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Rating weapons and frames, to know of actual weapon potential


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So there's this video I saw a while back whereby someone talked of how you wouldnt know the full potential of a said weapon like karak without putting a potato on it, and not feeling like you wasted that potato in said weapon. Who knew capacity mattered much.

So I think there could be some sort of rating system for weapons that we players give against opinions and actual potential use if weapon. However the issue I see is if it will make some certain weapons even used more, although I cannot tell which weapons those could be, it could simple mean that unknown is great enough.

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The damage system in this game is so complex that a rating system would be essentially impossible to make. There are lots of weapons that appear to be mid-tier or trash-tier but are actually very very good. Weapons also often have niche uses that you may not think of immediately, like some unusual kind of CC or a particular status proc or an unusual build. At the end of the day there's no substitute for learning how the damage system works, and then experimenting with different weapons to uncover hidden uses or mechanics. That's why we have the mastery rank system: it makes you experiment with things you would otherwise have ignored.

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13 minutes ago, Azrael said:

The damage system in this game is so complex that a rating system would be essentially impossible to make. There are lots of weapons that appear to be mid-tier or trash-tier but are actually very very good.


Most people write off something like the Atterax, when they're new. Later on they use it for a crit build, after seeing someone run with it, and they're happy. Then they finally discover its true potential as a slash monster and the bodies start splitting like crazy.

Ranking weapons is so subjective that it'd be silly to listen to someone and a group of people would never be able to fully agree. There are a few undisputed champions, like the Synoid Simulor, Tonkor, Galatine Prime, and (Sancti) Tigris (Prime) (to name a few), but almost everything else would be argued for and against in so many different ways that they'd never be able to be truly placed.

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I think the only real notification people need when buying these guns are a little box saying (PRIMED VERSION AVAILABLE) or wraith or vandal, so people don't feel like they wasted a ton of effort into a gun they like and then find out it was the weaker of the two. 

Well that and I wouldn't say no to a practice room where you can try before you buy weapons

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It would be difficult. And a lot of people will say things like ''no one will use weak weapons then''. But that's actually not an issue. See how many people use braton. Even the primed one.

What would be needed first though, is filling in all the missing info about the weapons.

Like, how Stradavar has twice as much damage and more crit chance in single shot mode and you'll never know if you won't look it up on the wiki, or test is yourself extensively.

Or like Pox can strip level 140 Bombard of his armor in about 15 seconds after only 4 hits if modded for corrosive damage, even without catalyst installed. I have never seen that effect with corrosive proc on any other weapon myself. And saw it once on prime time when strun wraith was used.

And what a different new player experience if would be, if the weapons that you can buy from the market for credits were more visible in that market and came with the catalyst installed! No one would use them later anyway. But they would actually be of some use then. As it is, I don't think I know anyone who put catalyst or forma on those weapons.

Actually, there is some kind of rating system in the game already. It's MR locks on weapons and frames. Problem is, not every such lock is obvious. And not every such lock makes much sense.

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the thing is from a normal stand point virtually all weapons can carry you up to the star chart, theres varely any weapon that doesnt work vs enemys lvl 30-40 with just one potato on them. What you ask for would "perhaps" be usefull for high level endless, alert. mission but still isnt really that need, most of the time a quick google search or chat question gives you the general tier list for high level missions...besides how would this system even work? as mentioned by many other people theres tons of weapons that might look bad on papper but are actually good, niche etc

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