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The Raptor 2.0 for new players help/WTF

(XBOX)Rabid Kiwi


They reworked the fight, that is good and all but newer player have no chance in hell to finish this. You can not get the things you need to make the fight reasonable with out getting past it. I made it to mastery 4 ( I know that is low ) but this guy just one hits my MAG warframe, ( the only one I have ) and my cernos just tickles him. I have the best mods I own on it Impact at 234 and 87.5 crit chance. magnetic at 300 ( to drop shields that still takes two fully charged shots with in 1 sec of each other ) and gas 150 ( I know but that is the only way it will let me line it up. ) I was loving this game till this point but this fight is way to hard for newer players to handle just to open the different areas. What frame should I get/can get to make this doable. 

The Mag I am using has aura Physique ( maxed ) Thief's wit (maxed ) Rush ( 25% ) Redirection (80%) Vitality ( 240% )( intensify (3%) Fast deflection (10%) Steel Fiber (10%).


Any tips and help would be great. I am not try to dis on them I just feel this was not the smartest move to make for new people. It is very frustrating to know that I have to kill 3 of these things when I can only tickle one of them. 


I am ready for the get gud posts.

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Criticisms on your loadout(s):

Mag - Good choice against the shielding, honest.  Magnetizing them with a fast firing weapon would work wonders, but she's a bit frail.  I'd say get backup if you can.  Also, sorry to say, but if you can get Corrupted mods, ditch Steel Fiber and swap it for that.  Also, for the love of Vor, GET ENERGY SIPHON/STEEL CHARGE (Why does SC work with Mag?  Hell if I know).  ES for energy regen, SC for more mod space (Because for some reason it's a 9 point seriously what)


Alternate Warframes - Rhino can take whatever Raptor can throw at it and give it to a less defensively sound opponent in return given the right build.  What's more, provided you can acquire him, Frost's Snow Globe or Vauban's Bastille (HAHAHAHAHA GOOD LUCK ON VAUBAN THOUGH) can cover you from the everything else factor in this fight, while having a Valkyr lets you use Hysteria as an "Oh crap!" Button to heal thyself if things get bad.

Cernos - I csn appreciate what you're going for here, but you honestly need a better Primary.  Something that hits fast and hits hard.  Might I recommend a Dread?  I know most of it's damage is in Slash, but it can go over 100% and begin red critting, which works wonders on...Well, everything.

Alternates - Now granted, this might be stretching it a little bit, but if you can acquire something like, say, the Tigris or Hek, do so.  The latter especially comes recommended if you're with Steel Meridian, as it's Syndicate Mod means more shots out the barrel and an AoE Blast.


Secondary - Provided you can acquire it, the Lex Prime is an amazing secondary for this fight, or, really, overall.  The Azima can also suffice if you can't get your hands on the parts, or, again provided you can build it, the Ballistica, provided you can lead shots with the latter.


Melee - If you have a Nikana, use that.  If you need range, the Redeemer's availabke to you now.  Get that.  If you need up close killing power, make either the Orthos or the Galatine.


I hope this helps somewhat, and if you need mod suggestions for any of these weapons, PM me and ask away!

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First, if you can't alone, search for help, when i was new i couldn't defeat alad V, sargas ruk or lech krill by my own so i needed to team up with other players to defeat them, that is how you do it in the old times.

Second, lotus tells you what to do when you kill one, if you are a good observer, you will notice that they drop a timed bomb that you must throw into the tubes, the bomb begin the timer when it drops from the boss so you need to be quick to catch it and then drop it into the tube.

Third, use radiation+toxin in your weapons cause robotics and alloy armor that they have, and take cover more often.

Edited by chofranc
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I have yet to fight the "new and improved" version of Raptor, but can give some advice, I guess. I main Ash Prime (no, I don't spam Bladestorm), and he can be pretty useful. I find his Smoke Screen to be a great utility for: hiding yourself, reviving an ally without being shot at, and for making quick escapes. Thanks to his new passive, his Shurikens are "new and improved"; for roughly the same amount of energy as one Bladestorm, you can activate the ability about 4 times to unleash the same amount of damage (but not on the same amount of enemies). Though I never use it (seriously, I think I've only activated it five times at the most), his Teleport ability might be useful to get the drop on The Raptor. 

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11 minutes ago, BiancaRoughfin said:


Did you have to make two posts about it?

one post asking for help form other people about what I should do/get to be able to get past it in the player helping players. And one in the feed back to tell them my feed back about this mission. I could understand you asking this if I posted them in the same spot. Alas, I put them in different folders one for help, and the others to let the devs know that this may be a problem they over looked. 

yes I copy and pasted this form my feed back thread because I am lazy like that.

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Rank up your Serration/Hornetstrike. Try to get your r10 damage mods and defense mods to r7/10. Instead of using magnetic/gas damage, try modding for toxic/radiation. 

Europa is the last planet in that specific chain of planets, consider it like the "last boss" of that area. You're trying to challange the last boss with early/mid-game gear, its not going to go too well. It might not be easy for new players, but new players shouldnt be challanging a last boss anyways.

You can always go down a different chain of planets and try again later. Try doing other missions for endo and level up your mods, with priority going to Serration, Hornet Strike, Vitality. If do invasions and get the Grustrag3 to mark you, getting them to drop split chamber and barrel diffusion will help with your damage situation a lot.

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3 hours ago, Sintag said:

(Why does SC work with Mag?  Hell if I know)

Fluff. There are 3 types of auras: Offensive (V), Defensive (D) and Unility (-).

Mag is an offensive frame, so she gets an offensive aura polarity.
SC is an offensive aura, so it fits in the slot.

