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Is there a better way than wearing Sindicate Sigils


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I had started to write this thread about how Syndicate Sigils can cramp your style and a single account toggle that would easily change your syndicates affiliation across the board because it can be a pain to change a affiliation when you have a lot of warframes... but then I started to flesh it out...  and then, Warframe did its thing to me again.. I got sucked in to how it tied into lore or possible lore and of course... fashion frame... lol. 

So it changed to what we have below...


1.The syndicate sigil

  • It really gets in the way of fashion frame when you have to put an awkward looking sigil somewhere on you warframe and it just doesn't work.
  • You want to put 2 different ones on because it would look awesome but nope you get the can't put more than one Syndicate sigal on.

2. Syndicate standing boosts tied to very particular sigils takes away your ability to customize the way you want if you want to maximize for the amount of standing earned each time.


Can we take away the individual boosts that some of the sigils provide and just tie it to your rank in the syndicate,  i.e. instead of having a sigil that gives you +15% standing can that boost be tied to your rank in the syndicate and only have the boost applied to the syndicate that you are representing.

I would like to wear more than one syndicate sigil, one in the front and one in the back. I have a few combos that I think would look pretty awesome... 

Have more options in the place of the sigil so you can choose to go without a sigil but something else instead to represent your syndicate.

I know these next suggestions mostly are not a simple add but,

  • Syndicate Syadanas act as the sigil would in its place. Also, more syndicate syadanas.
  • Helmet attacments
  • Arm bands, wrist bands, and ankle bands.
  • Syndicate armor
  • A syndicate Aura that had something kind of floating about you.. Example: New Loka could have holographic butterflies for instance.
  • A specialized Color Pallet that is only 3 - 6 color options but are tied specifically to the individual syndicates... customizing your frame using only those special colors and none other.  If this was the case maybe make a single shade of white, grey and black Neutral so they can still be used, also the very specific gold that comes on primes neutral so that you can still keep that aesthetic if you like.  Make them unique like they glow, pulse or are a neon so they stick out. once you applied a color from one of the color pallets, other syndicate pallets became unavailable for use.

Again, all these things could be used instead of the sigil to gain standing, but not limited to one or the other, because maybe you really want to go all out in repping your syndicate of choice

There would need to be some lockout checks so that your can't do things like put a New loka item on if your representing Steel Meridian and such.. but on that same note you could wear your allied syndicate gear at the same time maybe having to choose what your main faction is somehow.



Edited by (XB1)SickWicked
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34 minutes ago, Nazrethim said:

give each syndicate a set of repeatable missions tgat you can do to get standing.

They could do something like this very easily, actually.

You could get the 3 missions per day that we already have, which are set missions that give large chunks of standing and offer medallions, and then you could receive missions from them directly that are 100% randomized, no medallions, and give rewards based on your syndicate rank and additional from affinity earned during them-- Level between 1 and 50, mission type, mission location, faction, etc, etc. They could even make Syndicate Assassins show up more often in those missions.


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17 minutes ago, Chipputer said:

They could do something like this very easily, actually.

You could get the 3 missions per day that we already have, which are set missions that give large chunks of standing and offer medallions, and then you could receive missions from them directly that are 100% randomized, no medallions, and give rewards based on your syndicate rank and additional from affinity earned during them-- Level between 1 and 50, mission type, mission location, faction, etc, etc. They could even make Syndicate Assassins show up more often in those missions.



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15 minutes ago, (XB1)SickWicked said:

That's not a bad Idea.

But I was speaking more to the fact that I would like to not have to wear a Syndicate Sigil to gain rep but something else instead.   And wishing we did have more options to do so.

But that's exactly how conclave standing works. Sigils are cosmetic only. You get standing by doing conclave and you get more standing as you rank up as if you had the sigil bonus. For syndicates you would have to do repeatable syndicate missions that give less than the daily 3 big missions we get.

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The daily xp would be removed and our daily "draco" grind would become a second version of the daily legendary core daily. aka, you dont gain xp with sigils anymore, its all tied to the daily missions.

We would still have same 3 daily per syndicate, but we would also gain +3 missions for the syndicate we play for, or all of them, during that day and make it so you can only run 3 per day(you could select which 3 faction missions to do).(those rewards would scale on your mastery rank)

Same could be done with our dear Zenurik daily xp grinds, make like 5 random missions which all yield 20-25k xp each and share it based on the symbols on your gear.

I vote yes! I rather tie my xp to RNG than to endless "draco" farm. NOTE: this would create 8 more daily missions but would remove the "draco" grind.

Edited by Saxfire
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20 minutes ago, Nazrethim said:

But that's exactly how conclave standing works. Sigils are cosmetic only. You get standing by doing conclave and you get more standing as you rank up as if you had the sigil bonus. For syndicates you would have to do repeatable syndicate missions that give less than the daily 3 big missions we get.

Ah.. ok.  that makes more sense... just shows you how much conclave I actually play... lol.

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Turn Syndicate sigils into a pack, we get both a sigil and a badge when you redeem the pack. So that way you can use either the badge or the sigil to rank up Syndicates, allowing you to use whatever sigil you want, without crippling your fashion.

Or maybe give us the option to 'turn off' the syndicate gains and let us just use the sigil for fashion.

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Another method would be to give the additional standing once you have bought the sigil without wearing it. You would just have to own it.

Changing sigils every time I change a frame during my syndicate runs is tedious. Not to mention wearing the wrong one if you want to swap syndicates or having none on new frames. I would really like if a) we get a method to select sigils for all frames and b) being able to override this universal selection for certain frames.

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