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I have completed every Sortie mission since the beginning of this season


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... and I only just finished running down the reward check list after finally getting that Unairu lens. Practically everything else was Endo, with the 4k reward appearing about ~20% of the time, and one time I received an Exilus Adapter, which so far has been the only "special" random reward I've ever gotten from a Sortie.

Point being, Sortie rewards are really badly distributed, and have the potential to screw over even the most dedicated players. The previous season, I had also participated in practically every Sortie, yet didn't get the Latron Wraith blueprint. Generally, it's not a good idea to make a once-a-day, limited mission type dole out completely random rewards when players are aiming for specific items on a check list, and the current reward system means that even players who dedicate time every day for weeks on end can still find themselves lacking certain "basic" items, e.g. Nezha parts, lenses or weapon components. The system also feels a little too stingy when handing out non-Endo rewards: I'm perfectly fine with Legendary Cores being unicorn fart levels of rare, but a Catalyst/Exilus Adapter a week wouldn't ruin DE either.

While a popular suggestion has been to implement a Sortie token system, I propose an even simpler solution in the meantime: as long as your checklist has items left to be filled out, your next Sortie reward should be an item from that list. No Endo, no random rewards, just straightforward box ticking. After the list has been filled out, then the reward system can start going into roulette mode and dispensing Endo/special rewards at random (it could even throw in Ayatan sculptures, now that they're a thing, and they could even replace boring ol'Endo rewards, even if they grant less Endo individually). Players who just want to get the newest Wraith/Vandal item or a set of lenses would get to do so in about two weeks, and anybody who just regularly plays Sorties wouldn't see any major change in their end rewards. Even without buffs to non-Endo random item drop rates, a system like that would benefit everyone, without requiring DE to give out more rewards overall.

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Yes you are right: Hunting for certain parts of the wraith weapons it frustrating. But it is the essence of Warframe and it is fully build on purpose. Look at how hard it is to get useful rare rewards from of raids, look at how hard it is to acquire Mesa, Saryn ... 

Frustration is the motivation in Warframe. It is Pavlov conditioning upside down. 

I like your sortie idea but I think it will never see the day of light. Because if DE makes sortie rewards more reasonable they would open Pandora's box and have to make all other frustration-grind-rng loot missions more reasonable. 

PS: I never got all wraith parts from any of the sorties but the plat a get from Nezha parts and lenses (Naramon and Zenurik) normally is enough to buy the last missing part. 

Edited by k05h
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The system we have for Sorties now is even worse than the pre-checklist version. At least before, we could trade duplicate weapon parts or Lenses for the ones we did need. It's actually harder to complete a Wraith/Vandal set.

I haven't even touched Sorties since the Vandaltron one because of this tripe.

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39 minutes ago, Teridax68 said:

While a popular suggestion has been to implement a Sortie token system, I propose an even simpler solution in the meantime: as long as your checklist has items left to be filled out, your next Sortie reward should be an item from that list. No Endo, no random rewards, just straightforward box ticking.

Dunno, that wpuld screw players who already have the weapons from events or previous sortie seasons and everyone who doesn't care about getting more Nezha parts.

Personally, I run sorties hoping to get Endo (or one of those mythical legendary fusion cores) since the non repeatable rewards are useless to me. 

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It isn't really a roulette.

When you get a non-repeatable reward from the list that it's already checked the game just replaces that with 2k Endo. Say day 1 you get a Naramon lens, day 2 you also get a Naramon lens but since it's already checked the game gives you 2k endo.

A nice change would be to make Lens and Nezha parts be replaced with 2k Endo and the repeated Specials (Wraith/Vandals, Cosmetics, etcetera) be replaced by 4k Endo.

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When I came back after taking a long break from warframe I started doing the sorties. I was really impressed at first. I thought  "Wow, DE finally got something really right!" since I got a new, non crap reward everytime I completed one. Then, eventually, I got enough rewards unlocked that I hit the endo wall and realized I was completely wrong. Just more grind, and just to really break it off once they've shoved it in, not even a shot at a duplicates so that you can attempt to trade to fill the gaps in your collection. Today I I killed a lvl 100 phorid and was rewarded a bunch of endo that I could have gotten somewhere else faster and easier. I find myself wondering if I should bother playing them at all.

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