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Equinox Build Help ( builds and tips )



mainly just wana know what people mainly build her for, and any tips with her be nice. i enjoy the idea of her and all but simply being in day form n just afk my 4th like banshee cant be the only thing she is good at.... also would like to see her be able to live in endgame wise n do well ( have not used her in lv90+ mobs yet)




Free Hugs :D

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15 answers to this question

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10 hours ago, Urska said:

pp augment? and what is "the latter" x3. btw thanks for the 3 build ideas and all. and now i do think of it, ya her 4th skils do scale... Mmmm



dose anyone ever use  her... 3rd? the one that buffs everyones STR? ( and the other form of it)

Actually i have 3 builds. This  is focused to buff, so get 250% STR to max it.



ALSO i try to keep range as DD power, but in will work well only with Trinity.


This one is another one for a low-lvl mission, like syndicate. It also have 47% buff (hardcap is 50%) but desing for Maim mostly. Just for one pressing 4 after getting second energy pick up.




Anyway this is mine default:



As you see, i use Natural Talent here, and i think it mandatory for Maim and Maim is a thing that make Equinox unique.

In first iteration i had tried to keep Provoke, but i just realise its just don't worth it. Anyway fell free put back Energy Conversion and Intensify in V-slots for a 130% total STR (26% buff) or even 145% if you remove Firewalker.

But i just maxing only this two parameters, which only affect Maim -- range and speed of casting. Of course i am talking about discharge. And don't forget about Maim have a Crowd Control potential. You can revive somebody, or just keep pressing it in emergency. Not a big deal if you have 45 meters of destruction, but keep it mind.

Edited by -JT-_-R3W1ND
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lol, you can only afk during day form on like mid tier. in high tier it won't kill anything with just that short slash dmg period. she's one of the best dmg dealers mainly because she scales. there are 2 main builds for her and a all-round build 









peaceful provocation slow/CC build: 




my favorite is probably the latter. it's just so much fun and perfect. get a shotgun (vaykor hek) and just enjoy shooting everyone in the face. ofc you need to take dmg to charge it up, and for that you should get a throwing weapon with the concealed explosive mod. the dmg from it will charge your PP augment. 

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I've long run her with a more Range-focused build for better Maim blasts / Mend reach / Rest CC
though recently I decided to skip Overextended to allow Peaceful Provocation to work at full force.

Corrosive Projection, Enemy Sense
Intensify, Transient Fortitude
Streamline, Fleeting Expertise (R4)
Primed Continuity, Stretch
Peaceful Provocation, Vitality

The +Power Strength from Provoke is a pretty significant Squad boost
(and not least lets Maim's Slash procs stay relevant for a good bit longer)
while that slowdown + damage debuff combo on Pacify is pretty fantastic in action,
letting 'Nox jump right into (at least Grineer) mobs with little risk but much reward :D

Also, while Efficiency is great for (Rest spam and) prolonged Maim,
if you're (using Zenurik and) going Night Form exclusively, you can get away with less Efficiency
[i.e. removing Fleeting or using Blind Rage] and still regen more Energy than you're draining
since, interestingly enough, Energy Overflow (& co) stays active during Pacify.

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She's the furthest frame from being a one trick pony, quite the opposite, she's the most versatile. Lately I`ve been playing her as a Tank with CC [Range/Strenght/Efficiency] using her Night Forms's 3 with Peaceful Provocation getting 80% damage reduction and 80% slow. Couple it with Zenurik and Energy Syphon and you are set, add a weapon with Life Strike if you don't want to use her 4 for heal and you are practically immortal until the enemies can 1 shot you. You can stil use her 2 since it stil has about 2-3 seconds on it to get rid of dangerous units.

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I usually go with:

vitality, redirection

(primed) continuity, constitution

stretch, cunning drift (exilus slot)

Fleeting expertise, transient fort, peaceful provocation

This is mostly focused on the night form. Keeping your 3 up all the time isn't too hard. It's not very easy to stack up peaceful provocation savely, but the slow is really nice once you have it. Also nullifiers and falling down/jumping too high can be really annoying, because it removes everything you stacked up.

I don't this in the 2nd and 3rd sortie mission, because stacking up can be so difficult at that level.

If you want to use your 2 a lot and you are worried about running out of energy, switch out constitution for streamline.

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35 minutes ago, aligatorno said:

She's the furthest frame from being a one trick pony, quite the opposite, she's the most versatile. Lately I`ve been playing her as a Tank with CC [Range/Strenght/Efficiency] using her Night Forms's 3 with Peaceful Provocation getting 80% damage reduction and 80% slow. Couple it with Zenurik and Energy Syphon and you are set, add a weapon with Life Strike if you don't want to use her 4 for heal and you are practically immortal until the enemies can 1 shot you. You can stil use her 2 since it stil has about 2-3 seconds on it to get rid of dangerous units.

kinda why i started this. cuz i know their is more to her then just 1 skill win like ash. theirs alot to her as whole. think i just needed some help with ppl who put time into her to get me going n all

