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[SPOILER] Riven Mods are dangerous for the game


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Right now, there is a HUGE uproar about Riven Mods being a ridiculous RNG-fest and overall a terrible idea that should be cut short immediately. While it’s nice to have cool new mod types and things to put on sub-par weapons or whatever to make them fun to use, the power creep/meta just takes over and we all know it. People will only be looking for mods to use on their Soma, Burston, Boltor, Simulor, etc. It’s inevitable and it’s scary. I love this game too much to see it go down a dark path of no return; So I have a proposal. We change how Riven mods function entirely.

Right down to the RNG of it all, it just sucks to get a ridiculous objective only for it to be something that even dares to give you -damage for a gun you didn’t even know of. For it to be some relatively easy objective and get 3 positive stats that scream OP for the weapon you can’t part with. Make it select from a handful of challenging and interesting objectives, but all of them relatively simple and fun to accomplish. This way there’s nobody getting something ridiculously annoying to do and get +magazine capacity and -flight speed for the Ogris, while someone else gets one of the easiest tasks and is given +crit damage, +crit chance, +damage for the Soma. Which brings me into my second point; RNG stats.

No. Straight up, just no. I don’t want to be gambling for a mod that I can’t guarantee the stats on. Many will agree. I think the idea behind it originally was to have personalized mods to some extent. Why not take it the entire way there? Let us craft the mod to our liking. The weapon we put the mod on will determine the weapon it is for. I put it on my Braton (Prime, Vandal, whatever you get the point) and upon completing the objective it turns into a mod for the Braton. Next, we should be able to choose which effects the mod has on it, so long as it is an applicable effect (can’t modify the flight speed since it’s a Braton.) So say I have my Braton mod, I will then put on +punch through, +heat damage, +reload speed but the mod will have a drain of 20 or 25 or whatever at max rank. The drain of the mod increases based on how many positive effects are on it, and you can even put on negative effects to lower the drain a bit. So if I take out the reload speed and but in something negative, such as -fire rate, the drain would go down to 18-23 perhaps. Also please consider adding in other things we can add such as +headshot damage or +lifesteal.


Please consider this, if not just read it. A lot of players are very unhappy about the new Riven mods and it seriously needs to be addressed.

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1 minute ago, Xiusa said:

How is it not relevant??? It's part of the problem that Damage 3.0 is supposed to fix, it's starting to take a step back if anything.

With these gambling mods introduced, I doubt there will be any damage system revision in the nearest future. Although, the issue is real. 

It seems like DE decided "why bother with all this tedious balancing? Just give unto RNG and pray for the best" or "There is no balance or imbalance in the perfect chaos; no imbalance - no problems"

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Just now, JSharpie said:

If you use the search function, there are well over 100 threads with the same topic.

Some of us like them, some of us don't.

Yes, but why do people dislike it? Why do people like it? The reasons speak more volumes than simply their position on the matter

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7 minutes ago, Xiusa said:

People will only be looking for mods to use on their Soma, Burston, Boltor, Simulor, etc. It’s inevitable and it’s scary.

I don't agree with your premise. I'm looking for mods for the weaker guns that aren't used much. I want a braton and a karak riven mod, for example, and I'm seeing a ton of discussion in council and other places about the potential of formerly worthless mastery fodder weapons in endgame play now that riven mods exist.

It might sound scary reflexively, but having thought about it, I'm tremendously optimistic about this system.

The thing with craftable mods is that they don't encourage experimentation to the same extent. I'd never craft, say, a harpak riven mod and so I'd never see whether a harpak can be good. But if RNG gives me one? I might take it for a spin just to see what a difference it makes. The more I think about the RNG involved here, the more I think we finally have an actual endgame system that rewards us with effective equipment and encourages us to keep participating in it.

I think the riven system could use tweaks - some of the unlock challenges are obscene (lol "capture a synthesis target solo with a hobbled key without using powers or traps while taking no damage" - and that's a mod I've actually seen someone link to in council chat),  and there is a scam exploit that needs to be closed, but on the whole I don't think it's dangerous for the game at all.

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also sorry but i think the whole fun is about RNG and Risk/reward


i can still understand frustration or power creep questioning but i am sure damage 3.0 will fix the done


my only regret is that thoose mods dont use the system of the recent mods implying some specifics action to get the buff (head shot, sliding , aim glide and so on)



also OP weapons are allready killing everything ,so who care about more or less damage


as said above i am more like "damn i want a good panthera riven mod"

Edited by Tsoe
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I'm pretty happy with the riven mods as they are now, but I would not be opposed to adding deterministic elements to the riven system. Semi-deterministic RNG works very well in the other farming/build-improving game I play (Path of Exile), and I imagine it could also work well in Warframe.

