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A Letter of Support to [DE]Rebecca


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13 minutes ago, (XB1)Graysmog said:

I would say we are somewhat blowing this out of proportion, as to be honest, it really isn't too big of a deal, especially since it was more in-line to a joke than an outright threat.

As I said before, I don't feel its my place to decide whether Rebecca should take a threat seriously or not. And as someone else said:


7 hours ago, Tesseract7777 said:

However, if Rebecca's twitter was getting slammed with angry comments all day, some of them getting more personal, due to anger over vacuum spilling over from reddit (where the less polite warframer players like to chill), then she may have taken it more seriously in the moment. It may have felt more serious, more nasty, and given it more of an undercurrent of that feeling where you just feel vulnerable and threatened for real, even if the logical part of you knows its basically an empty threat/dark humor.


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4 minutes ago, Azrael said:

dark humor

gosh, how I despise that rethorical discourse; being both a coward demand for not having their own words scrutinized, and an insult to the other, by accusing them either of stupidity for not understanding how that was obviously just a joke, or of "over sensitiveness" for being affected by things that don't seem important to the "joker".

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15 hours ago, Azrael said:

 I understand that you ( @[DE]Rebecca ) received a death threat recently,@[DE]Rebecca


I... just rad that and... know that feeling when a shiver runs down your spine and you completely freeze?

Holy cow.

Just yesterday I talked to a friend who did a lot of research on "gamergate" (it's for their diploma) - tbh I never bothered to inform myself about it.

The only thing I know is that there was doxing and death threats involved.

And we both agreed that- no matter what opinion you have in the gaming scene - Wishing someone harm /threatening them is absolute nonsense.


Seriously- I hate to say this but.... It's just a game. And even if they decide to ...abandon warframe completely. NOTHING justifies threats of any kind.

Whoever did this is a frikkin coward. And I hope they go to jail for this   get fined adequately.

Edited by Haldos
Replaced profanity.
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9 hours ago, Azrael said:

I just wanted to take a breather from my celebrations over the recent vacuum change - and from the hubbub of ongoing debates about it - to offer my support (and hopefully the support of others). I understand that you ( @[DE]Rebecca ) received a death threat recently, and I'm assuming at this point that it was not the only threat made against DE (because such people rarely just send one). So I just wanted to say on the behalf of us tenno and forum goers that we support you 100%, and condemn these threats. Many of us can be hot-headed. We all love this game, and so when parts of it that are precious to us are up for change or are problematic we can get a little heated. Sometimes sparks can fly, but in the end we are all Tenno, and we love and support this game and Digital Extremes. None of us would ever resort to threats or intimidation, and we categorically reject anyone who does; those who do are not Tenno, they are not one of us.

It would be easy to think that many of us are angry at you or at DE, given how some of these threads have gone recently. Please understand, nobody is really angry at any of you at DE, we are (or were, before today) just upset and concerned. Personally I've certainly criticized some of DE's recent decisions. But in the end we all support you completely. I know you're aware that the community as a whole isn't sending threats (so this may be unnecessary), but I just wanted to be clear and offer our support. I also think I am safe in saying that we all think your calmness - and DE's calmness - in the face of these threats is admirable.

@DE Staff in general, please don't consider these attacks as being from the community.

With all our support,

The Tenno.



For other tenno commenting on this, please do not post your opinion of the recent vacuum changes here. This is not the place for it. If you agree or wish to add something, please do so. I meant for this to be a place where we can show support for DE and @[DE]Rebecca without any criticism or debate.



What????  I didnt know about this....  its just a game maaan.....

All my support for Rebecca. My chroma will protect you till the end.

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5 minutes ago, WEREsandrock said:

So you're basically saying "Death threats? deal with it / let it go unpunished"?


Yup. Seeking retribution is usualy not worth it/ time,energy, finance consuming. Most people just suck it up and let them go cuz its easier. Court won't instantly protect you either unless you are a big game person or you have a S#&$load of evidence and physical harrasment on top of it.