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1 hour ago, GinKenshin said:

lol, you can only afk during day form on like mid tier. in high tier it won't kill anything with just that short slash dmg period. she's one of the best dmg dealers mainly because she scales. there are 2 main builds for her and a all-round build 



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peaceful provocation slow/CC build: 


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my favorite is probably the latter. it's just so much fun and perfect. get a shotgun (vaykor hek) and just enjoy shooting everyone in the face. ofc you need to take dmg to charge it up, and for that you should get a throwing weapon with the concealed explosive mod. the dmg from it will charge your PP augment. 

pp augment? and what is "the latter" x3. btw thanks for the 3 build ideas and all. and now i do think of it, ya her 4th skils do scale... Mmmm



dose anyone ever use  her... 3rd? the one that buffs everyones STR? ( and the other form of it)

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14 minutes ago, Urska said:

pp augment? and what is "the latter" x3. btw thanks for the 3 build ideas and all. and now i do think of it, ya her 4th skils do scale... Mmmm



dose anyone ever use  her... 3rd? the one that buffs everyones STR? ( and the other form of it)

pp=peaceful provocation, her 3 augment which is one of the best. the latter is the pp night build. I explained it under the build 

her 3rd is a toggle with little to no energy consumption. you should always have it on, so it's not even worth mentioning. and it's the core ability for her night build. you'll reduce enemies' dmg and slow them down for like 75% or something with the 3rd build

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21 minutes ago, -JT-_-R3W1ND said:

Actually i have 3 builds. This  is focused to buff, so get 250% STR to max it.

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ALSO i try to keep range as DD power, but in will work well only with Trinity.


This one is another one for a low-lvl mission, like syndicate. It also have 47% buff (hardcap is 50%) but desing for Maim mostly. Just for one pressing 4 after getting second energy pick up.

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Anyway this is mine default:

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As you see, i use Natural Talent here, and i think it mandatory for Maim and Maim is a thing that make Equinox unique.

In first iteration i had tried to keep Provoke, but i just realise its just don't worth it. Anyway fell free put back Energy Conversion and Intensify in V-slots for a 130% total STR (26% buff) or even 145% if you remove Firewalker.

But i just maxing only this two parameters, which only affect Maim -- range and speed of casting. Of course i am talking about discharge. And don't forget about Maim have a Crowd Control potential. You can revive somebody, or just keep pressing it in emergency. Not a big deal if you have 45 meters of destruction, but keep it mind.

tbh this is more what i was looking for as answer. so thank you for listing reasons n tips for each build. but just overall great info ^^. sure some one will google n find your post VERY helpful <3~

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On 11/3/2016 at 1:46 AM, Urska said:

also. is Duality useless ? kinda feels like it is at 60+ ish

imo, unless it gets changed to be 50% of the ability duration..its honestly only good for a short timed spectre....even with a 200+% duration buid, it only lasts for about 18 seconds compared to the actually ability lasting just under a minute (for me at least)

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This is long, sorry. It could be informative, though.

My usual build (from memory) is a slow build which needs energy overflow and has energy conversion (I add a self damage weapon and maybe a dagger usually - glaive (kestrel) instead sometimes against the infested and spiras/hikous for using a dagger and dealing with nullies, which are a bit scary for slow builds, imo.):

maxed transient fortitude, maxed fleeting, overextended, r5 blind rage (I think - 130 efficiency), energy conversion, qt+p flow, peaceful provocation, ice or fire bullet jump mods, corrosive projection

13 duration (2 finishers is easy within the 2-3s, and they're stunned for more than 5 seconds), approximately 149+50 strength (unsure at the moment), 130 efficiency and 190 range.

I really love the playstyle this build requires for optimal performance. It's my usual hieracon build, also.


I have 3 (4th isn't claimed yet) 4-5 forma equinox's with 8 builds for now that you could make variations of - 3 slow builds, 2 maim builds, 1 battery build and 2 sleep builds.

No all around ones yet for me, but it'd have peaceful provocation, something close to a 175 economy and 80 duration combo (78 duration is plenty), 190 range or more would be awesome. I'm pretty sure that by knowing the abilities, the types of builds and playstyles, the modding gets pretty easy. Maim and sleep builds can require getting used to.


Maim builds:

175 efficiency with 80 duration is the minimal drain cap, but my two builds do have 78 duration, which isn't much of a difference (0,025Hz difference, I think). Try casting while having the momentum of a bullet jump (with mod) so you can stay mobile (you get used to timing that manoeuvre, like with banshee). Fast killing weapons and mobility are necessary if a team doesn't cc or protect.

My all around maim build (I don't use it that much, tbh.) has 40 strength and is based on mobility and practicality (casting time for the proc, bullet jump, some survivability, and 78 duration+175 economy+235 range).

The other is for exterminate missions - it only has the bullet jump mod for mobility/survivability, and the rest is about strength, with the augment too - it gives 44 pc strength and the other stats are the same as the other. The procs from it kill up to an ok level and the power buff helps embers/similar a little.

It doesn't scale with armor, but it retains 75pc of base health and shields from enemies that died within range before redistributing in slash damage (without counting armor, btw - use corrosive projection if enemies have armor.).

