail.  Then I got a new twist.

After I had infiltrated a spy vault, the host of the game who had went down timed out and died.  Then they 'DC'd' (come on, we know what really happened, is dying once a reason to ragequit?).  So i'm still in the spy vault after the host migration, so I happily hack the console and retrieve the data.  Not going to let a rage quitter ruin the game. WRONG


Before exiting the room I found that all security camera's were alive again (had killed 2 of the 3 in that vault).  Once more they are aimed at the only points of eggress, not that I care because I have the data from it already.  So I walk out and a camera is immediately triggered.  Then data starts purging, the data that I just collected.  So I run back into the vault and find to no surprise that I cannot hack the data terminal anymore.  Nevermind the 20+ seconds on the clock. I cannot hack anything to prevent it from purging the data from the Lotus's data banks.


Rage quitting and bugs are stronk, Lotus got rekt.

Edited by zehne
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Honestly, most sorties are not hard enough to require a team. It's more efficient to do things like Spy without using pubs. I mean, if you could grab you clannies that'd be good because you could make sure they're not idiots. 

I'd just recommending doing stuff like this and Sabotage solo. No pubs to screw it up. 

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Solo or not, Lotus got her databanks purged.  Just because I do spy vaults w/o an invis frame and hit that public queue button doesn't change the status of the bug.

Honestly though, you're going to tell me that after collecting the data you'd feel the necessity to invis past a security camera that shouldn't do anything anymore?  I could of destroyed the cameras(a second time) w/o being seen by them (small amount of effort), but since I had the data... 

Crutch more on invis frames you normies! (j/k)

Edited by zehne
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I solo Spy missions as much as I humanly can. Or with people I know. And also I have no real preference in Frame choice for them. Though IMO, I felt as though Nova was easiest. Can Wormhole right by all the laser traps, and be in and out in seconds. And I'm only talking about Corpus Spy. Grineer Spy can go jump in a fire made from other fire.

But to the OP's point. This definitely sounds like a Migration bug.

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47 minutes ago, zehne said:

Before exiting the room I found that all security camera's were alive again (had killed 2 of the 3 in that vault).  Once more they are aimed at the only points of eggress, not that I care because I have the data from it already.  So I walk out and a camera is immediately triggered.  Then data starts purging, the data that I just collected.  So I run back into the vault and find to no surprise that I cannot hack the data terminal anymore.  Nevermind the 20+ seconds on the clock. I cannot hack anything to prevent it from purging the data from the Lotus's data banks.

Actually that happens outside of sorties too. I even had it happen to me without host migration.

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3 hours ago, Chipputer said:

Not soloing sortie 3 spy missions as Oberon?

For shame.

Oberon has his uses. Stealth is the opposite of them.

I DID do a spy mission with him ONCE, because my dumb &#! used the Cernos I need for corpus to build Mutalist Cernos, and a spy alert came up. So I grabbed Oberon, my three forma'd Dex Sybaris with max Hush, and got all three vaults with only one alarm because I didn't see the camera.

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