Edited by Deshiel
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1 minute ago, Deshiel said:

Yup. Seeking retribution is usualy not worth it/ time,energy, finance consuming. Most people just suck it up and let them go cuz its easier. Court won't instantly protect you either unless you are a big game person or you have a S#&$load of evidence and physical harrasment on top of it.


I don't think seeking retribution was what other people were sayings. If a person feels threaten and he/she decides to take action then that is their business. However, we can show our supports and let them know that we do not condone that type of behavior.

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7 minutes ago, mikey619 said:

I don't think seeking retribution was what other people were sayings. If a person feels threaten and he/she decides to take action then that is their business. However, we can show our supports and let them know that we do not condone that type of behavior.

I prefer people like the OP @Azrael who aknowledges the hot headness in people and considers the matter as such. meanwhile Sandrock and some other peeps instantly condemn you to jail.

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14 minutes ago, Deshiel said:

Yup. Seeking retribution is usualy not worth it/ time,energy, finance consuming. Most people just suck it up and let them go cuz its easier. Court won't instantly protect you either unless you are a big game person or you have a S#&$load of evidence and physical harrasment on top of it.


Their unhoned fantasy idealism is only matched by your pessimistic nihilistic edge.

Conforming with the sh!tiness of the world will never improve it, no matter how sexy and irreverent you think it makes you look.

Saying morally despicable interpersonal actions should be legally and systematically condemned is better than nothing.

Society is made by people, and we are people.

Stop squatting in the mud. It's bad for your health.

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3 minutes ago, tnccs215 said:

Their unhoned fantasy idealism is only matched by your pessimistic nihilistic edge.

Conforming with the sh!tiness of the world will never improve it, no matter how sexy and irreverent you think it makes you look.

Saying morally despicable interpersonal actions should be legally and systematically condemned is better than nothing.

Society is made by people, and we are people.

Stop squatting in the mud. It's bad for your health.

You and I are done.

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4 minutes ago, Deshiel said:

I prefer people like the OP @Azrael who aknowledges the hot headness in people and considers the matter as such. meanwhile Sandrock instantly condems you to jail.

There...I changed it.

If not jail which... might in certain cases be extreme, I would expect that person to get a fine.

The punishment should depend on wether the threat is to be taken serious, or rather not ( they are all to be taken serious - but there are different lvls imo). In any cases - the threat should not go unpunished.

Even if the person who made the thread is a hot headed 13 year old who doesn't even have the ressources to kill someone - this is about the principle: Making death threats is a crime.

But I'll stop here because this is a thread to show support and not to discuss punishment for people who make death threats.

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Just now, tnccs215 said:

someone can't take criticism...

Oh I took it, even considered it. But its not worth continuing this conversation as I already shared what I wanted to share in this topic and I have no interest dissecting or fighting for it with you or anyone else. So I'll go play warframe now. :)

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2 minutes ago, WEREsandrock said:

There...I changed it.

If not jail which... might in certain cases be extreme, I would expect that person to get a fine.

The punishment should depend on wether the threat is to be taken serious, or rather not ( they are all to be taken serious - but there are different lvls imo). In any cases - the threat should not go unpunished.

Even if the person who made the thread is a hot headed 13 year old who doesn't even have the ressources to kill someone - this is about the principle: Making death threats is a crime.

But I'll stop here because this is a thread to show support and not to discuss punishment for people who make death threats.

oh, dont take them wrong, they didn't openly disagree. They just found fighting futile. Now, jail over death threats is a good topic of discussion, but it isn't something that came from them.

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People who like to hand out death threats in the internet, because it is easy and anonymous should be held accountable! Not with jail time, but with a punishment. because when there is no punishment for behaviour like that it gets normal! And that is not what we want.

Also hot headedness ist plain stupid. It is a game, vote with your wallet and don´t play the game, if you cannot criticise like a normal human being. Gamers are sometimes the worst concerning entitlement. 

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8 minutes ago, Deshiel said:

I prefer people like the OP @Azrael who aknowledges the hot headness in people and considers the matter as such. meanwhile Sandrock and some other peeps instantly condemn you to jail.