Madurai boosts slash damage ;). Not sure if it impacts the redistribution, but the procs probably do benefit from it. It'd need testing. In any case, that might not be as useful as vazarin for staying mobile.

The slash might make asleep/stringed enemies fall to the ground, but their hitbox for finishers remain. In the lvl 9999 alert for example, I could put some asleep and release billions of damage with maim on the 40+ enemy crowd - satisfying at higher levels.


Sleep builds:

The augment is worth it, but sometimes unreliable. The bug makes it highly dangerous for you if you rely on the spread when using your dagger, for example. I would suggest trying to not make the build just for that ability, but it's mod hungry if you want it to be practical too.

The mod isn't like resonance - it doesn't restart the timer. I'd advise more than 190 range and more than 150 duration (both of my builds have more of both and aren't hybrids); more duration, less range can be worth it, or less of both to have a maim hybrid.

A slow build semi-hybrid can get 145-160 range and 78 duration while keeping decent strength and 130 efficency.

Sleep builds can use energy overflow+p flow+qt nicely; casting speed is practical and mobility (for casting while moving and for evading) is also.

Don't use 3 with 40pc strength - if my memory is correct, it increases enemy damage.

Bombards, napalms and ancients can throw their projectile after falling asleep if they started the animation/pre-animation.

They can get out of sleep if damaged to a certain percentage or if certain procs hit them, so stay aware and spam if unsure. You might have to time your recasts, they stay wide awake for some seconds.


Battery/slash builds:

I like my 190 range for the diameter increase, but 160 is ok. You need 250 strength and the augment for 80 pc strength addition. You could do a slash build hybrid, with a bit of efficiency and the rest to your liking. Maim-battery hybrids (50pc+ strength addition and decent maim) are a bit scary to use due to both being really mod hungry - even if you put 190 range. If it's in a squad, people might spam and ev might be there, so a slash build could help speed the goal. Use it for leveling the frame up or helping a banshee/saryn in clearing crowds if you want (note that spores are popped by her maim, though). You could walk through decently high level exterminates with a slash build.


Slow builds:

I had to find which combinations worked for me, tbh. I like my overextended (damage reduction distribution is slightly better, but it's mostly for diameter of slow and rest) and qt+p flow (due to not losing energy with zenurik), but if you want to not use zenurik and if you want duration, you have to let go of one of those two ressources.

Napalms, bombards and ancients can shoot their projectiles after falling asleep, you might not see the begining of their animation at all since it is slowed - stay mobile and fastly leap onto them from a different angle (for finishers or shotgun shots).

Nullifiers (high firerate lankas and the crowd speeding they make) can be an absolute nightmare for playstyle. Bring something to deal with them and stay in semi open rooms (multiple medium sections preferably, and no second floor). Conceiled explosive hikous/spiras are multipurpose for such builds. You could add the holster rate mod for practicality too.

Do not ever enter any mission that could potentially spawn at some point the vicious, malicious, cruel, nasty, horrible and evil "combas" or "scrambus" creatures of doom; DON'T EVEN TRY, PLEASE. You have been warned.

Try to calm the right crowds while staying mobile and put to rest those you're getting to, basically.

The vaykor syndicate procs (idk about the sydon's) is quite longer due to the slow, so the vaykor hek can be a good thing for low duration+dagger setups (the proc opens enemies up to finishers, fyi.). Just something to keep in mind if hesitating with tigris p, soma p, etc. at higher levels.

Self damage weapons are really recommended. Zenurik allows build diversity.

Low duration works due to the enemies waking up very slowly from rest. At 13 percent it is still great.

It stacks with cold procs (frost for example) and slow abilities. If you have 80pc slow, a cold proc from frost's augment (that's what impedence does, right?) will make that 90pc and a 75pc slow nova added will make that 97.5 percent slow in total. I guess Nekros would make them practically stop. Her with nova, ice world frost (was that the name?) and (resonance or wubbb banshee, or maim equi) on hieracon have worked great for me and friends (you can do finishers on most infested now, if you know the spots, btw.).


Invis. kubrow, shade, djinn and such can be useful with most builds.

I've seen others have vastly different priorities for builds, or different names for some. You'll figure your preferences. I'd post build examples later if asked, but you can figure her out.

I haven't really farmed arcanes enough, but all the builds can be helped with at least one.




Probably will get patched.


The minimal drain cap doesn't work like I had written. 80 duration+180 efficiency was what I was refering to. The drain is at minimal Hz when maxing your fleeting expertise (efficiency beyond 175 still affects the required duration).

I could've mentioned that finishers make you invulnerable during the animation.

The maim+strength build mentioned clears waves on Io (relic farm) practically instantly. Just walk about 5-10m back and forth in the middle of the map.

Edited by (PS4)GiraffesAreGods
My english is bad. I wasn't sure what else to change. Simple rewriting of a part of a sentence. Forgot to mention madurai! Not too big of a deal, though. Forgot minor details also. And news on a bug for duality augment.
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