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change the 3rd of emeber, with a new ability: phoenix flame


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around ember there will be a flame that will remain with her for 30 seconds. It will reduce the 50% armor of ember, but it will be impossible to attack melee, in fact the enemies will block 2 mt away as they do when they go against the Nezha ring, and if they come in contact with the flame they will suffer 300 damage per second flame (which it may increase with the mods), in addition, the bullets will have a 50% chance of being incinerated, and if they pass, they have their damage reduced by 50% (this will not be increased with the mods).


Edited by Matt89Connor
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29 minutes ago, Matt89Connor said:


Nifty. I particularly like the inceneration of bullets.  It may require a bit of range to keep exploding rockets from splashing down on you though.

21 minutes ago, DwlfTheDuck said:

What's wrong with Ember's current third ability?

Nothing has to be wrong with an ability for someone to offer up ideas on new abilities.  Though to be honest her 1st and 3rd are probably her least used abilities in that order.

1 minute ago, Glitch_Kitten said:

jesus christ thats overpowered.

Values on new ability concepts should always be taken with a grain of salt.  Obviously they'd be changed appropriately.  Its the general mechanics that are interesting and different.

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I'd rather make her kit more funtional:

Heat procs (general change) - The DoT now stacks. For balance's sake, I'd say they only stack if the procs are from seperate sources (This is good for Ember, because then she has an incentive to use all her skills on the same target!)

#1 (Fireball) - Also add to it; Upon impact with anything (enemy, wall, etc), it creates an area of lingering fire (think the ring of fire from Fire Blast being moved over to this skill instead, but made into an AREA, instead of just a ring). It could graphically look like Fire Blast's ring (maybe with some slight fire particles added in the middle?)
The "Fire Fright" augment for Fire Blast could then be a second augment for Fireball, with the same effect (the area gets up to a 100% heat proc chance)

#2 (Accelerant) - Is great as it is. EDIT: Maybe it could, very mildly so, also buff combined elements that has Heat in it? (Gas, Radiation, Blast)

#3 (Fire Blast) - Remove the lingering ring of fire (due to Fireball's change), but buff its damage a bit, keep the 100% Heat-proc chance, and FORCE the pushaway ragdoll-effect it has (it currently doesn't always push away enemies if they are burning etc).
Also, all enemies caught by the blast wave suffer their currently applied heat-procs 50/100/150/200% faster (the proc from Fire Blast itself is included in this)
This would be a great addition for speeding up your DPS, and allows you to reapply heat procs from the same source again, MUCH quicker! If you worry about the heat panic CC: Well, the enemy is ragdolled by Fire Blast anyway, so that doesn't matter. In fact, due to the heat procs being sped up, it allows you to reproc them with heat very soon after recovering from the ragdoll, thus allowing you to heat-panic them much easier again!
Then the augment also needs a change, an idea I have is this: "Combustion" - If an enemy struck by Fire Blast dies within X seconds (duration refreshed if struck by FB again), it explodes for Y% of its max health (damage is half as Heat, half as Blast) in a Z radius. (Duration, Damage and Radius all scale with their respective Power attributes)

#4 (WoF) - Now has mixed damage instead: Part of it is a flat amount of heat damage (less damage than now), and the other part is an amount of heat damage based on the enemy's current health. This equals to less cheese on low-levels, while also giving it better lategame scaling.
Augment is great as is, so remains unchanged.

Passive - Pyromaniac - Ember gets 1 energy and 1 health every time she ignites an enemy with a heat-proc. Possible restriction: This effect can only occur once per enemy (Note: The energygain works even while channeling WoF).
Not ultrapowerful, but not nigh useless / superniched like the current passive either.

That means:
Fireball is the longrange nuke and/or area denial skill (rather than being a somewhat useless no-niche projectile it is now)
Accelerant is the cast-speed-buffer and heat-damage-debuffer
Fire Blast is the close range nuke, panic-CC skill and heat-proc-speed-increaser
World on Fire is the ez-mode enemy "softener" (but less cheesy, and better scaling)

Everything then has more clear purposes and much better synergy.