Both of you and Sandrock got valid points. If someone made death threats to people I care about I too would condemned them to jail. Rebecca is a very likable person. She is funny, outgoing, and pretty. I can see why some people are taking this death threat so personally. Looking at the person who tweeted the death threat to Rebecca I get the impression he just some kid who play games and watch animate. But you can't really predict what someone will do and what kind of mental state they're in. Would I consider putting people in jail who made death threats against my love ones? F*** YES. You never know what someone is capable of doing. Would it be right and just? ABSOLUTELY NOT. It should go through the proper procedure and the authority should deal with it. 

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6 minutes ago, mikey619 said:

Both of you and Sandrock got valid points. If someone made death threats to people I care about I too would condemned them to jail. Rebecca is a very likable person. She is funny, outgoing, and pretty. I can see why some people are taking this death threat so personally. Looking at the person who tweeted the death threat to Rebecca I get the impression he just some kid who play games and watch animate. But you can't really predict what someone will do and what kind of mental state they're in. Would I consider putting people in jail who made death threats against my love ones? F*** YES. You never know what someone is capable of doing. Would it be right and just? ABSOLUTELY NOT. It should go through the proper procedure and the authority should deal with it. 

Yeah... this is right. The "put them in jail"-statement was a bit rushed... I was shocked that someone would send a death threat to Rebecca.

I haven't rad the threat yet - so idk if it sounds as if it's to be taken serious or not ....But either way - actions like that need to have a consequence (edit: I just realized that I sound like the stalker... oops XD)

Edited by WEREsandrock
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10 hours ago, AM-Bunny said:

It was via twitter, in response to the Vacuum changes. It was just a joke in extremely poor taste. I'd wager it's not worth any actual concern.


I will probably get crucified for saying this but was this thread really needed? If the above is all that happend then definitely not imo. An unfunny joke/pun that doesn't even clasify as a threat, cmon. Anyone who has worked in retail has experienced way worse face to face...

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3 minutes ago, mikey619 said:

Both of you and Sandrock got valid points. If someone made death threats to people I care about I too would condemned them to jail. Rebecca is a very likable person. She is funny, outgoing, and pretty. I can see why some people are taking this death threat so personally. Looking at the person who tweeted the death threat to Rebecca I get the impression he just some kid who play games and watch animate. But you can't really predict what someone will do and what kind of mental state they're in. Would I consider putting people in jail who made death threats against my love ones? F*** YES. You never know what someone is capable of doing. Would it be right and just? ABSOLUTELY NOT. It should go through the proper procedure and the authority should deal with it. 

Thats why I called this call for authority to deal with this an unhoned fantasy idealism. I worked in a place where death threats happened daily. I myself recieved like 20 per day, because I was in the possition where I would either physicaly or over the phone deal with the mostly angry customers. :D

The "authority" is just some other people doing thier job and they have categories on what to handle seriously and what not. Death threats are in the "ambigious" area so Authority will usualy just do nothing and tell you to come back later when it persists or escalates into something worse.

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Just now, Koed said:

I will probably get crucified for saying this but was this thread really needed? If the above is all that happend then definitely not imo. An unfunny joke/pun that doesn't even clasify as a threat, cmon. Anyone who has worked in retail has experienced way worse face to face...


1)Showing support is always nice. Maybe support should have been shown to people in retail that get their lives threatened.

2)Threatening lives over a change on a game is fricking stupid

3)If this is what we get in public, imagine the words of support they get on their private messengers.

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11 hours ago, Azrael said:





I hope you go on DE, @[DE]Rebecca, @[DE]Steve, @[DE]Megan, and the many more at DE, for years and years to come. I will continue to support, and pay for your livelihood with my hard-earned love and cash. You created the greatest game I have ever had the absolute pleasure of indulging myself in. And you are by far, the best f**king company out there to support and love your player base.

I hope you never give up your dream of creating an awe-inspiring game and I hope you never have to deal with the idiots who call themselves 'tenno'. Because they are not.


Love you all at DE

Edited by Arniox
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