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Contract Killers: Kill Your Friends!


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OK, This isnt about You actually killing your friends. 


Its about hiring someone else to kill your friends for you. :D


Contract Killers: Assassination Contracts

Pay certain NPC groups various types and amounts of currency/standing/favors to trigger a deathsquad attack on one or more of your friends.

*this isnt inteded to be relevant to lore and storyline, just something fun between players*


How it works:

Approach an NPC group and hire one of their Death Squads to attack a friend. 

-example: Approach the steel meridian leader and inquire about hiring a Death Squad. The NPC then tells you that you must earn x amount of rep against x syndicate (or complete x objective ) and then for x items and or credits theyll send a death squad to a target of your choice.

syndicates would charge rep against an enemy syndicate and or credits and or an item. they would send the traditional deathsquads of their group, perhaps in larger number.

factions would charge crafted unused items and send their hunters (harvester / g3)

If you have special items you can hire unique enemy groups.

Example: the grineer want unused penta to send g3. They want prisma gorgon to send an executioner or two. They want akstiletto prime to send a group of nightwatch lead by eximus g3 and an executioner. they may also have abilities granted to them. 

When you hire them youll get say, 5 tokens that you can use to put hits out on friends. 


the factions will accept an alternative form of payment. this form of payment is like the gold coins from John Wick.

The tenno can obtain these by defeating deathsquads sent after them. the coins will purchase another type of death squad much harder than the others. These are the best they have and take pride in being the top assassins. They would include buffed versions of bosses, executioners, acolytes.

They would drop coins and specter blueprints. 



Edited by PookieNumnums
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This is a poorly conceptualized idea. No, I'm not being an &#!. Just honest.

This is pure troll fodder, and I see zero checks and balances to ensure it's used against just "friends". 

This has no lore reasoning or logic (I'm aware you said it was just for "fun" between friends).  Why would Tenno hire death squads to attack other Tenno?

Forget trolling, this is inviting straight up abuse of the mechanic for sh*ts and giggles.

At some point, the bounty hunter idea DE had long ago does need to become An Actual Thing, but this is not it. 

Turning unused special parts and weapons into some form of currency is a very good idea, but for now, DE only offers us credits.

If you want this idea to even come close to working, you need an opt-in system. Players should have to be MR8 or higher, and opt-in to the system. Something like other games' use. For instance, DCUO: turn your PVE flag on or your Duel icon and other players can attack you in-game.

Yes, I'm aware you're talking about NPCs attacking other Tenno, and not Tenno vs Tenno, but the point stands: an opt-in mechanic is needed to avoid abuse.

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