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I fell like melee is too underrated...


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3 hours ago, PsychedelicSnake said:

There's a reload button that is never used with melee.

i had a fun idea with what melee buttons could be,. to add on to this, where mouse clicks are heavy and light attacks but at a distance holding one or the other can block melee attacks or firearm attacks. the old melee attack can be the channel to with some assortment of modifiers .>.

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Just now, KinetosImpetus said:

Again , what about people who don't even use reload for guns? I have no free button to bind a second melee attack to unless blocking is also changed . 

It was just a suggestion, it doesn't have to be reload, there's multiple buttons they could use for melee for a heavy attack. Reload was just the first thing that came to mind because I personally don't use it at all during melee.

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As simple and cartoon as it is , I liked how blocking and attacking with lightsabers worked in the original LEGO Star Wars . You had one button , tap to attack , hold to block and deflect blasters in random directions , tap or begin hold as a blaster is about to hit you to deflect it back to shooter. 

Translated to Warframe and including 2 button combos , I would say, . . . 

Button 1:

Tap = light attack 

Hold = block 

Button 2:

Tap = heavy attack 

Hold = aim glide / block 

Holding 1, Button 2:

Tap = Parry

Hold = charge attack 

Holding 2, Button 1:

Tap = air attack (like when we jump and aim up currently) or if in the air aiming down, ground slam

Hold = wall attack 

Edited by KinetosImpetus
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melee is certainly fun, and it works to an extent, but the problem is that most guns will have higher DPS in endgame, and the nature of ranged combat means it's much less risky to sit back and shoot than to charge in with a Sword. granted, one can use a Tankier frame that's more suited to melee, such as Valkyr, but they would still take even less damage and deal more damage to the enemy with a gun. just like in real life, the Gun made the Blade obsolete as a primary weapon, but blades are still kept because they have some uses.

ultimately it boils down to preference. going Sword-alone is fun, looks stylish, and is quite effective, and is some people's preferred method of engaging the enemy, while others still enjoy being more tactical and firing in concentrated bursts from cover, or running in firing as many rounds as possible like their favourite action hero (or Clem). all these methods work just fine and can be enjoyed, but most of the time, the gun is objectively better, whether people like it or not. and it kind of hurts to say that as I LOVE my Heavy blades.

what makes Warframe special in tis regard is that while so many shooters have an arbitrary and basic form of Melee, Warframe lets full blown Martial Arts and medieval warfare take centre stage along with futuristic guns and energy weapons. melee doesn't feel like a gimmick, or a challenge, it feels like it's meant to be there, that the ability to use a Sword or Knife or Whip etc. as well as they can aim a gun is what truly makes the Tenno who they are : masters of all forms of Combat.




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Ever seen a dedicated melee frame like Valkyrie going nuts with nothing but an Atterax? Mine has arcane strike plus eternal war I regularly out damage other frames that do not use cookie cutter Synoid Simulors and manage to keep up with my speed. 

Galatine P, and Nikana P do not even come close.  


I achieve red crits in the 5 digit range very quickly and then it just keeps getting up. 

Edited by Hatzeputt
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20 hours ago, bowiespoon said:

I'm sorry, I love warframe, but don't try to tell me that its melee combat is better than dark souls


I think that combat its better in WF....

Where is fun in rolling in walls and every god dammed enemy in the DS? That piss is me off so much..

Here in warframe you can at least kill thing and have fun doing it

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100% melee Valkyr here. It's fun and very efficient. :inlove::devil:
It's just shame that there are many melee weapons to choose from, but only very few of them are truly viable in the higher-level missions and enemies.
Some weapons need a touch up and better stances. Ie. the dual swords.. look so cool, but playing any of those is just clumsy and un-fun. There are many weapons like that, which'd deserve some love.

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On 9/11/2016 at 3:21 PM, BloodPunch said:

Warframe is shooter, but in the same time its not..

Melee combat is really good in warframe, it gives you felling like you are overpowered space ninja-cool looking dude that can slice throw anything. ITS JUST SO FUN GOING WITH MELEE ONLY ANND KILLING EVERYBODY.

Many games have this problem like Skyrim: Sure its cool casting spells but it doesn't matter what weapon do you have, game just simply treat them like the same weapon.you struggle when they are more than like 2 enemys and it doesn't have any combos

Even the freaking Dark souls is not that good in that ! Where is fun rolling in walls and around enemys and then bumping in them?Maybe there are  people that like that but it ain't me!

Warframe just gives me feeling that I HIT @(*()$ thing..

