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Rushing Solved.


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Join a Clan that has newbies, or people who don't want to rush.  Play with them.


Join a Clan that has people who will happily show you the ropes.  Play with them.


Seriously, people, what do you expect if you're new to the game and you join a random online group and some of the people in it are a LOT higher level, faster, better armoured, better shielded, better vitalitied and better armed.  Why SHOULD they wait for you?  This is a fast game.


Conversely, there are LOTS of Clans out there that will happily take a newbie or someone who doesn't want to rush and play with them at that speed.  


Can we stop arguing about rushing, now, please?

I mean really... this entire sentiment was expressed on day one of this argument. It's not something that hasn't been repeatedly in every one of the back and forth debates.

That being said, way to make a thread about it... asking us... not to... talk... about... the topic... of the thread....

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this is a difficult topic to adress...

DE is trying to find a balance there e.g.:
Half of your team must reach the extraction zone for the timer to start (works if you have a single rusher in there),
Doors that can only be operated by 2 players...


the other side of the coin is waiting for slow players.

So there are 2 extremes to adress
Players who ignore enemys and just do the objective (this is not intended as mentioned by de in some livestream)
and Players who explore the whoule map to find materials.
Both are annoying to normal players...

Gernerally if I want to do one of those, I simply start a private game and I'm fine...
e.g. rushing a boss for rare drops.

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Join a Clan that has newbies, or people who don't want to rush.  Play with them.


Join a Clan that has people who will happily show you the ropes.  Play with them.


Seriously, people, what do you expect if you're new to the game and you join a random online group and some of the people in it are a LOT higher level, faster, better armoured, better shielded, better vitalitied and better armed.  Why SHOULD they wait for you?  This is a fast game.


Conversely, there are LOTS of Clans out there that will happily take a newbie or someone who doesn't want to rush and play with them at that speed.  


Can we stop arguing about rushing, now, please?


Funny how it was actually you that started the debate again when you ask us to stop talking about it.

I already gave my opinion in other debates of the sort so I'm not gonna extend myself further on this matter.

So, you are saying that beginners should join a clan because they can't keep up with rushers? Is that what this has came to? The people who initiate their game path on warframe are forced to join a clan to actually have a good gaming experience in here? Just because a few minority decides they want to just run through the mission like they're doing it solo?

What you are saying is basically what rushers should do. Find a clan and rush with them or even rush solo, when you rush you already kill the boss alone anyways and normal missions are not hard to rush. You're saying that newbies should expect rushing because in ONLINE groups the players are "higher level, faster, better armoured, better shielded, better vitalitied and better armed."? I consider myself all that and many players who disagree with rushing are also all that, but it doesn't mean I don't wait for people who are left behind. Newbies usually don't have fault they're less well equipped and have less sense of direction. If you stopped being egocentric and escort them through the mission maybe in the next run they will know where to go. But hey "why SHOULD they wait for you? It's a fast game" right? It's mean to be rushed and soloed even when in a team right? Yeah I know it's co-op, but that doesn't matter because rushers are all mighty and superior.

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Yeah, I got a solution too.

Click where it says online... click private.... invite friends.... problem solved.

In fact, almost all of the gripes people have about other players misbehaving in the game can be solved in this matter. Don't know what's up with this sense of entitlement where players believe that when they join a random public game, everybody will be well behaved and play exactly the way that player expects the game to be played.

Did they stop having kids read and write book reports on Hatchet in school?

Brian Robeson is a thirteen year-old son of divorced parents. As he travels on a Cessna 406 bush plane to visit his father in the oil fields in northern Canada for the summer, the pilot suffers a heart attack and dies; Brian tries to land the plane, but ends up crash-landing into a lake in the forest, saving nothing but his hatchet—a gift his mother gave him shortly before his plane departed—and his own life.

Throughout the summer, Brian attempts to survive in the endless wilderness with only his hatchet. He discovers how to make fire with the hatchet and eats whatever food he can find, such as rabbits, birds, turtle eggs, fish, and various berries and fruit. He deals with threats from animals such as a porcupine, bear, skunk, moose and wolves, eventually becoming a fine woodsman. He later crafts a bow, arrows, and a fishing spear to aid in his hunting, and fashions a shelter out of the underside of a rock overhang. During his time alone, Brian struggles with memories of home and the bittersweet memory of his mother, whom Brian had caught cheating on his father prior to their divorce.