Edited by Azamagon
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36 minutes ago, Azamagon said:

That means:
Fireball is the longrange nuke and/or area denial skill (rather than being a somewhat useless no-niche projectile it is now)
Accelerant is the cast-speed-buffer and heat-damage-debuffer
Fire Blast is the close range nuke, panic-CC skill and heat-proc-speed-increaser
World on Fire is the ez-mode enemy "softener" (but less cheesy, and better scaling)

I like it.

Fireball already has a small AoE effect on hit. I guess you're suggesting to increase the radius to be actually significant. 20-30% of the times I use it, the AoE it has now is too small and I end up looking funny.

WoF being a softener sounds nice. How does the "based on enemies' current health" work? Do 10% of their EHP until it reaches 50%, then deal lower to about 5-7% of their health instead? Or hit harder the lower their health is?

... And can I add on a suggestion, to make Fire Blast's lingering ring of fire actually be manageable with range mods? OR at least buff its current radius. Right now, I only use that ring on defense melee targets (Butcher etc.) and infested.

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4 hours ago, LunarEdge7 said:

I like it.

1) Fireball already has a small AoE effect on hit. I guess you're suggesting to increase the radius to be actually significant. 20-30% of the times I use it, the AoE it has now is too small and I end up looking funny.

2) WoF being a softener sounds nice. How does the "based on enemies' current health" work? Do 10% of their EHP until it reaches 50%, then deal lower to about 5-7% of their health instead? Or hit harder the lower their health is?

3) ... And can I add on a suggestion, to make Fire Blast's lingering ring of fire actually be manageable with range mods? OR at least buff its current radius. Right now, I only use that ring on defense melee targets (Butcher etc.) and infested.

Well, if you had read the whole thing you would know the answer to the first question :P

1) No, Fireball got the "ring of fire" (but now turned into an AREA of fire) added to it from Fire Blast. Range unchanged (or maybe not?).

2) It would be much simpler than that. Current health is what it says: Current health. Lemme explain:
WoF could deal, just as an example, 100 heat damage (the flat amount) and 5% of the enemy's current health as damage on each explosion.
That means, that if an enemy has 5000 health, the first explosion would deal 100 (flat) + 250 damage (5% of its current 5000 health), for a total of 350.
Now the enemy has 4650 health, then the next explosion on it would deal 100 (flat) + 232,5 damage (5% of its current 4650 health), for a total of 332,5

In essence, it deals high damage to the enemy in the start, but as the enemy gets less and less health, its scaling damage part gets weaker and weaker. Thus, "softener" damage. Why? It's less cheesy and less powerful on lower level enemies, but it can actually deal quite a significant amount of damage to highlevel enemies (at least in the start).

3) Well, I suggested to move it over to Fireball (and as an AREA, rather than a ring, although it could still have the GRAPHICS of the ring), but even there I guess that could be done? The reason I suggested it to be on Fireball, is because then you can make it a longrange area denial tool, potentially blocking pathways without even having to go over there (just aim and launch!). That would serve a much better purpose, imo.
Further, I gabe Fire Blast the "speeds up Heat procs" instead, to give it a new purpose (as the ring is very hard to use when the ability it spawns from also PUSHES ENEMIES AWAY! -.-). The proc-speed thing was inspired by the more literal meaning of "fighting fire with fire", that an explosion next to something burning would, because of the shockwave, blow away the fire. Ember just does it in a more violent way >:)

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On 29/10/2016 at 11:48 AM, Xekrin said:

Values on new ability concepts should always be taken with a grain of salt.  Obviously they'd be changed appropriately.  Its the general mechanics that are interesting and different.

yeah, i write an idea and i know this should be OP, for that i want to see opinions :)

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