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[TWW/Spoilers] Riven mods stats need a serious rework


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After looking around my clan, forums and trade chat, I think we can agree that these mods need some changes, even though they are just a few days old.

The most serious problem is that 'damage' and 'multishot' can show up in the negative stats. The -damage actually can negate the entire bonus of the mod, and -multishot actually gives a chance for the weapon to do no damage.

The other problem is that some mods are giving bonus for stats that the weapon cant have, like the Miter getting '+Crit damage/chance' or the Paracyst getting '+IPS damage'.

Also, everything related to the riven mods are just layers and layers of RNG. Getting a new mod from the sortie is RNG, the mission you get is RNG, the weapon you get is RNG, the stats are RNG, the mastery lock is RNG and the kuva siphon you need to find to reroll is RNG.

You can get a really hard mission like getting a Simaris target without using traps and abilities, without taking damage and while using a dragon key, and then get a really bad mod for a sentinel weapon with one bonus and one negative, but you can also get a really easy mission like 5 headshots in one air glide, and get a mod for the Simulor with 4 bonus and no negative.

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I don't think Riven Mods should be handled as "Spoilers", they have literally nothing to do with the quest, you merely get the first one after it, but there's no telling anywhere what they are, they are not connected to the story at all.


Anyway. I agree with you. Currently there could be hideously imbalanced versions, both OP and UP variants and that's not quite good.

There should be more rules for these stats. There should always be negative stats if it already has at least 2 bonuses, etc.

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The thing is, these mods are rare and RNG based, and at least in my experience, the mod I received is LESS useful than a silver mod. It's weapon specific and only effects zoom/aim and effectiveness against grineer, but only just barely exceeds "bane of grineer". I personally think that a new type of rare mod should not even come close to being this useless. Not to mention that the requirement to unlock it was more difficult than anyone else I know.

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1 hour ago, DC010 said:

The thing is, these mods are rare and RNG based, and at least in my experience, the mod I received is LESS useful than a silver mod. It's weapon specific and only effects zoom/aim and effectiveness against grineer, but only just barely exceeds "bane of grineer". I personally think that a new type of rare mod should not even come close to being this useless. Not to mention that the requirement to unlock it was more difficult than anyone else I know.

Did you know that if you go on mod station, you can reset that mod? if you reset it for the first time it will cost 900 KUVA.

The system reset just the effect and the polarization, not the weapon that is affected.


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29 minutes ago, Uan91 said:

That's why you can reroll them.

The purpose of this update is to keep all the players and give them something to do.

What's the point to have everything and quickly?

I love this system.


That's what I thought at first as well.
Then I got a Flux Rifle mod. Not using that weapon.
Got one for Miter. Nothing can make that weapon relevant.
A mod for the Dread. Finally, something good. Negative recoil and cold damage. Rerolled. Got Punch Through and Infested dmg. Who's going to go against Infested with a bow?
Got a mod for the Soma. I thought this will be great. I had to reroll because it had negative 58% Critical dmg. Then I got one with increased Recoil, Punch Through and Corpus dmg. Rerolled. Terrible stats again, and rerolled after that as well. Now I have +Toxin dmg, +Multishot and -Puncture dmg. Guess what's gonna happen next.

My opinion about the Riven mods:
Way too much RNG, for increasing cost.
1: RNG if you get a Riven mod from the Sortie.
2: RNG if you get a mod for a weapon that can be viable with better stats from the Riven mod.
3: RNG if you get good stats.
4: RNG if you find a Kuva Siphon.
5: RNG if you get good stats after rerolling.
6: Repeat 4-5 if not.

I understand that they want to keep us playing. But this system is already boring after a whole day of grinding for Kuva.

EDIT: forgot to mention the increasing cost of Kuva for the rerolling. for me the next one costs 2500.

Edited by ShadowFox14
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28 minutes ago, Uan91 said:

That's why you can reroll them.

The purpose of this update is to keep all the players and give them something to do.

What's the point to have everything and quickly?

I love this system.


I am OK with that, as long as no platinum is involved in the process, then it seriously undermines Warframe's business model. It's just too close to scammy RNG loot box gambling for my liking. As I hold Warframe as my best example of F2P done right, I'm not happy about them introducing something like that.

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I think, Riven mods need real and serious rework.
Challenges are quite ridicules, like MobyTheDuck was noted and stats can be... or it looks like - really game breaking.

I personally think that new rare and so specific mods need to give something different and n-e-w than more stats! (and even RNG based, because - everybody loves RNG) - which can brake the game.

Like... similar to Syndicates mods? Will be quite fun to have mod for daggers, with counter and proc of invisibility, or rifle with proc for 20 seconds multishot.

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56 minutes ago, Uan91 said:

Did you know that if you go on mod station, you can reset that mod? if you reset it for the first time it will cost 900 KUVA.

The system reset just the effect and the polarization, not the weapon that is affected.


I understand the system just fine, I don't have a problem with the system, I can even understand it for what is considered a poor weapon to help improve it. The issue I have is that mine MAXED out increases grineer damage for the Lanka by 34%, and that just feels like it shouldn't even be in rotation.

Closer to the 50-70% I've been hearing about would be reasonable, but the fact that it is marginally better than a silver mod, and in my mind less so because of the weapon restriction, and just knowing that this crap is in the rotation, makes me not want to reroll for risk of more BS like I've been running into.

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