When a sudden tornado hits the area, it draws the tail of the plane toward the shore of the lake. Brian makes a raft from a few broken off tree tops to get to the plane. When Brian is cutting his way into the tail of the plane, he drops his hatchet in the lake and dives in to get it. Once inside the plane, Brian finds a survival pack that includes additional food and an emergency transmitter, and a .22 rifle. Back on shore, Brian activates the transmitter, but not knowing how to use it, he thinks it is broken and throws it aside. However, Brian is later discovered by a fur trader who received the transmitter's signal.

Following his rescue after 54 days in the wilderness, Brian returns home a different person. He later finds himself marveling at the quantities and variety of food he finds at the grocery store. He eventually reaches his father at the oil fields, but is still unable to discuss his mother's affair.


"The world and its inhabitants must be JUST SO. Otherwise, I will go on whatever forum is available to me and rant and throw a tantrum about it ! You know, instead of doing the productive/constructive thing and adapting."
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Yeah, I got a solution too.

Click where it says online... click private.... invite friends.... problem solved.

In fact, almost all of the gripes people have about other players misbehaving in the game can be solved in this matter. Don't know what's up with this sense of entitlement where players believe that when they join a random public game, everybody will be well behaved and play exactly the way that player expects the game to be played.

Did they stop having kids read and write book reports on Hatchet in school?



"The world and its inhabitants must be JUST SO. Otherwise, I will go on whatever forum is available to me and rant and throw a tantrum about it ! You know, instead of doing the productive/constructive thing and adapting."



Stop trying to promote this... its hard enough getting teams to show up at Titiana to help new players get Ash, or rush through Ceres or the higher up planets.

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Join a Clan that has newbies, or people who don't want to rush.  Play with them.


Join a Clan that has people who will happily show you the ropes.  Play with them.


Seriously, people, what do you expect if you're new to the game and you join a random online group and some of the people in it are a LOT higher level, faster, better armoured, better shielded, better vitalitied and better armed.  Why SHOULD they wait for you?  This is a fast game.


Conversely, there are LOTS of Clans out there that will happily take a newbie or someone who doesn't want to rush and play with them at that speed.  


Can we stop arguing about rushing, now, please?


Do you know the players that cause this "rushing problem"? It's not the ones that like you said are "faster and better equipped" so a newbie cannot keep the pace. it's the ones that RUSH through the level, totally ignoring all but the objective, leaving hundreds of annoyed but alive enemies behind so the slower players find the way blocked and filled with problems, which slows them even more.


You can deal with fast-paced players that actually kill things. You cannot with "I should have played this Solo but I came to ruin your day" ones.

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Stop trying to promote this... its hard enough getting teams to show up at Titiana to help new players get Ash, or rush through Ceres or the higher up planets.

I bet it is... if you're not in a clan and you don't have any friends , in which case you're playing most of the game solo anyway and this would be a non issue.

With the advent of clans, including some pretty friggin big ones, pub games are likely to become more and more rare and hard to get because people will prefer to play with friends/clanmates where they have better control over the gameplay experience as opposed to a pub (which are becoming harder to find) which they don't have any control at all other than staying vs. leaving.

In short, if you apply entailment, you can see where its going.

Stop being a libtard. ( Like that dig? )


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Do you know the players that cause this "rushing problem"? It's not the ones that like you said are "faster and better equipped" so a newbie cannot keep the pace. it's the ones that RUSH through the level, totally ignoring all but the objective, leaving hundreds of annoyed but alive enemies behind so the slower players find the way blocked and filled with problems, which slows them even more.


You can deal with fast-paced players that actually kill things. You cannot with "I should have played this Solo but I came to ruin your day" ones.


As we keep saying, joining a random group is not going to guarantee you a good gameplay experience. DE... and anybody for that matter can only hold your hand so much. Sometimes, you're going to have to put your big boy britches on and do whatever you CAN do instead of throwing a temper tantrum over what you can't do and demanding that somebody do it for you.