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Just now, Tsoe said:

also less flying speed for a projectil weapon can be a tactical choice.... just saying

I know, but you get the premise right? Negative of something on the mod would give you more mod space is the intention of it

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1 minute ago, Xiusa said:

I know, but you get the premise right? Negative of something on the mod would give you more mod space is the intention of it

i can dig it

but that's the risk/reward part



Ofc in a way wut you say make sense and is not total BS

but it's not the only possible way to see it

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Just now, Tsoe said:

i can dig it

but that's the risk/reward part

I know. I think risk/reward is a good element to be explored in Warframe. I also think doing it to mods isn't the best idea right now since the game still has "mandatory mods" and we've been promised some revisions for quite some time now

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4 minutes ago, Xiusa said:

I know. I think risk/reward is a good element to be explored in Warframe. I also think doing it to mods isn't the best idea right now since the game still has "mandatory mods" and we've been promised some revisions for quite some time now


i believe it's a planning issue

damage 3.0 was supposed to be here allready but the whole TWW took too much ressources to make it

Maybe they should have waited and shiped Riven mod with D3.0 instead of now


At least its mastery 8 locked so that's a good start


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I don't want to say anything, but if you want me tbh, here it is:

DE promises less grind (supposedly new void system now mods that have less than 1% chance to be broken-&#! OP) and says that they will be removing damage mods and reworking multishot.

IMO it's a great step forward to that, adding more damage+multishot+crit chance+crit damage mods with no drawback (oh wait, there is, a half year grindwall to back up that bullS#&$ LUL ).




EDIT: inb4 ban for honesty

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I'd like to be able to lock stats (and their values) in when rerolling, but at an increased cost to reroll personally. It'd mean theres still rng in getting a good riven mod, but you control it to an extent. This would obviously be limited to a single stat.

While I'd definitely like to craft exactly what I want, having rng involved at least partially makes it feel more rewarding to get something good, and it practically guarantees variety. If you make it fully custom at will then everyone's gonna have the exact same mods for the exact same weapons in no time at all.

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Just now, DragonSkllzz_of_OG said:

I'd like to be able to lock stats (and their values) in when rerolling, but at an increased cost to reroll personally. It'd mean theres still rng in getting a good riven mod, but you control it to an extent. This would obviously be limited to a single stat.

While I'd definitely like to craft exactly what I want, having rng involved at least partially makes it feel more rewarding to get something good, and it practically guarantees variety. If you make it fully custom at will then everyone's gonna have the exact same mods for the exact same weapons in no time at all.

I've seen people throwing that idea around (locking stats) and I'm on board with it too. It is rewarding to get that thing that you want. I think a good compromise between the two ideas (mine and others of keeping one stat) would be that it's for the weapon you have equipped at the very least, but let's not set everything in stone right away

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1 hour ago, Teloch said:

It seems like DE decided "why bother with all this tedious balancing? Just give unto RNG and pray for the best" or "There is no balance or imbalance in the perfect chaos; no imbalance - no problems"

Yeah it really seems as if they finally went "F it, make it all random Diablo style" No hand tailored mods with a care for balance, no evaluation of the boost and overall strength for mods anymore. And to make it even worse these mods start to make no sense in many cases because they didn`t think it through, just a chart with random pre- and suffix the game is pulling from.

I have a Ogris mod with Recoil reduction, somebody I met had a Supra with Crit Chance for the 2.5% base chance on the weapon itself oO 

Every single plat circulating was bought at some point and made DE cash. And if I remember correctly Diablo items with good rolls always had/have the habit to reach insane values....

just saying! 

A good Soma mod is 1000p btw, you might have a look on your plat balance and remember your credit card, could be a while to get one from Sorties.

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I just want mod for furis so the weapon turns from broken to overpowered and ridiculously broken. I got my harpak mod already so i can abuse the exploit is has, just not sure if i want to reroll and pay 5k kuva which is translated as 30 freaking missions to be able to reroll it and risk it for being very bad.

I have quanta mod with +ammo -firerate and +infested damage... like what the.. and I cannot reroll it because it costs too much! it would take me whole day to farm missions to roll it once. I think il just sell it and see what the buyer thinks when he has to spend next week trying to get rid of the S#&$ rolls of the mod lol.

Whatever it is, these mods are too unpredictable and also who's idea was to include sentinel weapons and 15 mod slot cap?

Edited by Saxfire
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