Growing Power is the first V aura that affects casters? Woops.


+1 to the Hek + Scattered Justice recommendation. That gun's amazing.
Also, Puncture over Slash for a new player, imo, since you probably don't have a better way to deal with armor.
On top of which, shotguns are much easier to mod than crit/rifles. (No 10-rank damage mods, for one thing.)



4 hours ago, (XB1)Rabid Kiwi said:

The Mag I am using has

I highly recommend doing some Derelict Vault runs for some Corrupted mods, as well as, for example, Earth Excavation for excavation rewards and low level Grineer to drop Steamline and Flow. Alternatively, you can get those from containers in Void missions, if you have access to that yet.

Beyond that, I'd suggest going with Radiation/Cold, as the Raptors have Robotic, Alloy armored health on top of their Proto Shields - and more of it, besides, which is resistant to Magnetic damage.

(If you haven't yet, have a look at the Damage 2.0 charts on the wiki/)

Can't give much by way of suggestions regarding the fight, as I've only done it twice or so since they redid it.

Edited by Chroia
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@Chronia TY I am building the hek right now, I have most of those mods you said so I will try and play with them to get to know how to use them properly. TY for your help I will do some void runs I did some defense there to wave 15 before I got bored guess I will run other missions. Only one void node is unlocked and it is wayyyy to easy I will work on unlocking the second to get better drops.


@Sintag I just did 30 runs to get all the components for the Rhino it was supper easy but it would not drop the systems blue print to save my life. building those right now Ty for your help


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11 hours ago, (XB1)Rabid Kiwi said:

TY for your help I will do some void runs I did some defense there to wave 15 before I got bored guess I will run other missions. Only one void node is unlocked and it is wayyyy to easy I will work on unlocking the second to get better drops.


These are the things you want to be breaking. There aren't any in the Void Defense or Interception missions, there are lots in just about every other mission type.

Mission level has no effect on enemy drops, for what it's worth.

I'd suggest trying to build towards something like this (I assume you don't have a Reactor on your Mag).
Just about any other aura would be better, though.
Streamline (4) + Fleeting Expertise (4) for 75% energy cost reduction, Continuity to counter Fleeting Expertise's duration reduction so you actually get a few seconds from Magnetize, Vitality/Redirection to taste, for survivability. Extra mod points (from aura) should go towards Vitality or Redirection as needed.
(Fleeting Expertise is a Corrupted mod from the Derelict Vaults. Continuity is also available from Void Containers.)

Good luck  :)

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Ok Atlas with 1,012 armor  540 health 580 shield, Just got smoked by this guy My HEK is 839 puncture and still 4 shots will not break his shield. I can run through the map just trashing everything with out a care. But I can not dent this MOFO. The only cover you can have in the area your shields get insta dropped because he is right at the door firing at you as soon as you think about going out. This is @(*()$ retarted. 


 I have collected all the mods I can to help with this fight that I can access. The rest require content that is locked behind this progress stopper. I have gone from loving this game to thinking about never playing again. People tell me to get mods that I can not access because you can only get them from drops/rewards that are nodes after this fight. I feel they really screwed up here in the balancing of this boss.


Teaming up, well this is not teaming up in this game because every one else is so strong, this is getting carried and I do not like that. It is not fun to have to call on other people to fight my battles for me. They need to have separate areas for the vets to go battle epic battles and let us nuubs be able to unlock the map. 

Now I can only play stuff that is way to easy, or a boss battle that is impossible to do, I am at the mid game I COUNTED THE PLANTES, this is the middle of the road. It should not be this hard.

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1 hour ago, (XB1)Rabid Kiwi said:

The only cover you can have in the area your shields get insta dropped because he is right at the door firing at you as soon as you think about going out. This is @(*()$ retarted.

I agree, I have tried many different things, mods, ect... The very first Raptor takes my potatoed Rhino with R7 Redirection, R7 Steel Fiber, with iron skin out in 4 shots. I'm not sure if this is an over looked residual development bug or what. This thing should not be doing that kind of damage. So far, the only key I have found to winning this fight is the ability to 2 or 3 shot the Raptors, before they have a chance to even fire their weapons. I have seen this, because it was how I got by them. I got randomly match made into a squad that could that. I agree that for middle of the road players, such as ourselves, this is not the way this should be.

1 hour ago, (XB1)Rabid Kiwi said:

Teaming up, well this is not teaming up in this game because every one else is so strong, this is getting carried and I do not like that. It is not fun to have to call on other people to fight my battles for me.

I totally agree. I think it should be able to be soloed, with frames, mods, weapons, accessible to players in this stage of the game. I will admit though, I only got by with luck of the draw. The missions after the Raptors are nothing compared to what they are at this stage. Given that, I really think this is some sort of bug from the rework they just did.

1 hour ago, (XB1)Rabid Kiwi said:

Now I can only play stuff that is way to easy, or a boss battle that is impossible to do, I am at the mid game I COUNTED THE PLANTES, this is the middle of the road. It should not be this hard

I some what agree. I believe, being a boss battle, it should be challenging. However, to me at this point my attempts at it were frustratingly, futile. As I stated, Rhino with iron skin could not find cover from the blast of the first Raptor. I have tried magnetic, I have tried, radiation, hot, cold. I have thrown what I have at it and came up goose egg every time. For experienced players with access to the best mods, resources, weapons, warframes, I am sure that it seems like a cake walk. As I stated, that is the only way I got through, is on the coat tales of those players. However, I too, think this is not the way it should be. That's not accomplishment, that's a hand out. I never liked hand out's. I just hope to one day pay back the debt to someone else trying to get by them. I'm not there yet, but will be one day.

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