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As we keep saying, joining a random group is not going to guarantee you a good gameplay experience. DE... and anybody for that matter can only hold your hand so much. Sometimes, you're going to have to put your big boy britches on and do whatever you CAN do instead of throwing a temper tantrum over what you can't do and demanding that somebody do it for you.


You got me wrong. I don't care about rushers. I'm an explorer type, but I can change my mind and keep the pace with the fast-playing ones as long as they PLAY as part of a team. If I don't like the way the game is running, I just disconnect from that group and join another one or go solo (I don't need anyone to "hold my hand", thanks). It's a public game, so I can't impose my way of doing things. I just wait for others to do the same (kinda naive way of thinking, I know)


What I say is that problem is not rushers vs explorers or whatever, but joining a group when you're gonna play like if they were not there, or worse, use them as living decoys to prevent foes from following you so you can stay focus on the objective. It's not a playstyle issue, but a players behavior issue.


And that cannot be fixed. Of course, ideas as splitting the pub games in two tabs (explore and rush), implementing black lists, etc., could benefit public games, but I'm sure rush-trolls will then appear to keep ruining games :) 

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It's not about that, it's about a drop/loot system that doesn't scale.  I don't know of any other game where you can get to max level but then just run low lvl content for the same amount of drops.  I'm assuming it's not as black and white as that as I'm no games dev but it seems that if the resources scaled then there would be little reason to run a lvl 30 in Mercury!


Oh and for the record, I run lvl 30 ash with master thief on mercury for resources, if I'm not doing it in a pre-arranged clan farming group then I set it to solo.  That's what the OP should do IMO.

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You got me wrong. I don't care about rushers. I'm an explorer type, but I can change my mind and keep the pace with the fast-playing ones as long as they PLAY as part of a team. If I don't like the way the game is running, I just disconnect from that group and join another one or go solo (I don't need anyone to "hold my hand", thanks). It's a public game, so I can't impose my way of doing things. I just wait for others to do the same (kinda naive way of thinking, I know)


What I say is that problem is not rushers vs explorers or whatever, but joining a group when you're gonna play like if they were not there, or worse, use them as living decoys to prevent foes from following you so you can stay focus on the objective. It's not a playstyle issue, but a players behavior issue.


And that cannot be fixed. Of course, ideas as splitting the pub games in two tabs (explore and rush), implementing black lists, etc., could benefit public games, but I'm sure rush-trolls will then appear to keep ruining games :) 

Thanks for clarifying and I can see where you're coming from.

Generally it's my assumption that most players are going to be ill behaved and dumb, so I have no expectations going into a pub. If your game is private, then only those on your friends list and those you invite can join. It's pretty much impossible for a "rush troll" or whatever to join in that situation. The only way that can happen is in a public game. You know and have witnessed this for yourself.

Problem is, this situation, much like real world situations, we can't have everything perfect where everybody is forced to comply. If we all wanted a world like that, we'd be speaking german right now instead of english.

So all we can do is exercise control over what we DO have control over, which in this case we have quite a bit of control.

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Do you know the players that cause this "rushing problem"? It's not the ones that like you said are "faster and better equipped" so a newbie cannot keep the pace. it's the ones that RUSH through the level, totally ignoring all but the objective, leaving hundreds of annoyed but alive enemies behind so the slower players find the way blocked and filled with problems, which slows them even more.


You can deal with fast-paced players that actually kill things. You cannot with "I should have played this Solo but I came to ruin your day" ones.



I have killed everything and open a lot of lockers even when 1 to 2 mini-map tiles ahead. People screamed that I rushed.

This was a data mission.


I can't help if my deth cube is running serration, split chamber, AP, speed trigger and blah blah and all I did was press the occasional 4 to soften em up and level up my frame.


I mean cmon, you can't even keep up with a guy that is hacking some terminals ?!

Ok I will stop using ciphers now.

Edited by fatpig84
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they really need to add that cooldown back into the game.


theres a difference between rushing and "hurrr durr i running fastest"


the cooldown didnt affect those who werent exploiting it. it only hindered the running retards

I wasn't even aware of a cooldown added into the game until my friend linked me to the update thread.

And wasn't aware when it was supposedly "fixed" either.

I can't see the problem with rushing either since I seldom play online, but it MUST be pretty serious when such an unnoticeable change gets people riled up.

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