And then, I see people that just stand......ENTIRE MISSION ON ONE SPOT, SPAMING the abilities and then speed rushing the mission...

I always see those kind of people...

AND I just want to ask you: Where is fun in that kind of play-style?

Melee in warframe just have so good points and it really fells fast and soo good..

What's your opinion about this? Let me know guys I really what to see your opinions! :-)

Dude, have you ever tried telos boltace?  Try it and then come back.

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On 9/11/2016 at 3:27 PM, DeFragMe said:

sadly i must say.... meele doesnt viel underrated in WF for me, just most of the time the onlyst option.

since they change the amount of enemies, armor and such, it got incredible harder to use a gun in combat. because you either have to reliad oder to many people runing at you , while in many cases melee is more powerful  , faster and has no reload problem...



but that might just be me and i will stay with my weak latron prime and braton prime.

Braton and Latron Primes are status beasts. I dunno how can you deem them weak. I shred lvl 150 with those and melt anything bleow that.

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On 11/9/2016 at 9:46 AM, PsychedelicSnake said:

I'd prefer a two-button melee system over just mashing the same button, for starters. They could even alternate between different styles of the two-button system. They can go for alternating attack strengths, or go for something that rewards topping off with a larger attack, or the use of stronger charge attacks for damage or combo boosts. There's so much that can be done with a two-button system, but very little with a one-button system.

Melee tracking in midair, and also midair combos would be nice. I enthusiastically enjoy melee combat in Archwing because of the melee tracking.

Boltace will swing twice in midair but that's it. It's so annoying trying to take down ospreys with melee...

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There are fewer frames that can do melee well so that is probably one reason it's not as popular.

Melee also takes a lot of effort and skill. I think 'laziness' for lack of a better term and the unwillingness to spending the time to learn to use it well are other issues making melee less popular.

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Most of the time I'm playing with frames that favors melee style (excalibur/chroma/volt are among my favs and excal is the best) but even playing 80%~90% of the time as melee sometimes you get tired of grinding/farming and just want to do something fast. In random squads complaining about how someone plays or which frame he chooses is something that I can't comprehend cause everybody has their own objectives/style and minds and you can always make your squad and coordinate. This reminds me of the draco days when some random dude was raging against me cause I brought loki to draco and said that I was only leeching cause killing with melee is slower and loki is a cc frame... funny when a few rounds later he died and I laughted at the karma cause had I used another irradiating disarm in time he wouldn't be down... So expecting people to play the way you want in random squads is stupid and pointless... some are there just to rush, some to credit farm/xp farm/specfic resources farm and some just for fun...

Edited by Azyrt
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2 hours ago, ShaneKahnnigan17 said:

Braton and Latron Primes are status beasts. I dunno how can you deem them weak. I shred lvl 150 with those and melt anything bleow that.

well, i never said they ARE weak but that they FEEL weak compared to a status melee weapon that deals per hit more damage to multiple enemies without mods and never runs out of ammo where the reloading sometimes take 1-2 sec.

And also it is way easier to slied into a enemie group and inst  kill them then to spray over a group of enemies, to reload afterwars.


and afterall, thats my opinion. and everyobe feels different about melee and guns and abilitys.

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3 hours ago, jodarkrider said:

100% melee Valkyr here. It's fun and very efficient. :inlove::devil:
It's just shame that there are many melee weapons to choose from, but only very few of them are truly viable in the higher-level missions and enemies.
Some weapons need a touch up and better stances. Ie. the dual swords.. look so cool, but playing any of those is just clumsy and un-fun. There are many weapons like that, which'd deserve some love.

Yeah its really sad when I open market and then I search for new melee weapon I am always like OMG THAT IS FICKING AMAZING MELEE!!!!!! ouuu......it doesn't do a S#&$ ton of damage.... Well F*** it:-)

And also they are always going to be just few weapons that are top tier... Leaving all other ones in shadow

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2 hours ago, Bluejay235 said:

There are fewer frames that can do melee well so that is probably one reason it's not as popular.

Melee also takes a lot of effort and skill. I think 'laziness' for lack of a better term and the unwillingness to spending the time to learn to use it well are other issues making melee less popular.

What frames for example?

That is just the one of reasons why is it so attractive to me: its really challenging, and when you mastered it, it gives incredibly feeling !

PS and looks fuvking amazing!!!!

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On 9/11/2016 at 8:21 AM, BloodPunch said:

And then, I see people that just stand......ENTIRE MISSION ON ONE SPOT, SPAMING the abilities and then speed rushing the mission...

when you join other players you are not living the legend they tell in tales

thats why i love to play solo

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